Get transformed bitmap from Textureview in camera2 api - android

I'm using camera2 API, and a TextureView to capture photo.
As the TextureView size changed by myself and to preventing stretching result photo, I used these functions:
private fun showPreview(camera: CameraDevice) {
cameraDevice = camera
val surfaceTexture: SurfaceTexture? = mainBinding.textureView.surfaceTexture
surfaceTexture?.setDefaultBufferSize(previewSize.width, previewSize.height)
val previewSurface = Surface(surfaceTexture)
val viewFinderSize =
Size(mainBinding.textureView.measuredWidth, mainBinding.textureView.measuredHeight)
matrix = calculateTransform(viewFinderSize, previewSize)
captureRequestBuilder = cameraDevice.createCaptureRequest(CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_PREVIEW)
listOf(previewSurface, imageReader.surface), captureStateCallback, null
private fun calculateTransform(viewFinderSize: Size, previewSize: Size): Matrix {
val matrix = Matrix()
val scaleFactors = if (viewFinderSize.height <= viewFinderSize.width) {
val previewRatio = previewSize.width / previewSize.height.toFloat()
val viewFinderRatio = viewFinderSize.width / viewFinderSize.height.toFloat()
val scaling = viewFinderRatio * previewRatio
PointF(1f, scaling)
} else {
val previewRatio = previewSize.height / previewSize.width.toFloat()
val viewFinderRatio = viewFinderSize.height / viewFinderSize.width.toFloat()
val scaling = viewFinderRatio * previewRatio
PointF(scaling, 1f)
matrix.preScale(scaleFactors.x, scaleFactors.y)
return matrix
These functions work correctly, But when I want to save result photo, bitmap data is more than just selected dimension in previewView.


Is there a way to crop Image/ImageProxy (before passing to MLKit's analyzer)?

I'm using CameraX's Analyzer use case with the MLKit's BarcodeScanner. I would like to crop portion of the image received from the camera, before passing it to the scanner.
What I'm doing right now is I convert ImageProxy (that I recieve in the Analyzer) to a Bitmap, crop it and then pass it to the BarcodeScanner. The downside is that it's not a very fast and efficient process.
I've also noticed the warning I get in the Logcat when running this code:
ML Kit has detected that you seem to pass camera frames to the
detector as a Bitmap object. This is inefficient. Please use
YUV_420_888 format for camera2 API or NV21 format for (legacy) camera
API and directly pass down the byte array to ML Kit.
It would be nice to not to do ImageProxy conversion, but how do I crop the rectangle I want to analyze?
What I've already tried is to set a cropRect field of the Image (imageProxy.image.cropRect) class, but it doesn't seem to affect the end result.
Yes, it's true that if you use ViewPort and set viewport to yours UseCases(imageCapture or imageAnalysis as here you can get only information about crop rectangle especially if you use ImageAnalysis(because if you use imageCapture, for on-disk the image is cropped before saving and it doesn't work for ImageAnalysis and if you use imageCapture without saving on disk) and here solution how I solved this problem:
First of all set view port for use cases as here:
Get cropped bitmap to analyze
override fun analyze(imageProxy: ImageProxy) {
val mediaImage = imageProxy.image
if (mediaImage != null && mediaImage.format == ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) {
croppedBitmap(mediaImage, imageProxy.cropRect).let { bitmap ->
requestDetectInImage(InputImage.fromBitmap(bitmap, rotation))
.addOnCompleteListener { imageProxy.close() }
} else {
private fun croppedBitmap(mediaImage: Image, cropRect: Rect): Bitmap {
val yBuffer = mediaImage.planes[0].buffer // Y
val vuBuffer = mediaImage.planes[2].buffer // VU
val ySize = yBuffer.remaining()
val vuSize = vuBuffer.remaining()
val nv21 = ByteArray(ySize + vuSize)
yBuffer.get(nv21, 0, ySize)
vuBuffer.get(nv21, ySize, vuSize)
val yuvImage = YuvImage(nv21, ImageFormat.NV21, mediaImage.width, mediaImage.height, null)
val outputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
yuvImage.compressToJpeg(cropRect, 100, outputStream)
val imageBytes = outputStream.toByteArray()
return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.size)
Possibly there is a loss in conversion speed, but on my devices I did not notice the difference. I set 100 quality in method compressToJpeg, but mb if set less quality it can improve speed, it need test.
upd: May 02 '21 :
I found another way without convert to jpeg and then to bitmap. This should be a faster way.
Set viewport as previous.
Convert YUV_420_888 to NV21, then crop and analyze.
override fun analyze(imageProxy: ImageProxy) {
val mediaImage = imageProxy.image
if (mediaImage != null && mediaImage.format == ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) {
croppedNV21(mediaImage, imageProxy.cropRect).let { byteArray ->
.addOnCompleteListener { imageProxy.close() }
} else {
private fun croppedNV21(mediaImage: Image, cropRect: Rect): ByteArray {
val yBuffer = mediaImage.planes[0].buffer // Y
val vuBuffer = mediaImage.planes[2].buffer // VU
val ySize = yBuffer.remaining()
val vuSize = vuBuffer.remaining()
val nv21 = ByteArray(ySize + vuSize)
yBuffer.get(nv21, 0, ySize)
vuBuffer.get(nv21, ySize, vuSize)
return cropByteArray(nv21, mediaImage.width, cropRect)
private fun cropByteArray(array: ByteArray, imageWidth: Int, cropRect: Rect): ByteArray {
val croppedArray = ByteArray(cropRect.width() * cropRect.height())
var i = 0
array.forEachIndexed { index, byte ->
val x = index % imageWidth
val y = index / imageWidth
if (cropRect.left <= x && x < cropRect.right && <= y && y < cropRect.bottom) {
croppedArray[i] = byte
return croppedArray
First crop fun I took from here: Android: How to crop images using CameraX?
