Scroll to bottom listener Jetpack Compose - android

I have a page that I want to be scrollable (mostly text only, no list). At the bottom of that page I have a disabled button, but when I reach the bottom of the page I want that button to activate. How can I do this with JetpackCompose Kotlin androidx.compose.ui version 1.3.2?
Much appreciation in advance!
I can't use ScrollableColumn, Scrollable, LazyColumn, LazyRow because of the compose library.

It's not clear why you can't use these components since they are all part of the Compose library. However, this can be done using Column composable with verticalScroll modifier.
val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
Column(Modifier.verticalScroll(scrollState)) {
State for enabling Button, false by default:
val isButtonEnabled by remember {mutableStateOf(false)}
ScrollState has canScrollForward Boolean property, false means we cannot scroll forward (we are the end of the list). Once we have false here, button should be enabled
LaunchedEffect(scrollState.canScrollForward) {
if (!scrollState.canScrollForward) isButtonEnabled = true
And button:
Button(enabled = isButtonEnabled, ...)

override fun Build() {
val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
val isButtonEnabled by remember {mutableStateOf(false)}
LaunchedEffect(scrollState.canScrollForward) {
if (!scrollState.canScrollForward) isButtonEnabled = true
header = {
title = R.string.insurance_choose_insurance_travel,
onBack = { sendNavEffect.invoke(Effect.Navigation.OnBack) },
actions = {},
backgroundColor = white
page = {
color = Color.Black
footer = {
Row(modifier = Modifier.padding(20.dp)) {
text = R.string.accept_terms_and_conditions_sca.getString(),
buttonState = if(isButtonEnabled) ButtonState.Active else ButtonState.Disabled,
onClick = {}


How can I animate between 0 and wrap content values ​using compose

I'm trying to make a swipe to reveal component using compose, but I want the width of the card that will appear after the swipe to grow to the size of the wrap content without using it, but I don't understand how to calculate the wrap content size.
var width by remember {
val lowerTransition = updateTransition(transitionState, "lowerCardTransition")
val lowerOffsetTransition by lowerTransition.animateFloat(
label = "lowerCardOffsetTransition",
transitionSpec = { tween(durationMillis = ANIMATION_DURATION) },
targetValueByState = { if (isRevealed) width.value else 0f },
How do I equate the width value used here to the wrap content value?
I'm trying to make the resulting delete button appear all without using a constant value
Try using AnimatedVisibility. For demo purpose I used OnClick, replace it with OnSwipe.
fun AnimateVisibility2() {
var visible by remember {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
) {
visible = visible, enter = expandHorizontally(), exit = shrinkHorizontally()
) {
IconButton(onClick = { /*TODO*/ }) {
Icon(Icons.Default.Phone, contentDescription = null)
Button(onClick = { visible = !visible }, Modifier.weight(1f)) {
Text("Click Me")

