Receive result from DialogFragment after orientation change - android

Implementing intercommunication between a Fragment and a DialogFragment. (without involving Activity and ViewModel)
It's working fine until orientation changes in DialogFragment, and I believe as a result of destruction and recreation, the DialogFragment loses the reference to the fragment's listener. Any solution?
Fragment (Caller)
private fun getRoles() {
val dialog = RoleDialog() // DialogFragment
setFragmentResultListener("roles", this::onFragmentResult), "roleDialog")
private fun onFragmentResult(requestKey: String, bundle: Bundle) {
roles = bundle.getParcelableArrayList("roles",
DialogFragment (RoleDialog)
Within the DialogFragment, I have an OK button to dismiss the dialog and set the result back to the caller Fragment.
btnOk.setOnClickListener {
setFragmentResult("roles", bundleOf("roles" to roles))
Problem: onFragmentResult in the calling Fragment doesn't get called after the orientation changes in DialogFragment


Pass data from BottomSheetFragment to previous Fragment

Is there any better way to send back the data to the previous fragment/parent fragment other than listener?
I have a fragment which consists of list of items. Clicking on the items will open a bottom sheet fragment. While closing the bottom sheet popup I need to pass data back to the fragment itself.
What I have done so far is created a listener and implemented it.
It really depends on what components you're using. If you are using Android Jetpack components then check out this article: LINK
You should be able to pass data back and forth similar to passing data with startActivityForResult()
Also, while you're at it please check out the official documentation too, there's a good example that will help you understand this better: LINK
Although you mention any way other than listener, but according to
Starting with Fragment 1.3.0-alpha04, each FragmentManager
implements FragmentResultOwner. This means that a FragmentManager can
act as a central store for fragment results. This change allows
components to communicate with each other by setting fragment results
and listening for those results...
Sets the FragmentResultListener for a given requestKey. Once the given
LifecycleOwner is at least in the STARTED state, any results set by
setFragmentResult using the same requestKey will be delivered to the
callback. The callback will remain active until the LifecycleOwner
reaches the DESTROYED state or clearFragmentResultListener is called
with the same requestKey.
To pass data back to fragment A from fragment B, first set a result listener on fragment A, the fragment that receives the result. Call setFragmentResultListener() on fragment A's FragmentManager, as shown in below:
in your BottomSheet Class:
btncloseBottomSheet.setOnClickListener {
val result = Bundle().apply {
// put your data in bundle
putInt("MY_KEY", 6)
setFragmentResult("requestCode", result)
in your previous fragment/parent fragment, you need to implement FragmentResultListener:
class PreviousFragment : FragmentResultListener {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// set fragment listener
// get result from other fragments by FragmentResultListener
override fun onFragmentResult(requestKey: String, result: Bundle) {
when (requestKey) {
"requestCode" -> {
val resultFromBundle = result.getInt("MY_KEY")
// Do somthing

Xamarin.Android DialogFragment some LifeCycle Events not firing

I am having an issue working with Xamarin.Android (please see code below)
using Android.App;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.OS;
namespace DialogFragmentLife
[Activity(Label = "DialogFragmentLife", MainLauncher = true)]
public class MainActivity : Activity
private Button _btnShowDF;
private DialogFragmentLife _dfLife;
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
_btnShowDF = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.btnShowDF);
_btnShowDF.Click += _btnShowDF_Click;
private void _btnShowDF_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
_dfLife = new DialogFragmentLife(this);
_dfLife.Show(FragmentManager, "dfLife");
And the DialogFragmentLife.cs below
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Views;
namespace DialogFragmentLife
class DialogFragmentLife : DialogFragment
private Context _context;
public DialogFragmentLife(Context context)
_context = context;
public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
base.OnCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState);
RetainInstance = true;
View view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.DialogFragmentLife, container, false);
return view;
public override void OnDismiss(IDialogInterface dialog)
public override void OnPause()
public override void OnStop()
public override void OnHiddenChanged(bool hidden)
public override void OnDestroyView()
Dialog dialog = Dialog;
if (dialog != null && RetainInstance)
public override void OnDetach()
public override void OnCancel(IDialogInterface dialog)
Everything works as expected, except for the DialogFragment's lifecycle events when it is being dismissed, or when the devices are rotated (orientation change), none of the LifeCycle events get fired.