And I found also another crop fun, it seems that it is more complicated:
private fun cropByteArray(src: ByteArray, width: Int, height: Int, cropRect: Rect, ): ByteArray {
val x = cropRect.left * 2 / 2
val y = * 2 / 2
val w = cropRect.width() * 2 / 2
val h = cropRect.height() * 2 / 2
val yUnit = w * h
val uv = yUnit / 2
val nData = ByteArray(yUnit + uv)
val uvIndexDst = w * h - y / 2 * w
val uvIndexSrc = width * height + x
var srcPos0 = y * width
var destPos0 = 0
var uvSrcPos0 = uvIndexSrc
var uvDestPos0 = uvIndexDst
for (i in y until y + h) {
System.arraycopy(src, srcPos0 + x, nData, destPos0, w) //y memory block copy
srcPos0 += width
destPos0 += w
if (i and 1 == 0) {
System.arraycopy(src, uvSrcPos0, nData, uvDestPos0, w) //uv memory block copy
uvSrcPos0 += width
uvDestPos0 += w
return nData
Second crop fun I took from here:
I would be glad if someone can help improve the code.
I'm still improving the way to do it. But this will work for me now
CameraX crop image before sending to analyze
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" /></androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout>
Cropping an image into 1:1 before passing it to analyze
override fun onCaptureSuccess(image: ImageProxy) {
var bitmap: Bitmap = imageProxyToBitmap(image)
val dimension: Int = min(bitmap.width, bitmap.height)
bitmap = ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail(bitmap, dimension, dimension)
imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap) //Here you can pass the crop[from the center] image to analyze
**Function for converting into bitmap **
private fun imageProxyToBitmap(image: ImageProxy): Bitmap {
val buffer: ByteBuffer = image.planes[0].buffer
val bytes = ByteArray(buffer.remaining())
return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.size)
You would use ImageProxy.SetCroprect to get the rect and then use CropRect to set it.
For example if you had imageProxy, you would do : ImageProxy.setCropRect(Rect) and then you would do ImageProxy.CropRect.

Is it possible to process data of camerax preview before displaying it?

I would like to process the image that is displayed in preview and display display the processed version.
I've tried modifying it using the imageProxy in analyzer, but that does not seem to be doing anything.
I know that older camera apis are able to do it, but CameraX does not seem to have the apis.
No, this flow is not supported by cameraX. Actually, this use case has never
been supported by any Android camera API. What you have to do, is create your own renderer (preferably, OpenGL), hide the native preview surface, and send the modified frames to your renderer.
Hope this will help:
val mediaImage = imageProxy.image ?: return
var bitmap = ImageUtils.convertYuv420888ImageToBitmap(mediaImage)
val rotationDegrees = imageProxy.imageInfo.rotationDegrees
val matrix = Matrix()
bitmap =
Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, mediaImage.width, mediaImage.height, matrix, true)
val cropHeight = if (bitmap.width < previewView.width) {
// if preview area larger than analysing image
val koeff = bitmap.width.toFloat() / previewView.width.toFloat()
previewView.height.toFloat() * koeff
} else {
// if preview area smaller than analysing image
val prc = 100 - (previewView.width.toFloat() / (bitmap.width.toFloat() / 100f))
previewView.height + ((previewView.height.toFloat() / 100f) * prc)
val cropTop = (bitmap.height / 2) - ((cropHeight) / 2)
if (cropTop > 0) {
Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, cropTop.toInt(), bitmap.width, cropHeight.toInt())
.also { process(it, imageProxy) }
} else {
imageProxy.image?.let { process(it, imageProxy) }

Camera X captures images in different rotation states

Okay, I went through different posts and find out that depending on mobile manufacturers there can be a complications such as capture images get rotated, so you have to be aware of that. What I did was:
fun rotateBitmap(bitmap: Bitmap): Bitmap? {
val matrix = Matrix()
when (getImageOrientation(bitmap)) {
ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL -> return bitmap
ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_FLIP_HORIZONTAL -> matrix.setScale(-1f, 1f)
ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270 -> matrix.setRotate(-90f)
ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180 -> matrix.setRotate(180f)
ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90 -> matrix.setRotate(90f)
matrix.postScale(-1f, 1f)
matrix.postScale(-1f, 1f)
matrix.postScale(-1f, 1f)
else -> return bitmap
This worked. But then I noticed something really weird and that might be related with how I configured Camera X configuration.
With the same device I get differently rotated Bitmaps (well, this should not happen. If devices rotates image weirdly, it should rotate images in both modes - in ImageAnalysesUseCase and ImageCaptureUseCase).
So, why is this happening and how can I fix it?
Code implementation:
Binding camera X to life-cycle:
Preview use case:
private fun buildPreviewUseCase(): Preview {
val previewConfig = PreviewConfig.Builder()
return, cameraTextureView)
Capture use case:
private fun buildImageCaptureUseCase(): ImageCapture {
val captureConfig = ImageCaptureConfig.Builder()
val capture = ImageCapture(captureConfig)
manualModeTakePhotoButton.setOnClickListener {
capture.takePicture(object : ImageCapture.OnImageCapturedListener() {
override fun onCaptureSuccess(imageProxy: ImageProxy, rotationDegrees: Int) {
viewModel.onManualCameraModeAnalysis(imageProxy, rotationDegrees)
override fun onError(useCaseError: ImageCapture.UseCaseError?, message: String?, cause: Throwable?) {
return capture
Analysis use case:
private fun buildImageAnalysisUseCase(): ImageAnalysis {
val analysisConfig = ImageAnalysisConfig.Builder().apply {
val analyzerThread = HandlerThread("xAnalyzer").apply { start() }
analyzerHandler = Handler(analyzerThread.looper)
val analysis = ImageAnalysis(analysisConfig)
analysis.analyzer = ImageRecognitionAnalyzer(viewModel)
return analysis
class AutoFitPreviewBuilder private constructor(config: PreviewConfig,
viewFinderRef: WeakReference<TextureView>) {
/** Public instance of preview use-case which can be used by consumers of this adapter */
val useCase: Preview
/** Internal variable used to keep track of the use-case's output rotation */
private var bufferRotation: Int = 0
/** Internal variable used to keep track of the view's rotation */
private var viewFinderRotation: Int? = null
/** Internal variable used to keep track of the use-case's output dimension */
private var bufferDimens: Size = Size(0, 0)
/** Internal variable used to keep track of the view's dimension */
private var viewFinderDimens: Size = Size(0, 0)
/** Internal variable used to keep track of the view's display */
private var viewFinderDisplay: Int = -1
/** Internal reference of the [DisplayManager] */
private lateinit var displayManager: DisplayManager
* We need a display listener for orientation changes that do not trigger a configuration
* change, for example if we choose to override config change in manifest or for 180-degree
* orientation changes.
