so I'm new to Kotlin. Been working in it for a few weeks. I am currently trying to figure out how to remove the blue banner header thingy. When I try to remove the banner using headersState = BrowseSupportFragment.HEADERS_DISABLED it makes the whole page go blank.
This is what it looks like with the HEADERS_ENABLED
private fun setupUIElements() {
//title = getString(R.string.browse_title)
// over title
headersState = BrowseSupportFragment.HEADERS_ENABLED
isHeadersTransitionOnBackEnabled = true
// set fastLane (or headers) background color
brandColor = ContextCompat.getColor(activity!!, R.color.fastlane_background)
// set search icon color
searchAffordanceColor = ContextCompat.getColor(activity!!, R.color.search_opaque)
Screen Shot with Header Enabled
This is what it looks like when I set headersState = BrowseSupportFragment.HEADERS_DISABLED
Screen shot with Header Disabled
Basically I'm trying to get it to show all the video's with out the blue thing on the left.
I think this function might have something to do with the issue, but I'm not 100% sure.
private fun loadRows() {
val list = MovieList.list
val rowsAdapter = ArrayObjectAdapter(ListRowPresenter())
val cardPresenter = CardPresenter()
for (i in 0 until NUM_ROWS) {
if (i != 0) {
val listRowAdapter = ArrayObjectAdapter(cardPresenter)
for (j in 0 until NUM_COLS) {
listRowAdapter.add(list[j % 5])
val header = HeaderItem(i.toLong(), MovieList.MOVIE_CATEGORY[i])
val row_list = ListRow(header, listRowAdapter)
adapter = rowsAdapter
I need to display a different image according to a condition. The problem is that the previous image remains visible under the next image?
I have nowhere found using the correct command to delete the previous image before displaying the next one.
private fun showDecision(warning: String) {
var imgResId = 0
var resId = 0
// accessing our custom image which we have in drawable folder
when (warning) {
"wrong" -> {
imgResId = R.drawable.wrong
resId = imgResId
"notGood" -> {
imgResId = R.drawable.notGood
resId = imgResId
"bad" -> {
imgResId = R.drawable.bad
resId = imgResId
// image de l'arbitre
val decisionView = ImageView(this)
// setting height and width of imageview
decisionView.layoutParams = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(392, 700)
decisionView.x = hut.x - 80 // setting margin from left
decisionView.y = aDecision.y // setting margin from top
// accessing our relative layout from activity_main.xml
decisionLayout = findViewById<RelativeLayout>(
// Add ImageView to linearLayout
decisionLayout?.addView(decisionView) // adding image to the layout
decisionLayout?.visibility = View.VISIBLE
decisionShown = true
setBackgroundResource(0) does nothing.
Before that, in my onClick(view: View?) I use GONE as below
if (decisionShown) {
decision_layout.visibility = View.GONE
decisionShown = false
What did I not do correctly? Thank you
You can clear imageview content by calling setImageDrawable(null);
such usage is documented in the official docs: ImageView#setImageDrawable .
The right instruction is view.removeAllViews() for me and it works. Why "AllViews"? Just because it could be some views, not only the one preceded.
I'm copying code from an Android alarm app.
After setting up the alarm, I want to know how to add a container to the main screen when I press the Save button.
To sum up, my question is:
When you click a button on Activity2,
This is how to add a new container to the Activity1.
savebtn.setOnClickListener {
var item_view = R.layout.alram_list
var alram_title = alram_title1
var alram_time = alram_time
var al_on = al_on
var intent1 = Intent(this#AdeDetail,
intent1.putExtra("title", title)
intent1.putExtra("day", t)
intent1.putExtra("hour", hour)
intent1.putExtra("min", min)
This is part of activity code 1.
If the statement keeps false and does not seem to receive the value. I'll be waiting for your help. Thank you.
if (intent1.getStringExtra("title") != null){
var title = intent.getStringExtra("title")
var min = intent.getStringExtra("min")
var hour = intent.getStringExtra("hour")
var day = intent.getStringExtra("day")
var inflater = LayoutInflater.from(this#MainActivity)
var item_view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.alram_list, null)
var alram_time = item_view.findViewById<TextView>(
var alram_title = item_view.findViewById<TextView>(
var alram_on = item_view.findViewById<RadioButton>(
alram_time.text = day+ "hour:" +"min"
alram_title.text = title
alram_on.isChecked =true
First of you need to write receiving intent in 2nd activity like
var intent = getIntent();
then you can retrive values like
same for others
In my project, there are some products..
I created a text beside the button, and when this button is clicked the amount of text should be increased.
My code increases the amount of text only once.
My code:
holder.add.setOnClickListener {
val num = 1
val add = num+1
holder.amount.text = add.toString()
change the code in this way.
var num = 1
holder.add.setOnClickListener {
val add = num+1
holder.amount.text = add.toString()
The reason behind that, at every button click num is initialized with 1.
Lets create a global variable num and everytime button is clicked then num will get updated
var num = 1
holder.rl_additvie.visibility = View.GONE
holder.addicon.setOnClickListener {
holder.rl_additvie.visibility = View.VISIBLE
holder.remmove.visibility = View.GONE
num = num+1
holder.amount.text = num.toString()
I have displayed a bar graph in android xamarin. I want to display a simple bar graph with 3 categories.
What I want:-
What I get :-
So currently my graph is showing horizontally. I want it to show as in figure 1.
Here is my code:-
var plotModel1 = new PlotModel();
plotModel1.LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Vertical;
plotModel1.PlotAreaBorderColor = OxyColors.White;
var barSeries1 = new BarSeries();
for (int i = 0; i < barValues.Length && i < colorPallete.Length && i<barTitles.Length; i++)
barSeries1.Items.Add(new BarItem(barValues[i], -1) { Color = OxyColor.Parse(colorPallete[i]) });
MyModel = plotModel1;
barPlotView.Model = MyModel;
Instead of BarSeries you should look up ColumnSeries. It will give you the horizontal graph you are looking for.
lets say I have a timer activity. Theres an image view that displays a number of 0 - 9(these are viewed as images, NOT text).
eg. the images names are clock_0, clock_1, clock_2...clock_9.
There is a plus and minus button that should change a counter(to pick the image). If current image is clock_0, pressing the plus button will change the view to clock_1 etc. How do I do this efficiently?
Heres what I tried to do;
set an int[],
int[] clockResource = new int[10];
clockResource[0] = R.drawable.clock_0;
clockResource[1] = R.drawable.clock_1;
clockResource[2] = R.drawable.clock_2;
clockResource[3] = R.drawable.clock_3;
clockResource[4] = R.drawable.clock_4;
clockResource[5] = R.drawable.clock_5;
clockResource[6] = R.drawable.clock_6;
clockResource[7] = R.drawable.clock_7;
clockResource[8] = R.drawable.clock_8;
clockResource[9] = R.drawable.clock_9;
assign an onclicklistener for the addbutton
if (addMin.isEnabled()) {
if (mintwo < 9) {
} else if (mintwo == 9) {
mintwo = 0;
Since they're ImageViews, use setImageDrawable or setImageResource instead.
Related SO-question.
if (addMin.isEnabled()) {
if (mintwo < 9) {
} else if (mintwo == 9) {
mintwo = 0;
min2.setImageResource(clockResource[mintwo]); //updated
min1.setImageResource(clockResource[minone]); //updated