I am trying to build an app in Flutter but have come across a big issue. In order to enable app check, sign up using Facebook, etc. I need to get my SHA-1 fingerprint. I have tried to get it by running gradlew signingReport in the terminal of Android Studio; however, I get the following error:
"failed to read key androiddebugkey from store invalid keystore format"
I've read previous posts relating to this but nothing has been able to help me. If anyone could be of assistance, that would be great :).
By deleting the keystore file itself. Android Studio will generate a new one, which don't have the same error.
I've been building release versions of my app for months, and now all of a sudden I get this error.
Failed to read key ******** from store ***** Get Key Failed. Given final block not properly padded. Such issues can arise if a bad key is used during decryption.
This is beyond frustrating.
What I've done so far
Read every post on this error and tried every solution
Verified my passwords are correct
Checked and unchecked "save passwords"
Verified my keystore location is correct
If you get error like block not properly padded, bad key or PKCS12 when signing the App Bundle or APK, try using the same password for the key and the keystore file, it works for me.
Recently, Android Studio started to show a message: "Warning: Different store and key passwords not supported for PKCS12 KeyStores. Ignoring user-specified -keypass value. in Android Studio" - so, first of all, store and key passwords should be the same, like other people said.
Besides, after getting this error even using the same password, I realized that we can't use characters like # or $ on the passwords.
Just Remove space from folder name ,where your jks file stored
I'm trying to build my first application for the play store.
I created a new Keystore with KeyStore Explorer as described in tutorials as a p12 file
I start the build giving it the keystore password and after Upload step completed the error in the title pops up.
Haven't found any solution googling - hope someone can help me
I have done exactly what this question's answer says: https://stackoverflow.com/a/53513327/10021456
I copied both my App signing certificate SHA-1 and my Upload certificate SHA-1 to my Firebase SHA certificate fingerprints
I am just trying to run a Flutter app on my mobile phone, through USB debugging. So it is not a download from the app store or anything. Right at the start I get this error when I try to create a new user using Phone Number Authentication
Any idea on what I might be missing?
(I use Flutter for my app)
Example phone numbers work fine. But normal/unregistered phone numbers give the error.
This is the error message:
This app is not authorized to use Firebase Authentication.Please
verify that the correct package name and SHA-1 are configured in the
Firebase Console
I have the same problem as you. I don't know about the windows. But this solution for Linux users.
Go to Project folder cd android
then open the terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + T )
Run this comment ./gradlew signingReport
You will get the SHA1 and SHA256 for your project. Copy that SHA1 and SHA256, Paste it in Google firebase.
That's worked for me. If you face any problem contact me.
Hey based on our conversation, probably you haven’t added debug keystore SHA-1 to firebase console app configuration.
If you are using Android Studio on Windows then it will be located at
In case you are using Android Studio on Mac then it will be located at
In case you don’t find the file in said directory then just use android studio to install app on your phone. It will be generated automatically.
As you have already added release keystore SHA-1, I think you know how to get SHA-1 from keystore. You can also use Keystore Explorer tool for it.
Since you are using android studio now to build your app it became easy.
In android studio on right hand side you will see Gradle Tab. Open it.
Open (root) in this tab.
Open Tasks -> android
Click on ‘signingReport’
You will find the signing report at the bottom and scroll through it you will see SHA1 just copy it to your firebase project settings.
Hope this will solve your issue.
You can get SHA1 of that keystore by other means as well.
Download this tool and open your debug keystore file using this application.
Get the SHA1 from there and add it to your Firebase Configuration.
What is happening with me is that in case of one of my project in Android studio, when I try to generated signed apk by going to Build--> Generate Signed APk, I provide keystore and password. Then it takes long time to build Grade and at the end no apk file is generated. Just nothing happens.
This happens only in one particular project. I can generate signed apks for other projects in my workspace.
Any hint that what can be the problem? At this point, I even don't know that where can be mistake?
Your help will be appreciated.
Sometimes the APK is not generating because some PNG are not consistent for an AndroidStudio stand point.
For instance you can have such error (but the console is not showing it)
Error:Execution failed for task ':myApp:mergeReleaseResources'.
Crunching Cruncher btn_back.png failed, see logs
It happened for me last week with Android Studio 1.3
So you can process your PNG as follow (using imagemagick)
find . -name "*.png" -print -exec convert "{}" "{}" ";"
For anybody else who may still run across this, my issue was that I had a typo in the key store password that I was using. Rather than giving any indication that the password was incorrect, Android Studio was just failing silently.
I am developing gps base app. For that i need the md5 so i have tried to open the file debug.keystore using notepad,so file format is change to notepad, now i have got the google-apiKey using key-tool menu (install plug-in keytool ), but problem is that when run my app it give me the following error
Error generating final archive: java.io.IOException: Invalid keystore format Unknown Android Packaging Problem
I am not even sure where to begin to look. I cannot launch the application. Can someone give me an idea on what area I can look into?
I am solve this problem
Delete your debug certificate under ~/.android/debug.keystore on Linux and Mac OS X; the directory is something like %USERPROFILE%/.androidon Windows.
The Eclipse plug-in should then generate a new certificate when you next try to build a debug package. You may need to clean and then build to generate the certificate.
Your debug keystore was created automatically