I'm aware that there are a couple of topics on this but none of them solve my issue.
I'm trying to test an implementation of NetworkBoundResource.
inline fun <ResultType, RequestType, ErrorType> networkBoundResource(
crossinline query: () -> Flow<ResultType>,
crossinline fetch: suspend () -> Response<RequestType>,
crossinline saveFetchResult: suspend (RequestType) -> Unit,
crossinline onFetchFailed: (Response<*>?, Throwable?) -> ErrorType? = { _, _ -> null },
crossinline shouldFetch: (ResultType) -> Boolean = { true },
coroutineDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher
) = flow<Resource<ResultType, ErrorType>> {
val data = query().first()
if (shouldFetch(data)) {
val fetchResponse = safeApiCall { fetch() }
val fetchBody = fetchResponse.body()
if (fetchBody != null) {
if (!fetchResponse.isSuccessful) {
emit(Resource.Error(onFetchFailed(fetchResponse, null)))
} else {
query().map { emit(Resource.Success(it)) }
}.catch { throwable ->
emit(Resource.Error(onFetchFailed(null, throwable)))
This works as expected in my use case in production code.
override suspend fun getCategories() = networkBoundResource(
query = {
categoryDao.getAllAsFlow().map { categoryMapper.categoryListFromDataObjectList(it) }
fetch = {
onFetchFailed = { errorResponse, _ ->
saveFetchResult = { response ->
// Clear the old items and add the new ones
coroutineDispatcher = dispatchProvider.IO
I have my test setup like this (using turbine for flow testing).
class NetworkBoundResourceTests {
data class ResultType(val data: String)
sealed class RequestType {
object Default : RequestType()
sealed class ErrorType {
object Default : RequestType()
private val dispatchProvider = TestDispatchProviderImpl()
fun `Test`() = runTest {
val resource = networkBoundResource(
query = { flowOf(ResultType(data = "")) },
fetch = { Response.success(RequestType.Default) },
saveFetchResult = { },
onFetchFailed = { _, _ -> ErrorType.Default },
coroutineDispatcher = dispatchProvider.IO
resource.test {
The coroutine dispatcher is set to unconfined through DI/Test dispatcher.
I want to test that;
Emitting first data from query, then query is updated and new data from saveFetchResult then query().map { emit(Resource.Success(it)) } emits the updated data from that save result.
I think I need to do something around a spyk on my flow with MockK but I can't seem to figure it out. query() will always return the same flow of data as it's mocked to do so if I awaitItem() again it returns the same data (as it should) as that's what the mock is setup for.
I've found a way to test this. Not exactly how I imagined it in my head.
fun `Given should fetch is true and fetch throws exception, When retrieving data, Then cached items emitted and error item after`() =
runTest {
val saveFetchResultAction = mockk<(() -> Unit)>("Save results action")
val fetchErrorAction = mockk<(() -> ErrorType)>("Fetch error action")
every { fetchErrorAction() } answers { ErrorType }
val fetchRequestAction = mockk<(() -> Response<RequestType>)>("Fetch request action")
coEvery { fetchRequestAction() } throws (Exception(""))
query = { flowOf(ResultType) },
fetch = { fetchRequestAction() },
saveFetchResult = { saveFetchResultAction() },
onFetchFailed = { _, _ -> fetchErrorAction() },
shouldFetch = { true },
coroutineDispatcher = dispatchProvider.IO
).test {
// Assert that we've got the cached item
val cacheItem = awaitItem()
val errorItem = awaitItem()
// Verify order & calls
verifyOrder {
verify(exactly = 1) { fetchErrorAction() }
verify(exactly = 1) { fetchRequestAction() }
verify(exactly = 0) { saveFetchResultAction() }
I have 5 api call function in the viewModel that I want to called parallel how can I do this? I put each of the function in the WithContext(Dispachers.IO) but it's not working. I used coroutines flow for calling api.
Note: I used clean architecture pattern and I have single use-case
ViewModel codes:
class MyJobsViewModel constructor(
private val myJobsUseCases: MyJobsUseCases,
private val clientNavigator: ClientNavigator
) : ViewModel(), ClientNavigator by clientNavigator {
private val _state = mutableStateOf(MyJobsState())
val state: State<MyJobsState> get() = _state
private fun getAllJobs(
offset: Int = 0,
limit: Int = 10,
type: JobTypeEnum = JobTypeEnum.ALL
) {
myJobsUseCases.getJobsUseCase.invoke(offset = offset, limit = limit, type = type)
.onEach {
when (it) {
is Resource.Success -> _state.value =
isLoading = false,
allJobItems = it.data ?: JobItemsResponse()
is Resource.Error -> _state.value =
isLoading = false,
error = it.message ?: "An unexpected error occurred"
is Resource.Loading -> _state.value = state.value.copy(isLoading = true)
private fun getActiveJobs(
offset: Int = 0,
limit: Int = 10,
type: JobTypeEnum = JobTypeEnum.ALL
) {
myJobsUseCases.getJobsUseCase.invoke(offset = offset, limit = limit, type = type)
.onEach {
when (it) {
is Resource.Success -> _state.value =
isLoading = false,
activeJobItems = it.data ?: JobItemsResponse()
is Resource.Error -> _state.value =
isLoading = false,
error = it.message ?: "An unexpected error occurred"
is Resource.Loading -> _state.value = state.value.copy(isLoading = true)
The best way to parallel multiple calls is to follow structured concurrency principle.