As you can see on the code,
None of them gets fired. I wonder if anyone out there is having this same issue.
Orientation does not affect dialog fragment lifecycle.
DialogFragment does various things to keep the fragment's lifecycle driving it, instead of the Dialog. Note that dialogs are generally autonomous entities -- they are their own window, receiving their own input events, and often deciding on their own when to disappear (by receiving a back key event or the user clicking on a button).
DialogFragment needs to ensure that what is happening with the Fragment and Dialog states remains consistent. To do this, it watches for dismissing events from the dialog and takes care of removing its own state when they happen. This means you should use Show(FragmentManager, String) or Show(FragmentTransaction, String) to add an instance of DialogFragment to your UI, as these keep track of how DialogFragment should remove itself when the dialog is dismissed.
Also, know that there are certain lifecycle methods that a dependent on some other method to be called for eg: OnDestroy and OnDestroyView are dependent on Dismiss or closing of the by back button or closing of the fragment in any sense, What you are failing to notice here is that on orientation change the lifecycle events of the activity will be called and not the dialog fragment, One fragment does not affect in any way the lifecycle of the other.
For information related to working with lifecycles check this out.This guy has beautifully analyzed every aspect of Android( Activity& Fragment) lifecycle.
Called when the fragment's activity has been created and this fragment's view hierarchy instantiated. It can be used to do final initialization once these pieces are in place, such as retrieving views or restoring state. It is also useful for fragments that use setRetainInstance(boolean) to retain their instance, as this callback tells the fragment when it is fully associated with the new activity instance. This is called after onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) and before onViewStateRestored(Bundle).
onAttach: Called when a fragment is first attached to its context. onCreate(Bundle) will be called after this.
onCancel: This method will be invoked when the dialog is cancelled.
onCreate: Called to do the initial creation of a fragment. This is called after onAttach(Activity) and before onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle), but is not called if the fragment instance is retained across Activity re-creation (see setRetainInstance(boolean)).
Note that this can be called while the fragment's activity is still in the process of being created. As such, you can not rely on things like the activity's content view hierarchy being initialized at this point. If you want to do work once the activity itself is created, see onActivityCreated(Bundle).
If your app's targetSdkVersion is M or lower, child fragments being restored from the savedInstanceState are restored after onCreate returns. When targeting N or above and running on an N or newer platform version they are restored by Fragment.onCreate.
onCreateDialog: Override to build your own custom Dialog container. This is typically used to show an AlertDialog instead of a generic Dialog; when doing so, onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) does not need to be implemented since the AlertDialog takes care of its own content.
This method will be called after onCreate(Bundle) and before onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle). The default implementation simply instantiates and returns a Dialog class.
Note: DialogFragment own the Dialog.setOnCancelListener and Dialog.setOnDismissListener callbacks. You must not set them yourself. To find out about these events, override onCancel(DialogInterface) and onDismiss(DialogInterface).
onDestroyView: Remove dialog.
onDetach: Called when the fragment is no longer attached to its activity. This is called after onDestroy(), except in the cases where the fragment instance is retained across Activity re-creation (see setRetainInstance(boolean)), in which case it is called after onStop().
onDismiss: This method will be invoked when the dialog is dismissed.
onSaveInstanceState: Called to ask the fragment to save its current dynamic state, so it can later be reconstructed in a new instance of its process is restarted. If a new instance of the fragment later needs to be created, the data you place in the Bundle here will be available in the Bundle given to onCreate(Bundle), onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle), and onActivityCreated(Bundle).
This corresponds to Activity.onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) and most of the discussion there applies here as well. Note, however: this method may be called at any time before onDestroy(). There are many situations where a fragment may be mostly torn down (such as when placed on the back stack with no UI showing), but its state will not be saved until its owning activity actually needs to save its state.
onStart: Called when the Fragment is visible to the user. This is generally tied to Activity.onStart of the containing Activity's lifecycle.
onStop: Called when the Fragment is no longer started. This is generally tied to Activity.onStop of the containing Activity's lifecycle.