private val displayListener = object : DisplayManager.DisplayListener {
override fun onDisplayAdded(displayId: Int) = Unit
override fun onDisplayRemoved(displayId: Int) = Unit
override fun onDisplayChanged(displayId: Int) {
val viewFinder = viewFinderRef.get() ?: return
if (displayId == viewFinderDisplay) {
val display = displayManager.getDisplay(displayId)
val rotation = getDisplaySurfaceRotation(display)
updateTransform(viewFinder, rotation, bufferDimens, viewFinderDimens)
init {
// Make sure that the view finder reference is valid
val viewFinder = viewFinderRef.get() ?:
throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid reference to view finder used")
// Initialize the display and rotation from texture view information
viewFinderDisplay = viewFinder.display.displayId
viewFinderRotation = getDisplaySurfaceRotation(viewFinder.display) ?: 0
// Initialize public use-case with the given config
useCase = Preview(config)
// Every time the view finder is updated, recompute layout
useCase.onPreviewOutputUpdateListener = Preview.OnPreviewOutputUpdateListener {
val viewFinder =
viewFinderRef.get() ?: return#OnPreviewOutputUpdateListener
// To update the SurfaceTexture, we have to remove it and re-add it
val parent = viewFinder.parent as ViewGroup
parent.addView(viewFinder, 0)
viewFinder.surfaceTexture = it.surfaceTexture
bufferRotation = it.rotationDegrees
val rotation = getDisplaySurfaceRotation(viewFinder.display)
updateTransform(viewFinder, rotation, it.textureSize, viewFinderDimens)
// Every time the provided texture view changes, recompute layout
viewFinder.addOnLayoutChangeListener { view, left, top, right, bottom, _, _, _, _ ->
val viewFinder = view as TextureView
val newViewFinderDimens = Size(right - left, bottom - top)
val rotation = getDisplaySurfaceRotation(viewFinder.display)
updateTransform(viewFinder, rotation, bufferDimens, newViewFinderDimens)
// Every time the orientation of device changes, recompute layout
displayManager = viewFinder.context
.getSystemService(Context.DISPLAY_SERVICE) as DisplayManager
displayManager.registerDisplayListener(displayListener, null)
// Remove the display listeners when the view is detached to avoid
// holding a reference to the View outside of a Fragment.
// NOTE: Even though using a weak reference should take care of this,
// we still try to avoid unnecessary calls to the listener this way.
viewFinder.addOnAttachStateChangeListener(object : View.OnAttachStateChangeListener {
override fun onViewAttachedToWindow(view: View?) {
displayManager.registerDisplayListener(displayListener, null)
override fun onViewDetachedFromWindow(view: View?) {
/** Helper function that fits a camera preview into the given [TextureView] */
private fun updateTransform(textureView: TextureView?, rotation: Int?, newBufferDimens: Size,
newViewFinderDimens: Size) {
// This should not happen anyway, but now the linter knows
val textureView = textureView ?: return
if (rotation == viewFinderRotation &&
Objects.equals(newBufferDimens, bufferDimens) &&
Objects.equals(newViewFinderDimens, viewFinderDimens)) {
// Nothing has changed, no need to transform output again
if (rotation == null) {
// Invalid rotation - wait for valid inputs before setting matrix
} else {
// Update internal field with new inputs
viewFinderRotation = rotation
if (newBufferDimens.width == 0 || newBufferDimens.height == 0) {
// Invalid buffer dimens - wait for valid inputs before setting matrix
} else {
// Update internal field with new inputs
bufferDimens = newBufferDimens
if (newViewFinderDimens.width == 0 || newViewFinderDimens.height == 0) {
// Invalid view finder dimens - wait for valid inputs before setting matrix
} else {
// Update internal field with new inputs
viewFinderDimens = newViewFinderDimens
val matrix = Matrix()
// Compute the center of the view finder
val centerX = viewFinderDimens.width / 2f
val centerY = viewFinderDimens.height / 2f
// Correct preview output to account for display rotation
matrix.postRotate(-viewFinderRotation!!.toFloat(), centerX, centerY)
// Buffers are rotated relative to the device's 'natural' orientation: swap width and height
val bufferRatio = bufferDimens.height / bufferDimens.width.toFloat()
val scaledWidth: Int
val scaledHeight: Int
// Match longest sides together -- i.e. apply center-crop transformation
if (viewFinderDimens.width > viewFinderDimens.height) {
scaledHeight = viewFinderDimens.width
scaledWidth = Math.round(viewFinderDimens.width * bufferRatio)
} else {
scaledHeight = viewFinderDimens.height
scaledWidth = Math.round(viewFinderDimens.height * bufferRatio)
// Compute the relative scale value
val xScale = scaledWidth / viewFinderDimens.width.toFloat()
val yScale = scaledHeight / viewFinderDimens.height.toFloat()
// Scale input buffers to fill the view finder
matrix.preScale(xScale, yScale, centerX, centerY)
// Finally, apply transformations to our TextureView
companion object {
/** Helper function that gets the rotation of a [Display] in degrees */
fun getDisplaySurfaceRotation(display: Display?) = when(display?.rotation) {
Surface.ROTATION_0 -> 0
Surface.ROTATION_90 -> 90
Surface.ROTATION_180 -> 180
Surface.ROTATION_270 -> 270
else -> null
* Main entrypoint for users of this class: instantiates the adapter and returns an instance
* of [Preview] which automatically adjusts in size and rotation to compensate for
* config changes.
