Where to download the dynamic version of the firebase frameworks - android

I do not use xcode but Delphi development tool, and I would like to know where I can download the dynamic version of the firebase frameworks. as far as I understand the version under https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/releases are only the static framework right ?

Beginning with CocoaPods 1.9.0 and Firebase 7, you can choose whether your Firebase dependencies are built as static or dynamic frameworks. recommendation is using static frameworks unless you require certain dynamic library behaviors.
Using Firebase SDKs from dynamic framework conclusion:
Firebase may be used from an embedded dynamic framework in your project (e.g. for the code reuse purposes) only when Firebase is not used from the app directly.
Firebase SDKs should never be used from vendor dynamic frameworks because the version of Firebase compiled into the dynamic framework will early or later conflict with the customer Firebase version.
Check the helpful official documentation for Android related dynamic feature modules and Android play services required recommendations.


Developing java 11 google cloud functions in android studio

Now that we can develop google cloud functions with java runtime (or Scala or Groovy).
Anybody using android studio to develop google cloud function using android studio?
If you have a standard build.gradle please post.
Is there a way to auto create pom.xml from gradle build.
can we provision cloud function from within android studio.
Most of this information is already available in the Cloud Functions documentation.
There is a tutotial, available here, that offers an example build.gradle for a sample project, you can build on top of that one for your project's needs.
According to this community answer, you can use the archiveTask task in the Maven Plugin so that a pom.xml file is generated and stored in the <buildDir>/poms directory of your project.
Unfortunately this is not possible. As you can see in this documentation:
You can deploy Cloud Functions from your local machine, from your GitHub or Bitbucket source repository (via Cloud Source Repositories), or from the Cloud Functions API directly.
NOTE: For deployment from the local machine if you follow through the referring documentation you will see that this only applies to a deploy using the gcloud command-line tool

How to get app latest version from PlayStore/AppStore react native

I need to compare my app's version with the latest version from PlayStore/AppStore. I used react-native-version-check but it's not working properly for my app.
Is there a way to call directly to the stores which will contain the version in the response? (using react native)
I implemented your scenario using a mixture of react-native-config and react-native-appstore-version-checker.
The installed app version I used react-native-config to create an app version variable that I retrieve with: Config.REACT_APP_VERSION
For the app store version, I used the react-native-appstore-version-checker module. The installation instructions worked great.
For my use-case, I wanted to do something different if the upgrade was a major or minor, so I then split the two app versions and did major/minor/build comparisons.

Use Firebase in both Flutter web AND mobile app

I'm working on a Flutter app, compiled in both web AND mobile version. Everything worked like a charm until I decided to use Firebase.
I found that there are many libs that allow to use Firebase in Flutter, for mobile apps. I also found a lib that allows to use Firebase in Flutter web app.
The problem is: Firebase plugin for web version is using "dart:html", which isn't supported for mobile versions of Flutter apps. On the other side, mobile libs aren't supported by web versions and I always get a PlatformException when using them in web app.
So here is my question: Does anyone know a Flutter's Firebase lib, that works on BOTH mobile AND web versions, so that I only have to compile in the platform I want, without having to change the code before?
I know there is a way to write specific code for Android or iOS version, but I can't find any clue for writing specific code for the web version. This should be another way to solve the problem...
Any idea?
At the moment there is no single Flutter+Firebase library that works for both web and mobile apps, so you will need to use two (incompatible) libraries.
Work is being done to rectify that situation, but there's no timeline for its release.
Also see:
this Github issue on compatibility
How to use cloud_firestore in flutter for web and android?
What firebase plugins are you using?? As there are only limited firebase plugins avalaible to use on web which includes firebase_analytics firebase_auth cloud_firestore cloud_functions firebase_messaging firebase_storage firebase_core
if you are using any firebase plugin other than these then they are not supported for web

Does Google/Firebase android SDKs use GRPC?

Recently I've been working on integrating a GRPC API in a size sensitive android app. The API only had a couple of Unary calls. I noticed that the resulting APK had io.grpc (613KB) & io.opencensus (178.9KB) which was further reduced to 387.2KB and 39.4KB respectively using Proguard. I noticed that Proguard was able to remove many streaming call related classes/methods from the APK. However, I noticed that the app already had com.google.protobuf package, which I suspect is from something like Firebase SDK.
If Firebase SDK imported com.google.protobuf, why didn't it need io.grpc for transport? Does it use something else?
The protobuf protocol is used by some Firebase SDKs as part of their internal communications. The first one that comes to mind is Firebase Analytics, but there are others too.
The Cloud Firestore SDK in Firebase uses grpc as part of its transport protocol. If you're not using Cloud Firestore then the grpc library will not be included as far as I know.
To ensure that unused methods are removed, be sure to use ProGuard as part of your release build.

Add library dependency for my SDK in Xamarin

I have SDK (.jar file) written in Java. I created an Android Java Bindings Library following that description. I used the generated JNI files from the jar to write the API for my Xamarin plugin. I dont have experience with Xamarin, so I would like to ask you these questions:
My SDK.jar file depends on the Google Play Services.jar file. How and where I have to add it? I want to make the plugin to add the Google Play Services automatically to the project where it's installed my plugin. Like Google Play Services plugin adds Support library when it's added.
Could someone explain to me what's the difference between Components and Packages? I have these folders and I dont know in which one I have to add the Google Play Services Plugin and what's the difference.
How to get the current activity from my API files? I dont use Xamarin.Forms. Should I?
Thanks in advance
To clarify:
Answer for 2:
Components are Xamarin Components whereby packages are mostly nuget packages. User is not forced to publish component on Xamarin Component store, but many do. Some don't because Xamarin Component must have accompanying samples, documentation and screenshots, so for the large number of users effort to implement component is substantial. That is the reason a lot of authors just publish their SDKs on nuget.
Xamarin Components are tested before publishing by Xamarin Components Team and the reason is mainly correctness and quality (something like Apple's app submission process). This should help users to have minimal/starter samples that show how the SDK/component work and some documentation.
Some authors publish their components in steps: first nuget and when samples and docs are ready then Xamarin Component which references nuget dependencies mentioned in 1st step. This is called empty-shell (or just shell component). User can install it either as nuget or as component into some application or library.
Packages (nuget) are installed via Nuget Package Manager in Visual Studio or Xamarin studio. While components are added to you project. Samples and docs can be found in Components/ folder in solution root.
Plugins are special form of component used mostly for cross platform Xamarin.Forms (but not only) applications and they utilize special technique called bait-and-switch for loading platform specific dlls (from nugets).
Google Play Services (GPS) are not plugins, because they are Android only, so no need for plugin (ios and Windows parts). I think there is only Game Service on iOS, but not sure.
GPS come in 2 flavors as nuget packages and as components (empty shell).
Here are the answers of my 2 questions:
in component.yaml file before publishing the plugin: http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/advanced/submitting_components/components_and_nuget/
Don't have the answer yet...
Can't get it from API files if you dont send it as a parameter, but then your API is not compatible with the iOS API. Because of this I separated the plugin: one for Android and another for iOS.

