Here map loading issue when connected to wifi with no internet - android

I am using here map sdk lite version to load map.
We have encountered 1 strange issue.
When we are connecting to WIFI with no internet, It is requesting to oauth2/token multiple times in background which result in hanging of UI.
Can you please suggest us a solution where we can stop this call in such scenario.
Or is it possible to execute it in background.
Below are logs:
2022-07-27 17:29:01.063 5605-5961/ W/OLP: [WARN ] OLP - Request timed out, request_id=4, timeout=10, retry_count=0, url=''
2022-07-27 17:29:01.065 5605-5961/ E/Authentication: [ERROR] Authentication - Failed to SignInClient: ApiError(ErrorCode: 3, Message: Network request timed out., HTTPStatusCode: -7)
2022-07-27 17:29:01.074 5605-6888/ I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
2022-07-27 17:29:01.074 5605-6888/ I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
2022-07-27 17:29:07.106 5605-6554/ I/Logger63 -> i() -> Line: 83: toUINetworkDetails
2022-07-27 17:29:07.106 5605-6634/ I/Logger63 -> i() -> Line: 83: toUINetworkDetails
2022-07-27 17:29:07.106 5605-6631/ I/Logger63 -> i() -> Line: 83: toUINetworkDetails
2022-07-27 17:29:07.108 5605-6705/ I/Logger63 -> i() -> Line: 83: toUINetworkDetails
2022-07-27 17:29:11.068 5605-5960/ W/OLP: [WARN ] OLP - Request timed out, request_id=5, timeout=10, retry_count=0, url=''
2022-07-27 17:29:11.070 5605-5960/ E/Authentication: [ERROR] Authentication - Failed to SignInClient: ApiError(ErrorCode: 3, Message: Network request timed out., HTTPStatusCode: -7)
2022-07-27 17:29:11.079 5605-6900/com


.NET Maui Blazor App not working on Physical Devices

I have created a .NET Maui Blazor app that was working fine on all Android simulators and physical devices until yesterday. The issue is that when I try to run the app through the debugger in Visual Studio clicking the links to navigate to different pages doesn't work, the app is responsive (meaning, I can scroll on the main page) just can't navigate anywhere. This seems to only be happening on the Samsung galaxy physical device, the app works fine in several simulators, and on iPhone devices. I have uninstalled the app, run shell commands (i.e. adb shell pm clear ) to delete shared preferences, I even reverted my code back to several weeks ago (known working code on the devices) and nothing seems to work. I can't get the app to function as it should on these physical devices. The strange things is this just started happening yesterday, I didn't run anything through the debugger, I opened the app and it wouldn't work correctly. that is when I tried deploying a new version through the debugger and that didn't work, I tried a second Samsung galaxy device (Galaxy S8) and that had the same problem. Has anyone experienced this before? I have a dump from the console when debugging on the device (I had to remove some of the debugger lines because the dump was too many characters):
Forwarding debugger port 8840
Detecting existing process
> am start -a "android.intent.action.MAIN" -c "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" -n "com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>/crc64b5ae0e19d72601fe.MainActivity"
> Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>/crc64b5ae0e19d72601fe.MainActivity }
Resolved pending breakpoint for 'Android.Runtime.JNIEnv.RegisterJniNatives(System.IntPtr, System.Int32, System.IntPtr, System.IntPtr, System.Int32)' to /Users/runner/work/1/s/xamarin-android/src/Mono.Android/Android.Runtime/JNIEnv.cs:124 [0x00000].
Resolved pending breakpoint for 'Xamarin.HotReload.HotReloadAgent.BreakpointSendToIde(System.String)' to D:\a\_work\1\s\HotReload\Source\Xamarin.HotReload.Agent\HotReloadAgent.cs:419 [0x00000].
Resolved pending breakpoint for 'Xamarin.HotReload.HotReloadAgent.BreakpointCheckpoint()' to D:\a\_work\1\s\HotReload\Source\Xamarin.HotReload.Agent\HotReloadAgent.cs:414 [0x00000].
[Zygote] isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted
[Zygote] accessInfo : 1
[design.techbas] Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
[design.techbas] The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
[debug-app-helper] Checking if libmonodroid was unpacked to /data/app/com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>-pYfe8ENmnogJsxJD80Z5SQ==/lib/arm64/
[debug-app-helper] Native libs extracted to /data/app/com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>-pYfe8ENmnogJsxJD80Z5SQ==/lib/arm64, assuming application/android:extractNativeLibs == true
[debug-app-helper] Setting up for DSO lookup in app data directories
[debug-app-helper] Added filesystem DSO lookup location: /data/app/com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>-pYfe8ENmnogJsxJD80Z5SQ==/lib/arm64
[debug-app-helper] Using runtime path: /data/app/com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>-pYfe8ENmnogJsxJD80Z5SQ==/lib/arm64
[debug-app-helper] checking directory: `/data/user/0/com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>/files/.__override__/lib`
[debug-app-helper] directory does not exist: `/data/user/0/com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>/files/.__override__/lib`
[debug-app-helper] Checking whether Mono runtime exists at: /data/user/0/com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>/files/.__override__/
[debug-app-helper] Checking whether Mono runtime exists at: /data/app/com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>-pYfe8ENmnogJsxJD80Z5SQ==/lib/arm64/
[debug-app-helper] Mono runtime found at: /data/app/com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>-pYfe8ENmnogJsxJD80Z5SQ==/lib/arm64/
[design.techbas] Attempt to remove non-JNI local reference, dumping thread
[DOTNET] JNI_OnLoad: JNI_OnLoad in pal_jni.c
[DOTNET] GetOptionalMethod: optional method setApplicationProtocols ([Ljava/lang/String;)V was not found
[DOTNET] GetOptionalMethod: optional method getApplicationProtocol ()Ljava/lang/String; was not found
[monodroid] Creating public update directory: `/data/user/0/com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>/files/.__override__`
[design.techbas] Attempt to remove non-JNI local reference, dumping thread
[monodroid-debug] Trying to initialize the debugger with options: --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,loglevel=0,address=,server=y,embedding=1
[TcpOptimizer] TcpOptimizer-ON
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly <appnamewashere>.dll
[monodroid-gc] GREF GC Threshold: 46080
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly Mono.Android.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Runtime.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly Java.Interop.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Collections.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Threading.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Threading.Thread.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.dll
[design.techbas] Attempt to remove non-JNI local reference, dumping thread
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly netstandard.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Linq.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.TapContract.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.TapContract.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly Xamarin.HotReload.Contracts.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly Xamarin.HotReload.Contracts.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Collections.Concurrent.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Text.Json.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll
[design.techbas] Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<Cy2>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/PacProcessor;
[design.techbas] at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.classForName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (
[design.techbas] at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (
[design.techbas] at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getWebViewProviderClass(java.lang.ClassLoader) (
[design.techbas] at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (
[design.techbas] at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider() (
[design.techbas] at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory() (
[design.techbas] at void android.webkit.WebView.ensureProviderCreated() (
[design.techbas] at void android.webkit.WebView.setOverScrollMode(int) (
[design.techbas] at void android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context) (
[design.techbas] at void android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->traceBegin(JLjava/lang/String;)V (light greylist, reflection)
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->traceEnd(J)V (light greylist, reflection)
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->asyncTraceBegin(JLjava/lang/String;I)V (light greylist, reflection)
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->asyncTraceEnd(JLjava/lang/String;I)V (light greylist, reflection)
[cr_WVCFactoryProvider] Loaded version=105.0.5195.79 minSdkVersion=24 isBundle=true multiprocess=true packageId=2
[cr_LibraryLoader] Successfully loaded native library
[cr_CachingUmaRecorder] Flushed 8 samples from 8 histograms.
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/content/Context;->bindServiceAsUser(Landroid/content/Intent;Landroid/content/ServiceConnection;ILandroid/os/Handler;Landroid/os/UserHandle;)Z (light greylist, reflection)
[ConnectivityManager] requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10258, CallingPid : 12114
[ConnectivityManager] requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10258, CallingPid : 12114
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Embedded.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Composite.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Xml.XDocument.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Private.Xml.Linq.dll
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/media/AudioManager;->getOutputLatency(I)I (light greylist, reflection)
[cr_media] Requires BLUETOOTH permission
[Adreno] QUALCOMM build : 417d66a, I9f2c4682a2
[Adreno] Build Date : 12/09/19
[Adreno] OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.25.03.01
[Adreno] Local Branch :
[Adreno] Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.7.4.R1.
[Adreno] Remote Branch : NONE
[Adreno] Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING
[Adreno] Build Config : S L 6.0.7 AArch64
[vndksupport] Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
[Adreno] PFP: 0x005ff112, ME: 0x005ff066
[ConfigStore] android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
[ConfigStore] android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden field Landroid/view/View;->mAccessibilityDelegate:Landroid/view/View$AccessibilityDelegate; (light greylist, reflection)
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll
[DecorView] createDecorCaptionView >> DecorView#7033324[], isFloating: false, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: true
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/View;->computeFitSystemWindows(Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Rect;)Z (light greylist, reflection)
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/ViewGroup;->makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows()V (light greylist, reflection)
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics.Android.Bindings.dll
[ConnectivityManager] requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10258, CallingPid : 12114
[AppCenter] Unable to get installID from Shared Preferences
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly SQLitePCLRaw.core.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Console.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly SQLitePCLRaw.batteries_v2.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly SQLitePCLRaw.provider.e_sqlite3.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Security.SecurityCrypto.dll
[OpenGLRenderer] Skia GL Pipeline
[EmergencyMode] [EmergencyManager] android createPackageContext successful
[InputTransport] Input channel constructed: fd=157
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] setView = DecorView#7033324[MainActivity] TM=true MM=false
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden field Ljava/nio/Buffer;->address:J (light greylist, reflection)
[Choreographer] Skipped 55 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] dispatchAttachedToWindow
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1440,2960] new=[0,0][1440,2960] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 520568233984} changed=true
[OpenGLRenderer] Initialized EGL, version 1.4
[OpenGLRenderer] Swap behavior 2
[OpenGLRenderer] eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7922e40580, 0x793448e010
[AndroidKeysetManager] keyset not found, will generate a new one
[AndroidKeysetManager] can't read keyset; the pref value __androidx_security_crypto_encrypted_prefs_key_keyset__ does not exist
[AndroidKeysetManager] at
[AndroidKeysetManager] at
[AndroidKeysetManager] at
[AndroidKeysetManager] at$
[AndroidKeysetManager] at$Builder.readOrGenerateNewKeyset(
[AndroidKeysetManager] at$
[AndroidKeysetManager] at
[AndroidKeysetManager] at
[vndksupport] Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
[vndksupport] Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
[AndroidKeysetManager] keyset not found, will generate a new one
[AndroidKeysetManager] can't read keyset; the pref value __androidx_security_crypto_encrypted_prefs_value_keyset__ does not exist
[AndroidKeysetManager] at
[AndroidKeysetManager] at
[AndroidKeysetManager] at
[AndroidKeysetManager] at$
[AndroidKeysetManager] at$Builder.readOrGenerateNewKeyset(
[AndroidKeysetManager] at$
[AndroidKeysetManager] at
[AndroidKeysetManager] at
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1440, 2960) ci=Rect(0, 96 - 0, 192) vi=Rect(0, 96 - 0, 192) or=1
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 1
[InputMethodManager] prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView#7033324[MainActivity]
[InputMethodManager] getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[InputMethodManager] prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView#7033324[MainActivity]
[InputMethodManager] getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[InputMethodManager] Starting input: tba=com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere> ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[InputMethodManager] startInputInner - Id : 0
[InputMethodManager] startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[InputTransport] Input channel constructed: fd=170
[InputMethodManager] prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView#7033324[MainActivity]