fun build(config: PreviewConfig, viewFinder: TextureView) =
AutoFitPreviewBuilder(config, WeakReference(viewFinder)).useCase
If configuration is correct (it looks okay to me), then next idea was that maybe converting captured images objects to bitmap might be faulty. Below you can see implementation.
Capture mode uses this function:
fun imageProxyToBitmap(image: ImageProxy): Bitmap {
val buffer: ByteBuffer = image.planes[0].buffer
val bytes = ByteArray(buffer.remaining())
return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.size)
Analysis mode uses this function:
fun toBitmapFromImage(image: Image?): Bitmap? {
try {
if (image == null || image.planes[0] == null || image.planes[1] == null || image.planes[2] == null) {
return null
val yBuffer = image.planes[0].buffer
val uBuffer = image.planes[1].buffer
val vBuffer = image.planes[2].buffer
val ySize = yBuffer.remaining()
val uSize = uBuffer.remaining()
val vSize = vBuffer.remaining()
val nv21 = ByteArray(ySize + uSize + vSize)
/* U and V are swapped */
yBuffer.get(nv21, 0, ySize)
vBuffer.get(nv21, ySize, vSize)
uBuffer.get(nv21, ySize + vSize, uSize)
val yuvImage = YuvImage(nv21, ImageFormat.NV21, image.width, image.height, null)
val out = ByteArrayOutputStream()
yuvImage.compressToJpeg(Rect(0, 0, yuvImage.width, yuvImage.height), 50, out)
val imageBytes = out.toByteArray()
return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.size)
} catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
Log.e("IllegalStateException", "#ImageUtils.toBitmapFromImage(): Can't read the image file.")
return null
So, weirdly, on few devices toBitmapFromImage() sometimes comes up upwards, but at the same time (same device) imageProxyToBitmap() returns image in correct rotation - it has to be the image to bitmap functions fault, right?Why is this happening (because capture mode returns image normally) and how to fix this?
Inside onImageCaptureSuccess, get the rotationDegrees and rotate your bitmap by that degree to get the correct orientation.
override fun onImageCaptureSuccess(image: ImageProxy) {
val capturedImageBitmap = image.image?.toBitmap()?.rotate(image.imageInfo.rotationDegrees.toFloat())
mCurrentFlow = FLOW_CAMERA
toBitmap() and rotate() are extension functions.
fun Image.toBitmap(): Bitmap {
val buffer = planes[0].buffer
val bytes = ByteArray(buffer.capacity())
return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.size)
fun Bitmap.rotate(degrees: Float): Bitmap =
Bitmap.createBitmap(this, 0, 0, width, height, Matrix().apply { postRotate(degrees) }, true)
CameraX returns the captured image with a rotation value in the callback, which can be used to rotate the image.,%20int)
For Analyzer UseCases, you have to get rotationDegree coming through analyze method of ImageAnalysis.Analyzer and work accordingly.
Hope it helps!

How to have similar mechanism of center-crop on ExoPlayer's PlayerView , but not on the center?

We record a video of the user's face, and usually the face is located at the upper half of the video.
Later we wish to view the video, but the aspect ratio of the PlayerView might be different than the one of the video, so there needs to be some scaling and cropping.
The problem
The only way I've found to scale the PlayerView so that it will be shown in the entire space it has but keeping the aspect ratio (which will result in cropping when needed, of course) , is by using app:resize_mode="zoom" . Here's a sample of how it works with center-crop: . The more the Views that show the content have a similar aspect ratio, the less cropping is needed.
But this is only for the center, meaning it takes a point of 0.5x0.5 of the video, and scale-crops from that point. This causes many cases of losing the important content of the video.
For example, if we have a video that was taken in portrait, and we have a square PlayerView and want to show the top area, this is the part that will be visible:
Of course, if the content itself is square, and the views are also square, it should show the entire content, without cropping.
What I've tried
I've tried searching over the Internet, StackOverflow (here) and on Github, but I couldn't find how to do it. The only clue I've found is about AspectRatioFrameLayout and AspectRatioTextureView, but I didn't find how to use them for this task, if it's even possible.
I was told (here) that I should use a normal TextureView , and provide it directly to SimpleExoPlayer using SimpleExoPlayer.setVideoTextureView. And to set a special transformation to it using TextureView.setTransform.
After a lot of trying what is best to use (and looking at video-crop repository , SuperImageView repository , and JCropImageView repository which have examples of scale/crop of ImageView and video), I've published a working sample that seems to show the video correctly, but I'm still not sure about it, as I also use an ImageView that's shown on top of it before it starts playing (to have a nicer transition instead of black content).
