I'm struggling with the Jetpack Compose navigation. I'm following the NowInAndroid architecture, but I don't have the correct behaviour. I have 4 destinations in my bottomBar, one of them is a Feed-type one. In this one, it makes a call to Firebase Database to get multiple products. The problem is that everytime I change the destination (e.j -> SearchScreen) and go back to the Feed one, this (Feed) does not get restored and load all the data again. Someone know what is going on?
This is my navigateTo function ->
fun navigateToBottomBarRoute(route: String) {
val topLevelOptions = navOptions {
popUpTo(navController.graph.findStartDestination().id) {
saveState = true
launchSingleTop = true
restoreState = true
when (route) {
HomeSections.FEED.route -> navController.navigateToFeed(navOptions = topLevelOptions)
HomeSections.SEARCH.route -> navController.navigateToSearch(navOptions = topLevelOptions)
else -> {}
My Feed Screen ->
fun Feed(
onProductClick: (Long, String) -> Unit,
onNavigateTo: (String) -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
viewModel: FeedViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
val feedUiState: FeedScreenUiState by viewModel.uiState.collectAsStateWithLifecycle()
val productsCollections = getProductsCollections(feedUiState)
feedUiState = feedUiState,
productCollections = productsCollections,
onProductClick = onProductClick,
onNavigateTo = onNavigateTo,
onProductCreate = onProductCreate,
modifier = modifier,
The getProductsCollections function returns a list of ProductCollections
fun getProductsCollections(feedUiState: FeedScreenUiState): List<ProductCollection> {
val productCollection = ArrayList<ProductCollection>()
if (feedUiState.processors is FeedUiState.Success) productCollection.add(feedUiState.processors.productCollection)
if (feedUiState.motherboards is FeedUiState.Success) productCollection.add(feedUiState.motherboards.productCollection)
/** ........ **/
return productCollection
I already tried to make rememberable the val productsCollections = getProductsCollections(feedUiState) but does not even load the items.
I hope you guys can help me, thanks!!
I already tried to make rememberable the val productsCollections = getProductsCollections(feedUiState) but does not even load the items.
I want to restore the previous state of the FeedScreen and not reload everytime I change the destination in my bottomBar.
I have an issue with refreshing Compose Lazy List, based on changes in persistence.
The business case - I have a screen (Fragment) with MyObject list contains all objects, there is another screen with only favorites MyObjects. Both use the same Composable as a list element with name, description and "heart" icon to set/unset favorite flag.
On "all" list setting and unsetting favorite flag works well - click on IconToggleButton sets boolean in DB and then switching to Favorite screen shows new item. Unset favorite on "all" screen sets flag to false as expected and when navigates to Favorite screen removes item.
But toggling favorite icon on Favorite screen change boolean in DB - BUT does not refresh and recompose LazyList content. I have to manually switch few times between screens, then eventually both are, let's say, synchronized with DB.
Unset favorite on the last element on Favorite list does not refresh it at all - I have to "like" another object on "all" list, then the Favorite list content is recompose with replacing items.
Moreover - there are some cases, that items on both lists disappears, while they are still in DB. I need to dig it deeper and debug this case, but maybe is related.
Some code's details:
There is a simple Entity
#Entity(tableName = "my_objects")
data class MyObject(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var id: Long = 0,
#ColumnInfo(name = "name")
val name: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "favorite")
val favorite: Boolean = false
Then there are also DAO, Provider and Repository with Domain Model. In DAO there are methods:
#Query("SELECT * FROM my_objects")
fun getAll(): List<MyObject>
#Query("SELECT * FROM my_objects WHERE favorite = 1")
fun getFavorites(): List<MyObject>
called in Provider and then in Repository.
