I used arrow.kt library so many times, I really enjoyed the features they gave to extend kotlin. I like how Either<E,T> can represent the success/failed states seamlessly. I am just wondering if arrow.kt has a way to represent loading state along with the other two. In other word, we will have a type that offers three states: Success, Failure, Loading.
I tried to use Option<T> as right member, but None can't represent loading state as required.
Is there any thing I can try?
Either<A, B> represents a single result. You are interested in either the left side or the right side. There's no third.
You could play it in many ways.
For example, consider both Failure and Success as a right result.
sealed interface State {
object Loading: State
sealed interface Result: State {
object Failure: Result
object Success: Result
getState().map { result ->
when(result) {
Failure -> TODO("Handle error")
Success -> TODO("Handle success")
}.mapLeft { loading -> TODO() }
and return Either<Loading, Result>.
Or have Either<Loading, Either<Failure, Success>>
And it is even possible that some kind of subscription to Flow<State> or rx Observable will suit you more than a single result if you expect to receive multiple responses.
In my app, I have a UIState sealed class to represent the UI state.
sealed class UIState<T> {
class ShowLoading<T> : UIState<T>()
class HideLoading<T> : UIState<T>()
class ShowEmptyData<T> : UIState<T>()
class ShowData<T>(val data: T) : UIState<T>()
class ShowError<T>(val errorUIState: ErrorUIState) : UIState<T>()
Accordingly, my viewmodel code is:
someRequest.apply { response ->
when (response) {
is ApiResponse.Success -> {
_uiStateFlow.value = (UIState.HideLoading()) // First, hide the loading
// Do some work
_uiStateFlow.value = (UIState.ShowData(data))
is ApiResponse.Error -> {
_uiStateFlow.value = (UIState.ShowError(error))
In this case, most of the time my hideLoading state doesn't collect, it drops because the success/error state comes immediately after hideLoading, and my UI doesn't collect it. E.g. If I will delay success/error states set for 100ms, hideLoading will be collected from the UI.
I use collect instead of collectLatest.
But then I've found out, that when I change the set value part to update {}, the UI collects all the states.
someRequest.apply { response ->
when (response) {
is ApiResponse.Success -> {
_uiStateFlow.update { (UIState.HideLoading()) } // First, hide the loading
// Do some work
_uiStateFlow.update { (UIState.ShowData(data)) }
is ApiResponse.Error -> {
_uiStateFlow.update { (UIState.ShowError(error)) }
So what's the difference between .value and update and why this one works pretty well? Thank you.
P.S. I've used emit() as well. Under the hood it's the same as .value, it's just a suspend function.
As stated in the StateFlow documentation:
Updates to the value are always conflated.
Conflated means if values are posted faster than they are collected, then the collector only gets the most recent result. This allows values to always be posted to the StateFlow without having to wait for old values to be collected.
As for why update is allowing that loading state through, I suspect it is only because an atomic update generally takes a little bit longer, and so the collector usually wins the race, in this specific case on your specific test device. This is not a reliable solution to ensuring collectors get all intermediate values.
I'm not seeing why you need a HideLoading state in the first place. Your UI can simply hide the loading state automatically when it receives data to show. Logically, the loading is complete when the data is returned.
If you truly do need this HideLoading state, you should use a SharedFlow with a replay value that is large enough to ensure it is not skipped. But this presents other problems, like collectors possibly getting outdated data to show because it's being replayed to them.
