Local alarm for a foreground service? - android

I have a foreground service and while it's active I want to run some events based on specific exact time that you a user previously set, it can be one time or it can repetitive every day for example.
I don't want to use AlarmManager because it triggers system events and you need some permissions for it, I have a running service anyway so why would I use something like this... So it should lifescoped to the service
I don't want to use Handler and its func postDelayed or launch and delay of Coroutines because it's like inventing a wheel, especially when you need to implement logic for repeatable events for a specific time.
So I'm looking something as local broadcast messages but with time configuration like in alarm and I could use set date/time instead of millis delay logic

I might need some more clarifying details to give better advice, but the following should give you an idea of the possible options and their pros and cons.
As much as AlarmManager might seem like a pain, it is probably your best bet for something like this, especially if the events are spread out over a longer period as the question hints (e.g. once a day). The alternative would be to use something like Handler, Coroutines, or a TimerTask inside the service. In addition to introducing the complexities of managing repeating events (as you mentioned), all of these require that the service is constantly running and presumably doing nothing other than waiting to fire an event, which is wasteful and likely not precise over a long period of time. Further, the service could be killed by the system and then you'd have to recreate all the timing logic, whereas AlarmManager scheduling is more persistent.
If your foreground service really is active doing other things for the entire duration in which you want these events to fire, or if the requirement is that the events fire if and only if the service is already active, then these options could be back on the table, but I'm not sure without more information.
If exactness is not an issue, you could potentially use OneTimeWorkRequest or PeriodicWorkRequest; see this documentation.
If your main concern with AlarmManager is using date/time scheduling instead of milliseconds, that shouldn't be an issue as most temporal classes provide easy ways to convert to milliseconds.
Overall, because of the inherit difficulty of precise scheduling, a system-based implementation like AlarmManager is best if exactness is the goal, and other options will incur an unnecessary waste of resources.


Alarm Manager or Work Manager for Recurring Background Work

I'm having trouble deciding whether to run some recurring background work with Alarm Manager or Work Manager:
The work is going to consist of Room Database operations so I'll need access to Dao to complete my work.
It is going to be recurring at fixed intervals (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)
I need to set a start date and time for the recurrence intervals.
the work will recur until canceled by the user
If the user is using the app when the work is supposed to be scheduled, I want the work to be done immediately. If the user is not on the app (app is in the background or device is turned off), I don't care if the work is done after the scheduled time as long as it is at least started by the next time the user opens the app.
the work needs to continue as scheduled after device reboots and app restarts.
For recurring background work, AlarmManger isn't suitable. As the name implies, it's intended to notify the system of an event at a precise time. Just like a physical alarm that wakes a person up even if the person sleeps, AlarmManager will wake up the device from doze mode which will result in more power usage. it is suitable for suitations like setting remainders such as for calender events which the users probably set by themselves.
On the other hand, WorkManager is intended to carry out background processing or work that would persist. Workmanager is much more efficient for recurring task especially as it allows you set constraints to determine when it should start or stop the background work.
check the link form the offical documentation on WorkManger:
workmanager architecture
tabular comparison between the two
It mostly depends on how important your task is.
https://developer.android.com/guide/background is a really good entry point to help you choose what you should work with.
WorkManager is the modern, universal approach of handling background work and it fits for most use-cases, it automatically reschedules work after a device restart or an application crash, and it is very efficient in terms of battery usage.
As WorkManager does respect Android's doze mode, it does not guarantee, that the work will be done exactly on time, though it does guarantee, that your work will be done within a certain time frame.
On the other hand, AlarmManager is capable of running work precisely on time. But this means that the device will wake up when your work scheduled with AlarmManager is coming due. This will drain battery and your app will probably show up as battery-draining in the Device Health board.
But as stated in the article above, prefer using WorkManager if possible. AlarmManager should only be used for e.g. a time-sensitive calendar notification.