Referred from here
After more scouring around the net, i manage to get some events fired now by doing the following:
On MainActivity.cs i changed
using Android.App;
using Android.Support.V7.App;
Then, on DialogFragmentLife.cs i changed
using Android.App;
using Android.Support.V4.App;
Lastly, back on MainActivity.cs, instead of showing the DialogFragment by using
_dfLife.Show(FragmentManager, "dfLife");
i changed it to use the SupportFragmentManager as follows
_dfLife.Show(SupportFragmentManager, "dfLife");
From there on, the OnDestroyView() is now fired when i rotate the screen, also when dismissing the Dialog Fragment

Receive result from DialogFragment

I am using DialogFragments for a number of things: choosing item from list, entering text.
What is the best way to return a value (i.e. a string or an item from a list) back to the calling activity/fragment?
Currently I am making the calling activity implement DismissListener and giving the DialogFragment a reference to the activity. The Dialog then calls the OnDimiss method in the activity and the activity grabs the result from the DialogFragment object. Very messy and it doesn't work on configuration change (orientation change) as the DialogFragment loses the reference to the activity.
Thanks for any help.
Use myDialogFragment.setTargetFragment(this, MY_REQUEST_CODE) from the place where you show the dialog, and then when your dialog is finished, from it you can call getTargetFragment().onActivityResult(getTargetRequestCode(), ...), and implement onActivityResult() in the containing fragment.
It seems like an abuse of onActivityResult(), especially as it doesn't involve activities at all. But I've seen it recommended by official google people, and maybe even in the api demos. I think it's what g/setTargetFragment() were added for.
As you can see here there is a very simple way to do that.
In your DialogFragment add an interface listener like:
public interface EditNameDialogListener {
void onFinishEditDialog(String inputText);
Then, add a reference to that listener:
private EditNameDialogListener listener;
This will be used to "activate" the listener method(s), and also to check if the parent Activity/Fragment implements this interface (see below).
In the Activity/FragmentActivity/Fragment that "called" the DialogFragment simply implement this interface.
In your DialogFragment all you need to add at the point where you'd like to dismiss the DialogFragment and return the result is this:
Where mEditText.getText().toString() is what will be passed back to the calling Activity.
Note that if you want to return something else simply change the arguments the listener takes.
Finally, you should check whether the interface was actually implemented by the parent activity/fragment:
public void onAttach(Context context) {
// Verify that the host activity implements the callback interface
try {
// Instantiate the EditNameDialogListener so we can send events to the host
listener = (EditNameDialogListener) context;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
// The activity doesn't implement the interface, throw exception
throw new ClassCastException(context.toString()
+ " must implement EditNameDialogListener");
This technique is very flexible and allow calling back with the result even if your don;t want to dismiss the dialog just yet.
There is a much simpler way to receive a result from a DialogFragment.
First, in your Activity, Fragment, or FragmentActivity you need to add in the following information:
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
// Stuff to do, dependent on requestCode and resultCode
if(requestCode == 1) { // 1 is an arbitrary number, can be any int
// This is the return result of your DialogFragment
if(resultCode == 1) { // 1 is an arbitrary number, can be any int
// Now do what you need to do after the dialog dismisses.
The requestCode is basically your int label for the DialogFragment you called, I'll show how this works in a second. The resultCode is the code that you send back from the DialogFragment telling your current waiting Activity, Fragment, or FragmentActivity what happened.
The next piece of code to go in is the call to the DialogFragment. An example is here:
DialogFragment dialogFrag = new MyDialogFragment();
// This is the requestCode that you are sending.
dialogFrag.setTargetFragment(this, 1);
// This is the tag, "dialog" being sent., "dialog");
With these three lines you are declaring your DialogFragment, setting a requestCode (which will call the onActivityResult(...) once the Dialog is dismissed, and you are then showing the dialog. It's that simple.
