If I want to create a pop up view in Android, say on clicking a button, a QR code will pop up and things behind will be blurred a bit, I called the Dialog class in Android/Java, which I think is more like a View in iOS.
May I know whether there is a class which is almost equivalent in iOS? I googled around and seems no one mention about that. While some might say I could use AlertController, I would say the experience is completely different. Dialog in Android can contain everything - text, buttons, images, layouts, you name it, while AlertController in iOS is literally just the alert and it does not expect you to do so much customization.
Can anyone illustrate the road ahead for me?
You use UIAlertController in Swift.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "My Title", message: "My Message", preferredStyle: .alert)
alertController.view.tintColor = UIColor.blue //Change this or remove
//Blur Effect
let blurEffect = UIBlurEffect(style: .light)
let blurVisualEffectView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: blurEffect)
blurVisualEffectView.frame = self.view.bounds
self.view.addSubview(blurVisualEffectView) //Add the blur effect to the dialog
//Set Image
var myImage = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 89, y: 35, width: 95, height: 80))
myImage.image = UIImage(named: "MyImage")!
//Button actions
let cancelAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .destructive) {_ in
let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default) {_ in
//Height constraint handler
var height: NSLayoutConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(
item: alertController.view, attribute:
relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation.equal, toItem: nil,
attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.height,
//Change this as desired
multiplier: 1, constant: self.view.frame.height * 0.4)
alertController.view.addConstraint(height) //Set the constraint
//Display (present) the alertcontroller
self.present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)
Breaking This Down
Declare the alertController. Set the title to "My Title" and the message.
Set the tintColor. This changes it to custom colors other than the default iOS blue tint.
Add the UIBlurEffect. "Tries" to mimic Androids AlertDialog. :)
Declare and add the UIImageView to the alertController as a sub view
Add the action buttons. cancelAction and okAction. Notice the style: property? This allows you to choose between .destructive, and .default. .destructive makes the button red-tinted, and .default leaves it as the alertController's tintColor.
Add a height constraint. Useful if you want more content visible (like UIImageViews)
Use the alertController.addAction functions to add our buttons, and present it.
Extra note: All of this is contained inside DispatchQueue.main.async {}. This is useful if you want to show your dialog before the parent ViewController is fully loaded. (E.G. You show your dialog in the .viewDidLoad function.
I'm trying to use a loader-plugin for nativescript and run into an error that says:
Error creating Loading Indicator Pop Over: Cannot read property 'drawable' of undefined
It seems that the error comes from using android.view.View in the options for the loader.
There's not much additional information about this error, but from my experience with mobile apps I'd say that this error occurs because the view hasn't loaded, yet.
I tried to apply a timeout, move the call around (from onNavigatingTo to onPageLoad), nothing helped.
Here's the code I'm using:
const options = {
message: "Daten werden geladen…",
details: "Bitte warten",
progress: 0.65,
margin: 10,
dimBackground: true,
color: "#fff", // color of indicator and labels
// background box around indicator
// hideBezel will override this if true
backgroundColor: "black",
userInteractionEnabled: false, // default true. Set false so that the touches will fall through it.
hideBezel: true, // default false, can hide the surrounding bezel
mode: Mode.AnnularDeterminate, // see options below
android: {
view: android.view.View, // Target view to show on top of (Defaults to entire window)
cancelable: true,
cancelListener: function (dialog) {
console.log("Loading cancelled");
ios: {
view: UIView, // Target view to show on top of (Defaults to entire window)
Nativescript 7.x using Javascript
Any ideas?
First of all, I don't like using platform-specific code like android.view.View or UIView without appropriate isIOS/isAndroid wrappers.
So I'd advise to use this.page.nativeView or this.page.getViewById('someIdHere').nativeView instead.
Adding zero milliseconds timeout is also a good practice. Just to be sure that page content is available.
Would be great if you could provide me some small example, so I could check on my side
I am working with the QuillJS editor (awesome!) for a multi-platform forum web app and I'm trying to solve a problem with Android's webview (same thing happens in the Chrome app). Basically when I long-press to select some text on the top lines of the post the native context menu covers the Quill toolbar.