PullRefreshIndicator overlaps with ScrollableTabRow

I'm starting to learn about Jetpack Compose. I put together this app where I explore different day-to-day use cases, each of the feature modules within this project is supposed to tackle different scenarios.
One of this feature modules – the chatexample feature module, tries to implement a simple ViewPager where each of the pages is a Fragment, the first page "Messages" is supposed to display a paginated RecyclerView wrapped around a SwipeRefreshLayout. Now, the goal is to implement all this using Jetpack Compose. This is the issue I'm having right now:
The PullRefreshIndicator that I'm using to implement the Pull-To-Refresh action works as expected and everything seems pretty straightforward so far, but I cannot figure out why the ProgresBar stays there on top.
So far I've tried; Carrying on the Modifier from the parent Scaffold all the way through. Making sure I explicitly set the sizes to fit the max height and width. Add an empty Box in the when statement - but nothing has worked so far, I'm guessing I could just remove the PullRefreshIndicator if I see that the ViewModel isn't supposed to be refreshing, but I don't think that's the right thing to do.
To quickly explain the Composables that I'm using here I have:
<Scaffold> // Set with a topBar
<Tab/> // Set for the first "Messages" tab
<Tab/> // Set for the second "Dashboard" tab
// ChatExampleScreen
<Box> // A Box set with the pullRefresh modifier
// Depending on the ChatExamleViewModel we might pull different composables here
// Another ChatExampleScreen for the second tab
Honestly, I don't get how the PullRefreshIndicator that is in a completely different Composable (ChatExampleScreen) gets to overlap with the ScrollableTabRow that is outside.
Hope this makes digesting the UI a bit easier. Any tip, advice, or recommendation is appreciated. Thanks! 🙇
Edit: Just to be completely clear, what I'm trying to achieve here is to have a PullRefreshIndicator on each page. Something like this:
On each page, you pull down, see the ProgressBar appear, and when it is done, it goes away, within the same page. Not overlapping with the tabs above.
A comparatively easier solution in my case was to simply give the Box that contains my vertically scrollable Composable and my PullRefreshIndicator a zIndex of -1f:
Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize().zIndex(-1f)) {
And that already did the trick for me. I have a very similar setup to the OP, a Scaffold containing a ScrollableTabRow and a HorizontalPager with refreshable lists on the individual tabs.
I want to leave my first answer as I feel it will still be useful to future readers, so heres another one you might consider.
One of the Box in the tabs has a scroll modifier though, because according to the Accompanist Docs and the actual functionality.
… The content needs to be 'vertically scrollable' for SwipeRefresh()
to be able to react to swipe gestures. Layouts such as LazyColumn are
automatically vertically scrollable, but others such as Column or
LazyRow are not. In those instances, you can provide a
Modifier.verticalScroll modifier…
It's from accompanist documentation about the migration of the API but it still applies to this current one in compose framework.
The way I understand it is a scroll event should be present for the PullRefresh to get activated manually (i.e a layout/container with a vertical scroll modifier or a LazyColumn), something that will consume a drag/swipe event in the screen.
Here's the short working sample. All of these are copy-and-paste-able.
class PullRefreshActivity: ComponentActivity() {
private val viewModel: MyViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
MyAppTheme {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colors.background
) {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
topBar = { TopAppBarSample() }
) {
modifier = Modifier.padding(it),
viewModel = viewModel
Some data classes:
data class MessageItems(
val message: String = "",
val author: String = ""