[InputMethodManager] getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[InputMethodManager] Starting input: tba=com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere> ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[InputMethodManager] startInputInner - Id : 0
[EngineFactory] Provider GmsCore_OpenSSL not available
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->traceCounter(JLjava/lang/String;I)V (light greylist, reflection)
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/FontFamily;-><init>()V (light greylist, reflection)
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/FontFamily;->addFontFromAssetManager(Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;Ljava/lang/String;IZIII[Landroid/graphics/fonts/FontVariationAxis;)Z (light greylist, reflection)
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/FontFamily;->addFontFromBuffer(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;I[Landroid/graphics/fonts/FontVariationAxis;II)Z (light greylist, reflection)
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/FontFamily;->freeze()Z (light greylist, reflection)
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/FontFamily;->abortCreation()V (light greylist, reflection)
[design.techbas] Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/Typeface;->createFromFamiliesWithDefault([Landroid/graphics/FontFamily;Ljava/lang/String;II)Landroid/graphics/Typeface; (light greylist, reflection)
[NetworkSecurityConfig] No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
[monodroid-assembly] Shared library 'liblog' not loaded, p/invoke '__android_log_print' may fail
[DOTNET] Checking Last Data Update
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Linq.Expressions.dll
[DOTNET] Data Check Finished: 00:00:00.0464618
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly Newtonsoft.Json.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Collections.NonGeneric.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Net.Requests.dll
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Runtime.Intrinsics.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.ComponentModel.Primitives.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.IO.Compression.dll
[design.techbas] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 11370(681KB) AllocSpace objects, 44(5MB) LOS objects, 64% free, 3MB/9MB, paused 71us total 22.801ms
[Choreographer] Skipped 57 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
[DOTNET] Getting Session Data
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Runtime.Numerics.dll
[monodroid-assembly] open_from_bundles: failed to load assembly System.Data.Common.dll
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[DOTNET] Get Session Data Finished: 00:00:01.8730367
[Choreographer] Skipped 38 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
[DOTNET] Save Session Data Finished: 00:00:04.7900294
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] ViewPostIme pointer 0
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[DOTNET] Get Speaker Data Finished: 00:00:05.1415198
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] ViewPostIme pointer 1
[InputMethodManager] prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView#7033324[MainActivity]
[InputMethodManager] getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[InputMethodManager] Starting input: tba=com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere> ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[InputMethodManager] startInputInner - Id : 0
[InputMethodManager] startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[InputTransport] Input channel constructed: fd=194
[InputTransport] Input channel destroyed: fd=170
[InputMethodManager] HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 12114
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] ViewPostIme pointer 0
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] ViewPostIme pointer 1
[InputMethodManager] HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 12114
[design.techbas] Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 11416(661KB) AllocSpace objects, 22(2MB) LOS objects, 63% free, 3MB/9MB, paused 63us total 25.279ms
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] ViewPostIme pointer 1
[InputMethodManager] HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 12114
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] ViewPostIme pointer 0
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] ViewPostIme pointer 1
[InputMethodManager] HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 12114
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ViewRootImpl#511e45a[MainActivity]] ViewPostIme pointer 1
[InputMethodManager] HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 12114
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[chatty] uid=10258(com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>) .NET ThreadPool identical 2 lines
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[chatty] uid=10258(com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>) .NET ThreadPool identical 2 lines
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[chatty] uid=10258(com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>) .NET ThreadPool identical 2 lines
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[chatty] uid=10258(com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>) .NET ThreadPool identical 2 lines
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[chatty] uid=10258(com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>) .NET ThreadPool identical 2 lines
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[chatty] uid=10258(com.<companynamewashere>.<appnamewashere>) .NET ThreadPool identical 2 lines
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
Thread started: <Thread Pool> #21
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
I did notice the following message from the debugger "[System.out] (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false" which I do not recall seeing before and I do not see when I run the app in the simulators. I have searched for this and only found old posts, and none of them were helpful for this issue, mentioned above I have already tried deleting shared preferences, that didn't work. I am at a loss, any help would be greatly appricated.
might be related to, try latest android webview 105.0.5195.136,
also the apps will run again if you refresh the page, can try debug from chrome inspect chrome://inspect/#devices
I'm running into the same issue. I've tested with several devices (Samsung, OnePlus, Oppo) and they all have the same result. All emulators tested do work fine, as well as the windows version app.
I don't think the accepted answer below is actually a solution. You can't just ask random users to uninstall a specific version of a web view

changing togglebutton's state crashes app

I have an app in Android-Kotlin that uses a toggle button. This app connects to other devices using the app so you could have two devices that have a toggle button. When the toggle button is pressed it will change the background color (simple). When one device presses the toggle button the setOnClickListener is triggered causing the background to change and the state of the toggle button to change as well. However, the other device notices that the other toggle button was pressed so it will change its background, but since the setOnClickListener was not actually called it does not change the state of the toggle button so it would remain in the on state while the other was in the off state.