Side note, your sealed class should probably be a sealed interface since it holds no state, and its children that hold no state can be objects with a generic type of Nothing so you don't have to keep instantiating them just to use them and never have to needlessly specify a generic type when they never hold that type anyway. And since the other ones are data wrappers, they might as well be data classes. Like this:
sealed interface UIState<out T> {
object ShowLoading : UIState<Nothing>
// object HideLoading : UIState<Nothing>
object ShowEmptyData : UIState<Nothing>
data class ShowData<out T>(val data: T) : UIState<T>
data class ShowError(val errorUIState: ErrorUIState) : UIState<Nothing>
I have an observable that returns mock items and actual items. Mock items are used in ui while actual items are still on the way. Mock items should always arrive first to prevent accidental override of actual items in ui. The premise is that ui layer is dumb, and it does not know which items it is showing nor it's managing them in any way. So the single source of items is this observable. Simplified it looks like this.
val one = Observable.fromCallable { "Mock/cached items" }
val two = Observable.fromCallable { "Live items" }
val result = Observable.concat(listOf(one, two))
.subscribe {
Now I want to replay this observable, because further downstream it's just one observable of many that are combined together via combineLatest() operator, hence I can't resubscribe to it individually. So, I've added replayWhen(...) after concat() and everything worked properly.
Things got tricky when I needed to replay only mock items in some cases vs replaying all items in other cases. Attempt that failed:
val subject1 = PublishSubject.create<Unit>()
val subject2 = PublishSubject.create<Unit>()
val one = Observable.fromCallable { "Mock/cached items" }.repeatWhen { subject1 }
val two = Observable.fromCallable { "Live items" }.repeatWhen { subject2 }
val result = Observable.concat(listOf(one, two))
.subscribe {
Obviously, it prints only mock items while live items aren't called (anytime soon:-)). This is because concat waits for onComplete from first observable, that doesn't happen because of replay operator.
Solutions, and their drawbacks:
Replace concat with merge. This way both observable would work, but there's no guarantee that observable one would fire before the observable two. Is there any way to achieve ordering between observables without concat?
Have replayWhen() after concat, to replay this result observable as a whole, but have something inside .fromCallable{} of observable two to know when to skip it. Not sure what could it be, as a simple flag would be unreliable and dependant on external state that may change sporadically.
Thank you for any other ideas.
I am trying to implement cache then network strategy for my API call using Kotlin Flows.
Here is what I am trying right now
remoteDataSource.getDataFromCache() // suspending function returning Flow<Data>
.catch { error -> Timber.e(error) },
remoteDataSource.getDataFromServer() // suspending function returning Flow<Data>
).flattenConcat().collect {
Timber.i("Response Received")
Problem here is collect is only called when getDataFromServer returns. My expectation is that I should get first event from cache and then second event from server after a few milliseconds. In this case "Response Received"gets printed twice but immediately one after other.
In this other variant "Response Received" only gets printed once that is after getDataFromServer() returns.
remoteDataSource.getDataFromCache() // suspending function returning Flow<Data>
.catch { error -> Timber.e(error) }
.flatMapConcat {
remoteDataSource.getDataFromServer() // suspending function returning Flow<Data>
.collect {
Timber.i("Response Received")
I was using RxJava's Flowable.concat() before and it was working perfectly. Is there something in Kotlin Flows which can emulate that behaviour?
Problem here is collect is only called when getDataFromServer returns.
The first problematic thing with your design is that the Flow-returning function is also suspendable. That's two layers of suspendability. Functions should return flows without any delays and the flows themselves should emit items as they come in. If you followed this guideline, your initial code would already work.
The way you wrote these functions, they can still work if you write this:
flow<String> {
This statement completes immediately, returning a cold flow. When you call collect on it, it first calls getCached() and emits the cached value, and then calls getFromServer() and emits the server response.
The above solution starts the server call only after you consume the cached value. If you need the two flows to be active concurrently, use flatMapMerge.
Assuming you fixed the above basic problem and made your Flow-returning functions non-suspending, all you need is this:
flowOf(getCached(), getFromServer()).flattenMerge()
If for some reason you can't do that, you have to add the emitAll wrapper around each call:
flow { emitAll(getCached()) },
flow { emitAll(getFromServer()) }
Recently, merge operator was added to the Kotlin coroutines version 1.3.3. Here is the merged PR.
Using the merge operator, you should be able to get the result as and when it arrives.
Turns out in case of flowOf(someOperation()) someOperation() needs to be completed for downstream to start processing. Its like Observable.just(someOperation()) in RxJava world.