data class DashboardBanner(
val bannerMessage: String = "",
val content: String = ""
class MyViewModel: ViewModel() {
var isLoading by mutableStateOf(false)
private val _messageState = MutableStateFlow(mutableStateListOf<MessageItems>())
val messageState = _messageState.asStateFlow()
private val _dashboardState = MutableStateFlow(DashboardBanner())
val dashboardState = _dashboardState.asStateFlow()
fun fetchMessages() {
viewModelScope.launch {
isLoading = true
_messageState.update {
message = "Hello First Message",
author = "Author 1"
message = "Hello Second Message",
author = "Author 2"
isLoading = false
fun fetchDashboard() {
viewModelScope.launch {
isLoading = true
_dashboardState.update {
bannerMessage = "Hello World!!",
content = "Welcome to Pull Refresh Content!"
isLoading = false
Tab Screen Composables:
fun MessageTab(
myViewModel : MyViewModel
) {
val messages by myViewModel.messageState.collectAsState()
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
) {
items(messages) { item ->
modifier = Modifier
.border(BorderStroke(Dp.Hairline, Color.DarkGray)),
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
) {
Text(text = item.message)
Text(text =
fun DashboardTab(
myViewModel: MyViewModel
) {
val banner by myViewModel.dashboardState.collectAsState()
modifier = Modifier
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
Column {
text = banner.bannerMessage,
fontSize = 52.sp
text = banner.content,
fontSize = 16.sp
Finally, the composable that contains the PullRefresh and the Pager/Tab components, and all of them are direct children of a ConstraintLayout. So to achieve a PullRefresh behind the Tabs but still on top of the HorizontalPager, first I had to put the HorizontalPager as the first child, the PullRefresh as the second and the Tabs as the last one, constraining them accordingly to preserve the visual arrangement of a Tab Pager.
#OptIn(ExperimentalMaterialApi::class, ExperimentalPagerApi::class)
fun MyScreen(
modifier : Modifier = Modifier,
viewModel: MyViewModel
) {
val refreshing = viewModel.isLoading
val pagerState = rememberPagerState()
val pullRefreshState = rememberPullRefreshState(
refreshing = refreshing,
onRefresh = {
when (pagerState.currentPage) {
0 -> {
1 -> {
refreshingOffset = 100.dp // just an arbitrary offset where the refresh will animate
modifier = modifier
) {
val (pager, pullRefresh, tabs) = createRefs()
count = 2,
state = pagerState,
modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(pager) {
height = Dimension.fillToConstraints
) { page ->
when (page) {
0 -> {
myViewModel = viewModel
1 -> {
myViewModel = viewModel
modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(pullRefresh) {
refreshing = refreshing,
state = pullRefreshState,
modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(tabs) {
selectedTabIndex = pagerState.currentPage,
indicator = { tabPositions ->
modifier = Modifier.tabIndicatorOffset(
currentTabPosition = tabPositions[pagerState.currentPage],
) {
selected = pagerState.currentPage == 0,
onClick = {},
text = {
text = "Messages"
selected = pagerState.currentPage == 1,
onClick = {},
text = {
text = "Dashboard"
// top to ScrollableTabRow's bottom
// start, end, bottom to parent's start, end and bottom
// 0.dp (view), fillToConstraints (compose)
// top, start, end of parent
// top, start and end of parent
<Tab/> // Set for the first "Messages" tab
<Tab/> // Set for the second "Dashboard" tab
I think there's nothing wrong with the PullRefresh api and the Compose/Accompanist Tab/Pager api being used together, it seems like the PullRefresh is just respecting the placement structure of the layout/container it is put into.
Consider this code, no tabs, no pager, just a simple set-up of widgets that is identical to your set-up
modifier = Modifier.padding(it)
) {
modifier = Modifier
val pullRefreshState = rememberPullRefreshState(
refreshing = false,
onRefresh = { viewModel.fetchMessages() }
modifier = Modifier.pullRefresh(pullRefreshState)
) {
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.TopCenter),
