Dependency 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat-resources:1.6.1' - android

Dependency 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat-resources:1.6.1' requires libraries and applications that
depend on it to compile against version 33 or later of the
Android APIs.
:app is currently compiled against android-32.
Also, the maximum recommended compile SDK version for Android Gradle
plugin 7.2.1 is 32.
Recommended action: Update this project's version of the Android Gradle
plugin to one that supports 33, then update this project to use
compileSdkVerion of at least 33.
Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (which
allows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updating
targetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) and
minSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installed
How do I fix this android studio roblem?
I clearly had no idea what should I do

This is a dependency version contrast issue just replace your appcompact and ktx with these
implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.8.0'
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.4.2'


How do I solve this error in Android Studio

6 issues were found when checking AAR metadata:
Dependency 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat-resources:1.6.0' requires libraries and applications that
depend on it to compile against version 33 or later of the
Android APIs.
:app is currently compiled against android-32.
Recommended action: Update this project to use a newer compileSdkVersion
of at least 33, for example 33.
Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (which
allows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updating
targetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) and
minSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installed
Dependency 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.6.0' requires libraries and applications that
depend on it to compile against version 33 or later of the
Android APIs.
:app is currently compiled against android-32.
Recommended action: Update this project to use a newer compileSdkVersion
of at least 33, for example 33.
Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (which
allows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updating
targetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) and
minSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installed
Dependency 'androidx.activity:activity:1.6.0' requires libraries and applications that
depend on it to compile against version 33 or later of the
Android APIs.
:app is currently compiled against android-32.
Recommended action: Update this project to use a newer compileSdkVersion
of at least 33, for example 33.
Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (which
allows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updating
targetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) and
minSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installed
Dependency 'androidx.core:core:1.9.0' requires libraries and applications that
depend on it to compile against version 33 or later of the
Android APIs.
:app is currently compiled against android-32.
Recommended action: Update this project to use a newer compileSdkVersion
of at least 33, for example 33.
Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (which
allows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updating
targetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) and
minSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installed
Dependency 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.9.0' requires libraries and applications that
depend on it to compile against version 33 or later of the
Android APIs.
:app is currently compiled against android-32.
Recommended action: Update this project to use a newer compileSdkVersion
of at least 33, for example 33.
Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (which
allows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updating
targetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) and
minSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installed
Dependency 'androidx.annotation:annotation-experimental:1.3.0' requires libraries and applications that
depend on it to compile against version 33 or later of the
Android APIs.
:app is currently compiled against android-32.
Recommended action: Update this project to use a newer compileSdkVersion
of at least 33, for example 33.
Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (which
allows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updating
targetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) and
minSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installed
I was trying to run a code
Upgrade your compile Sdk and target Sdk 32 to 33 Or change your 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat' library version from 1.6.0 to 1.5.1.
In your project directory go to :
Gradle Scripts > build.gradle(Module : ___)
android {
compileSdk 32 **(-> Change 32 to 33)**

Xml Suggestions not getting after change compileSdk & targetSdk to 33

I am getting some issue while updating compilesdk and targetsdk to 33.
And if I set compilesdk or targetsdk to 32, 31 or less, I get another library support issue during compilation, as described below...
1. Dependency 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:2.6.0-alpha02' requires libraries and applications that
depend on it to compile against version 33 or later of the
Android APIs.
:app is currently compiled against android-32.
Also, the maximum recommended compile SDK version for Android Gradle
plugin 7.2.1 is 32.
Recommended action: Update this project's version of the Android Gradle
plugin to one that supports 33, then update this project to use
compileSdkVerion of at least 33.
Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (which
allows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updating
targetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) and
minSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installed
and getting this same issue with all newly added library to the gradle
I'm not sure if this is a sdk 33 or library issue.
I already tried this--->
Please Refer this link. There is issue in Android Studio Chipmunk Version. Google Team fixed in Android Studio Dolphin. Check Issue Tracker as well
def lifecycle_version = "2.6.0-alpha02"
def lifecycle_version = "2.4.0-rc01"
in build.gradle(app) file.
Please refer to this link for screenshot.

How do I change android Dependencies for SDK

I am pretty new to releasing apps for android on google play. They changed their minimum SDK requirements to version 30. I initially compiled the code with SDK 28. I changed the compile SDK version to 30 and the target sdk version to 30. But the dependencies are version 28. How do you change the dependencies to reflect the changes? I have already downloaded SDK 30.
1.Hover over the dependencies and if they need update they will be yellow in color
2.Click on bulb sign on left and change it to its latest version and click sync now
3.Like this:-
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.12.1'
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.11.0'
4.Also Check your buildgradle version in build.gradele(project) file

Support library dependencies in Android Q

In order to test my app for Android Q, I've installed Android Studio 3.5 (canary) and updated my build configuration as described here:
But what do I do with the support library dependencies? The ones below are all red because:
This support library should not use a different version (28) than the compileSdkVersion (29)
dependencies {
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12') {
transitive = true;
Do I just leave them as is until Google releases the new support library? I'm getting a build error but I'm not sure if it's related to this or not.
Support libraries will not be updated past 28. You need to migrate to androidx.
See support library documentation where it says:
Note: With the release of Android 9.0 (API level 28) there is a new version of the support library called AndroidX which is part of Jetpack. The AndroidX library contains the existing support library and also includes the latest Jetpack components.
You can continue to use the support library. Historical artifacts (those versioned 27 and earlier, and packaged as*) will remain available on Google Maven. However, all new library development will occur in the AndroidX library.

How can I download an old version of the Android support library?

I'm targeting Android 19 (because that's what my phone is running). I want to add a notification with buttons; it seems the right approach is to use
However, when I add appcompat-v7 from the Android Support repository revision 22.2 (via a build.gradle dependency), it includes a file app/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/ that doesn't compile because it assumes the target is 21+.
I tried deleting that file, but it gets regenerated.
There doesn't seem to be a way to exclude a file from the build.
So, I need to get an older version of the support library or repository, that doesn't include 21 stuff.
I guess I could import all the sources directly (and leave out the v21 stuff), rather than thru the dependency? I'm not clear where to start with that.
I can use the SDK manager to get older versions of the SDK, but it only offers the latest version of the support library.
to directly answer your question it's all that one line on gradle:
compile ''
That last part is the version you're getting. 22.2.0 on the example above.
and on this link you can check the revisions numbers:
But you have a fundamentally wrong approach to your issue. You don't have to target the API for the device you have with you. You can easily and safely target the latest API, use the latest AppCompat features and bug fixes.
Lint will give you a warning every time you try to use a feature that is not from your minimumApi, regardless of the targetAPI
In your gradle build file change the dependency to be the 19 version (the version of the library should match the sdk you are compiling with):
dependencies {
compile ''
Edit: If v19 of the support lib doesn't have NotificationCompat, then you can't use that unless you compile against a later SDK. You can't include a support library with a higher version than your compiled SDK - that's the issue you are running into.
In this case change:
android {
compileSdkVersion 22
and leave the dependency set to the 22 version of the appcompat support lib