Scheduling Repeating Events -- Handler.PostDelayed and Doze

I'm working on a screen filter app (like f.lux) for Android. I'm currently working the feature to gradually fade in the filter as the sun sets. The state does not matter when the screen is off, but when the screen is on, it's important that the fade progress be correct (or immediately updated).
Technical requirements
I want to fire a series of intents at semi-regular intervals.
When the screen is off, they can be ignored / discarded, except:
when the screen turns on, the most recent intent must be fired immediately.
I do not want to drain the battery unnecessarily.
Obvious solutions and why they don't work
I could use AlarmManager.setInexactRepeating, which is supposedly the most energy-efficient of the alarms, except:
Your alarm's first trigger will not be before the requested time, but it might not occur for almost a full interval after that time.
I think this implies that the first trigger will necessarily happen within the first interval, meaning the device will be woken, causing unnecessary battery drain.
I could use AlarmManager.set to schedule the first alarm. When it goes off, I could update the screen, then schedule the next alarm. This would work, but would wake up older devices (without Doze) on each alarm, instead of waiting until the screen turns on. It's also using AlarmManger as a timer, which the documentation explicitly recommends against:
For timing operations (ticks, timeouts, etc) it is easier and much more efficient to use Handler.
Okay, so,
I could set a single alarm to starts up a Handler, which would update the UI periodically. But wait: this relies on postDelayed, which says (emphasis mine):
Time spent in deep sleep will add an additional delay to execution.
I think that means, when the device wakes up from sleep, the next update might not happens for a whole interval. Am I reading this right? Forcing the user to wait a minute or two before the next update is a deal-breaker.
CountDownTimer and ValueAnimator both use this method in their implementations, so if my interpretation of Handler is right, they're both out.
I could use a handler-based method and also receive events when the screen is turned off, at which point I'd cancel the existing animation, then start a new one. This looks to be the best solution, but it seems like there should be a simpler way to do it.
There are a ton of other SO questions on this topic. Everyone and their mother recommends using a Handler, but there's absolutely no information about how it behaves when the device goes to sleep, aside from the quote above. It's really weird that (apparently) nobody else has run into this issue -- am I doing something really unusual, or missing something basic?
Can anybody provide insight about how Handler.postDelayed really behaves when the device goes to sleep, and recommend what I should do in this particular instance?

Timer vs Background Services, Battery, Xamarin c#

I need to do some computations every 15 minutes no matter if the app is in the foreground or in the background.
Firstly, I have implemented a more complex Background Services with a Pending Intent, Receivers and an Alarm Manager that triggers a function every 15 minutes. However, I realised I could achieve the same results by using a simple Timer.
I am programming in C# Xamarin.
I am just wondering which version would be more efficient and which one consumes the least of battery power?
AlarmManager is a sufficient solution. It is the traditional solution for doing work on a period basis. However the caveat is that people misuse it and it impacts the battery heavily. There are other problems with it, but I will not discuss that here.
I would recommend using JobScheduler for more efficient background work. The JobScheduler will handle wakefulness via it's own implemented WakeLock and provide us an API that we can specify certain criteria to control what we need to fulfill our tasks (Network, etc). If it cannot meet our criteria, we will have a callback that we can then figure out how to match it.

Android:Is it possible to do all updating tasks with AlarmManager

I have used background service in for updating tasks like playing with web server frequent times(sending Geo-Location data or send/get web data time-wise) in my android apps and also I have faced many problems(slow process, application hang) for this.
But In my current application I have used the AlarmManager followed by PendingIntents for some tasks which worked well.
So I think its good if I replace each updating tasks which use service with AlarmManager followed by PendingIntents.
Is it the right way or I am going doing a big mistake ?
All kind of suggestions are appreciable.
Thanks in advance.
Services and alarms scheduled with AlarmManager serve different but complementary purposes at times. When you schedule an alarm with one of the set methods, the alarm will be triggered at the specified time and you should handle it on a BroadcastReceiver. This means that your handling has to be responsive and cannot have asynchronous operations. According to the docs:
A BroadcastReceiver object is only valid for the duration of the call to onReceive(Context, Intent). Once your code returns from this
function, the system considers the object to be finished and no longer
active. (...) Anything that requires asynchronous operation is not
available, because you will need to return from the function to handle
the asynchronous operation, but at that point the BroadcastReceiver is
no longer active and thus the system is free to kill its process
before the asynchronous operation completes.
In case you want to handle more complex operations, it is advised to start a service for doing so. Even if you use the more recently available goAsync() call on the receiver, you are still expected to be responsive:
This does not change the expectation of being relatively responsive to the broadcast (finishing it within 10s)
So it ultimately depends on what you are trying to achieve, when to use each of these or combine their use.
I don't tell that using Alaram Manager is a big mistake..
Right now to run the background services there are only few options upon which the easy and partially reliable one would be AlarmManager.
Though sometimes the Alarm Manager is not 100% reliable on looking into other categories for doing these operations (like Asynchronous Thread and delay looping techniques) are much more complex and not that much reliable to do the background services.
When we compare the pros and cons of the techniques needed for background services AlarmManager wins the race.
I prefer AlarmManager would be the good option for these kind of background services upon thinking the options open right now to complete the tasks in background.
Hope that Google will comeup with a better solution to handle the background services.

How to create asynchronous notifications in android

What is the best practice to create a scheduled notification at some point in the future?
I have found a way using a Service that is triggered with a PendingIntent via the AlarmManager. In the onCreate() method of the Service I create the notification. This seems a bit like abusing the service to do something it is not supposed to be doing.
Is there another less cumbersome / more elegant method of achieving the same end? (The use case in question is giving the user a daily reminder to do something with my app)
What is the best practice to create a scheduled notification at some point in the future?
This seems a bit like abusing the service to do something it is not supposed to be doing.
Is there another less cumbersome / more elegant method of achieving the same end?
Setting an alarm requires a total of 3 to 4 Java statements, plus one for any extra you package into the Intent. Processing the alarm in a BroadcastReceiver to go raise a Notification regarding the "daily reminder" should be another ~20 lines of code, plus one entry in the manifest.

