Why is nothing displayed in my flutter widget? - android

return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
// Here we take the value from the MyHomePage object that was created by
// the App.build method, and use it to set our appbar title.
title: Text("Se connecter"),
backgroundColor: Colors.red,
body: Center(
// Center is a layout widget. It takes a single child and positions it
// in the middle of the parent.
margin: EdgeInsets.all(24),
decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.white),
child :
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
children: <Widget>[
width: 160.0,
color: Colors.red,
width: 160.0,
color: Colors.blue,
decoration: InputDecoration(
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
labelText: 'Email',
hintText: 'Enter email',
contentPadding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0),
obscureText: true,
decoration: InputDecoration(
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
labelText: 'Password',
hintText: 'Enter Password',
contentPadding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0),
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headlineMedium,
// ↓ Add this.
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
primary: Colors.red,
onPressed: () async {
print('button pressed!');
Map<String,String?> infos = {
'app_id' : dotenv.env['app_id'],
'database' : dotenv.env['database'],
'mail' : dotenv.env['mail'],
'pass' : dotenv.env['pass'],
//'debug-mr' : dotenv.env['debug-mr'],
var a = await HttpGet('/auth', infos);
Map<String, dynamic> map = jsonDecode(a.body);
child: Text('Next'),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: null,
tooltip: 'Increment',
child: const Icon(Icons.add),
), // This trailing comma makes auto-formatting nicer for build methods.
I want first to create a column in 2 columns in the first row of the view, then display in differents rows differents components after the second row... each one one row
..but there is not that
I expect that it appears anything of my screen view, or nothing is displayed, all is white
Thanks in advance if you are able to help me

Please add shrinkWrap = true inside ListView,
Or Wrap Expand widget outside ListView,
If scrollDirection = axis.horizontal, Please Wrap LisView in SizeBox and set Height for SizeBox

Because of Column [ ListView...] Firstly check Unbounded height / width | Decoding Flutter.
For your case, Container doesn't have any height.
try providing height.
You can wrap the ListView with Expanded widget, it will get available space for ListView.
class _FR43State extends State<FR43> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
// Here we take the value from the MyHomePage object that was created by
// the App.build method, and use it to set our appbar title.
title: Text("Se connecter"),
backgroundColor: Colors.red,
body: Center(
// Center is a layout widget. It takes a single child and positions it
// in the middle of the parent.
child: Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.all(24),
decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.white),
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
child: ListView(
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
children: <Widget>[
width: 160.0,
height: 200,
color: Colors.red,
width: 160.0,
height: 200,
color: Colors.blue,
decoration: InputDecoration(
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
labelText: 'Email',
hintText: 'Enter email',
contentPadding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0),
obscureText: true,
decoration: InputDecoration(
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
labelText: 'Password',
hintText: 'Enter Password',
contentPadding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0),
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headlineMedium,
// ↓ Add this.
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
primary: Colors.red,
onPressed: () async {
// print('button pressed!');
// Map<String,String?> infos = {
// 'app_id' : dotenv.env['app_id'],
// 'database' : dotenv.env['database'],
// 'mail' : dotenv.env['mail'],
// 'pass' : dotenv.env['pass'],
// //'debug-mr' : dotenv.env['debug-mr'],
// };
// var a = await HttpGet('/auth', infos);
// Map<String, dynamic> map = jsonDecode(a.body);
// print(map['auth_mode']);
child: Text('Next'),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: null,
tooltip: 'Increment',
child: const Icon(Icons.add),
), // This trailing comma makes auto-formatting nicer for build methods.


How can I add a container widget by pressing the button?

As shown in the picture below, there is a container widget with image and text field, and I would like to create an additional container when I click the button.
I have no idea how to implement this.
Can you suggest a way to implement this?
Container _productForm() {
return Container(
child: Column(
children: [
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
children: [
_inputText("input text", _controller2),
_inputText("input text", _controller3),
Widget _inputText(String hint, TextEditingController textEditingController) {
return Container(
width: double.infinity,
// height: 200,
child: TextField(
controller: textEditingController,
//엔터키 이벤트
onSubmitted: (value) {},
//높이를 부모 위젯의 높이로 설정 (컨테이너 전체를 텍스트필드로 사용)
// expands: true,
maxLines: null,
decoration: InputDecoration(
border: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5),
hintText: hint,
Widget _addButton() {
return Container(
width: 200,
height: 65,
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () {
//상품썸네일 아래에 상품썸네일 하나 더 추가
child: Text(
'Add Container',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 17, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
primary: Colors.blue, // background
onPrimary: Colors.white, // foregro// und
try put in the List:
List<Container> _containers = [_productForm(),_productForm(),];
onPressed: () {
//상품썸네일 아래에 상품썸네일 하나 더 추가
then Load your _containers list with ListView
create list of widget
List<Container> _containers = [_productForm(),_productForm(),];
set dynamic children in row
children: _containers
.map((_) => _productForm())
on press of your button
onPressed: () {

How can I vertically center all the widgets inside a ListView?

