Smart Searching System for Video Database (Android App) - android

I want to implement a searcher in the app. When the user searches for the video stored in the local phone database using the search bar, suggestion will be popping up to aid in their search. And to generate the relevant filters for each video, I’m thinking of using tensorflow lite to process each video in the database automatically (object detection, human activity recognition, audio recognition), and generate tags to store in the database. And from the database, it’ll be used for the suggestion for the search bar.
For the database, I’m thinking of using DAO, to store the data on the phone locally. I think it has sufficient storage as I’m thinking of storing the tags (such as what kind of object it contains, location when the video is taken, etc)
And for the TFlite models, I got the example codes from the official GitHub of tensorflow lite. And I’m still inspecting the code to get the output of the model and store it to the database.
I’m actually not sure on how to process the videos in the background automatically whenever there’s unprocessed or edited video added to the phone.
Any insight/feedback is definitely welcomed as I’m facing a huge block in implementing the app. Appreciate if links or relevant pointers can be provided so I can look further. And if there’s any wrong to my thought process in implementing, feel free to point it out. Thanks so much.
FYI, I’m coming from Electrical and Electronic Engineering background, and I had never learn android app development before. I’m self learning it now, and implementing the app using Jetpack Compose and Kotlin language, but as long as the methodologies are compatible with the existing project without breaking it, then it’s fine.


is it possible to program an app that receives data from an already existing app?

I'm trying to program an app using android studio that receives data (blood sugar levels) from the app tomato (which calculates blood sugar levels automatically every 5 mins or so). The tomato app already exists and is made by a company.
So I was wondering if doing this is possible. if so, how?
I saw this post: Is it possible for an Android app to use data from another app? which is very similar to what im trying to do but i didnt find an exact solution/answer to this.
Any opinions and help are very much needed and welcomed.
You would first need to know how the app is storing the data, you could check your phone's storage using the Device File Explorer in Android Studio. If they have exposed the data then you are able to check and read the files that the app has exposed. However, I have a feeling that they would not be leaving them in plain text for you to take.
Upon some further reading, it seems they read from a device called a MiaoMiao Transmitter. You could ask the producer of this product for a developer kit and see what they say. This would come with documentation as to how you can get data from the product. However, if they do not provide you with any help, you will need to do some investigation as to how the device functions.
Perhaps it sends android broadcasts when it is taking a reading? This is just speculation of course. This is very niche and I believe that is a reason there are only a few apps that use the device - they are trying to lock out "non-verified" developers. However, when there is a will, there is always a way! ;)
Best of luck!

Android Real Time Chart for acquired data

I have to develop an android application able to acquire data and chart them in real time.
Now, on Android Platform there are not built-in graphical libraries, however It is open source, so there are many libraries you can download and install.
Many of these are not able to perform real time chart, and the most part lacks of tutorial and code samples, as a consequence I don't know which I could choose.
I have just tested Android Plot but the graphic thread clashed with the thread of acquisition and the main thread, causing a deadlock and I didn't know why.
I found on a web forum that this library doesn't fit very well with real time chart, so I decide to give up it.
I would be grateful if you advice me which library is more suitable for my problem.
I have never tried this although a technically possible solution would be to use AJAX-y requests in combination with the Google Charts Query Wrapper?
Could be awesome but this means your app would only be able to chart when connected to the internet. Where is the data being stored? Online or in a local SQLite database? The query wrapper chart would be less appropriate if you were just reading your data out of a local database but the approach (AJAX & Google Charts) would be sweet.

How to create a live scorer app for Android?

I am developing an android app where I will provide a button on which, when ever the user clicks, they will get the live score updates of the Soccer game.
Are there any tutorials for that or, any Open-source code available for that
I am trying to achieve some what like the image given below:
Your required tasks is pretty straight forward. I suggest you use the android developers site to learn the basics and tool stack involved in android programming. Early in this process you will come across the 'Views' tutorial which outlines about half of what you need to do (display the scores in a pretty format).
I suggest you get this part of it running first (just a pretty display with test scores on it), after that creating the network request and getting the data from the server should a fairly easy path using Android's or apache HTTP classes.
You would somehow have to retrieve the current score from a server.
You would basically need a site which can provide you the live data in an xml format, for instance. There are sites which provide this. Of course, they won't provide it for free. May be you would get it free for some smaller league for you to test.
You can simply read the xml, using xml serialization or maybe XmlDocument if you use c# as a language for scripting.
I did a simple google search, and I found this article by, they use unity to create a Live Standing App. Maybe you will find this useful. Of course, it is not difficult to use the same method to do it for Live Scores.
You can find the link for the post here
Live Standings App Tutorial

Develop client-server app for android ... where do i start?