Here's the current code:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val imageResId = R.drawable.test
private val videoResId = R.raw.test
private val percentageY = 0.2f
private var player: SimpleExoPlayer? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
if (cache == null) {
cache = SimpleCache(File(cacheDir, "media"), LeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor(MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES))
// imageView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
imageView.doOnPreDraw {
imageView.imageMatrix = prepareMatrixForImageView(imageView, imageView.drawable.intrinsicWidth.toFloat(), imageView.drawable.intrinsicHeight.toFloat())
// imageView.imageMatrix = prepareMatrix(imageView, imageView.drawable.intrinsicWidth.toFloat(), imageView.drawable.intrinsicHeight.toFloat())
// imageView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
override fun onStart() {
private fun prepareMatrix(view: View, contentWidth: Float, contentHeight: Float): Matrix {
var scaleX = 1.0f
var scaleY = 1.0f
val viewWidth = view.measuredWidth.toFloat()
val viewHeight = view.measuredHeight.toFloat()
Log.d("AppLog", "viewWidth $viewWidth viewHeight $viewHeight contentWidth:$contentWidth contentHeight:$contentHeight")
if (contentWidth > viewWidth && contentHeight > viewHeight) {
scaleX = contentWidth / viewWidth
scaleY = contentHeight / viewHeight
} else if (contentWidth < viewWidth && contentHeight < viewHeight) {
scaleY = viewWidth / contentWidth
scaleX = viewHeight / contentHeight
} else if (viewWidth > contentWidth)
scaleY = viewWidth / contentWidth / (viewHeight / contentHeight)
else if (viewHeight > contentHeight)
scaleX = viewHeight / contentHeight / (viewWidth / contentWidth)
val matrix = Matrix()
val pivotPercentageX = 0.5f
val pivotPercentageY = percentageY
matrix.setScale(scaleX, scaleY, viewWidth * pivotPercentageX, viewHeight * pivotPercentageY)
return matrix
private fun prepareMatrixForVideo(view: View, contentWidth: Float, contentHeight: Float): Matrix {
val msWidth = view.measuredWidth
val msHeight = view.measuredHeight
val matrix = Matrix()
matrix.setScale(1f, (contentHeight / contentWidth) * (msWidth.toFloat() / msHeight), msWidth / 2f, percentageY * msHeight) /*,msWidth/2f,msHeight/2f*/
return matrix
private fun prepareMatrixForImageView(view: View, contentWidth: Float, contentHeight: Float): Matrix {
val dw = contentWidth
val dh = contentHeight
val msWidth = view.measuredWidth
val msHeight = view.measuredHeight
// Log.d("AppLog", "viewWidth $msWidth viewHeight $msHeight contentWidth:$contentWidth contentHeight:$contentHeight")
val scalew = msWidth.toFloat() / dw
val theoryh = (dh * scalew).toInt()
val scaleh = msHeight.toFloat() / dh
val theoryw = (dw * scaleh).toInt()
val scale: Float
var dx = 0
var dy = 0
if (scalew > scaleh) { // fit width
scale = scalew
// dy = ((msHeight - theoryh) * 0.0f + 0.5f).toInt() // + 0.5f for rounding
} else {
scale = scaleh
dx = ((msWidth - theoryw) * 0.5f + 0.5f).toInt() // + 0.5f for rounding
dy = ((msHeight - theoryh) * percentageY + 0.5f).toInt() // + 0.5f for rounding
val matrix = Matrix()
// Log.d("AppLog", "scale:$scale dx:$dx dy:$dy")
matrix.setScale(scale, scale)
matrix.postTranslate(dx.toFloat(), dy.toFloat())
return matrix
private fun playVideo() {
player = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(this#MainActivity, DefaultTrackSelector())
player!!.addVideoListener(object : VideoListener {
override fun onVideoSizeChanged(width: Int, height: Int, unappliedRotationDegrees: Int, pixelWidthHeightRatio: Float) {
super.onVideoSizeChanged(width, height, unappliedRotationDegrees, pixelWidthHeightRatio)
Log.d("AppLog", "onVideoSizeChanged: $width $height")
val videoWidth = if (unappliedRotationDegrees % 180 == 0) width else height
val videoHeight = if (unappliedRotationDegrees % 180 == 0) height else width
val matrix = prepareMatrixForVideo(textureView, videoWidth.toFloat(), videoHeight.toFloat())
override fun onRenderedFirstFrame() {
Log.d("AppLog", "onRenderedFirstFrame")
// imageView.animate().alpha(0f).setDuration(5000).start()
imageView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
player!!.volume = 0f
player!!.repeatMode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ALL
player!!.playRawVideo(this, videoResId)
player!!.playWhenReady = true
// player!!.playVideoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)
// player!!.playVideoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)
// player!!.playVideoFromUrl(this#MainActivity, "")
override fun onStop() {
// playerView.player = null
player = null
companion object {
const val MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 20L * 1024L * 1024L
var cache: = null
fun getUserAgent(context: Context): String {
val packageManager = context.packageManager
val info = packageManager.getPackageInfo(context.packageName, 0)
val appName = info.applicationInfo.loadLabel(packageManager).toString()
return Util.getUserAgent(context, appName)
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playRawVideo(context: Context, #RawRes rawVideoRes: Int) {
val dataSpec = DataSpec(RawResourceDataSource.buildRawResourceUri(rawVideoRes))
val rawResourceDataSource = RawResourceDataSource(context)
val factory: DataSource.Factory = DataSource.Factory { rawResourceDataSource }
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVideoFromUrl(context: Context, url: String, cache: Cache? = null) = playVideoFromUri(context, Uri.parse(url), cache)
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVideoFile(context: Context, file: File) = playVideoFromUri(context, Uri.fromFile(file))
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVideoFromUri(context: Context, uri: Uri, cache: Cache? = null) {
val factory = if (cache != null)
CacheDataSourceFactory(cache, DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory(getUserAgent(context)))
DefaultDataSourceFactory(context, MainActivity.getUserAgent(context))
val mediaSource = ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(factory).createMediaSource(uri)
I had various issues on trying this till I got to the current situation, and I've updated this question multiple times accordingly. Now it even works with the percentageY I talked about, so I could set it to be from 20% of the top of the video, if I wish. However, I still think that it has a big chance that something is wrong, because when I tried to set it to 50% , I've noticed that the content might not fit the entire View.
