opening a fragment from BottomSheetDialogFragment, showing beneath the BottomSheetDialogFragment - android

I am trying to open a fragment from BottomSheetDialogFragment, it opens but behind the BottomSheetDialogFragment. When I dismiss the BottomSheetDialogFragment I am able to see the fragment that I opened.
Any idea why it is happening
I am using navigation component for navigation between the fragments.


How to make bottom sheet dialog fragment being opened from all the fragments and go back to the same fragment in Android [Kotlin]

I want to start the bottom sheet for login from different fragments in my app. The issue I am facing is handling the back button on the bottom sheet fragment. I am not able to pass the directions for going back to the fragment from where I triggered this bottom sheet fragment.
What is the right way to handle this? How can I trigger bottom sheet fragment from any activity or fragment in my app and go back to the same fragment from where it started?

problem with viewpager2 and bottomnav working together in android studio

so I'm trying to make small application type of thing where it has bottom navigation bar and viewpager2 working in it. But I want it so that in the first fragment page that application loads in, only there viewpager2 is available to work and be able to swipe, when I switch to next fragment with navigation bar that viewpager2 should basically disappear and not work, therefore my logic was to put that viewpager2 in that single fragment and navigation bar outside in main activity for it to be able to be seen in every fragment. But there is a problem, it almost works, I switch to another fragment with bar view pager disappears but when I go back to that first fragment view pager is just gone, disappeared and I have no idea what's the problem. if necessary I can show what I have written. Thanks in advance

Implement bottomSheet behavior in fragment

I am trying to implement bottom sheet behavior to fragment.The two points are need to implents
i)calling one fragment to another when button is clicked.
ii)apply bottomsheet behavior to fragment B,So that When I drag down the fragment can hide/dismiss.
Currently I am having two fragment A,B.I call fragment B in Fragment A by a container When button is clicked .
But when I am trying to implent second point I get error.On FrgmentB I am extend only Fragment not Fragmentdialog. The main reason is I cannot able to acess the background UI.
I have the same problem before, what I did is change the fragment to BottomSheetDialogFragment and made some changes.

Hiding a BottomNavigationView during a fragment transition

I am creating an app using single Activity so on main_activity I set the fragment as NavHostFragment and on the bottom the BottomNavigationView.
In fragment A (first tab selected), If I click on button_1...navigate on a new fragment (A1). Of course inside fragment A1 I need to hide BottomNavigationView so on main_activity I am using addOnDestinationChangedListener to hide BottomNavigationView.
The problem is that if I want use a transition (enter, exit, popup_enter, popup_exit) the BottomNavigationView hide immediatly. (example 1 on image)
How can I do to have the same as example 2 on image?
It looks like you have your 'NavHostFragment' below the 'BottomNavigationView'. So even if you were to delay hiding the BottomNavigationView the fragment transition would still happen behind it. So without changing your implementation completely it won't be possible to have the new fragment transition above the bottom BottomNavigationView.

Android navigation with activity and PagerView2

I have an issue with my Android app that uses Navigation and ViewPager2.
I've the main Activity which implements a Navigation Drawer and has its own Navigation Graph and it works fine with the rest of the application.
Then I have a second Activity that has a ViewPager2 which displays 3 different Fragments. Now the problem is that I need to navigate from the Main Activity to the Pager activity keeping the original Navigation infrastructure. I know that each activity has it's own Navigation Graph, but the second activity has a ViewPager2 control so that means it has 3 Fragments and I cannot specify a startDestination in the new Navigation Graph .... because there are 3 and here is the problem. I can display the new activity but the Application Bar with the Back button which would navigate to the original activity is not displayed. Any solution ?
You can not handle fragment of viewpager through nav graph, but you can create parent fragment called ViewPagerTabsHolderFragment and inside it, you will set up the view pager adapter fragments then you can set the nav graph start destination to this ViewPagerTabsHolderFragment