In second scenario flatMapConcat is actually a transform operator so it obviously returns final processed output.
There seems to be lack of native concat like operators in Flow world. This is how I solved this problem in the end
flow {
.catch { error -> Timber.e(error) }
.onCompletion {
.collect {
}.collect { emit(it) }
If i make a Single invocation using Retrofit as example in Kotlin, i want to check the resulted answer and keep going with a Single or an error. As example
.flatMap { t: Response ->
if(!h.hasError) {
return#flatMap model.doAnotherRequest()
} else {
return#flatmap Single.error<Throwable>(Throwable("error))
If i make another flatMap(), subscribe() or any other things, RxJava won't know that I want to continue with response given by the doAnowhtRequest(), instead will return Any!. How i can get data given by second request?
In Java, Single.error isn't interpreted so RxJava will continue to give me the response in next invocations.
Assuming you want to return the same thing as doAnotherRequest() the problem is with Single.error<Throwable>(Throwable("error)). You're hitting the compiler that you're returning a Single<Throwable>, but you want to return a Single<whatever doAnotherRequest returns>.
Say your doAnotherRequest returns Single<Foo>, then you'd want to return Single.error<Foo>(Throwable("error)), which will return a single that will emit an error with the given exception.
Kotlin tries to infer the type you want to return, but because you're returning 2 types that the "most common" type is Any, kotlin can only infer it's that you want to return.
Here is my use case:
I am developing an app that communicates with a server via a REST API and stores the received data in a SQLite database (it's using it as a cache of some sorts).
When the user opens a screen, the following has to occur:
The data is loaded from the DB, if available.
The app call the API to refresh the data.
The result of the API call is persisted to the DB.
The data is reloaded from the DB when the data change notification is intercepted.
This is very similar to the case presented here, but there is a slight difference.
Since I am using SQLBrite, the DB observables don't terminate (because there is a ContentObserver registered there, that pushes new data down the stream), so methods like concat, merge, etc. won't work.
Currently, I have resolved this using the following approach:
Observable.create(subscriber -> {
(data) -> {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
Exceptions.throwOrReport(t, subscriber);
(throwable) -> {
Exceptions.throwOrReport(throwable, subscriber);
It seems like it's working OK, but it just doesn't seem elegant and "correct".
Can you suggest or point me to a resource that explains what's the best way to handle this situation?
The solution to your problem is actually super easy and clean if you change the way of thinking a bit. I am using the exact same data interaction (Retrofit + Sqlbrite) and this solution works perfectly.
What you have to do is to use two separate observable subscriptions, that take care of completely different processes.
Database -> View: This one is used to attach your View (Activity, Fragment or whatever displays your data) to the persisted data in db. You subscribe to it ONCE for created View.
.subscribe(data -> {
}, throwable -> {
API -> Database: The other one to fetch the data from api and persist it in the db. You subscribe to it every time you want to refresh your data in the database.
.subscribe(data -> {
}, throwable -> {
You don't want to "transform" both observables into one, purely for the reason you've included in your question. Both observables act completely differently.
The observable from Retrofit acts like a Single. It does what it needs to do, and finishes (with onCompleted).
The observable from Sqlbrite is a typical Observable, it will emit something every time a specific table changes. Theoretically it should finish in the future.
Ofc you can work around that difference, but it would lead you far, far away from having a clean and easily readable code.
If you really, really need to expose a single observable, you can just hide the fact that you're actually subscribing to the observable from retrofit when subscribing to your database.
Wrap the Api subscription in a method:
public void fetchRemoteData() {
.subscribe(data -> {
}, throwable -> {
fetchRemoteData on subscription
.doOnSubscribe(() -> fetchRemoteData())
.subscribe(data -> {
}, throwable -> {
I suggest you really think about all that. Because the fact that you're forcing yourself into the position where you need a single observable, might be restricting you quite badly. I believe that this will be the exact thing that will force you to change your concept in the future, instead of protecting you from the change itself.