I even looked at the source code of ImageView (here), to see how center-crop is used. When applied to the ImageView, it still worked as center-crop, but when I used the same technique on the video, it gave me a very wrong result.
The questions
My goal here was to show both ImageView and the video so that it will smoothly transition from a static image to a video. All that while having both have the top-scale-crop of 20% from the top (for example). I've published a sample project here to try it out and share people of what I've found.
So now my questions are around why this doesn't seem to work well for the imageView and/or video :
As it turns out, none of the matrix creations that I've tried work well for either ImageView or the video. What's wrong with it exactly? How can I change it for them to look the same? To scale-crop from the top 20%, for example?
I tried to use the exact matrix for both, but it seems each need it differently, even though both have the exact same size and content size. Why would I need a different matrix for each?
EDIT: after this question was answered, I've decided to make a small sample of how to use it (Github repository available here) :
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.TextureView
import android.view.View
import androidx.annotation.RawRes
import androidx.core.view.doOnPreDraw
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
companion object {
private val FOCAL_POINT = PointF(0.5f, 0.2f)
private const val IMAGE_RES_ID = R.drawable.test
private const val VIDEO_RES_ID = R.raw.test
private var cache: Cache? = null
private const val MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 20L * 1024L * 1024L
fun getUserAgent(context: Context): String {
val packageManager = context.packageManager
val info = packageManager.getPackageInfo(context.packageName, 0)
val appName = info.applicationInfo.loadLabel(packageManager).toString()
return Util.getUserAgent(context, appName)
private var player: SimpleExoPlayer? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
if (cache == null)
cache = SimpleCache(File(cacheDir, "media"), LeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor(MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES))
// imageView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
private fun prepareMatrix(view: View, mediaWidth: Float, mediaHeight: Float, focalPoint: PointF): Matrix? {
if (view.visibility == View.GONE)
return null
val viewHeight = (view.height - view.paddingTop - view.paddingBottom).toFloat()
val viewWidth = (view.width - view.paddingStart - view.paddingEnd).toFloat()
if (viewWidth <= 0 || viewHeight <= 0)
return null
val matrix = Matrix()
if (view is TextureView)
// Restore true media size for further manipulation.
matrix.setScale(mediaWidth / viewWidth, mediaHeight / viewHeight)
val scaleFactorY = viewHeight / mediaHeight
val scaleFactor: Float
var px = 0f
var py = 0f
if (mediaWidth * scaleFactorY >= viewWidth) {
// Fit height
scaleFactor = scaleFactorY
px = -(mediaWidth * scaleFactor - viewWidth) * focalPoint.x / (1 - scaleFactor)
} else {
// Fit width
scaleFactor = viewWidth / mediaWidth
py = -(mediaHeight * scaleFactor - viewHeight) * focalPoint.y / (1 - scaleFactor)
matrix.postScale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, px, py)
return matrix
private fun playVideo() {
player = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(this#MainActivity, DefaultTrackSelector())
player!!.addVideoListener(object : VideoListener {
override fun onVideoSizeChanged(videoWidth: Int, videoHeight: Int, unappliedRotationDegrees: Int, pixelWidthHeightRatio: Float) {
super.onVideoSizeChanged(videoWidth, videoHeight, unappliedRotationDegrees, pixelWidthHeightRatio)
textureView.setTransform(prepareMatrix(textureView, videoWidth.toFloat(), videoHeight.toFloat(), FOCAL_POINT))
override fun onRenderedFirstFrame() {
// Log.d("AppLog", "onRenderedFirstFrame")
// imageView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
player!!.volume = 0f
player!!.repeatMode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ALL
player!!.playRawVideo(this, VIDEO_RES_ID)
player!!.playWhenReady = true
// player!!.playVideoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)
// player!!.playVideoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)
// player!!.playVideoFromUrl(this#MainActivity, "")
override fun onStart() {
imageView.doOnPreDraw {
val imageWidth: Float = imageView.drawable.intrinsicWidth.toFloat()
val imageHeight: Float = imageView.drawable.intrinsicHeight.toFloat()
imageView.imageMatrix = prepareMatrix(imageView, imageWidth, imageHeight, FOCAL_POINT)
override fun onStop() {
if (player != null) {
// playerView.player = null
player = null
override fun onDestroy() {
if (!isChangingConfigurations)
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playRawVideo(context: Context, #RawRes rawVideoRes: Int) {
val dataSpec = DataSpec(RawResourceDataSource.buildRawResourceUri(rawVideoRes))
val rawResourceDataSource = RawResourceDataSource(context)
val factory: DataSource.Factory = DataSource.Factory { rawResourceDataSource }
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVideoFromUrl(context: Context, url: String, cache: Cache? = null) = playVideoFromUri(context, Uri.parse(url), cache)
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVideoFile(context: Context, file: File) = playVideoFromUri(context, Uri.fromFile(file))
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVideoFromUri(context: Context, uri: Uri, cache: Cache? = null) {
val factory = if (cache != null)
CacheDataSourceFactory(cache, DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory(getUserAgent(context)))
DefaultDataSourceFactory(context, MainActivity.getUserAgent(context))
val mediaSource = ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(factory).createMediaSource(uri)
Here's a solution for ImageView alone, if needed:
class ScaleCropImageView(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?) : AppCompatImageView(context, attrs) {
var focalPoint = PointF(0.5f, 0.5f)
set(value) {
field = value
private val viewWidth: Float
get() = (width - paddingLeft - paddingRight).toFloat()
private val viewHeight: Float
get() = (height - paddingTop - paddingBottom).toFloat()
init {
scaleType = ScaleType.MATRIX
override fun onSizeChanged(w: Int, h: Int, oldw: Int, oldh: Int) {
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh)
override fun setImageDrawable(drawable: Drawable?) {
fun updateMatrix() {
if (scaleType != ImageView.ScaleType.MATRIX)
val dr = drawable ?: return
imageMatrix = prepareMatrix(
viewWidth, viewHeight,
dr.intrinsicWidth.toFloat(), dr.intrinsicHeight.toFloat(), focalPoint, Matrix()
private fun prepareMatrix(
viewWidth: Float, viewHeight: Float, mediaWidth: Float, mediaHeight: Float,
focalPoint: PointF, matrix: Matrix
): Matrix? {
if (viewWidth <= 0 || viewHeight <= 0)
return null
var scaleFactor = viewHeight / mediaHeight
if (mediaWidth * scaleFactor >= viewWidth) {
// Fit height
matrix.postScale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, -(mediaWidth * scaleFactor - viewWidth) * focalPoint.x / (1 - scaleFactor), 0f)
} else {
// Fit width
scaleFactor = viewWidth / mediaWidth
matrix.postScale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, 0f, -(mediaHeight * scaleFactor - viewHeight) * focalPoint.y / (1 - scaleFactor))
return matrix
The question is how to manipulate an image like ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP but to shift the focus from the center to another location that is 20% from the top of the image. First, let's look at what CENTER_CROP does:
From the documentation:
Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding). The image is then centered in the view. From XML, use this syntax: android:scaleType="centerCrop".