I hav tried to programmatically change the state of the toggle button on the second device (The device that didnt actually have its toggle button pressed), but when i do
toggleButton.setChecked(true) or toggleButton.isChecked = true
my app crashes
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
this.toggleButton = findViewById(
this.toggleButton.setOnClickListener {
private fun toggleLight(isOff: Boolean) {
if(isOff) {
this.toggleButton.isChecked = true
this.toggleButton.isChecked = false
2022-07-27 21:56:14.020 5513-5513/? I/ditto.moodligh: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
2022-07-27 21:56:14.056 5513-5513/? D/ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
2022-07-27 21:56:14.084 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight W/re-initialized>: type=1400 audit(0.0:4432): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/live.ditto.moodlight/code_cache/startup_agents/" dev="dm-34" ino=43151 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c161,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c161,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file app=live.ditto.moodlight
2022-07-27 21:56:14.089 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight V/studio.deploy: Startup agent attached to VM
2022-07-27 21:56:14.089 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight V/studio.deploy: No existing instrumentation found. Loading instrumentation from instruments-88564b4d.jar
2022-07-27 21:56:14.091 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight W/ditto.moodligh: DexFile /data/data/live.ditto.moodlight/code_cache/.studio/instruments-88564b4d.jar is in boot class path but is not in a known location
2022-07-27 21:56:14.093 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight V/studio.deploy: Applying transforms with cached classes
2022-07-27 21:56:14.103 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight W/ditto.moodligh: Redefining intrinsic method java.lang.Thread java.lang.Thread.currentThread(). This may cause the unexpected use of the original definition of java.lang.Thread java.lang.Thread.currentThread()in methods that have already been compiled.
2022-07-27 21:56:14.103 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight W/ditto.moodligh: Redefining intrinsic method boolean java.lang.Thread.interrupted(). This may cause the unexpected use of the original definition of boolean java.lang.Thread.interrupted()in methods that have already been compiled.
2022-07-27 21:56:14.107 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10161; state: ENABLED
2022-07-27 21:56:14.131 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight W/ditto.moodligh: ClassLoaderContext classpath size mismatch. expected=0, found=1 (PCL[] | PCL[/data/data/live.ditto.moodlight/code_cache/.overlay/base.apk/classes3.dex*4229793514])
2022-07-27 21:56:14.147 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight V/GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for 'live.ditto.moodlight' set to: 'default'
2022-07-27 21:56:14.148 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight V/GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for live.ditto.moodlight: false
2022-07-27 21:56:14.148 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight V/GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
2022-07-27 21:56:14.154 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
2022-07-27 21:56:14.155 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
2022-07-27 21:56:14.247 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight W/ditto.moodligh: Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/View;->computeFitSystemWindows(Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Rect;)Z (unsupported, reflection, allowed)
2022-07-27 21:56:14.248 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight W/ditto.moodligh: Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/ViewGroup;->makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows()V (unsupported, reflection, allowed)
2022-07-27 21:56:14.365 5513-5545/live.ditto.moodlight D/CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 191844585; UID 10161; state: ENABLED
2022-07-27 21:56:15.451 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON
2022-07-27 21:56:15.454 5513-5526/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=9 mScannerId=0
2022-07-27 21:56:15.458 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothGattServer: registerCallback()
2022-07-27 21:56:15.459 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothGattServer: registerCallback() - UUID=3eb33987-3169-4d97-aba1-d3a8e3d47394
2022-07-27 21:56:15.461 5513-5526/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothGattServer: onServerRegistered() - status=0 serverIf=10
2022-07-27 21:56:15.462 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothGattServer: addService() - service: 331dcaa1-3995-83e8-090a-63787dc81031
2022-07-27 21:56:15.465 5513-5526/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothGattServer: onServiceAdded() - handle=40 uuid=331dcaa1-3995-83e8-090a-63787dc81031 status=0
2022-07-27 21:56:15.473 5513-5572/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothAdapter: listenUsingInsecureL2capChannel: set assigned PSM to 140
2022-07-27 21:56:15.504 5513-5532/live.ditto.moodlight I/AdrenoGLES-0: QUALCOMM build : 781e7d0, I46ff5fc46f
Build Date : 12/01/20
OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.31.04.01
Local Branch : QPR1
Remote Branch :
Remote Branch :
Reconstruct Branch :
2022-07-27 21:56:15.504 5513-5532/live.ditto.moodlight I/AdrenoGLES-0: Build Config : C P 11.0.1 AArch64
2022-07-27 21:56:15.504 5513-5532/live.ditto.moodlight I/AdrenoGLES-0: Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/
2022-07-27 21:56:15.509 5513-5532/live.ditto.moodlight I/AdrenoGLES-0: PFP: 0x016ee190, ME: 0x00000000
2022-07-27 21:56:15.512 5513-5532/live.ditto.moodlight W/AdrenoUtils: <ReadGpuID_from_sysfs:197>: Failed to open /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/gpu_model
2022-07-27 21:56:15.512 5513-5532/live.ditto.moodlight W/AdrenoUtils: <ReadGpuID:221>: Failed to read chip ID from gpu_model. Fallback to use the GSL path
2022-07-27 21:56:15.513 5513-5532/live.ditto.moodlight D/hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
2022-07-27 21:56:15.524 5513-5573/live.ditto.moodlight I/Gralloc4: mapper 4.x is not supported
2022-07-27 21:56:15.524 5513-5573/live.ditto.moodlight W/Gralloc3: mapper 3.x is not supported
2022-07-27 21:56:15.526 5513-5573/live.ditto.moodlight W/Gralloc4: allocator 4.x is not supported
2022-07-27 21:56:15.526 5513-5573/live.ditto.moodlight W/Gralloc3: allocator 3.x is not supported
2022-07-27 21:56:15.550 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON
2022-07-27 21:56:15.551 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON
2022-07-27 21:56:16.070 5513-5524/live.ditto.moodlight W/System: A resource failed to call close.
