How to do Jetpack Compose Navigation for dynamic feature modules? - android

Working on Jetpack Compose Navigation with multi module application. Using Kotlin DSL.
We have dynamic feature modules DFM1, DFM2, DFM3.
How to setup navigation graph and navigate between dynamic feature modules.


Can viper architecture be used on android with jetpack compose?

According to my research, viper architecture is mostly used on the iOS side, but is it used with jetpack compose on the android side? What's the difference with most common architecture mvvm in android ? If it is more advantageous than mvvm, what advantage does it have? because it doesn't seem like there are many users on the android side

Android Compose Hilt navigation graph scoped dependencies

How can i scope dependencies to google navitaion graph lifecycle ? I didn't see any component in documentation to meet my requirements
Maybe there is some kind of trick to achieve what i want with presented components?

How to use viewModels in Kmm shared module for both IOS and Android Screens

I am new in Kmm I have create a UI with Jetpack compose for android and swift ui for IOS in simple application in kmm, so in shared module I just want to create viewModels for both android and iOS activities but I don't find any proper solution for this.
Had tried with this library to
to achieve Clean MVVM in KMM project

Can't figure out the hierarchy of AndroidX and Jetpack

I have been studying Android for two years, and now I am completely confused about the hierarchy of AndroidX libraries.
To be more concrete: We have AndroidX, Jetpack and Jetpack Compose libraries.
How are they related?
In Jetpack Compose, I've seen packages from AndroidX and vice versa.
androidx is a namespace that include the Android Jetpack libraries, and Compose is just one of them.
The first line of AndroidX Overview docs :
The androidx namespace comprises the Android Jetpack libraries.
And when you use a compose dependency you can see the namespace, e.g.

Android Library Module using Architectural Components, without changing the main app module?

I was thinking of migrating our legacy code to Android Architectural Components.
But, it's a huge project and it will take lots of time, with impact on business, if I plan to migrate all at once.
But, as it's a Multi Module project. I have some queries:
Can I change some modules to Android Architectural Components without
affecting the main module ?
Is it possible to change some modules to Android Architectural Components using Kotlin ?
Need your suggestions.
For both the question's answer is yes. Android Architectural Components
some modules to Android Architectural Components you can use the component's in any module specifically without effecting any other module of your project example you can use Live Data only between few Fragment's of the module. similarly you can use ViewModel only in one Activity so Android Architectural Components is totally independent of the Module it can be used even only in a part of module also based on the need as i am using it in my project.
some modules to Android Architectural Components using Kotlin as
Android Architectural Components are supported both by Java and Kotlin so need to worry about that you can use it anyway Java or Kotlin

