MutableSharedFlow not trigger same event twice in kotlin - android

I am using MutableSharedFlow in project. My main project concept is very big, so I cannot add in here, instead I made a very small sample to reproduce my problem. I know this example is very wrong, but I have same scenario in my main project. I am using MutableSharedFlow as a Queue implementation with single Thread execution with the help of Mutex.
class ExampleViewModel : ViewModel() {
val serviceNumber = ServiceNumber()
val serviceNumberEventFlow = serviceNumber.eventFlow
val mutex = Mutex()
var delayCounter = 0
suspend fun addItem(itemOne: Int = 2, itemTwo: Int = 2): Add {
return mutex.queueWithTimeout("add") {
serviceNumberEventFlow.onSubscription {
serviceNumber.add(itemOne, itemTwo)
if (delayCounter == 1) {
Log.w("Delay ", "Delay Started")
serviceNumber.add(8, 8)
}.firstOrNull {
it is Add
} as Add? ?: Add("No value")
suspend fun subItem(itemOne: Int = 2, itemTwo: Int = 2): Sub {
return mutex.queueWithTimeout("sub") {
serviceNumberEventFlow.onSubscription {
serviceNumber.sub(itemOne, itemTwo)
}.firstOrNull {
it is Sub
} as Sub? ?: Sub("No value")
private suspend fun <T> Mutex.queueWithTimeout(
action: String, timeout: Long = 5000L, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T
): T {
return try {
withLock {
return#withLock withTimeout<T>(timeMillis = timeout, block = block)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("Wrong", " $e Timeout on BLE call: $action")
throw e
class ServiceNumber : Number {
val eventFlow = MutableSharedFlow<Event>(extraBufferCapacity = 50)
private val scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.IO)
override fun add(itemOne: Int, itemTwo: Int) {
Log.i("ServiceNumber", " Add event trigger with $itemOne -- $itemTwo")
eventFlow.emitEvent(Add("Item added ${itemOne + itemTwo}"))
override fun sub(itemOne: Int, itemTwo: Int) {
eventFlow.emitEvent(Sub("Item subtract ${itemOne - itemTwo}"))
private fun <T> MutableSharedFlow<T>.emitEvent(event: T) {
scope.launch { emit(event) }
interface Number {
fun add(itemOne: Int, itemTwo: Int)
fun sub(itemOne: Int, itemTwo: Int)
sealed class Event
data class Add(val item: String) : Event()
data class Sub(val item: String) : Event()
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val viewModel: ExampleViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
Theme {
Column {
Button(onClick = {
lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val result = viewModel.addItem()
Log.e("Result", "$result")
}) {
Button(onClick = {
lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val result = viewModel.subItem()
Log.e("Result", "$result")
}) {
fun Theme(content: #Composable () -> Unit) {
MaterialTheme(content = content)
This example is simple Add and subtract of two number. When I am click on Add Button first time, viewmodel.addItem(...) -> ... ->ServiceNumber.add() will trigger and emit the value and we can see log in console. Inside the Add Button function, I was also added a delay to trigger ServiceNumber.add() again to see that onSubscription will be also retrigger or not. MutableSharedFlow emit the value as I can see in log but onSubscription method not called. I don't understand what is the problem in here.

onSubscription is an operator so it creates a new copy of your shared flow. The lambda code will only be run when there are new collectors on this new flow. The only time you collect this new flow is when you call firstOrNull() on it, a terminal operator that collects a single value.


What is the substitute for runBlocking Coroutines in fragments and activities?