Now, in your DialogFragment you need to just add one line directly before the dismiss() so that you send a resultCode back to the onActivityResult().
getTargetFragment().onActivityResult(getTargetRequestCode(), resultCode, getActivity().getIntent());
That's it. Note, the resultCode is defined as int resultCode which I've set to resultCode = 1; in this case.
That's it, you can now send the result of your DialogFragment back to your calling Activity, Fragment, or FragmentActivity.
Also, it looks like this information was posted previously, but there wasn't a sufficient example given so I thought I'd provide more detail.
EDIT 06.24.2016
I apologize for the misleading code above. But you most certainly cannot receive the result back to the activity seeing as the line:
dialogFrag.setTargetFragment(this, 1);
sets a target Fragment and not Activity. So in order to do this you need to use implement an InterfaceCommunicator.
In your DialogFragment set a global variable
public InterfaceCommunicator interfaceCommunicator;
Create a public function to handle it
public interface InterfaceCommunicator {
void sendRequestCode(int code);
Then when you're ready to send the code back to the Activity when the DialogFragment is done running, you simply add the line before you dismiss(); your DialogFragment:
interfaceCommunicator.sendRequestCode(1); // the parameter is any int code you choose.
In your activity now you have to do two things, the first is to remove that one line of code that is no longer applicable:
dialogFrag.setTargetFragment(this, 1);
Then implement the interface and you're all done. You can do that by adding the following line to the implements clause at the very top of your class:
public class MyClass Activity implements MyDialogFragment.InterfaceCommunicator
And then #Override the function in the activity,
public void sendRequestCode(int code) {
// your code here
You use this interface method just like you would the onActivityResult() method. Except the interface method is for DialogFragments and the other is for Fragments.
For anyone still reading this: setTargetFragment() has been deprecated. It is now recommended to use the FragmentResultListener API like this:
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setFragmentResultListener("requestKey") { key, bundle ->
val result = bundle.getString("resultKey")
// Do something with the result...
// Somewhere show your dialog
MyDialogFragment.newInstance().show(parentFragmentManager, "tag")
Then in your MyDialogFragment set the result:
val result = "some string"
setFragmentResult("requestKey", bundleOf("resultKey" to result))
Well its too late may be to answer but here is what i did to get results back from the DialogFragment. very similar to #brandon's answer.
Here i am calling DialogFragment from a fragment, just place this code where you are calling your dialog.
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
categoryDialog.setTargetFragment(this,1);, "dialog");
where categoryDialog is my DialogFragment which i want to call and after this in your implementation of dialogfragment place this code where you are setting your data in intent. The value of resultCode is 1 you can set it or use system Defined.
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("listdata", stringData);
getTargetFragment().onActivityResult(getTargetRequestCode(), resultCode, intent);
now its time to get back to to the calling fragment and implement this method. check for data validity or result success if you want with resultCode and requestCode in if condition.
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
//do what ever you want here, and get the result from intent like below
String myData = data.getStringExtra("listdata");
Different approach, to allow a Fragment to communicate up to its Activity:
1) Define a public interface in the fragment and create a variable for it
public OnFragmentInteractionListener mCallback;
public interface OnFragmentInteractionListener {
void onFragmentInteraction(int id);
2) Cast the activity to the mCallback variable in the fragment
try {
mCallback = (OnFragmentInteractionListener) getActivity();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage());
3) Implement the listener in your activity
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements DFragment.OnFragmentInteractionListener {
//your code here
4) Override the OnFragmentInteraction in the activity
public void onFragmentInteraction(int id) {
Log.d(TAG, "received from fragment: " + id);
More info on it:
One easy way I found was the following:
Implement this is your dialogFragment,
CallingActivity callingActivity = (CallingActivity) getActivity();
callingActivity.onUserSelectValue("insert selected value here");
And then in the activity that called the Dialog Fragment create the appropriate function as such:
public void onUserSelectValue(String selectedValue) {
// TODO add your implementation.
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), ""+ selectedValue, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
The Toast is to show that it works. Worked for me.
