Undesired R.java values when including Gradle modules via androidTestImplementation - android

In pursuit of "write once, run anywhere" integration tests, I am trying to move my test helpers into a Gradle module that can be included via testImplementation or androidTestImplementation. This helper module contains Espresso actions and assertions, which depend on View IDs and String resource identifiers from my app.
The problem -- When my helper module is included via androidTestImplementation, the module's resource references are only resolvable with the test context InstrumentationRegistry.context, rather than my app's InstrumentationRegistry.targetContext.
Is this expected? How else could I share resource reference-containing code between test and androidTest contexts, such that references always resolve to the target app context?
Sample code:
// :sharedtest Gradle module script
// Imports features in order to pull in their resource IDs
// Kotlin helpers inside :sharedtest Gradle module
import com.myapp.sharedtest.R
fun clickInsights() {
// Integration test inside :app which
// includes :sharedtest module via androidTestImplementation
fun verifyClickInsights() {
// fails because com.myapp.sharedtest.R.id.insights_tool is not resolved as expected
I explored Test Fixtures to house my test helpers, but seems AGP doesn't support them for Android Kotlin code at this time. I also considered source sets, but those have been deprecated in favor of Gradle modules.
I found success in changing my sharedtest helper imports to be child-module relative, i.e. com.myapp.feature1.R works, but com.myapp.sharedtest.R doesn't. But I'd like to
A) understand why this works and
B) avoid it if possible, since using sharedtest references everywhere is simplest codewise.


Is it possible to get dependency version at runtime, including from library itself?

Suppose I make an Android library called "MySdk", and I publish it on Jitpack/Maven.
The user of the SDK would use it by adding just the dependency of :
implementation 'com.github.my-sdk:MySdk:1.0.1'
What I'd like to get is the "1.0.1" part from it, whether I do it from within the Android library itself (can be useful to send to the SDK-server which version is used), or from the app that uses it (can be useful to report about specific issues, including via Crashlytics).
The problem
I can't find any reflection or gradle task to reach it.
What I've tried
Searching about it, if I indeed work on the Android library (that is used as a dependency), all I've found is that I can manage the version myself, via code.
Some said I could use BuildConfig of the package name of the library, but then it means that if I forget to update the code a moment before I publish the dependency, it will use the wrong value. Example of using this method:
plugins {
final def sdkVersion = "1.0.22"
android {
buildTypes {
release {
buildConfigField "String", "SDK_VERSION", "\"" + sdkVersion + "\""
debug {
buildConfigField "String", "SDK_VERSION", "\"" + sdkVersion + "-unreleased\""
Usage is just checking the value of BuildConfig.SDK_VERSION (after building).
Another possible solution is perhaps from gradle task inside the Android-library, that would be forced to be launched whenever you build the app that uses this library. However, I've failed to find how do it (found something here)
The question
Is it possible to query the dependency version from within the Android library of the dependency (and from the app that uses it, of course), so that I could use it during runtime?
Something automatic, that won't require me to update it before publishing ?
Maybe using Gradle task that is defined in the library, and forced to be used when building the app that uses the library?
You can use a Gradle task to capture the version of the library as presented in the build.gradle dependencies and store the version information in BuildConfig.java for each build type.
The task below captures the version of the "appcompat" dependency as an example.
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.4.0'
task CaptureLibraryVersion {
def libDef = project.configurations.getByName('implementation').allDependencies.matching {
it.group.equals("androidx.appcompat") && it.name.equals("appcompat")
if (libDef.size() > 0) {
android.buildTypes.each {
it.buildConfigField 'String', 'LIB_VERSION', "\"${libDef[0].version}\""
For my example, the "appcompat" version was 1.4.0. After the task is run, BuildConfig.java contains
// Field from build type: debug
public static final String LIB_VERSION = "1.4.0";
You can reference this field in code with BuildConfig.LIB_VERSION. The task can be automatically run during each build cycle.
The simple answer to your question is 'yes' - you can do it. But if you want a simple solution to do it so the answer transforms to 'no' - there is no simple solution.
The libraries are in the classpath of your package, thus the only way to access their info at the runtime would be to record needed information during the compilation time and expose it to your application at the runtime.
There are two major 'correct' ways and you kinda have described them in your question but I will elaborate a bit.
The most correct way and relatively easy way is to expose all those variables as BuildConfig or String res values via gradle pretty much as described here. You can try to generify the approach for this using local-prefs(or helper gradle file) to store versions and use them everywhere it is needed. More info here, here, and here
The second correct, but much more complicated way is to write a gradle plugin or at least some set of tasks for collecting needed values during compile-time and providing an interface(usually via your app assets or res) for your app to access them during runtime. A pretty similar thing is already implemented for google libraries in Google Play services Plugins so it would be a good place to start.
All the other possible implementations are variations of the described two or their combination.
You can create buildSrc folder and manage dependencies in there.
after that, you can import & use Versions class in anywhere of your app.