In MyObjectListViewModel (with mapping from DB model do domain model):
class MyObjectListViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val updateMyObject: UpdateMyObject,
private val getOrderedMyObjectList: GetOrderedMyObjectList,
private val dispatchers: CoroutineDispatcherProvider
) : ViewModel() {
private val mutableMyObjects = MutableLiveData<List<ItemMyObjectModel>>()
val myObjects: LiveData<List<ItemMyObjectModel>> = mutableMyObjects
fun loadMyObjects() {
viewModelScope.launch(dispatchers.io) {
val myObjectListResult = getOrderedMyObjectList()
withContext(dispatchers.main) {
when (myObjectListResult) {
is MyObjectListResult.Success -> {
val viewModelList = myObjectListResult.list.map {
fun switchFavoriteFlag(itemMyObjectModel: ItemMyObjectModel) {
val myObject = itemMyObjectModel.itemMyObject
myObject.favorite = !myObject.favorite
viewModelScope.launch(dispatchers.io) {
val updatedObject = updateMyObject(myObject) //save via DAO
MyObjectFavoriteListViewModel looks exactly the same, except that load function calls loadFavoriteMyObjects() and it uses GetOrderedFavoriteMyObjectList Repository. BTW - maybe it could be aggregate to one ViewModel, but with pair of LiveData and load function - one pair for all item and one for favorites?
Last but not least - Composables:
fun MyObjectFavoriteListScreen(
viewModel: MyObjectFavoriteListViewModel,
navigator: MyObjectNavigator
) {
val list by viewModel.myObjects.observeAsState()
val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
floatingActionButton = {
extended = lazyListState.isScrollingUp() //local extension
) { navigator.openNewMyObjectFromObjectList() }
) { padding ->
if (list != null) {
contentPadding = PaddingValues(
horizontal = dimensionResource(id = R.dimen.margin_normal),
vertical = dimensionResource(id = R.dimen.margin_normal)
state = lazyListState,
modifier = Modifier.padding(padding)
) {
items(list!!) { item ->
MyObjectListItem( // with Card() includes Text() and IconToggleButton()
item = item,
onCardClick = { myObjectId -> navigator.openMyObjectDetailsFromFavouriteList(myObjectId) },
onFavoriteClick = { itemMyObjectModel -> viewModel.switchFavoriteFlag(itemMyObjectModel) }
} else {
modifier = Modifier
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
Text(text = stringResource(id = "No objects available"))
I think that one issue could be related with if (list != null) {} (list is observed as State<T?>).
But for sure there is something wrong with states, I am pretty sure that the list should be triggered to recompose, but there is no(?) state to do so.
Any ideas?
So i have a few questions about using hiltviewmodels, states and remember in compose.
For some context, i have a ViewPager set up
count = 4,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
state = pagerState,
) { page ->
when (page) {
0 -> PagerOne()
1 -> PagerTwo()
2 -> PagerThree()
3 -> PagerFour()
Lets say i have a State in my viewmodel declared like this
private val _data: MutableState<DataClass> = mutableStateOf(DataClass())
var data: State<DataClass> = _data
First, where do i inject my viewmodel? Is it fine to do it in the constructor of my pager composable?
fun PagerOne(viewmodel : PagerOneViewmodel = hiltViewModel()) {
And if i want to get the value from that viewmodel state, do i need to wrap it into a remember lambda?
fun PagerOne(viewmodel : PagerOneViewmodel = hiltViewModel()) {
val myState = viewmodel.data or var myState by remember { viewmodel.data }
Next question about flow and .collectasstate. Lets say i have a function in my viewmodel which returns a flow of data from Room Database.
fun getRoomdata() = roomRepository.getLatesData()
Is it correct to get the data like this in my composable?
val roomData = viewmodel.getRoomdata().collectasState(initial = emptyRoomdata())
Everything is working like expected, but im not sure these are the best approaches.
I have an Android Jetpack Compose application that uses BottomNavigation and TopAppBar composables. From the tab opened via BottomNavigation users can navigate deeper into the navigation graph.
The problem
The TopAppBar composable must represent the current screen, e.g. display its name, implement some options that are specific to the screen opened, the back button if the screen is high-level. However, Jetpack Compose seems to have no out-of-the-box solution to that, and developers must implement it by themselves.
So, obvious ideas come with obvious drawbacks, some ideas are better than others.