I'm very surprised to see that no-one has suggested using local broadcasts for DialogFragment to Activity communication! I find it to be so much simpler and cleaner than other suggestions. Essentially, you register for your Activity to listen out for the broadcasts and you send the local broadcasts from your DialogFragment instances. Simple. For a step-by-step guide on how to set it all up, see here.
Or share ViewModel like showed here:
public class SharedViewModel extends ViewModel {
private final MutableLiveData<Item> selected = new MutableLiveData<Item>();
public void select(Item item) {
public LiveData<Item> getSelected() {
return selected;
public class MasterFragment extends Fragment {
private SharedViewModel model;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
model = ViewModelProviders.of(getActivity()).get(SharedViewModel.class);
itemSelector.setOnClickListener(item -> {;
public class DetailFragment extends Fragment {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
SharedViewModel model = ViewModelProviders.of(getActivity()).get(SharedViewModel.class);
model.getSelected().observe(this, { item ->
// Update the UI.
In my case I needed to pass arguments to a targetFragment. But I got exception "Fragment already active". So I declared an Interface in my DialogFragment which parentFragment implemented. When parentFragment started a DialogFragment , it set itself as TargetFragment. Then in DialogFragment I called
In Kotlin
// My DialogFragment
class FiltroDialogFragment : DialogFragment(), View.OnClickListener {
var listener: InterfaceCommunicator? = null
override fun onAttach(context: Context?) {
listener = context as InterfaceCommunicator
interface InterfaceCommunicator {
fun sendRequest(value: String)
override fun onClick(v: View) {
when ( { -> {
//You can change value
listener?.sendRequest('send data')
// My Activity
class MyActivity: AppCompatActivity(),FiltroDialogFragment.InterfaceCommunicator {
override fun sendRequest(value: String) {
// :)
Toast.makeText(this, value, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
I hope it serves, if you can improve please edit it.
My English is not very good
if you want to send arguments and receive the result from second fragment, you may use Fragment.setArguments to accomplish this task
static class FirstFragment extends Fragment {
final Handler mUIHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
case 101: // receive the result from SecondFragment
Object result = msg.obj;
// do something according to the result
void onStartSecondFragments() {
Message msg = Message.obtain(mUIHandler, 101, 102, 103, new Object()); // replace Object with a Parcelable if you want to across Save/Restore
// instance
putParcelable(new SecondFragment(), msg).show(getFragmentManager().beginTransaction(), null);
static class SecondFragment extends DialogFragment {
Message mMsg; // arguments from the caller/FirstFragment
public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
mMsg = getParcelable(this);
void onClickOK() {
mMsg.obj = new Object(); // send the result to the caller/FirstFragment
static <T extends Fragment> T putParcelable(T f, Parcelable arg) {
if (f.getArguments() == null) {
f.setArguments(new Bundle());
f.getArguments().putParcelable("extra_args", arg);
return f;
static <T extends Parcelable> T getParcelable(Fragment f) {
return f.getArguments().getParcelable("extra_args");
TL;DR - use this AppDialog class to both pass data into DialogFragment as well as get result out of it.
Detailed explanation:
Premise - Fragments get destroyed and recreated on config changes. View models hang around. When using a Dialog, it is recommended to wrap it in DialogFragment so that when the user rotates device and changes orientation the Dialog will not unexpectedly disappear (the DialogFragment will re-create it and re-display it).
Limitation (hence this question) - The way the DialogFragment works is it takes a class that it will need to re-instantiate on configuration changes - that means one can't have constructor parameters to the subclass to pass parameters, and typically one needs to make custom callbacks through a view model to pass back result of dialog. That typically means a new subclass for every dialog.
The solution - To help with all this, this custom AppDialog fragment comes to the rescue - the parameters are stored in-memory (similar to view model, you can think of it as a tiny custom view model that holds T in memory and uses it to re-create the dialog on config changes) until the dialog fragment is dismissed. The proper way to call back would be through a view model. If the fragment that shows the AppDialog, then you probably already have a view model and you can reference it from the lambda used to create the dialog - that means additional strong reference to the view model until the dialog fragment is dismissed.
Example - see the examples where a simple Dialog is refactored to use this AppDialog utility class to both receive a parameter and do a callback to viewModel to notify of result.