refreshing = false,
state = pullRefreshState,
What it looks like.
The PullRefresh is placed inside a component(Box) that is placed below another component in a Column vertical placement, and since it's below another widget, its initial position will not be hidden like the image sample.
With your set-up, since I noticed that the ViewModel is being shared by the tabs and also the reason why I was confirming if you are decided with your architecture is because the only fix I can think of is moving the PullRefresh up in the sequence of the composable widgets.
First changes I made is in your ChatExampleScreen composable, which ended up like this, all PullRefresh components are removed.
fun ChatExampleScreen(
chatexampleViewModel: ChatExampleViewModel,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
val chatexampleViewModelState by chatexampleViewModel.state.observeAsState()
modifier = modifier
) {
when (val result = chatexampleViewModelState) {
is ChatExampleViewModel.State.SuccessfullyLoadedMessages -> {
chatexampleMessages = result.list,
modifier = modifier,
is ChatExampleViewModel.State.NoMessagesFetched -> {
modifier = modifier
is ChatExampleViewModel.State.NoInternetConnectivity -> {
modifier = modifier
else -> {
// Agus - Do nothing???
Box(modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize())
and in your Activity I moved all the setContent{…} scope into another function named ChatTabsContent and placed everything inside it including the PullRefresh components.
fun ChatTabsContent(
modifier : Modifier = Modifier,
viewModel : ChatExampleViewModel
) {
val chatexampleViewModelIsLoadingState by viewModel.isLoading.observeAsState()
val pullRefreshState = rememberPullRefreshState(
refreshing = chatexampleViewModelIsLoadingState == true,
onRefresh = { viewModel.fetchMessages() }
modifier = modifier
) {
) {
val pagerState = rememberPagerState()
selectedTabIndex = pagerState.currentPage,
indicator = { tabPositions ->
modifier = Modifier.tabIndicatorOffset(
currentTabPosition = tabPositions[pagerState.currentPage],
) {
selected = pagerState.currentPage == 0,
onClick = { },
text = {
text = "Messages"
selected = pagerState.currentPage == 1,
onClick = { },
text = {
text = "Dashboard"
count = 2,
state = pagerState,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
) { page ->
when (page) {
0 -> {
chatexampleViewModel = viewModel,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
1 -> {
chatexampleViewModel = viewModel,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.TopCenter),
refreshing = chatexampleViewModelIsLoadingState == true,
state = pullRefreshState,
which ended up like this
setContent {
TheOneAppTheme {
// A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colors.background
) {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
topBar = { TopAppBarSample() }
) {
modifier = Modifier.padding(it),
viewModel = viewModel
Structural changes.
<Scaffold> // Set with a topBar
<Tab/> // Set for the first "Messages" tab
<Tab/> // Set for the second "Dashboard" tab
// pull refresh is now at the most "z" index of the
// box, overlapping the content (tabs/pager)
I haven't explored this API yet, but it looks like it should be used directly in a z-oriented layout/container parent such as Box as the last child.
I just want to share more details about the issue here and what the solution is. I appreciate a lot the solutions shared above and these were definitely key to figuring the problem out.
The bare-minimum solution here is to replace the Box with a ConstraintLayout in the ChatScreenExample composable:
Why? Because as #z.y shared above the PullRefreshIndicator needs to be contained on a "vertically scrollable" composable, and while the Box composable can be set with the vericalScroll() modifier we need to make sure we constraint the height of the content, that's why we had to change to a ConstraintLayout.
Feel free to correct me if I'm missing something.
There is yet another solution to this problem, which is using a .clipToBounds() modifier over the tab content container.