The baseline for tracking navigation, as suggested by Google (at least for BottomNavigation), is a sealed class containing objects that represent the current active screen. Specifically for my project, it's like this:
sealed class AppTab(val route: String, #StringRes val resourceId: Int, val icon: ImageVector) {
object Events: AppTab("events_tab", R.string.events, Icons.Default.EventNote)
object Projects: AppTab("projects_tab", R.string.projects, Icons.Default.Widgets)
object Devices: AppTab("devices_tab", R.string.devices, Icons.Default.DevicesOther)
object Employees: AppTab("employees_tab", R.string.employees, Icons.Default.People)
object Profile: AppTab("profile_tab", R.string.profile, Icons.Default.AccountCircle)
Now the TopAppBar can know what tab is opened, provided we remember the AppTab object, but how does it know if a screen is opened from within a given tab?
Solution 1 - obvious and obviously wrong
We provide each screen its own TopAppBar and let it handle all the necessary logic. Aside from a lot of code duplication, each screen's TopAppBar will be recomposed on opening the screen, and, as described in this post, will flicker.
Solution 2 - not quite elegant
From now on I decided to have a single TopAppBar in my project's top level composable, that will depend on a state with current screen saved. Now we can easily implement logic for Tabs.
To solve the problem of screens opened from within a Tab, I extended Google's idea and implemented a general AppScreen class that represents every screen that can be opened:
// This class represents any screen - tabs and their subscreens.
// It is needed to appropriately change top app bar behavior
sealed class AppScreen(#StringRes val screenNameResource: Int) {
// Employee-related
object Employees: AppScreen(R.string.employees)
object EmployeeDetails: AppScreen(R.string.profile)
// Events-related
object Events: AppScreen(R.string.events)
object EventDetails: AppScreen(R.string.event)
object EventNew: AppScreen(R.string.event_new)
// Projects-related
object Projects: AppScreen(R.string.projects)
// Devices-related
object Devices: AppScreen(R.string.devices)
// Profile-related
object Profile: AppScreen(R.string.profile)
I then save it to a state in the top-level composable in the scope of TopAppBar and pass currentScreenHandler as an onNavigate argument to my Tab composables:
var currentScreen by remember { mutableStateOf(defaultTab.asScreen()) }
val currentScreenHandler: (AppScreen) -> Unit = {navigatedScreen -> currentScreen = navigatedScreen}
// Somewhere in the bodyContent of a Scaffold
when (currentTab) {
AppTab.Employees -> EmployeesTab(currentScreenHandler)
// And other tabs
// ...
And from inside the Tab composable:
val navController = rememberNavController()
NavHost(navController, startDestination = "employees") {
composable("employees") {
Employees(it.hiltViewModel(), navController)
composable("employee/{userId}") {
Now the TopAppBar in the root composable knows about higher-level screens and can implement necessary logic. But doing this for every subscreen of an app? A considerable amount of code duplication, and architecture of communication between this app bar and a composable it represents (how the composable reacts to actions performed on the app bar) is yet to be composed (pun intended).
Solution 3 - the best?
I implemented a viewModel for handling the needed logic, as it seemed like the most elegant solution:
class AppBarViewModel #Inject constructor() : ViewModel() {
private val defaultTab = AppTab.Events
private val _currentScreen = MutableStateFlow(defaultTab.asScreen())
val currentScreen: StateFlow<AppScreen> = _currentScreen
fun onNavigate(screen: AppScreen) {
_currentScreen.value = screen
Root composable:
val currentScreen by appBarViewModel.currentScreen.collectAsState()
But it didn't solve the code duplication problem of the second solution. First of all, I had to pass this viewModel to the root composable from MainActivity, as there appears to be no other way of accessing it from inside a composable. So now, instead of passing a currentScreenHandler to Tab composables, I pass a viewModel to them, and instead of calling the handler on navigate event, I call viewModel.onNavigate(AppScreen), so there's even more code! At least, I maybe can implement a communication mechanism mentioned in the previous solution.
The question
For now the second solution seems to be the best in terms of code amount, but the third one allows for communication and more flexibility down the line for some yet to be requested features. I may be missing something obvious and elegant. Which of my implementations you consider the best, and if none, what would you do to solve this problem?
Thank you.