The helper class:
class AppDialog<T>: DialogFragment() {
companion object {
fun<T> buildDialog(params: T? = null, builder: AppDialogLambda<T>): AppDialog<T> {
// Setup arguments
val args = Bundle()
args.putInt("key", pushDialogArgs(params, builder))
// Instantiate
val fragment = AppDialog<T>()
fragment.arguments = args
return fragment
// --------------------
// Dialog Arguments
private var lastKey: Int = 0
private val dialogArgs = mutableMapOf<Int, Pair<Any?, AppDialogLambda<*>>>()
private fun pushDialogArgs(params: Any?, builder: AppDialogLambda<*>): Int {
dialogArgs[lastKey] = params to builder
return lastKey++
private fun getDialogArgs(key: Int): Pair<Any?, AppDialogLambda<*>> {
return dialogArgs[key]!!
private fun deleteDialogArgs(key: Int) {
override fun onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState: Bundle?): Dialog {
// Get arguments
val argKey = requireArguments().getInt("key")
val (params, builder) = getDialogArgs(argKey)
// We are getting back our arguments we passed AppDialog.buildDialog and
// the type is guaranteed to be the same. Silence this warning
return (builder as AppDialogLambda<T>)(this, params as T?)
override fun onDismiss(dialog: DialogInterface) {
val argKey = requireArguments().getInt("key")
Example usage (after):
val info = mapOf("message" to "${error.description}\n\nPlease check your Internet connection and try again.")
AppDialog.buildDialog(info) { fragment, params ->
fragment.isCancelable = false // since we are in a DialogFragment
.setTitle("Terms Of Service Failed To Load")
.setPositiveButton("Retry") { _, _ ->
// Update the view model instead of calling UserTOSFragment directly
// as the fragment may be destroyed and recreated
// on configuration changes. The viewModel will stay alive.
.setNegativeButton("Cancel") { _, _ ->
}.show(parentFragmentManager, "TOS Failed Dialog")
Example usage (before):
Without using DialogFragment (for illustration purposes, don't do this, this is bad practice as the dialog will be destroyed on config changes), code inside UserTOSFragment.kt - note code used to call directly the UserTOSFragment.loadContent() on retry. This has to be rewritten to instead call viewModel.onTermsOfServiceDeclined() in the above example:
.setTitle("Terms Of Service Failed To Load")
.setMessage("${error.description}\n\nPlease check your Internet connection and try again.")
.setPositiveButton("Retry") { _, _ ->
.setNegativeButton("Cancel") { _, _ ->
On a dialog Fragment
class AbcDialogFragment(private val ondata: (data: String) -> Unit) : DialogFragment() {}
Code to show the dialog from fragment/Activity
val abcDialogFragment = AbcDialogFragment(ondata = {data-> }), "TAG")
and in the dialog fragment, you can invoke the onData when dialog fragment is closed or any click listeners.
Just to have it as one of the options (since no one mentioned it yet) - you could use an event bus like Otto.
So in the dialog you do: AnswerAvailableEvent(42));
And have your caller (Activity or Fragment) subscribe to it:
#Subscribe public void answerAvailable(AnswerAvailableEvent event) {
// TODO: React to the event somehow!

Get data back from a fragment dialog - best practices?

I'm converting some of my project to use fragments. How do we communicate with a fragment dialog? I want to create a fragment dialog just to get some text input from the user. When the dialog is dismissed, I'd like to pass the entered text back to the "parent" fragment (the one that started it). Example:
public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
public void onBtnClick() {
// What's a good way to get data back from this dialog
// once it's dismissed?