2022-07-27 21:56:18.240 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothGatt: connect() - device: 4E:C6:4B:9C:88:45, auto: false
2022-07-27 21:56:18.240 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothGatt: registerApp()
2022-07-27 21:56:18.240 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothGatt: registerApp() - UUID=908f6917-e9d6-4660-8715-29931933209e
2022-07-27 21:56:18.245 5513-5528/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothGatt: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=11
2022-07-27 21:56:20.208 5513-5526/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=133 clientIf=11 device=4E:C6:4B:9C:88:45
2022-07-27 21:56:20.209 5513-5528/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothGattServer: onServerConnectionState() - status=0 serverIf=10 device=4E:C6:4B:9C:88:45
2022-07-27 21:56:20.210 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothGatt: close()
2022-07-27 21:56:20.211 5513-5513/live.ditto.moodlight D/BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=11
2022-07-27 21:56:22.209 5513-5561/live.ditto.moodlight A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 5561 (Thread-16), pid 5513 (ditto.moodlight)
when the first device presses the toggle button it calls toggleLight. There is another part of the code that also calls toggleLight for the device that did not have its toggleButton pressed.
Any reason why I can't programmatically change the state of the toggleButton?
UPDATE: it seems to crash whenever I try to change the properties of the toggle button. Tried changing toggleButton.text = "off", but this cause a crash as well.

Screen freezes when using Record Espresso

I've been trying to use record espresso for a few hours now, but I just can't make it work on the project.
I've added:
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.1.1'
And I press run Record Espresso Test, and the screen just freezes at the first screen. It doesn't finish the activity, because it is a Splash screen. Even if I set another screen as a first activity it just freezes, it makes a request but doesn't show any results, or changes screen. I have animations turned off.
03/18 08:29:20: Launching TestRecorderapp
$ adb push C:\ProjectsGit\somelink\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug.apk /data/local/tmp/
$ adb shell pm install -t -r "/data/local/tmp/"
APK installed in 1 s 593 ms
$ adb shell pm clear
$ adb shell am start -n "" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -D
Waiting for application to come online: |
Waiting for application to come online: |
Connecting to
Capturing and displaying logcat messages from application. This behavior can be disabled in the "Logcat output" section of the "Debugger" settings page.
I/tcar.someapp.debu: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
W/ActivityThread: Application is waiting for the debugger on port 8100...
I/System.out: Sending WAIT chunk
I/System.out: Debugger has connected
waiting for debugger to settle...
Connected to the target VM, address: 'localhost:8602', transport: 'socket'
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/chatty: uid=10222( identical 5 lines
I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
I/System.out: debugger has settled (1385)
I/tcar.someapp.debu: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
I/Perf: Connecting to perf service.
I/MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
Installing application
VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
V/FA: Registered activity lifecycle callback
D/FirebaseApp: is not linked. Skipping initialization.
D/FirebaseApp: is not linked. Skipping initialization.
I/FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful
V/Font: Change font:2
W/zze: Application name is not set. Call Builder#setApplicationName.
V/FA: Collection enabled
V/FA: App package, google app id:, 1:820332358974:android:deb7661ca6fda492
I/FA: App measurement is starting up, version: 14711
To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
I/FA: To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
adb shell setprop
D/FA: Debug-level message logging enabled
V/FA: Persisting first open: 1552894248164
I/CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
V/FA: Updating deferred analytics collection: false
W/ type=1400 audit(0.0:5835047): avc: denied { read } for comm=45474C20496E6974 name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=23336 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c222,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
E/libc: Access denied finding property "vendor.debug.egl.profiler"
E/libc: Access denied finding property "vendor.debug.prerotation.disable"
V/FA: Checking service availability
V/FA: onActivityCreated
V/FA: Service available
Setting useService: true
V/FA: Connecting to remote service
V/FA: Connection attempt already in progress
D/NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
W/tcar.someapp.debu: Accessing hidden method Ldalvik/system/CloseGuard;->get()Ldalvik/system/CloseGuard; (light greylist, reflection)
Accessing hidden method Ldalvik/system/CloseGuard;->open(Ljava/lang/String;)V (light greylist, reflection)
Accessing hidden method Ldalvik/system/CloseGuard;->warnIfOpen()V (light greylist, reflection)
W/ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy#6a839d6
V/FA: onActivityCreated
W/tcar.someapp.debu: Accessing hidden field Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;->mConstructorArgs:[Ljava/lang/Object; (light greylist, reflection)
W/tcar.someapp.debu: Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/View;->computeFitSystemWindows(Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Rect;)Z (light greylist, reflection)
W/tcar.someapp.debu: Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/ViewGroup;->makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows()V (light greylist, reflection)
I/FloatingActionButton: Setting a custom background is not supported.
I/chatty: uid=10222( identical 1 line
I/FloatingActionButton: Setting a custom background is not supported.
W/tcar.someapp.debu: Accessing hidden field Lsun/misc/Unsafe;->theUnsafe:Lsun/misc/Unsafe; (light greylist, reflection)
D/OkHttp: --> GET
Accept-Language: en
x-client-type: android
x-api-version: 4.1.0
W/tcar.someapp.debu: Accessing hidden method Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setAlpnProtocols([B)V (light greylist, reflection)
D/OkHttp: --> GET
D/OkHttp: Accept-Language: en
x-client-type: android
x-api-version: 4.1.0
W/MixpanelAPI.RsrcReader: Can't load names for Android view ids from '$id', ids by name will not be available in the events editor.
W/MixpanelAPI.ConfigurationChecker: You can't have more than one service handling "" intent filter. Android will only use the first one that is declared on your AndroidManifest.xml. If you have more than one push provider you need to crate your own FirebaseMessagingService class.