In other words, scale the image without distortion such that either the width or height of the image (or both width and height) fit within the view so that the view is completely filled with the image (no gaps.)
Another way to think of this is that the center of the image is "pinned" to the center of the view. The image is then scaled to meet the criteria above.
In the following video, the white lines mark the center of the image; the red lines mark the center of the view. The scale type is CENTER_CROP. Notice how the center points of the image and the view coincide. As the view changes size, these two points continue to overlap and always appear at the center of the view regardless of the view size.
So, what does it mean to have center crop-like behavior at a different location such as 20% from the top? Like center crop, we can specify that the point that is 20% from the top of the image and the point that 20% from the top of the view will be "pinned" like the 50% point is "pinned" in center crop. The horizontal location of this point remains at 50% of the image and view. The image can now be scaled to satisfy the other conditions of center crop which specify that either the width and/or height of the image will fit the view with no gaps. (Size of view is understood to be the view size less padding.)
Here is a short video of this 20% crop behavior. In this video, the white lines show the middle of the image, the red lines show the pinned point in the view and the blue line that shows behind the horizontal red line identifies 20% from the top of the image. (Demo project is on GitHub.
Here is the result showing the full image that was supplied and the video in a square frame that transition from the still image. .
prepareMatrix() is the method that does the work to determine how to scale/crop the image. There is some additional work to be done with the video since it appears that the video is made to fit the TextureViewas a scale type "FIT_XY" when it is assigned to the TextureView. Because of this scaling, the media size must be restored before prepareMatrix() is called for the video
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val imageResId = R.drawable.test
private val videoResId = R.raw.test
private var player: SimpleExoPlayer? = null
private val mFocalPoint = PointF(0.5f, 0.2f)
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
if (cache == null) {
cache = SimpleCache(File(cacheDir, "media"), LeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor(MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES))
// imageView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
imageView.doOnPreDraw {
imageView.scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.MATRIX
val imageWidth: Float = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, imageResId)!!.intrinsicWidth.toFloat()
val imageHeight: Float = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, imageResId)!!.intrinsicHeight.toFloat()
imageView.imageMatrix = prepareMatrix(imageView, imageWidth, imageHeight, mFocalPoint, Matrix())
val b = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, imageResId)
val d = BitmapDrawable(resources, b.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true))
val c = Canvas(d.bitmap)
val p = Paint()
p.color = resources.getColor(android.R.color.holo_red_dark) = Paint.Style.STROKE
val strokeWidth = 10
p.strokeWidth = strokeWidth.toFloat()
// Horizontal line
c.drawLine(0f, imageHeight * mFocalPoint.y, imageWidth, imageHeight * mFocalPoint.y, p)
// Vertical line
c.drawLine(imageWidth * mFocalPoint.x, 0f, imageWidth * mFocalPoint.x, imageHeight, p)
// Line in horizontal and vertical center
p.color = resources.getColor(android.R.color.white)
c.drawLine(imageWidth / 2, 0f, imageWidth / 2, imageHeight, p)
c.drawLine(0f, imageHeight / 2, imageWidth, imageHeight / 2, p)
fun startPlay(view: View) {
private fun getViewWidth(view: View): Float {
return (view.width - view.paddingStart - view.paddingEnd).toFloat()
private fun getViewHeight(view: View): Float {
return (view.height - view.paddingTop - view.paddingBottom).toFloat()
private fun prepareMatrix(targetView: View, mediaWidth: Float, mediaHeight: Float,
focalPoint: PointF, matrix: Matrix): Matrix {
if (targetView.visibility != View.VISIBLE) {
return matrix
val viewHeight = getViewHeight(targetView)
val viewWidth = getViewWidth(targetView)
val scaleFactorY = viewHeight / mediaHeight
val scaleFactor: Float
val px: Float
val py: Float
if (mediaWidth * scaleFactorY >= viewWidth) {
// Fit height
scaleFactor = scaleFactorY
px = -(mediaWidth * scaleFactor - viewWidth) * focalPoint.x / (1 - scaleFactor)
py = 0f
} else {
// Fit width
scaleFactor = viewWidth / mediaWidth
px = 0f
py = -(mediaHeight * scaleFactor - viewHeight) * focalPoint.y / (1 - scaleFactor)
matrix.postScale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, px, py)
return matrix
private fun playVideo() {
player = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(this#MainActivity, DefaultTrackSelector())
player!!.addVideoListener(object : VideoListener {
override fun onVideoSizeChanged(width: Int, height: Int, unappliedRotationDegrees: Int, pixelWidthHeightRatio: Float) {
super.onVideoSizeChanged(width, height, unappliedRotationDegrees, pixelWidthHeightRatio)
val matrix = Matrix()
// Restore true media size for further manipulation.