DialogFragment dlgFrag = MyFragmentDialog.newInstance();, "dialog");
As eternalmatt said the given solution does not really answer the question. The way to communicate the dialog with the fragment is calling:
dialog.setTargetFragment(myCallingFragment, requestCode);
The way I do this is by creating the FragmentDialog with an static method where the listener is instanciated an then do the setFragmentTarget() stuff:
public mySuperFragmentDialog extends DialogFragment {
public interface SuperListener{
void onSomethingHappened();
public static mySuperFragmentDialog newInstance(SuperListener listener){
MySuperFagmentDialog f = new MySuperFragmentDialog();
f.setTargetFragment((Fragment) listener, /*requestCode*/ 1234);
return f;
To create the dialog from the fragment just do as usual:
Dialog dialog = MySuperFragmentDialog.newInstance(parentFragment);;
Then when you want to comunicate with the fragment which calls the dialog just:
Fragment parentFragment = getTargetFragment();
((SuperListener) parentFragment).onSomethingHappened();
This solution works only when dialog is gonna be created from Fragments and not from Activities, but you can combine both methods ('setFragmentTarget()' and the 'onAttach()' one) plus some Class checks to provide a full solution.
A great way to pass this kind of Events is a Callback Interface like descripted in the Android Developers Guide
Your Fragment define a Callback Interface like
public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
// Container Activity must implement this interface
public interface OnArticleSelectedListener {
public void onArticleSelected(Uri articleUri);
Then you check inside your onAttach Method if the Parent implemented the Callback Interface and save the Instance.
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
mListener = (OnArticleSelectedListener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString() + " must implement OnArticleSelectedListener");
when your Event inside the Fragment happens you simply call the Callback Handler
Hope that helps, further infos here
I had this problem once and after I solved it, I created a project that would remind me how I did it. I put the project on github so anyone can see the solution. Here is the link:
In this project, we have a simple app with a TextView displaying the words 'Hello World'. This text view is on a fragment which is hosted by the main app activity. This fragment needs to display a new word that the user can enter after they click on the add options menu icon. When clicked, the options menu item calls up a dialog allowing the user to type in their new word. After the user is done, they can click ok to dismiss the dialog and display their new input on the fragment's text view. Therefore, Fragment to DialogFragment communication is illustrated.
There is a new pattern possible which is to share a ViewModel instance between fragments. When instantiating a ViewModelFactory where to get your ViewModels, you have to specify a context as parameter. If the context is the same for both fragments (i.e: the parent activity or parent fragment) and you instantiate the same ViewModel from both fragments, you will get the same instance.
This opens a new range of possibilities but also challenges.

Fragment: which callback invoked when press back button & customize it

I have a fragment:
public class MyFragment extends Fragment{
public View onCreateView(...){...}
I instantiate it:
MyFragment myFragment = new MyFragment();
I use the above fragment to replace the current fragment:
FragmentManager fragmentManager = activity.getSupportFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
// replace fragment
fragmentTransaction.replace(, myFragment, "myTag");
// NOTE: I did not add to back stack
Now, myFragment is showing on the screen. NOTE: I did not add myFragment to back stack.
My two questions:
1. If now, I press mobile phone back button, which fragment's life cycle callback will be invoked??
2. How can I customize the back button click listener in MyFragment class? (please do not suggest me to do myFragment.getView().setOnclickListener, but do it in MyFragment class)
Question 1: See
"As a fragment is no longer being used, it goes through a reverse series of callbacks:
onPause() - fragment is no longer interacting with the user either because its activity is being paused or a fragment operation is
modifying it in the activity.
onStop() - fragment is no longer visible to the user either because its activity is being stopped or a fragment operation is modifying it
in the activity.
onDestroyView() - allows the fragment to clean up resources associated with its View.
onDestroy() - called to do final cleanup of the fragment's state.
onDetach() - called immediately prior to the fragment no longer being associated with its activity."
Question 2: If you must know that it was the back button specifically that is triggering the callbacks, You can capture the back button press in your Fragment's Activity and use your own method to handle it:
public class MyActivity extends Activity
//Defined in Activity class, so override
public void onBackPressed()
public class MyFragment extends Fragment
//Your created method
public void onBackPressed()
//Handle any cleanup you don't always want done in the normal lifecycle
androidx.activity 1.0.0-alpha01 is released and introduces ComponentActivity, a new base class of the existing FragmentActivity and AppCompatActivity.
You can now register an OnBackPressedCallback via addOnBackPressedCallback to receive onBackPressed() callbacks without needing to override the method in your activity.