I have this main screen with a ListView:
I decided to use a ListView as it resulted in screen overflow error each time the keyboard opened up.
This is my code:
ListView(children: [
alignment: Alignment.topCenter,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 46.0, bottom: 8),
child: ClipRect(
child: Image.asset(
scale: 2,
alignment: Alignment.center,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 24.0, vertical: 12.0),
child: TextField(
controller: _word,
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
decoration: InputDecoration(
suffixIcon: IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.close),
onPressed: () {
_word.text = '';
border: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
filled: true,
fillColor: Colors.lightGreen[200],
hintStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.green),
hintText: 'Enter a word',
alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 16, bottom: 12),
child: ConstrainedBox(
constraints: BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: 65, height: 65),
child: ElevatedButton(
style: ButtonStyle(
shape: MaterialStateProperty.all<CircleBorder>(CircleBorder())),
child: Icon(Icons.search),
onPressed: () async {
String word = _word.text;
_word.text = '';
Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) {
return word == '' ? RandomResults() : Results(word);
I've also used the Align widget on all the three screen widgets. But it seems that the use of Align practically has no effect on the placement of the three widgets.
I want to place the three widgets in such a way that the space above and below the three widgets is equal (or in other words, I want to group and place them in a vertically centered alignment).
This code will help you to get the concepet. if you need layoutSize wrap Stack with LayoutoutBuilder to get the constrains.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: Stack(
children: [
alignment: Alignment.topCenter,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 46.0, bottom: 8),
child: ClipRect(
child: Image.asset(
// 'images/icon.png',
scale: 2,
/// change this value according to your desire
alignment: Alignment(0, .2),
child: ListView(
shrinkWrap: true,
children: [
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
horizontal: 24.0, vertical: 12.0),
child: TextField(
// controller: _word,F
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
decoration: InputDecoration(
suffixIcon: IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.close),
onPressed: () {
// _word.text = '';
border: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
filled: true,
fillColor: Colors.lightGreen[200],
hintStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.green),
hintText: 'Enter a word',
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 16, bottom: 12),
child: ConstrainedBox(
constraints: BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: 65, height: 65),
child: ElevatedButton(
style: ButtonStyle(
shape: MaterialStateProperty.all<CircleBorder>(
child: Icon(Icons.search),
onPressed: () async {
// detectNetStatus(context);
// String word = _word.text;
// _word.text = '';
// Navigator.push(context,
// MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) {
// return word == '' ? RandomResults() : Results(word);
// }));
Here is the solution for your code to align the widget with centered with using of the Flex widget.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: LayoutBuilder(
builder: (context, viewportConstraints) {
return SingleChildScrollView(
child: ConstrainedBox(
constraints: viewportConstraints.copyWith(
minHeight: viewportConstraints.maxHeight,
maxHeight: double.infinity,
child: Flex(
direction: Axis.vertical,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: [
child: Image.asset(
scale: 2,
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
horizontal: 10.0, vertical: 30.0),
child: TextField(
controller: _word,
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
decoration: InputDecoration(
suffixIcon: IconButton(
color: Colors.green,
icon: Icon(Icons.close),
onPressed: () {
_word.text = '';
border: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
filled: true,
fillColor: Colors.yellow[50],
hintStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.green),
hintText: 'Enter a word',
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 10.0),
child: ConstrainedBox(
constraints: BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: 65, height: 65),
child: ElevatedButton(
style: ButtonStyle(
shape: MaterialStateProperty.all<CircleBorder>(
child: Icon(Icons.search),
onPressed: () async {
String word = _word.text;
_word.text = '';
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) {
return word == '' ? RandomResults() : Results(word);

Flutter overflow bottom when keyboard appears

i got this error and i cant get why, in a new screen i got a simple form on top (start of the column), when i focus the textfield the keyboard appears and overflow the date select and the button, but i dont know why.
Here is the initial state whiout focus on the textfield
and here is when i focus the textfield.
This is the widget i got to do this.
return Scaffold(
body: SafeArea(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
TopBarWidget(page: 'New Event', title: 'Nuevo Evento'),
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
onChanged: (value) {
eDisplayName = value;
maxLength: 18,
keyboardType: TextInputType.text,
textCapitalization: TextCapitalization.sentences,
cursorColor: Color(0xFFFC4A1A),
decoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: "Nombre del Evento",
fillColor: Colors.white,
border: new OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: new BorderRadius.circular(5.0),
height: 16.0,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: <Widget>[
focusColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
highlightedBorderColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
textColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
onPressed: () => _selectDate(context),
child: Text('Cambiar Fecha'),
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 18.0,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor),
// Text("${selectedDate.toLocal()}"),
height: 16.0,
disabledColor: Colors.grey[200],
disabledTextColor: Colors.black,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
textColor: Colors.white,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: new BorderRadius.circular(10.0)),
onPressed: eDisplayName.length == 0
? null
: () {
// print(newEvent);
child: Text(
// style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20),
Yo can set to false the resizeToAvoidBottomInset in your Scaffold()
Like this
return Scaffold(
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
body: // ...
// ...
Documentation reference: Scaffold - resizeToAvoidBottomInset
It's beginner level problem. Don't know why most tutorial don't cover this problem before showing TextField Widget.
Column widget is fixed and does not scroll. So change Column to ListView. And do nothing else. The Widget will gain scroll feature and overflow problem will not happen anymore.