First, let me say that I know nothing. I am reasonably intelligent, and I can learn .... but what I need to know is what exactly it is that I need to learn. Consider me a hobbyist that just got started. I have a degree in math so logic makes sense to me, but it was all abstract math so I never even used Matlab once in school.
I want to develop an application for android. I want this application to take input (text and camera images) from the user, and store that input along with certain meta-data (i.e. time of input, geo-location of device when inputted). I also want that data to be transferred to a server (I have complete admin access to a server, but haven't learned much about it yet either) and stored there in a manner which can be accessed by a desktop or web application which I will also need to develop. The android device may not always have an internet connection at the time of input (but will be taken to a wi-fi hotspot for uploading when completed), and after uploading the data to the server I will have no further need for the data on the device.
I have done a bit of research, and discovered the following gaps in my knowledge, and remedied them in the following ways:
a) I'm going to need to know how to program in android - I have worked through these tutorials at, purchased and partly read this book(1), and just purchased this book(2).
b) I believe I am going to need to know something about JSON - I have just purchased this book(3), after reading just a little bit about JSON on the web.
c) I will need to learn what I need to with the server to prepare it for the data - No idea where to start.
d) I will need to decide how to access the data, and learn how to develop whatever it is. - No idea where to start.
I am not able to post multiple links, so I have moved all the books down here ...
My question(s):
If this was your project, how would you go about doing this? What languages will I have to learn? Can you recommend any books, online tutorials, etc. for each of those languages in the way that they would apply to my project?
Thank you for taking the time to read my query, and thank you for any help you may provide.
Book: Pro Android 2. I have it, I've read it, and it shows you how to do just about everything. I bought it for the sole purpose of developing a client/server application in Android, and I completed the app in two weeks.

allow users to create forms within android survey/data collection app

I'm trying to develop an Android app that could be used by advocacy groups or campaigners such that they would be able to create their own forms (surveys) for which they can go out canvassing and collect opinion data from people who don't have Internet connections and thus can't take surveys/polls online. Could also be used at events or anything else that requires data collection "in the field"
The benefit is allowing data collection on the spot without having to transfer data from paper to the office computer by hand.
I've been looking over this tutorial by Frank Abelson:
And have also been pouring through the Open Data Kit, but the ODK is a little more intense than I am prepared for and the Abelson tutorial doesn't discuss much how users could create their own forms.
I suppose users could just create their own XML files for custom forms in the office and store them on the server, but I was wondering if there was a way for them to do this on the Android app?
Just a hint about possible architecture or simple resources would be helpful, I am having a hard time picturing the solution at the moment.
i'm one of the developers of open data kit. odk has been successfully deployed by organizations all around the world for exactly what you describe.
we have a graphical form designer (and good alternatives in purcforms and xls2xforms), a server to host the forms, and an android mobile client (and good alternatives in javarosa). all the pieces are free, open source, and are driven by an active community.
if you could list what specifically about odk doesn't fit your needs (say, a need form design on the phone), i'd be could recommend alternatives...
ODK is a fantastic open source solution. A potential commercial alternative you can also try is Canvas at which allows you to replace paper based forms with your mobile device.
It currently runs on Android, Windows Mobile and BlackBerry with iPhone and iPad support coming soon.
To get a quick overview of how to use Canvas:
Build a standard data collection app in 5 minutes and see it running on BlackBerry
Build a signature capture app in 5 minutes and see it running on Android
Hope that helps some,
You should look into Fulcrum. I believe there is a 30 day trial period see if this software works for you. This is a one stop shop for mobile data collection teams. You can easily build your data collection forms right from your web account to include photo fields, text entry fields, choice fields, form sections, and repeatable sections. Repeatable, meaning parent-child relationships within a single data point.
They even have an App Gallery with a exemplary apps (forms) that allow you to use as a sort of "cheat-sheet" to get started. Here is the political canvassing survey they posted.
Check my project here:
PROS: Simple solution, open source, without any overkill, you don't have to display any logos, it doesn't cost a thing, it's easy to be extended, material design etc.
CONS: You must have the server part, for the transmission of the answers data.