matrix.setScale(width / getViewWidth(textureView), height / getViewHeight(textureView))
textureView.setTransform(prepareMatrix(textureView, width.toFloat(), height.toFloat(), mFocalPoint, matrix))
override fun onRenderedFirstFrame() {
Log.d("AppLog", "onRenderedFirstFrame")
imageView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
player!!.volume = 0f
player!!.repeatMode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ALL
player!!.playRawVideo(this, videoResId)
player!!.playWhenReady = true
// player!!.playVideoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)
// player!!.playVideoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)
// player!!.playVideoFromUrl(this#MainActivity, "")
override fun onStop() {
if (player != null) {
// playerView.player = null
player = null
companion object {
const val MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 20L * 1024L * 1024L
var cache: = null
fun getUserAgent(context: Context): String {
val packageManager = context.packageManager
val info = packageManager.getPackageInfo(context.packageName, 0)
val appName = info.applicationInfo.loadLabel(packageManager).toString()
return Util.getUserAgent(context, appName)
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playRawVideo(context: Context, #RawRes rawVideoRes: Int) {
val dataSpec = DataSpec(RawResourceDataSource.buildRawResourceUri(rawVideoRes))
val rawResourceDataSource = RawResourceDataSource(context)
val factory: DataSource.Factory = DataSource.Factory { rawResourceDataSource }
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVideoFromUrl(context: Context, url: String, cache: Cache? = null) = playVideoFromUri(context, Uri.parse(url), cache)
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVideoFile(context: Context, file: File) = playVideoFromUri(context, Uri.fromFile(file))
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVideoFromUri(context: Context, uri: Uri, cache: Cache? = null) {
val factory = if (cache != null)
CacheDataSourceFactory(cache, DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory(getUserAgent(context)))
DefaultDataSourceFactory(context, MainActivity.getUserAgent(context))
val mediaSource = ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(factory).createMediaSource(uri)
you can use app:resize_mode="zoom" in
I had a similar problem and solved it by applying transformations on the TextureView whose Surface is used by ExoPlayer:
player.addVideoListener(object : VideoListener {
override fun onVideoSizeChanged(
videoWidth: Int,
videoHeight: Int,
unappliedRotationDegrees: Int,
pixelWidthHeightRatio: Float,
) {
val viewWidth: Int = textureView.width - textureView.paddingStart - textureView.paddingEnd
val viewHeight: Int = textureView.height - textureView.paddingTop - textureView.paddingBottom
if (videoWidth == viewWidth && videoHeight == viewHeight) {
val matrix = Matrix().apply {
// TextureView makes a best effort in fitting the video inside the View. The first transformation we apply is for reverting the fitting.
videoWidth.toFloat() / viewWidth,
videoHeight.toFloat() / viewHeight,
// This algorithm is from ImageView's CENTER_CROP transformation
val offset = 0.5f // the center in CENTER_CROP but you probably want a different value here
val scale: Float
val dx: Float
val dy: Float
if (videoWidth * viewHeight > viewWidth * videoHeight) {
scale = viewHeight.toFloat() / videoHeight
dx = (viewWidth - videoWidth * scale) * offset
dy = 0f
} else {
scale = viewWidth.toFloat() / videoWidth
dx = 0f
dy = (viewHeight - videoHeight * scale) * offset
setTransform(matrix.apply {
postScale(scale, scale)
postTranslate(dx, dy)
Note that unless you're using DefaultRenderersFactory you need to make sure that your video Renderer actually calls onVideoSizeChanged by for instance creating the factory like so:
val renderersFactory = RenderersFactory { handler, videoListener, _, _, _, _ ->
// Allows other renderers to be removed by R8
MediaCodecAudioRenderer(context, MediaCodecSelector.DEFAULT),

How to calculate field of view in arcore?

Is there a property or method that can be used to access the field of view ("FoV", "angle of view") of the camera when working with arcore?
From some experimentation it appears the FoV is typically about 60 degrees, but presumably this will vary depending on the device hardware.
If it cannot be directly accessed, is there a way to instead calculate the FoV angle from any of the Camera object properties e.g. the view matrix?
ARCore library v1.8.0 doesn't return FoV value. Instead you can calculate it using Camera parameters:
val frame = session.update()
val camera =
val imageIntrinsics = camera.imageIntrinsics
val focalLength = imageIntrinsics.focalLength[0]
val size = imageIntrinsics.imageDimensions
val w = size[0]
val h = size[1]
val fovW = Math.toDegrees(2 * Math.atan(w / (focalLength * 2.0)))
val fovH = Math.toDegrees(2 * Math.atan(h / (focalLength * 2.0)))
Another solution with Camera2 API:
val cameraId = session.cameraConfig.cameraId
val cameraManager = context.getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE) as CameraManager
val characteristics = cameraManager.getCameraCharacteristics(cameraId)
val maxFocus = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.LENS_INFO_AVAILABLE_FOCAL_LENGTHS)
val size = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_INFO_PHYSICAL_SIZE)
val w = size.width
val h = size.height
val fovW = Math.toDegrees(2 * Math.atan(w / (maxFocus[0] * 2.0)))
val fovH = Math.toDegrees(2 * Math.atan(h / (maxFocus[0] * 2.0)))
Its available now within CameraIntrinsics class as getFocalLength()
The output is focal length in pixels which can be converted to degrees if image size is known.