space between divider and container in flutter

The divider is not adjusting as I need, All the stuff inside in Column Widget and not able to set vertical line.
decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.grey[300]),
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
children: <Widget>[
Expanded(child: TextFormField(
style: new TextStyle(color: Colors.grey),
decoration: InputDecoration(
border: InputBorder.none,
prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.search,color: Colors.grey,size: 30.0,),
hintStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey,fontSize: 18.0),
hintText: 'Search',
IconButton(onPressed:(){},icon: Image.asset('assets/images/grid.png',fit: BoxFit.contain ,),),
Container(decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.grey),width: 5.0,child: Text(''),),
IconButton(onPressed:(){},icon: Image.asset('assets/images/list.png',fit: BoxFit.contain ,),),
Divider(color: Colors.grey,),
I need this
and getting this
Just give a height of 1 to the divider.
Divider(height: 1)
This will remove any padding it has.
Simple solution : Works Flawlessly 🎊🚀
Full code below :
itemCount: 10,
separatorBuilder: (_ , __ ) => Divider(height:1),
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return ListTile(
title: Text('item $index'),
Just remove divider replace with this line
Container(color: Colors.grey, height: 1)
and set Column
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
Yeah the Divider will always have padding so I just recreated what you wanted using BoxDecorations instead:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Home'),
body: Material(
child: Column(children: <Widget>[
decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.grey[300]),
child: Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
children: <Widget>[
child: TextFormField(
style: new TextStyle(color: Colors.grey),
decoration: InputDecoration(
prefixIcon: Icon(
color: Colors.grey,
size: 30.0,
hintStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey, fontSize: 18.0),
hintText: 'Search',
decoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border(bottom: BorderSide(color: Theme.of(context).hintColor), left: BorderSide(color: Theme.of(context).hintColor)),
), child: IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.view_list), onPressed: () {},)),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border(bottom: BorderSide(color: Theme.of(context).hintColor), left: BorderSide(color: Theme.of(context).hintColor)),
), child: IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.view_list), onPressed: () {},)),
Edit: reuploaded pic for clarity and removed width of borders so stays as default 1.0.
The appropriate padding is automatically computed from the height. So, setting height of divider to 0 will remove the padding.

Flutter - How to make a column screen scrollable

I'm building a flutter app with a Login Screen. On focus on the text field(s), the screen is overflowed and i cannot scroll. I've tried using a ListView.builder, but that just gives a renderBox error, and the regular ListView doesn't work
The widget structure is like this
- body
- container
- column
- form
- column
- textInput
- textInput
- container
- container
- row
- raisedButton
Thank You in advance !!
The ListView solution should work, but at the time of writing, it suffers from the crash listed here. Another way to achieve the same thing without this crash is to use a SingleChildScrollView:
return new Container(
child: new SingleChildScrollView(
child: new Column(
children: <Widget>[
try this Code: Its Using ListView
class Home extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// TODO: implement build
return Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: ListView(
shrinkWrap: true,
padding: EdgeInsets.all(15.0),
children: <Widget>[
child: Card(
elevation: 8.0,
child: Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
decoration: InputDecoration(
prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.person),
labelText: "Username or Email",
height: 15.0,
decoration: InputDecoration(
prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.lock),
labelText: "Password",
height: 15.0,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(30.0),
//elevation: 5.0,
child: MaterialButton(
onPressed: () => {},
minWidth: 150.0,
height: 50.0,
color: Color(0xFF179CDF),
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 16.0,
color: Colors.white,
height: 25.0,
children: <Widget>[
Expanded(child: Text("Don't Have a Account?")),
Text("Sign Up",
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.blue,
bottomNavigationBar: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
child: Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
child: RaisedButton(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(15.0),
onPressed: () {},
color: Colors.white,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
side: BorderSide(color: Color(0xFF179CDF))),
child: Text(
TextStyle(fontSize: 18.0, color: Color(0xFF179CDF)),
There are two easy ways of doing it.
Wrap your Column in a SingleChildScrollView
child: Column(
children: [
//... other children
Use ListView instead of Column.
children: [
//... other children
This approach is simple to use, but you lose features like crossAxisAlignment and other benefits provided by Column, in that case, you can wrap your children widget inside Align and set alignment property.
Now you may have nested children which are further scrollable, in that case, you need to provide a fixed height to your children, you may use SizedBox for that, that's it.
For example:
children: [
height: 100,
child: ListView(...), // nested ScrollView
We can use the Expanded widget. It will add scrolling.
return new Expanded(
child: new SingleChildScrollView(
child: new Column(
children: <Widget>[
Wrap your column in SingleChildScrollView and then wrap SingleChildScrollView in a Center widget to center the widgets in the column.
child: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Column(
children: [
//... other children