I use a single TopAppBar in the Scaffold and use a different title, drop-down menu, icons, etc by raising events from the Composables. That way, I can use just a single TopAppBar with different values. Here is an example:
val navController = rememberNavController()
var canPop by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var appTitle by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
var showFab by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var showDropdownMenu by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var dropdownMenuExpanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var dropdownMenuName by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
var topAppBarIconsName by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
val scaffoldState = rememberScaffoldState()
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val tourViewModel: TourViewModel = viewModel()
val clientViewModel: ClientViewModel = viewModel()
navController.addOnDestinationChangedListener { controller, _, _ ->
canPop = controller.previousBackStackEntry != null
val navigationIcon: (#Composable () -> Unit)? =
if (canPop) {
IconButton(onClick = { navController.popBackStack() }) {
imageVector = Icons.Filled.ArrowBack,
contentDescription = "Back Arrow"
} else {
IconButton(onClick = {
scope.launch {
scaffoldState.drawerState.apply {
if (isClosed) open() else close()
}) {
Icon(Icons.Filled.Menu, contentDescription = null)
scaffoldState = scaffoldState,
drawerContent = {
onMenuItemClick = { scope.launch { scaffoldState.drawerState.close() } })
topBar = {
title = { Text(appTitle) },
navigationIcon = navigationIcon,
elevation = 8.dp,
actions = {
when (topAppBarIconsName) {
"ClientDirectoryScreenIcons" -> {
// search icon on client directory screen
IconButton(onClick = {
}) {
imageVector = Icons.Filled.Search,
contentDescription = "Search Contacts"
if (showDropdownMenu) {
IconButton(onClick = { dropdownMenuExpanded = true }) {
Icon(imageVector = Icons.Filled.MoreVert, contentDescription = null)
expanded = dropdownMenuExpanded,
onDismissRequest = { dropdownMenuExpanded = false }
) {
// show different dropdowns based on different screens
when (dropdownMenuName) {
"ClientDirectoryScreenDropdown" -> ClientDirectoryScreenDropdown(
onDropdownMenuExpanded = { dropdownMenuExpanded = it })
) { paddingValues ->
modifier = Modifier
) {
navController = navController,
startDestination = Screen.Tours.route
) {
composable(Screen.Tours.route) {
tourViewModel = tourViewModel,
onSetAppTitle = { appTitle = it },
onShowDropdownMenu = { showDropdownMenu = it },
onTopAppBarIconsName = { topAppBarIconsName = it }
Then set the TopAppBar values from different screens like this:
fun TourScreen(
tourViewModel: TourViewModel,
onSetAppTitle: (String) -> Unit,
onShowDropdownMenu: (Boolean) -> Unit,
onTopAppBarIconsName: (String) -> Unit
) {
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
Not probably the perfect way of doing it, but no duplicate code.
According to this example I implemented shared viewModels in a nested navigation graph.
Nested Graph:
private fun NavGraphBuilder.accountGraph(navController: NavHostController) {
startDestination = "main",
route = "account") {
composable("main") {
val vm = hiltViewModel<AccountViewModel(navController.getBackStackEntry("account"))
//... ui ...
composable("login") {
val vm = hiltViewModel<AccountViewModel(navController.getBackStackEntry("account"))
//... ui ...
private fun NavHost(navController: NavHostController, modifier: Modifier = Modifier){
navController = navController,
startDestination = MainScreen.Home.route,
modifier = modifier
) {
composable("home") { HomeScreen(hiltViewModel()) }
composable("otherRoute") { OtherScreen(hiltViewModel()) }
private fun ButtonNav(navController: NavHostController) {
BottomNavigation {
val navBackStackEntry by navController.currentBackStackEntryAsState()
val currentDestination = navBackStackEntry?.destination
items.forEach { screen ->
icon = { ... },
label = { ... },
selected = currentDestination?.hierarchy?.any { it.route == screen.route } == true,
onClick = {
navController.navigate(screen.route) {
// Pop up to the start destination of the graph to
// avoid building up a large stack of destinations
// on the back stack as users select items
navController.graph.startDestinationRoute?.let { route ->
popUpTo(route) { saveState = true }
// Avoid multiple copies of the same destination when
// re-selecting the same item
launchSingleTop = true
// Restore state when re-selecting a previously selected item
restoreState = true
With this setup if I naviagte to "account" (the nested graph) and back to any other route I get the error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No destination with route account is on the NavController's back stack. The current destination is Destination(0x78dd8526) route=otherRoute
Assumptions / Research Results
The exception did not occure when I remove the popUpTo(route) onClick. But then I ended up with a large stack.
lifecycle of backStackEntry
Have a look at the following:
composable("main") { backStackEntry ->
val vm = hiltViewModel<AccountViewModel(navController.getBackStackEntry("account"))
//... ui ...