Scroll all screen with a lazy column and paging library inside

I'm new to Jetpack Compose and I'm not quite sure how to do what I need. In the screen below, I want to scroll the whole screen and not just the list at the bottom and when the scroll reaches the end of the list below, it still applies the paging library and goes to get more elements. I managed to get the Paging Library to work and the scroll in the list below too, but I can't make the rest of the page elements scroll as well - this is because only the list has scroll and not the rest of the page. Whenever I'm trying to do that, I get the following crash:
Vertically scrollable component was measured with an infinity maximum height constraints, which is disallowed. One of the common reasons is nesting layouts like LazyColumn and Column(Modifier.verticalScroll()). If you want to add a header before the list of items please add a header as a separate item() before the main items() inside the LazyColumn scope. There are could be other reasons for this to happen: your ComposeView was added into a LinearLayout with some weight, you applied Modifier.wrapContentSize(unbounded = true) or wrote a custom layout. Please try to remove the source of infinite constraints in the hierarchy above the scrolling container.
and I don't really know why.
I leave you the code below and two screenshots: the first is the current state, where I can only scroll through the list. The second is what I intend, which is to scroll the entire page.
#Edit: I was able to implement all screen scroll with fixed height on the children lazy column, but that is not what I want.
private fun MainActivityLayout(navController: NavHostController) {
modifier = Modifier
painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.main_background),
contentScale = ContentScale.FillBounds
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
) {
item {
painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_clearjobs_logo_2x),
contentDescription = null
Navigation(navController = navController)
fun JobOpeningsScreen(viewModel: JobOpeningsViewModel = hiltViewModel()) {
val uiState by viewModel.uiState.collectAsState()
Column {
lightTitle = stringResource(id = R.string.job_openings_light_title),
boldTitle = stringResource(id = R.string.job_openings_bold_title)
Row {
when (uiState) {
is BaseViewState.Data -> JobOpeningsContent(
viewState = uiState.cast<BaseViewState.Data<JobOpeningsViewState>>().value
is BaseViewState.Loading -> {
else -> {}
LaunchedEffect(key1 = viewModel, block = {
fun JobOpeningsContent(viewState: JobOpeningsViewState) {
val pagingItems = rememberFlowWithLifecycle(viewState.pagedData).collectAsLazyPagingItems()
state = rememberSwipeRefreshState(
isRefreshing = pagingItems.loadState.refresh == LoadState.Loading
onRefresh = { pagingItems.refresh() },
indicator = { state, trigger ->
state = state,
refreshTriggerDistance = trigger,
scale = true
content = {
modifier = Modifier.width(Dimen320),
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(Dimen30)
) {
items(pagingItems.itemCount) { index ->
pagingItems[index]?.let {
JobOpeningsRow(dto = it)
if (pagingItems.loadState.append == LoadState.Loading) {
item {
) {
I found the solution to this problem, although it is not 100% and in terms of code it is not as good as I would like.
The error speaks for itself, we can't have infinite vertical scroll, Jetpack Compose doesn't allow it. I had the option of putting a fixed height on the Lazy Column of my list, but it wasn't what I wanted and it didn't work properly. The solution was to put everything inside a single LazyColumn and remove the Column from MainActivity, using a Box element and contentAlignment. I leave you below the final code that I used to solve the problem.
MainScreen function that before was MainActivityLayout function:
fun MainScreen() {
val navController = rememberNavController()
val topLevelDestinations = listOf(
val isTopLevelDestination =
?.route in { it.route }
val backStackEntryState = navController.currentBackStackEntryAsState()
bottomBar = {
if (isTopLevelDestination) {
navController = navController,
backStackEntryState = backStackEntryState,
bottomNavItems = topLevelDestinations
) {
modifier = Modifier
painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.main_background),
contentScale = ContentScale.FillBounds
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
Navigation(navController = navController)
New JobOpenings fun that is mixed with old JobOpeningsContent function:
fun JobOpeningsScreen(viewModel: JobOpeningsViewModel = hiltViewModel()) {
val uiState by viewModel.uiState.collectAsState()
when (uiState) {
is BaseViewState.Data -> {
val pagedData = uiState.cast<BaseViewState.Data<JobOpeningsViewState>>().value.pagedData
val pagingItems = rememberFlowWithLifecycle(pagedData).collectAsLazyPagingItems()
state = rememberSwipeRefreshState(
isRefreshing = pagingItems.loadState.refresh == LoadState.Loading
onRefresh = { pagingItems.refresh() },
indicator = { state, trigger ->
state = state,
refreshTriggerDistance = trigger,
scale = true
content = {
modifier = Modifier
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(Dimen30)
) {
item {
lightTitle = stringResource(id = R.string.job_openings_light_title),
boldTitle = stringResource(id = R.string.job_openings_bold_title)
Row {
items(pagingItems.itemCount) { index ->
pagingItems[index]?.let {
JobOpeningsRow(dto = it)
if (pagingItems.loadState.append == LoadState.Loading) {
item {
Box(Modifier.padding(Dimen24)) {
is BaseViewState.Loading -> LoadingView()
else -> {}
LaunchedEffect(key1 = viewModel, block = {
fun JobOpenings() {
Problems that I found with this solution:
LoadingView appears at the top of the screen instead at the top of the list.
If anyone has any suggestion to improve this, I am open to it. This works perfectly with Paging Library + Swipe Refresh (Accompanist) and full page scroll.

How to prevent Jetpack Compose ExposedDropdownMenuBox from showing menu when scrolling