Android: after Gradle update to 6.7.1 ClassLoader in JUnit test no longer lists all resources

I need to iterate over specific classes from main package in my android unit test, to check some of their properties.
For this I use standard approach, using ClassLoader:
val classLoader = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader
val resources: Enumeration<URL> = classLoader.getResources("com/models/package")
assert(resources.hasMoreElements()) // Fails from CL, works in AS
Before the Gradle update (had Gradle 5.6.4) that worked. Now the behaviour is as follows: it works when test is run from Android Studio, but fails (returns empty enumeration) when run from command line with gradlew.
I wonder what might be the difference in this respect between the two Gradle versions? And why it still works when run from Studio?
Some considerations and things I have tried:
Referencing these classes in unit test works ok, and also classLoader.findClass("com.models.package.MyModel") and
classLoader.loadClass("com.models.package.MyModel") from unit test is working. But even after that classLoader.getResources("com/models/package") returns empty enumeration.
Using other references to ClassLoader, like MyModel::class.java.classLoader and ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() didn't make any difference.
Gradle build from command line contains the warning "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Sharing is only supported for boot loader classes because bootstrap classpath has been appended", but as far as I can tell it's not connected to my issue.
If I put some of the classes from 'com/models/package' to the unit test /test folder, they are getting returned in enumeration.
This might be connected with some new optimisation setting that makes ClassLoaders omit registering some of the classes, in different root directories, but as it still works in AS there might be some setting to turn this optimisation off in a command line build also?
Thank you for any suggestions on this.
In Gradle 6.7.1 I had to include the directory with the code to the test sourceSets. Afterwards the classloader from junit started to see the classes and return them in Enumeration.
sourceSets {
test {
java.srcDirs += ['src/main']

How to add two or more kotlin native modules on an iOS project

How to add two or more kotlin native modules on an iOS project without getting duplicate symbols error?
The detailed question
Let's assume a multi-module KMP project as a follow where there exists a native app for Android and a native app for iOS and two common modules to hold shared kotlin code.
├── android
│ └── app
├── common
│ ├── moduleA
│ └── moduleB
├── ios
│ └── app
The module A contains a data class HelloWorld and has no module dependencies:
package hello.world.modulea
data class HelloWorld(
val message: String
Module B contains an extension function for HelloWorld class so it depends on module A:
package hello.world.moduleb
import hello.world.modulea.HelloWorld
fun HelloWorld.egassem() = message.reversed()
The build.gradle configuration of the modules are:
Module A
apply plugin: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform"
apply plugin: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.native.cocoapods"
kotlin {
targets {
def iosClosure = {
binaries {
if (System.getenv("SDK_NAME")?.startsWith("iphoneos")) {…}
cocoapods {…}
sourceSets {
commonMain.dependencies {
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:1.3.72"
androidMain.dependencies {
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.3.72"
iosMain.dependencies {
Module B
apply plugin: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform"
apply plugin: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.native.cocoapods"
kotlin {
targets {
def iosClosure = {
binaries {
if (System.getenv("SDK_NAME")?.startsWith("iphoneos")) {…}
cocoapods {…}
sourceSets {
commonMain.dependencies {
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:1.3.72"
implementation project(":common:moduleA")
androidMain.dependencies {
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.3.72"
iosMain.dependencies {
It looks pretty straightforward and it even works on android if I configure the android build gradle dependencies as a following:
dependencies {
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.3.72"
implementation project(":common:moduleA")
implementation project(":common:moduleB")
However, this does not seem to be the correct way to organize multi modules on iOS, because running the ./gradlew podspec I get a BUILD SUCCESSFUL as expected with the following pods:
pod 'moduleA', :path => '…/HelloWorld/common/moduleA'
pod 'moduleB', :path => '…/HelloWorld/common/moduleB'
Even running a pod install I get a success output Pod installation complete! There are 2 dependencies from the Podfile and 2 total pods installed. whats looks correctly once the Xcode shows the module A and module B on the Pods section.
However, if I try to build the iOS project I get the following error:
Ld …/Hello_World-…/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Hello\ World.app/Hello\ World normal x86_64 (in target 'Hello World' from project 'Hello World')
cd …/HelloWorld/ios/app
duplicate symbol '_ktypew:kotlin.Any' in:
… a lot of duplicate symbol more …
duplicate symbol '_kfun:kotlin.throwOnFailure$stdlib#kotlin.Result<#STAR>.()' in:
ld: 9928 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
My knowledge in iOS is not that much, so to my untrained eyes, it looks like each module is adding its own version of the things instead of using some resolutions strategy to share it.
If I use only the module A the code works and run as expected, so I know the code itself is correct, the problem is how to manage more than 1 module, so that the question, how to add both (module A and module B) on iOS and make things works?
I did reduce the code as much as I could, trying to keep only the parts that I guess is the source of the problem, however, the complete code is available here if you want to check anything missing in the snippets, or if you want to run and try to solve the problem…
Multiple Kotlin frameworks can be tricky, but should be working as of 1.3.70 which I see you have.
The issue seems to be that both frameworks are static, which is currently an issue in 1.3.70 so it isn't working. (This should be updated by 1.40). It looks like by default the cocoapods plugin sets the frameworks to be static which won't work. I'm unaware of a way to change cocoapods to set it as dynamic but I've tested building without cocoapods and using the isStatic variable in a gradle task, and have gotten an iOS project to compile. Something like:
binaries {
isStatic = false
For now you can work around the issue using this method by using the code above and creating a task to build the frameworks(here's an example)
Another thing worth noting is that on the iOS side, the HelloWorld classes will appear as two separate classes despite both coming from moduleA. It's another strange situation with multiple Kotlin frameworks, but I think the extension will still work in this case since you're returning a string.
I actually just wrote up a blog post about multiple Kotlin frameworks that may help with some other questions if you'd like to take a look. https://touchlab.co/multiple-kotlin-frameworks-in-application/
EDIT: Looks like cocoapodsext also has an isStatic variable, so set it to isStatic = false
tl:dr You currently can't have more than one static Kotlin frameworks in the same iOS project. Set them to not be static using isStatic = false.
However, if I try to build the iOS project I get the following error:
This particular error is a known issue. Multiple debug static frameworks are incompatible with compiler caches.
So to workaround the issue you can either disable compiler caches by putting the following line into your gradle.properties:
or make the frameworks dynamic by adding the following snippet to your Gradle build script:
kotlin {
targets.withType<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.KotlinNativeTarget> {
binaries.withType<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.Framework> {
isStatic = false
See https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-42254 for more details.
I guess current behaviour for multiple frameworks doesn't make much sense for the original topic starter, I'm just putting my answer here for anyone who might encounter the same issue.
My knowledge in iOS is not that much, so to my untrained eyes, it looks like each module is adding its own version of the things instead of using some resolutions strategy to share it.
This is exactly how it is supposed to work at this moment. But "versions of the things" in each of the frameworks are put into the separate independent namespaces, so there should be no linkage errors, and the one you've encountered is a bug.