I found out when navigating back the composable which will be left will be recomposed but in this case the backStackEntry seams to have another lifecycle.currentState because if I wrap the whole composable like this:
composable("main") { backStackEntry ->
if(backStackEntry.lifecycle.currentState == Lifecycle.State.RESUMED){
val vm = hiltViewModel<AccountViewModel(navController.getBackStackEntry("account"))
//... ui ...
... the exception did not occure.
The idea with the lifecycle issue came into my mind when I saw that the offical example has similar workarounds in place.
I actually do not know if I did something wrong or if I miss a conecept here. I can put the lifecycle-check-workaround into place but is this really as intended? Additional to that I did not find any hint in the doc regarding that.
Does anybody know how to fix that in a proper way?
This is how you do it now but make sure you have the latest compose navigation artefacts:
private fun NavGraphBuilder.accountGraph(navController: NavHostController) {
startDestination = "main",
route = "account") {
composable("main") {
val parentEntry = remember {
val vm = hiltViewModel<AccountViewModel(parentEntry)
//... ui ...
composable("login") {
val parentEntry = remember {
val vm = hiltViewModel<AccountViewModel(parentEntry)
//... ui ...
There was an issue with the navigation component. It has been fixed for me with v2.4.0-alpha08
I have the next hierarchy:
1st remember domainsVisible is declared in WalletDetailsScreen. Callback is propagated to DefaultOutlinedButton's onClick.
2nd remember copyToClipboardClicked is declared in SubWalletView.
What happens:
User opens the screen.
User taps copy button at first (SubWalletView). (2nd remember)
User taps DefaultOutlinedButton then. 1st remember is changed AND 2ND ONE IS CHANGED AS WELL!
fun WalletDetailsScreen(
snackbarController: SnackbarController,
wallet: Wallet,
onNavIconClicked: () -> Unit
) {
val domainsVisible = rememberMutableStateOf(key = "domains_visible_btn", value = false)
snackbarController = snackbarController,
wallet = wallet,
domainsVisible = domainsVisible.value,
domainsCount = 0
) {
private fun WalletDetailsView(
snackbarController: SnackbarController,
wallet: Wallet,
domainsVisible: Boolean,
domainsCount: Int,
onDomainsVisibilityClicked: () -> Unit
) {
Column {
wallet.subWallets.forEach { subWallet ->
SubWalletView(snackbarController = snackbarController, subWallet = subWallet)
DefaultOutlinedButton(text = text, onClick = onDomainsVisibilityClicked)
private fun SubWalletView(
snackbarController: SnackbarController,
subWallet: SubWallet
) {
val copyToClipboardClicked = rememberMutableStateOf(key = "copy_btn", value = false)
if (copyToClipboardClicked.value) {
CopyToClipboard(text = subWallet.address)
modifier = Modifier
.clickable { copyToClipboardClicked.toggle() }
.padding(start = 15.dp, top = 5.dp, bottom = 5.dp, end = 5.dp)
) {
// just icon here
fun <T> rememberMutableStateOf(
key: String,
value: T,
policy: SnapshotMutationPolicy<T> = structuralEqualityPolicy()
) = remember(key) { mutableStateOf(value, policy) }
fun MutableState<Boolean>.toggle() {
value = !value
I've tried to add keys to remember but it hasn't helped. Any ideas why changing one remember affects another? This shouldn't happen.
Finally, I figured out what's going on.
Second remember isn't changed actually.
But I rely on it to show shackbar:
if (copyToClipboardClicked.value) {
CopyToClipboard(text = subWallet.address)
copyToClipboardClicked.toggle() // <--- WE NEED THIS
And the missed part is that I need to switch flag off. I hadn't done it and that's why the if was triggered on each recomposition.