I've added css padding-top to the editor element to get the result in the next screen shot, but it looks weird to have the empty space at the top of the edit area when there's no context menu.
Other things I've discovered: you can't drag the context menu down, and tapping outside it or pressing the back button deselect the text. You can keep the context menu from showing by handling the oncontextmenu event, but then there's no way to cut/copy/paste.
Are there any alternatives? It would be cool if there were cut/copy/paste options for the Quill toolbar, which would allow me to just inhibit the context menu for the editor div, but I couldn't find such options.
EDIT: To clarify, I didn't actually change the orientation of the popup, but by switching to the "Bubble" theme the toolbar becomes a popup that appears under the selected text by default.
Answering my own question.
I changed the orientation of the pop-up so that it is below the selected text. Here's the initialization script:
<!-- Initialize Quill editor -->
var quill = new Quill('#editor-container', {
modules: {
toolbar: [
[{ 'color': [] }],
[{ size: ['small', false, 'large', 'huge'] }],
placeholder: '(type your message here)',
theme: 'bubble' // 'snow' or 'bubble'
quill.on('text-change', function (delta, oldDelta, source) {
if (source === 'api') {
console.log("An API call triggered this change.");
} else if (source === 'user') {
console.log("A user action triggered this change.");
var htmlContent = quill.root.innerHTML;
window.onload = function () {
My engironment is titanim 6.0.1.GA
It doesn't show the label on Android, while iOS show the label correctly.
var descriptionView = Ti.UI.createView({
wordWrap :true,top:0,
text:"my label",
It works well both on Android/iOS
var descriptionView = Ti.UI.createView({
var label = Ti.UI.createLabel({
wordWrap :true,top:0,
text:"my label",
I just wonder using children is bad behaivor for andorid?
However it sometimes very useful to simplify the code.
Is there anyone who uses children successfully for Android??
According to the titanium API 'Children' property is a read only property and it should not be used to set data. It's considered to be good luck as it's working with IOS but with Android we need to be specific with the code.
I would never suggest you to use this coding style to simplify the code, rather you could use the following to simplify and also memory effective way :
var descriptionView = Ti.UI.createView({
wordWrap :true,top:0,
text:"my label",
Good luck,
I have a Xamarin.Forms SearchBar on a StackLayout with a dark background color.
By default the input field is dark as well, probably due to a transparent background. To modify the search bar background color there is a BackgroundColor property. (In the example below I set it to dark gray.)
But how to adjust the text color? There is no such property. And even with a custom search bar renderer I don't find a solution.
This is how it looks with just the placeholder:
...and with some input (black "Hello world!" on a pretty dark background):
Here is the code for an Android Custom renderer that will do the trick. I would upload a screenshot, but I don't have enough points yet :(
using System;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.Text;
using G = Android.Graphics;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;
[assembly:ExportRenderer( typeof(MySearchBar), typeof(Some.Namespance.MySearchBar_Droid) )]
namespace Some.Namespace
public class MySearchBar_Droid : SearchBarRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged( ElementChangedEventArgs<SearchBar> args )
base.OnElementChanged( args );
// Get native control (background set in shared code, but can use SetBackgroundColor here)
SearchView searchView = (base.Control as SearchView);
searchView.SetInputType( InputTypes.ClassText | InputTypes.TextVariationNormal );
// Access search textview within control
int textViewId = searchView.Context.Resources.GetIdentifier( "android:id/search_src_text", null, null );
EditText textView = (searchView.FindViewById( textViewId ) as EditText);
// Set custom colors
textView.SetBackgroundColor( G.Color.Rgb( 225, 225, 225 ) );
textView.SetTextColor( G.Color.Rgb( 32, 32, 32 ) );
textView.SetHintTextColor( G.Color.Rgb( 128, 128, 128 ) );
// Customize frame color
int frameId = searchView.Context.Resources.GetIdentifier( "android:id/search_plate", null, null );
Android.Views.View frameView = (searchView.FindViewById( frameId ) as Android.Views.View);
frameView.SetBackgroundColor( G.Color.Rgb( 96, 96, 96 ) );
You can achieve this by creating a custom View that has a bindable-property like ForegroundTextColor and then create a custom renderer.