It is recommended to not use GlobalScope and runBlocking.
I have implemented changes in order to this topic:
End flow/coroutines task before go further null issue
However it doesn't work well as previously with runBlocking. In brief icon doesn't change, data is not on time.
My case is to change icon depending on the boolean.
usecase with Flow
class GetNotificationListItemDetailsUseCase #Inject constructor(private val notificationDao: NotificationDao): BaseFlowUseCase<Unit, List<NotificationItemsResponse.NotificationItemData>>() {
override fun create(params: Unit): Flow<List<NotificationItemsResponse.NotificationItemData>> {
return flow{
val actualNotificationList: Flow<List<NotificationItemsResponse.NotificationItemData>> =
private fun getActualNotificationList() : Boolean {
lifecycleScope.launch {
.flowWithLifecycle(lifecycle, Lifecycle.State.STARTED)
.collect { response ->
notificationData.value = response
val notificationDataString = notificationData.value.toString()
val stringToCheck = "isRead=false"
isNotificationNotRead = (notificationDataString.contains(stringToCheck))
return isNotificationNotRead
on method onViewCreated I have initToolbar to check if it's true and make action, with runBlokcing worked.
fun initToolbar{
if (onReceived) {
Log.d("onReceivedGoes", "GOES IF")
} else {
Log.d("onReceivedGoes", "GOES ELSE")
onReceived = false
val item = menu.findItem(
when {
isNotificationNotRead && !isOutcomed -> {
coroutine job before change, it worked well
val job = GlobalScope.launch { {
notificationData.value = it
val notificationDataString = notificationData.value.toString()
val stringToCheck = "isRead=false"
isNotificationNotRead = (notificationDataString.contains(stringToCheck))
runBlocking {
Another question is I have the same thing to do in MainActivity, but I do not use there a flow just suspend function.
class UpdateNotificationListItemUseCase #Inject constructor(private val notificationDao: NotificationDao): BaseUpdateBooleanUseCase<Int, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Unit>() {
override suspend fun create(itemId: Int, isRead: Boolean, isArchived: Boolean, isAccepted: Boolean){
notificationDao.updateBooleans(itemId, isRead, isArchived, isAccepted)
val job = GlobalScope.launch { vm.getIdWithUpdate() }
runBlocking {
suspend fun getIdWithUpdate() {
var id = ""
id = notificationAppSessionStorage.getString(
if (id != "") {, true, false, false)
collect in fragments works perfectly, thanks
What about MainActivity and using this usecase with suspend fun without flow.
I have read documentation
val IODispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO
val externalScope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(IODispatcher)
suspend {
externalScope.launch(IODispatcher) {
Second option, but here I do not wait until job is done
suspend {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
What do you think about it?
You can try to update the icon in the collect block:
private fun getActualNotificationList() = lifecycleScope.launch {
.flowWithLifecycle(lifecycle, Lifecycle.State.STARTED)
.collect { response ->
notificationData.value = response
val notificationDataString = notificationData.value.toString()
val stringToCheck = "isRead=false"
val isNotificationNotRead = (notificationDataString.contains(stringToCheck))
val item = menu.findItem(
when {
isNotificationNotRead && !isOutcomed -> {
Using runBlocking you are blocking the Main Thread, which may cause an ANR.