I'm trying to use Jetpack Compose's ExposedDropdownMenuBox but I can't prevent it from showing the menu when scrolling.
For example, here's the code to replicate this problem:
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
MyApplicationTheme {
Surface(color = MaterialTheme.colors.background) {
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = 8.dp)
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp)
) {
ExposedDropdownMenuSample was taken from the official samples.
This is a GIF showing the problem.
How can I prevent this from happening?
This code is using compose version 1.1.0-rc01.
edit: now it doesn't swallow fling-motion as reported by m.reiter 😁
I was able to fix this with this ugly hack:
private fun Modifier.cancelOnExpandedChangeIfScrolling(cancelNext: () -> Unit) = pointerInput(Unit) {
forEachGesture {
coroutineScope {
awaitPointerEventScope {
var event: PointerEvent
var startPosition = Offset.Unspecified
var cancel = false
do {
event = awaitPointerEvent(PointerEventPass.Initial)
if (event.changes.any()) {
if (startPosition == Offset.Unspecified) {
startPosition = event.changes.first().position
val distance =
cancel = distance > 10f || cancel
} while (!event.changes.all { it.changedToUp() })
if (cancel) {
then add it to the ExposedDropdownMenuBox like:
var cancelNextExpandedChange by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } //this is to prevent fling motion from being swallowed
expanded = expanded,
onExpandedChange = {
if (!cancelNextExpandedChange) expanded = !expanded
cancelNextExpandedChange = false
}, modifier = Modifier.cancelOnExpandedChangeIfScrolling() { cancelNextExpandedChange = true }
So it basically checks if there was a drag for more than 10 pixels? and if true, invokes the callback that sets cancelNextExpandedChange to true so it will skip the next onExpandedChange.
10 is just a magic number that worked well for my tests, but it seems to be too low for a high res screen device. I'm sure there's a better way to calculate this number... Maybe someone more experienced can help with this until we have a proper fix?
I found a slightly less hacky workaround:
You get the info whether a scrolling is in progress from the scroll-state of the Column.
val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
val isScrolling = scrollState.isScrollInProgress
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = 8.dp)
) ...
In the ExposedDropdownMenuBox you can then change the listener to
onExpandedChange = {
expanded = !expanded && !isScrolling
=> The dropdown is never opened while scrolling. It is also automatically closed as soon as you start scrolling in the main-column. However scrolling inside the dropdown is possible.
Of course you can also cahnge it to something like
expanded = if (isScrolling) expanded else !expanded
To just leave everything like it is while scrolling
This issue was reported in:
and fixed in androidx.compose.material:material:1.4.0-alpha02

Jetpack Compose: When using Modifier.selectable how do you prevent a layout composable from being selectable while scrolling?

In Jetpack Compose there is a Modifier extension called selectable.
Configure component to be selectable, usually as a part of a mutually exclusive group, where
only one item can be selected at any point in time.
I'm using this for a mutually exclusive radio group inside a scrollable list. In my case a LazyColumn. This works fine, clicking on the selectable areas lights them up and results in detected clicks. However I noticed that the area also lights up while "touching" these areas while scrolling.
I made a simple example composable if you want to see what I mean, simply scroll through the list and you will see how scrolling triggers a short selected state:
fun Example() {
LazyColumn {
item {
modifier = Modifier
selected = false,
onClick = { }
) {
Has anyone figure out how to fix kind of behaviour? I tried looking for any related documentation at but nothing really explains how to "block" touch events while scrolling.
You can selectively enable Modifier.selectable(enabled) based on scroll state but even with derivedStateOf i see that there is huge performance loss.
val scrollState = rememberLazyListState()
val enableSelectable = derivedStateOf {
enabled = enableSelectable.value,
selected = false,
onClick = { }
I created a simple but longer example than you did, and included a video showing how it behaves with this code.
I believe what you are seeing is the ACTION_DOWN causing a ripple. It's not actually "selecting" the item because it does not change the selected state. I am not seeing the ripple when I scroll, but only when I keep my finger pressed on a specific row - the ripple disappears when my finger moves down.
I got the info about MotionEvents from this answer:
(Change the falses to true to see more info in the logs)
fun Content() {
val selectedValue = remember { mutableStateOf("") }
LazyColumn {
item {
repeat(100) {
val label = "Item $it"
val selected = selectedValue.value == label
SingleRadioButtonWithLabel(label, selected) {
selectedValue.value = label
fun SingleRadioButtonWithLabel(
label: String,
selected: Boolean,
onClick: () -> Unit
) {
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
modifier = Modifier
selected = selected,
onClick = {
Log.e("TestApp", "Row onClick")
.pointerInteropFilter {
when (it.action) {
MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> {
Log.e("TestApp", "MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN")
MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE -> {
Log.e("TestApp", "MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE")
MotionEvent.ACTION_UP -> {
Log.e("TestApp", "MotionEvent.ACTION_UP")
else -> false
) {
selected = selected,
onClick = {
Log.e("TestApp", "Radio Button onClick")
text = label,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()

