Unresolved reference: MifosNotification_Table - android

When I try to run my app i get the following error:
Unresolved reference: MifosNotification_Table
I tried different versions and still no difference


Unresolved reference: setViewScale

I am using DrawerLayout instead of AdvancedDrawerLayout on Android Studio and I am stuck. The error I encounter is : Unresolved reference: setViewScale
Here is the code:
drawerLayout.setViewScale(GravityCompat.START, 0.9f)
So it seems like setViewScale is under AdvancedDrawerLayout and not DrawerLayout.
How should I rename the reference?

android studio unresolved reference

I try to run my app and get this errors
e: /Users/idanfadlon/Desktop/Law-Tech-App/app/src/main/java/com/example/law_tech_app/fragments/BaseFragment.kt: (11, 24): Unresolved reference: synthetic
2.e: /Users/idanfadlon/Desktop/Law-Tech-App/app/src/main/java/com/example/law_tech_app/fragments/BaseFragment.kt: (19, 25): Unresolved reference: tv_progress_text
3.e: /Users/idanfadlon/Desktop/Law-Tech-App/app/src/main/java/com/example/law_tech_app/fragments/BaseFragment.kt: (19, 42): Variable expected
the problem is in base activity file and I dont touch him
I try to pull project again from my repository

Cannot build Flutter App (Android) after install wechat_assets_picker

I recently installed wechat_assets_picker, however when trying to build for android I get the following error, nothing in thier docs about it and no issues on thier issue list either.
e: /Users/remelehane/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/photo_manager-0.6.0/android/src/main/kotlin/top/kikt/imagescanner/core/PhotoManagerDeleteManager.kt: (116, 36): Unresolved reference: R
e: /Users/remelehane/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/photo_manager-0.6.0/android/src/main/kotlin/top/kikt/imagescanner/core/PhotoManagerDeleteManager.kt: (119, 36): Unresolved reference: createTrashRequest
e: /Users/remelehane/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/photo_manager-0.6.0/android/src/main/kotlin/top/kikt/imagescanner/core/PhotoManagerPlugin.kt: (341, 84): Unresolved reference: R
e: /Users/remelehane/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/photo_manager-0.6.0/android/src/main/kotlin/top/kikt/imagescanner/core/utils/Android30DbUtils.kt: (34, 34): Unresolved reference: R
e: /Users/remelehane/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/photo_manager-0.6.0/android/src/main/kotlin/top/kikt/imagescanner/core/utils/IDBUtils.kt: (27, 67): Unresolved reference: R
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':photo_manager:compileReleaseKotlin'.
> Compilation error. See log for more details
The erroring line is #RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.R) which from what I understand means this function on runs in version R of the android SDK, which is OS11, so should not be affecting the build?
I checked with the example project which is running SDK min 21 and compiled of 29.
Mine is running 19 and 21, however changign to 21 did not get around the build error so there must be more to is than that?
The issue is as a result of the compiledSdkVersion being set to 29, it needs to be set to 30
Each time you upgrade your pubspecs, or run a pub upgrade, you need to run flutter clean. And it should solved. Specific to the photo_manager.

e: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Backend Internal error: Exception during code generation

At the execution of my android kotlin project on my emulator, I receive this error during the compilation of the project
The cause of the error was i taking my TabLayout's id from xml and just pasted the id in my code without apply any kind of property or calling any function on it.

Android project in koltin fails when execute ./gradlew build in terminal but works when run from menu

I'm trying to work with Travis CI, and previously I have try to build my project in the Android Studio's terminal with ./gradlew build or with ./gradlew clean build but both throws "Execution failed for task ':presentation:compileReleaseKotlin'." however when I build my project from the Android Studio's toolbar it works perfectly.
You can see the whole stacktrace and all the information here gradle stacktrace
Thanks in advance,
Check your Constants class for errors.
e: /Users/jcamarero/AndroidStudioProjects/boton/presentation/src/main/java/com/b4motion/boton/utils/Constants.kt: (48, 31): Const 'val' initializer should be a constant value
e: /Users/jcamarero/AndroidStudioProjects/boton/presentation/src/main/java/com/b4motion/boton/utils/Constants.kt: (48, 46): Unresolved reference: URL_WEB_VIEW
e: /Users/jcamarero/AndroidStudioProjects/boton/presentation/src/main/java/com/b4motion/boton/utils/Constants.kt: (49, 29): Const 'val' initializer should be a constant value
e: /Users/jcamarero/AndroidStudioProjects/boton/presentation/src/main/java/com/b4motion/boton/utils/Constants.kt: (49, 44): Unresolved reference: URL_WEB_VIEW
This error says that you have a const val in your Constants class defined but it is not constant at compile time. Also, it cannot find reference to URL_WEB_VIEW.