I/DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from:
W/tcar.someapp.debu: Accessing hidden method Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->getAlpnSelectedProtocol()[B (light greylist, reflection)
I/FA: Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used
D/OkHttp: <-- 401 Unauthorized
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 07:30:46 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
D/OkHttp: Access-Control-Allow-Headers: content-type,x-requested-with,authorization, accept, accept-language,x-client-type,x-client-build,x-api-version
Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Vary: Origin
X-Request-ID: d7775f53-3ec9-4dae-ad96-0789e672ece9
X-Kong-Upstream-Latency: 29
X-Kong-Proxy-Latency: 0
Via: kong/0.9.8
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
D/OkHttp: Unauthorized
D/OkHttp: <-- END HTTP (12-byte body)
D/FA: Logging event (FE): screen_view(_vs), Bundle[{firebase_event_origin(_o)=auto, firebase_screen_class(_sc)=ACCarSharingDrawerActivity, firebase_screen_id(_si)=2030554288779527060}]
E/SensorManager: registerListenerImpl sensorName:lsm6ds3c Accelerometer Non-wakeup,isWakeUpSensor:false,callingApp:,callingPid:7032,callingUid:10222
D/OkHttp: <-- 200 OK https://LINK.TO.API (545ms)
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 07:30:46 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
D/OkHttp: Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,PATCH,OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: content-type,x-requested-with,authorization, accept, accept-language,x-client-type,x-client-build,x-api-version
Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
ETag: "4e4-7xR+HT/mxMa+pp02AdQTyyq5xFM"
Vary: Origin
D/OkHttp: X-Request-ID: ae38af60-0eab-45a0-a63b-0a1ae4a8bc18
X-Kong-Upstream-Latency: 57
X-Kong-Proxy-Latency: 0
Via: kong/0.9.8
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
D/OkHttp: {"Some response"}
<-- END HTTP (1252-byte body)
V/FA: Connection attempt already in progress
V/FA: Connection attempt already in progress
V/FA: Activity resumed, time: 2325227289
D/OkHttp: --> GET
D/OkHttp: Accept-Language: en
x-client-type: android
x-api-version: 4.1.0
D/OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
I/Choreographer: Skipped 61 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
D/OkHttp: <-- 401 Unauthorized
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 07:30:46 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: content-type,x-requested-with,authorization, accept, accept-language,x-client-type,x-client-build,x-api-version
D/OkHttp: Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Vary: Origin
X-Request-ID: c0112419-5fde-41b7-b940-c28a002e615a
X-Kong-Upstream-Latency: 77
X-Kong-Proxy-Latency: 0
Via: kong/0.9.8
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
D/OkHttp: Unauthorized
<-- END HTTP (12-byte body)
D/OkHttp: --> GET
D/OkHttp: Accept-Language: en
x-client-type: android
x-api-version: 4.1.0
I/zzbz: Making Creator dynamically
D/OkHttp: <-- 200 OK (138ms)
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 07:30:47 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
D/OkHttp: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: content-type,x-requested-with,authorization, accept, accept-language,x-client-type,x-client-build,x-api-version
Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
ETag: "2af9-wj9m57vexbsWcU5m7bfhEuhjvw4"
Vary: Origin
X-Request-ID: 668799cc-788b-43d4-96d7-eb8fd5614fc9
X-Kong-Upstream-Latency: 110
X-Kong-Proxy-Latency: 0
Via: kong/0.9.8
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
D/OkHttp: {CORRECT RESPONSE JSON} <-- END HTTP (11001-byte body)
W/tcar.someapp.debu: Unsupported class loader
W/tcar.someapp.debu: Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader
I/DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
Selected remote version of, version >= 221
V/DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
W/tcar.someapp.debu: Unsupported class loader
W/tcar.someapp.debu: Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader
I/Google Maps Android API: Google Play services client version: 12451000
I/Google Maps Android API: Google Play services package version: 15090037
W/tcar.someapp.debu: Accessing hidden field Ljava/nio/Buffer;->address:J (light greylist, reflection)
I/Adreno: QUALCOMM build : f909f5a, Ida6448821d
Build Date : 11/12/18
OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.25.03.00
Local Branch :
Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.7.3.R1.
Remote Branch : NONE
Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING
Build Config : S P 6.0.3 AArch64
W/RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:5835049): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=23336 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c222,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
E/libc: Access denied finding property "vendor.debug.prerotation.disable"
W/RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:5835050): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=23336 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c222,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
E/libc: Access denied finding property ""
E/libc: Access denied finding property "vendor.debug.prerotation.disable"
E/libc: Access denied finding property "vendor.debug.prerotation.disable"
W/RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:5835052): avc: denied { search } for name="proc" dev="debugfs" ino=3974 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c222,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:qti_debugfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
W/RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:5835053): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=23336 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c222,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
I/Adreno: PFP: 0x016ee170, ME: 0x00000000
E/libc: Access denied finding property "vendor.debug.prerotation.disable"
I/ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 1
android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0
I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
D/OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
E/libc: Access denied finding property "vendor.debug.egl.changepixelformat"
W/RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:5835055): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=23336 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c222,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
D/FA: Connected to remote service
V/FA: Processing queued up service tasks: 4
I/Choreographer: Skipped 145 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
E/libc: Access denied finding property "vendor.debug.egl.changepixelformat"
E/libc: Access denied finding property "vendor.debug.egl.swapinterval"
E/libc: Access denied finding property "vendor.debug.egl.swapinterval"
E/libc: Access denied finding property "vendor.debug.egl.swapinterval"
D/: Successfully load, this=0x76506f70c0
I/OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=2828ms; Flags=0, IntendedVsync=910300861918726, Vsync=910303278585296, OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0, HandleInputStart=910303285835193, AnimationStart=910303286168422, PerformTraversalsStart=910303290208266, DrawStart=910303309583109, SyncQueued=910303573194464, SyncStart=910303573524516, IssueDrawCommandsStart=910303574379828, SwapBuffers=910303689163213, FrameCompleted=910303691023943, DequeueBufferDuration=3761000, QueueBufferDuration=1051000,
E/SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl callingApp:,callingPid:7032,callingUid:10222
V/FA: Recording user engagement, ms: 3449
Disconnected from the target VM, address: 'localhost:8602', transport: 'socket'
This are DEBUG Console logs. I tried it on another project and it was VERY VERY LAGGY. Am I missing something?