In the custom renderer you can inherit from the platform specific renderer, i.e. on WindowsPhone it is:-
You can then monitor for property changes to the bindable-property you created and set the platform native control Text-color that is used to change the appearance of the non-editing view of the SearchBar.
You also have to monitor for IsFocused and apply the colouring on WindowsPhone, at least, also. This may also apply for other platforms possibly as well.
Update 1:-
In reply to your comment you don't have to render the whole SearchBar yourself.
If you inherit from the renderer you are able to customize things finer.
With specific reference to Android to achieve this you have to get reference to AutoCompleteTextView and then you can call SetTextColor to change the color.
Update 2:-
SearchBar is a composite control in Android.
The AutoCompleteTextView is buried rather deep in the hierarchy.
On 4.4 this can be found using the following code. Other versions may well differ. This is by no means a good approach necessarily for production using ordinal indexes however:-
AutoCompleteTextView objAutoTextView = (AutoCompleteTextView)(((this.Control.GetChildAt(0) as ViewGroup).GetChildAt(2) as ViewGroup).GetChildAt(1) as ViewGroup).GetChildAt(0);
Where this is the renderer class.
You can then call objAutoTextView.SetTextColor with the color to achieve the change in color to the SearchBar foreground text.
I finally found a very simple solution:
I accidentally used the Android Theme #android:style/Theme.Holo.Light and modified all colors explicitly. But to get a bright text color on a search bar you better use #android:style/Theme.Holo.
It does not allow you to set the color very precisely, but changing it from black to white was all I needed in this case.
You can make the following changes in the xaml if you are using xaml to obtain the different text color of search bar on different platforms:
<SearchBar x:Name="Search"
SearchButtonPressed="OnSearch" BackgroundColor="#19588F">
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="Color">
Here's how I did it, another way:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof (CustomSearchBar), typeof (CustomSearchBarRenderer))]
namespace Bahai.Android.Renderers
public class CustomSearchBarRenderer : SearchBarRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<SearchBar> e)
if (e.OldElement == null)
SearchBar element = (SearchBar) this.Element;
var native = (global::Android.Widget.SearchView) Control;
// do whatever you want to the controls here!
// element.BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent;
// native.SetBackgroundColor(element.BackgroundColor.ToAndroid());
// native.SetBackgroundColor(Color.White.ToAndroid());
//The text color of the SearchBar / SearchView
AutoCompleteTextView textField = (AutoCompleteTextView)
(((Control.GetChildAt(0) as ViewGroup)
.GetChildAt(2) as ViewGroup)
.GetChildAt(1) as ViewGroup)
if (textField != null)
SearchBar has a TextColor property. At least in Xamarin 5.
Text="{Binding SearchString}">
is it possible to change the text of a shape? I have:
levelFraction = new Text(0, 300, mFont, "text", HorizontalAlign.CENTER);
then I add it to the scene:
but I don't see any method to change the text at runtime. Something like:
Is that possible?
if Sheet1.shapes(0).texteffect.text="Go" then
end if
You could even call a sub based on the the value of the texteffect.text
I don't know anything about the AndEngine library, so this would just be a wild guess:
Could you perhaps use the ChangeableText (which extends Text) instead of Text? From the name it sounds like you should be able to change the text, and looking at the code it also have a couple of functions to set the text: ChangeableText source
font_texture_golbalValue = new Texture(128,64,TextureOptions.BILINEAR);
font4 = new Font(font_texture_golbalValue, Typeface.create(Typeface.SANS_SERIF, Typeface.BOLD), textSize, true, Color.WHITE);
scoreval=new ChangeableText(24*CAMERA_WIDTH/100, score_postion, this.font2, ""+scoreValue,"Score##".length());
and You can use scorevalue.SetText();