For example, when you need to evaluate the result of 5 independent network requests:
suspend fun fetchA(): Int { /* ... */ }
suspend fun fetchB(): Int { /* ... */ }
suspend fun fetchC(): Int { /* ... */ }
suspend fun fetchD(): Int { /* ... */ }
suspend fun fetchE(): Int { /* ... */ }
suspend fun overallResult(): Int = coroutineScope {
val a = async { fetchA() }
val b = async { fetchB() }
val c = async { fetchC() }
val d = async { fetchD() }
val e = async { fetchE() }
a.await() + b.await() + c.await() + d.await() + e.await()
Or when you need to make 5 independent api calls without returning any value:
suspend fun callA() { /* ... */ }
suspend fun callB() { /* ... */ }
suspend fun callC() { /* ... */ }
suspend fun callD() { /* ... */ }
suspend fun callE() { /* ... */ }
suspend fun makeCalls(): Unit = coroutineScope {
launch { callA() }
launch { callB() }
launch { callC() }
launch { callD() }
launch { callE() }
Wrapping function in launch or async block produces a new coroutine and executes in parallel.
coroutineScope organizes the area where launch and async can be used. It completes only when every child coroutine is completed.
I know that there are a lot of posts "How to cancel Coroutines Scope" but I couldn't find the answer for my case.
I have an Array of objects that I want to send each of them to Server using Coroutines.
What I need is, if one of my requests returns error, canceling others.
Here is my code:
private fun sendDataToServer(function: () -> Unit) {
LiabilitiesWizardSessionManager.getLiabilityAddedDocuments().let { documents ->
if (documents.isEmpty().not()) {
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
documents.mapIndexed { index, docDetail ->
async {
val result = uploadFiles(docDetail)
}.map {
var result = it.await()
} else function.invoke()
Below is my uploadFiles() function:
private suspend fun uploadFiles(docDetail: DocDetail): ArchiveFileResponse? {
LiabilitiesWizardSessionManager.mCreateLiabilityModel.let { model ->
val file = File(docDetail.fullFilePath)
val crmCode = docDetail.docTypeCode
val desc = docDetail.docTypeDesc
val id = model.commitmentMember?.id
val idType = 1
val createArchiveFileModel = CreateArchiveFileModel(108, desc, id, idType).apply {
this.isLiability = true
this.adaSystem = 3
val result = mRepositoryControllerKotlin.uploadFile(file, createArchiveFileModel)
return when (result) {
is ResultWrapper.Success -> {
is ResultWrapper.GenericError -> {
is ResultWrapper.NetworkError -> {
I know, I'm missing something.
I'm using the following code in my Android app to load data from a remote source into a local database cache.
inline fun <ResultType, RequestType> networkBoundResource(
crossinline query: () -> Flow<ResultType>,
crossinline fetch: suspend () -> RequestType,
crossinline saveFetchResult: suspend (RequestType) -> Unit,
crossinline onFetchSuccess: () -> Unit = { },
crossinline onFetchFailed: (Throwable) -> Unit = { },
crossinline shouldFetch: (ResultType) -> Boolean = { true }
) = flow {
val data = query().first()
val flow = if (shouldFetch(data)) {
try {
// this could take a while, I want to keep getting updates meanwhile
query().map { Resource.Success(it) }
} catch (t: Throwable) {
query().map { Resource.Error(t, it) }
} else {
query().map { Resource.Success(it) }
The query is a database query that keeps emitting database updates through emitAll until we call this method again.
The problem with this setup is that Resource.Loading only contains a "snapshot" of the current data (first()) and we won't receive any database updates until we get to the end of the try/catch block and call emitAll. But I would like to keep receiving database updates while Loading is still in progress. However, I can't just call emitAll on Resource.Loading because it would block the whole Flow.
Is there a way to call emitAll on Loading and then switch to Success/Error once the try block has finished?
I've only done simple testing on this to validate it, but it looks like you can listen to the query and emit any/all data it propagates in a newly launched coroutine based on the outer Flow's context -- the other work in the function will continue, unblocked. Once that other work is done, the coroutine that's listening to the query can be cancelled. For example:
inline fun <ResultType, RequestType> networkBoundResource(
crossinline query: () -> Flow<ResultType>,
crossinline fetch: suspend () -> RequestType,
crossinline saveFetchResult: suspend (RequestType) -> Unit,
crossinline onFetchFailed: (Throwable) -> Unit = { },
crossinline shouldFetch: (ResultType) -> Boolean = { true }
): Flow<Resource<ResultType>> = flow {
val data = query().first()
val flow = if (shouldFetch(data)) {
val flowContext = currentCoroutineContext()
val loading: Job = coroutineScope {
launch(flowContext) {
query().map { Resource.Loading(it) }
.collect { withContext(flowContext) { emit(it) } }
try {
val request = fetch()
query().map { Resource.Success(it) }
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
query().map { Resource.Error(throwable, it) }
} else {
query().map { Resource.Success(it) }
Let me know if this works out!