Dagger not see my own generated dependency

I have an issue with Dagger and my own generated code.
I need to generate my own dagger component for UI tests purpose
I have my own Gradle's module for annotation processing which provides dagger component with dependencies. Call this GeneratedTestCoreComponent. This class is generated correctly
GeneratedTestCoreComponent is built at \build\generated\source\kapt\debug\...
GeneratedTestCoreComponent is used in dagger component, smth like this
#Component(modules = [UiTestModule::class],
dependencies = [GeneratedTestCoreComponent::class])
interface TestUiComponent {}
My annotation processor module is correctly added to gradle
implementation project(path: ':processor')
kapt(name: 'processor')
The issue is. During compilation I get below error
TestUiComponent.java:6: error: cannot find symbol
#com.dagger.Component(modules = {com.xxx.xxx.UiTestModule.class}, dependencies = {GeneratedTestCoreComponent.class})
symbol: class GeneratedTestCoreComponent
TestUiComponent.java:8: error: [ComponentProcessor:MiscError] com.dagger.internal.codegen.ComponentProcessor was unable to process this interface because not all of its dependencies could be resolved. Check for compilation errors or a circular dependency with generated code.
public abstract interface TestUiComponent
Additional info.
When I copy GeneratedTestCoreComponent class from build directory to src (keeping the same package) and disable my processor, then everything works fine
Try changing kapt(name: 'processor') into kapt project(':processor')

Android library with dependency not resolving properly

So I have an Android library project, SimpleWidget. I publish it to jcenter.
I can make a new project and add implementation 'my.project:simplewidget:1.2.3' and everything works as expected, I can use SimpleWidget instances and their public APIs.
Now I make another Android library project, ComplexWidget. ComplexWidget is a subclass of SimpleWidget. I add implementation 'my.project:simplewidget:1.2.3' to the build.gradle and everything resolves, and in fact I can even get away without lint yelling for something super basic like ComplexWidget complexWidget = new ComplexWidget().
However, the project will not compile. Any ComplexWidget method that has a return or parameter type of SimpleWidget (e.g., many of the inherited methods, or an interface that accepts SimpleWidget arguments, or a Factory that returns SimpleWidget instances) will not compile and Android Studio complains that "Cannot access my.project.SimpleWidget".
Not sure if I should even mention it for fear of muddying the waters, but if I command click SimpleWidget in, for example, public class ComplexWidget extends SimpleWidget, I get a warning at the top of the file that "Library source does not match the byetcode for the class SimpleWidget".
Any ideas?
use api 'my.project:SimpleWidget:1.2.3' instead