I had the same issue on Android Studio 4.1.1 using Pixel 3 API 29.
When the emulator is up, my application becomes stuck in blank screen (before the splashscreen)
Make sure that you had import Espresso dependencies:
androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation ''

Android APK - differences in Linux vs. Windows

I am using 2 build environments in parallel: Windows and Ubuntu.
When I build APK in Windows (via command line) - the APK is fine and runs great.
But when I build exactly the same project on Ubuntu - it fails (running on the same Android device).
I clone the project from the same git repository, and during the gradle build - I receive the one-to-one same messages.
Have no idea where I should start digging.
Any advise will be appreciated.
BTW, I have run-time logs from both APK's:
The logs:
============ Linux ============
08-16 09:02:35.455 5866-5975/com.growdirector.tabletapp.growdirectorapp D/JVM: JNIEnvironment::RegisterNatives(org/webrtc/voiceengine/WebRtcAudioManager)
08-16 09:02:35.455 5866-5975/com.growdirector.tabletapp.growdirectorapp W/System.err: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: no non-static method "Lorg/webrtc/voiceengine/WebRtcAudioManager;.<init>(Landroid/content/Context;J)V"
08-16 09:02:35.456 5866-5975/com.growdirector.tabletapp.growdirectorapp E/rtc: #
# Fatal error in ../../webrtc/modules/utility/source/, line 51
# last system error: 0
# Check failed: !jni->ExceptionCheck()
# Error during GetMethodID: <init>, (Landroid/content/Context;J)V
======== WIN =========================================
08-14 19:06:15.210 2483-2656/com.growdirector.tabletapp.growdirectorapp D/JVM: JNIEnvironment::RegisterNatives(org/webrtc/voiceengine/WebRtcAudioManager)
08-14 19:06:15.211 2483-2656/com.growdirector.tabletapp.growdirectorapp I/org.webrtc.Logging: WebRtcAudioManager: ctor#[name=Thread-318, id=318]
08-14 19:06:15.213 211-838/? D/AudioFlinger_Threads: thread 0xad4c0000 type 0 TID 838 waking up
08-14 19:06:15.213 211-840/? D/AudioFlinger_Threads: thread 0xad200000 type 0 TID 840 waking up
08-14 19:06:15.214 211-838/? D/AudioALSAStreamOut: latency(), flags 2, return 23
08-14 19:06:15.214 211-840/? D/AudioALSAStreamOut: latency(), flags 4, return 10
08-14 19:06:15.214 801-1380/? D/PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=137038916, flags=0x1, tag="AudioMix", ws=null, uid=1013, pid=0
updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x1
08-14 19:06:15.214 2483-2568/com.growdirector.tabletapp.growdirectorapp D/AudioSystem: getIoDescriptor: ioHandle = 2, index = -2, mIoDescriptors = 0x9db88218

'Unfortunately, app has stopped' is shown twice on the device and 'Application terminated' in android studio with no error being shown

I am developing an app using Android Studio.
The problem is that app gets crashed twice within few minutes of running it and besides Application terminated. and normal logs no error is shown in the logcat.
Here's complete logcat:
02/12 22:31:34: Launching app
Cold swapped changes.
$ adb shell am start -n "" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER
Connected to process 13399 on device micromax-micromax_aq4502-2864004C04884I2
I/art: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/
I/InstantRun: Instant Run Runtime started. Android package is, real application class is null.
W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/
W/DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for not found.
W/DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for not found.
I/art: Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 11281(1218KB) AllocSpace objects, 22(696KB) LOS objects, 15% free, 5MB/6MB, paused 13.077ms total 70.659ms
I/DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
I/DynamiteModule: Selected local version of
W/DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for not found.
I/DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
I/DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 4
W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/user/0/
W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/user/0/
I/FirebaseCrashApiImpl: FirebaseCrashApiImpl created by ClassLoader p[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/data/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/user/0/, /data/user/0/, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]]
I/DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
I/DynamiteModule: Selected local version of
W/DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for not found.
I/FA: App measurement is starting up, version: 10084
I/FA: To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
D/FA: Debug-level message logging enabled
D/FA: AppMeasurement singleton hash: 198168520
V/FA: Collection enabled
V/FA: App package, google app id:, 1:987905869088:android:e7f50263e7b8aa58
I/FA: To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
adb shell setprop com.getsportalapp.sportal
V/FA: Registered activity lifecycle callback
I/FirebaseCrash: FirebaseCrash reporting initialized
I/FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful
V/FA: Using measurement service
V/FA: Connecting to remote service
W/art: Before Android 4.1, method, android.content.res.ColorStateList,$Mode) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in
W/com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger: activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
I/GAC: Building GoogleApiClient
I/CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
V/FA: Connection attempt already in progress
V/FA: Activity resumed, time: 824779068
D/signedIn: onAuthStateChanged:signed_in:ShXMXdc5kHUQZWG3lGudJtt2
I/DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
I/DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 5
I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]window_type=1, is_framebuffer=0, errnum = 0
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]surface->num_buffers=4, surface->num_frames=3, win_min_undequeued=1
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]max_allowed_dequeued_buffers=3
E/RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout
D/FA: Connected to remote service
V/FA: Processing queued up service tasks: 2
E/RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout
D/getInvitation: getInvitation: no deep link found.