Hi I have a rxjava flat map in which I want to call a coroutine usecase onStandUseCase which is an api call
Initially the use case was also rxjava based and it used to return Observable<GenericResponse> and it worked fine
now that I changed the use to be coroutines based it only returns GenericResponse
how can modify the flatmap to work fine with coroutines use case please
subscriptions += view.startFuellingObservable
.doOnNext { view.showLoader(false) }
.flatMap {
if (!hasOpenInopIncidents()) {
onStandUseCase(OnStandUseCase.Params("1", "2", TimestampedAction("1", "2", DateTime.now()))) {
} else {
val incidentOpenResponse = GenericResponse(false)
incidentOpenResponse.error = OPEN_INCIDENTS
{ handleStartFuellingClicked(view, it) },
{ onStartFuellingError(view) }
class OnStandUseCase #Inject constructor(
private val orderRepository: OrderRepository,
private val serviceOrderTypeProvider: ServiceOrderTypeProvider
) : UseCaseCoroutine<GenericResponse, OnStandUseCase.Params>() {
override suspend fun run(params: Params) = orderRepository.notifyOnStand(
data class Params(val serviceType: String, val id: String, val action: TimestampedAction)
abstract class UseCaseCoroutine<out Type, in Params> where Type : Any {
abstract suspend fun run(params: Params): Type
operator fun invoke(params: Params, onResult: (type: Type) -> Unit = {}) {
val job = GlobalScope.async(Dispatchers.IO) { run(params) }
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) { onResult(job.await()) }
startFuellingObservable is
val startFuellingObservable: Observable<Void>
Here is the image of the error
Any suggestion on how to fix this please
thanks in advance
There is the integration library linking RxJava and Kotlin coroutines.
rxSingle can be used to turn a suspend function into a Single. OP wants an Observable, so we can call toObservable() for the conversion.
.flatMap {
if (!hasOpenInopIncidents()) {
rxSingle {
} else {
val incidentOpenResponse = GenericResponse(false)
incidentOpenResponse.error = OPEN_INCIDENTS
Note that the Observables in both branches contain just one element. We can make this fact more obvious by using Observable#concatMapSingle.
.concatMapSingle {
if (!hasOpenInopIncidents()) {
rxSingle { callYourSuspendFunction() }
} else {
val incidentOpenResponse = GenericResponse(false)
incidentOpenResponse.error = OPEN_INCIDENTS
I am trying to unit test the kotlin coroutines. My project is following MVP pattern where the coroutines are used in the presenter like this:
fun authenticateWithUserAndPassword(usernameOrEmail: String, password: String) {
launchUI(strategy) {
try {
val token = retryIO("login") {
when {
settings.isLdapAuthenticationEnabled() ->
client.loginWithLdap(usernameOrEmail, password)
usernameOrEmail.isEmail() ->
client.loginWithEmail(usernameOrEmail, password)
else ->
client.login(usernameOrEmail, password)
val myself = retryIO("me()") { client.me() }
myself.username?.let { username ->
val user = User(
id = myself.id,
roles = myself.roles,
status = myself.status,
name = myself.name,
emails = myself.emails?.map { Email(it.address ?: "", it.verified) },
username = username,
utcOffset = myself.utcOffset
localRepository.saveCurrentUser(currentServer, user)
localRepository.save(LocalRepository.CURRENT_USERNAME_KEY, username)
view.saveSmartLockCredentials(usernameOrEmail, password)
} catch (exception: RocketChatException) {
when (exception) {
is RocketChatTwoFactorException -> {
navigator.toTwoFA(usernameOrEmail, password)
else -> {
exception.message?.let {
}.ifNull {
} finally {
Here launchUI is defined as
* Launches a coroutine on the UI context.
* #param strategy a CancelStrategy for canceling the coroutine job
fun launchUI(strategy: CancelStrategy, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job =
MainScope().launch(context = strategy.jobs, block = block)
CancelStrategy class
class CancelStrategy(owner: LifecycleOwner, val jobs: Job) : LifecycleObserver {
init {
fun onDestroy() {
I am new to coroutine unit testing and tried writing a basic unit test
fun check_authentication_of_user() = runBlocking {
loginPresenter.authenticateWithUserAndPassword(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
On running the test I am getting the following error.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter specified as non-null is null: method kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt__Builders_commonKt.launch, parameter context
Any help regarding how to unit test the given method will be appreciated.