D/called: again
D/cLat: 2.8418744
D/cLng: 8.7791019
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]window_type=1, is_framebuffer=0, errnum = 0
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]surface->num_buffers=4, surface->num_frames=3, win_min_undequeued=1
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]max_allowed_dequeued_buffers=3
W/PersistentConnection: pc_0 - Using an unspecified index. Consider adding '".indexOn": "g"' at geofire to your security and Firebase Database rules for better performance
W/PersistentConnection: pc_0 - Using an unspecified index. Consider adding '".indexOn": "g"' at geofire to your security and Firebase Database rules for better performance
W/PersistentConnection: pc_0 - Using an unspecified index. Consider adding '".indexOn": "g"' at geofire to your security and Firebase Database rules for better performance
W/PersistentConnection: pc_0 - Using an unspecified index. Consider adding '".indexOn": "g"' at geofire to your security and Firebase Database rules for better performance
W/Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/user/0/
D/DynamitePackage: Instantiated singleton DynamitePackage.
D/DynamitePackage: Instantiating
I/DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
I/DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 12
W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/user/0/
W/VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es
I/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 8 for video/mp4v-es
I/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 8 for video/mp4v-es
I/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 8 for video/mp4v-es
I/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 8 for video/mp4v-es
I/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 8 for video/mp4v-es
I/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 8 for video/mp4v-es
I/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
I/Ads: Starting ad request.
I/WebViewFactory: Loading version 53.0.2785.124 (code 278512400)
D/diffAnother: -6283000
I/art: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
I/art: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
I/art: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
I/art: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
I/cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 6 ms (timestamps 5738-5744)
I/cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "53.0.2785.124", actual native library version number "53.0.2785.124"
V/WebViewChromiumFactoryProvider: Binding Chromium to main looper Looper (main, tid 1) {611ead6}
I/cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "53.0.2785.124", actual native library version number "53.0.2785.124"
I/chromium: [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
I/cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=true
W/cr_media: Requires BLUETOOTH permission
W/cr_AwContents: onDetachedFromWindow called when already detached. Ignoring
I/cr_Ime: ImeThread is not enabled.
E/libEGL: validate_display:255 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
W/cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 13399
I/DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
I/DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 9
W/DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for not found.
W/GoogleTagManager: No container asset found in /assets/containers. Checking top level /assets directory for container assets.
W/GoogleTagManager: Tag Manager's event handler WILL NOT be installed (no container loaded)
I/GoogleTagManager: Tag Manager initilization took 213ms
V/FA: Using measurement service
V/FA: Connecting to remote service
D/FA: Connected to remote service
V/FA: Processing queued up service tasks: 1
I/Ads: Scheduling ad refresh 45000 milliseconds from now.
W/cr_AwContents: onDetachedFromWindow called when already detached. Ignoring
I/cr_Ime: ImeThread is not enabled.
I/Ads: Ad finished loading.
W/cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 13399
I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Document was loaded from Application Cache with manifest", source: (0)
I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Application Cache Checking event", source: (0)
I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Application Cache NoUpdate event", source: (0)
D/diffAnother: 1129000
D/DynamitePackage: Instantiating
I/Ads: Starting ad request.
D/diffAnother: -6300000
W/cr_AwContents: onDetachedFromWindow called when already detached. Ignoring
I/cr_Ime: ImeThread is not enabled.
W/cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 13399
I/Ads: Scheduling ad refresh 45000 milliseconds from now.
I/Ads: Ad finished loading.
V/FA: Using measurement service
V/FA: Connecting to remote service
D/FA: Logging event (FE): _e, Bundle[{_o=auto, _et=29568, _sc=MainActivity, _si=-6311178554893906199}]
V/FA: Using measurement service
V/FA: Connection attempt already in progress
V/FA: Activity paused, time: 824808635
D/FA: Connected to remote service
V/FA: Processing queued up service tasks: 2
W/com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger: activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]window_type=1, is_framebuffer=0, errnum = 0
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]surface->num_buffers=4, surface->num_frames=3, win_min_undequeued=1
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]max_allowed_dequeued_buffers=3
D/call1: called
D/call2: called
D/call1: called
D/call2: called
D/error1: ERROR1
D/error1: ERROR1
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]window_type=1, is_framebuffer=0, errnum = 0
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]surface->num_buffers=4, surface->num_frames=3, win_min_undequeued=1
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]max_allowed_dequeued_buffers=3
V/RenderScript: 0xb8457a88 Launching thread(s), CPUs 4
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]window_type=1, is_framebuffer=0, errnum = 0
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]surface->num_buffers=4, surface->num_frames=3, win_min_undequeued=1
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]max_allowed_dequeued_buffers=3
V/FA: Inactivity, disconnecting from the service
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]window_type=1, is_framebuffer=0, errnum = 0
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]surface->num_buffers=4, surface->num_frames=3, win_min_undequeued=1
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]max_allowed_dequeued_buffers=3
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]window_type=1, is_framebuffer=0, errnum = 0
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]surface->num_buffers=4, surface->num_frames=3, win_min_undequeued=1
I/MaliEGL: [Mali]max_allowed_dequeued_buffers=3
I/Ads: Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
I/Ads: Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds from now.
I/Ads: Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
I/Ads: Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds from now.
Application terminated.
I tried integrating crashlytics but even it doesn't show any error when the app crashes in this manner.
The question is how will I be able to fix the error if I don't even know what the error is?
Please help me with this.
I think the issue is related to your ad view.
In last line it is showing that ad is not visible.