StateFlow: Cancellation of Older Emitted State After Collecting

I m relatively new in kotlin flows and I m creating the Login Module using Flows in android. I have been stuck from past few days in flows as I m collecting it in ViewModels but I m facing problem when requesting with wrong Credentials its caching all the state. After entering the right credentials the user navigate to main Activity but the instance of the MainActivity is being created with every emitted State: Example(User Enter 3 wrong Credential and 1 Right Credential: 4 Instance of MainActivity Created). So, Is there any way that I can cancel the previous emit and only show the latest request. I m using the collectLatest as well but its not working too. Below is the code.
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
override fun onStart() {
private fun observeLogin() {
lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated {
mViewModel.loginCredentials.collect { state ->
is State.Loading -> {
is State.Success -> {
Timber.d("I m in Success" +
val intent = Intent(this#LoginActivity,
is State.Error -> {
val errorResponse = gson.fromJson(state.message,
private fun loginListener() {
mViewBinding.neumorphButtonSignIn.setOnClickListener {
phoneNumber = mViewBinding.edtPhoneNumber.text.toString()
pin = mViewBinding.oldPIN.text.toString()
if (phoneNumber.isValidPhone()) {
sendLoginCredentials(phoneNumber ,pin)
else {
mViewBinding.edtPhoneNumber.snack("Please Enter valid phone number") {
action("ok") {
private fun sendLoginCredentials(phoneNumber: String , pin: String) = mViewModel.postLoginCredentials("03XXXX" , "1234")
class LoginViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val loginRepository: LoginRepository,
) : ViewModel() {
private val _loginCredentials: MutableStateFlow<State<LoginResponse>> = MutableStateFlow(State.Empty())
val loginCredentials: StateFlow<State<LoginResponse>> get() = _loginCredentials
fun postLoginCredentials(phoneNumber: String, pin: String) {
Timber.d("postLoginCredentials: $phoneNumber + $pin")
_loginCredentials.value = State.loading()
viewModelScope.launch {
.map { response -> State.fromResource(response) }
.collect{state -> _loginCredentials.value = state }
class LoginRepository #Inject constructor(
private val apiInterface: APIInterface
) {
fun login(loginRequest: LoginRequest): Flow<ResponseAPI<LoginResponse>> {
return object : NetworkBoundRepository<LoginRequest, LoginResponse>() {
override suspend fun fetchFromRemote(): Response<LoginResponse> = apiInterface.createLoginRequest(
abstract class NetworkBoundRepository<RESULT, REQUEST> {
fun asFlow() = flow<ResponseAPI<REQUEST>> {
val apiResponse = fetchFromRemote()
val remotePosts = apiResponse.body()
if (apiResponse.isSuccessful && remotePosts != null) {
} else {
// Something went wrong! Emit Error state.
}.catch { e ->
emit(ResponseAPI.Failed("Network error! Can't get latest posts."))
protected abstract suspend fun fetchFromRemote(): Response<REQUEST>
Is there any way that I can create One Instance of MainAcitivity while ignoring the older emitted Responses? Any Operator which can work. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated. Thanks.
Actually, I was calling the observeLogin() from the login click Listener which was creating this mess in my project when I move this to onCreate(). Everything works the way as intended. So, posting this for newbie that won't stuck into this.

Android: Firebase Object is null when using kotlin flow

My problem is, that when I try to get a document out of my database, that this document aka the object is always null. I only have this problem when I use Kotlin Coroutines to get the document out of my database. Using the standard approach with listeners do work.
interface EmailRepository {
suspend fun getCalibratePrice(): Flow<EmailEntity?>
suspend fun getRepairPrice(): Flow<EmailEntity?>
EmailRepository Implementation
class EmailRepositoryImpl #Inject constructor(private val db: FirebaseFirestore) : EmailRepository {
fun hasInternet(): Boolean {
return true
// This works! When using flow to write a document, the document is written!
override fun sendEmail(email: Email)= flow {
if (hasInternet()) {
} else {
emit(EmailStatus.failed<Unit>("No Email connection"))
}.catch {
// This does not work! "EmailEntity" is always null. I checked the document path!
override suspend fun getCalibratePrice(): Flow<EmailEntity?> = flow {
val result = db.collection("emailprice").document("Kalibrieren").get().await()
}.catch {
// This does not work! "EmailEntity" is always null. I checked the document path!
override suspend fun getRepairPrice(): Flow<EmailEntity?> = flow {
val result = db.collection("emailprice").document("Reparieren").get().await()
}.catch {
Viewmodel where I get the data
init {
viewModelScope.launch {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (subject.value != null){
when(subject.value) {
"Test" -> {
emailRepository.getCalibratePrice().collect {
emailEntity.value = it
"Toast" -> {
emailRepository.getRepairPrice().collect {
emailEntity.value = it
private val emailEntity = MutableLiveData<EmailEntity?>()
private val _subject = MutableLiveData<String>()
val subject: LiveData<String> get() = _subject
class CalibrateRepairMessageFragment() : EmailFragment<FragmentCalibrateRepairMessageBinding>(
) {
// Get current toolbar Title and send it to the next fragment.
private val toolbarText: CharSequence by lazy { toolbar_title.text }
override val viewModel: EmailViewModel by navGraphViewModels( { defaultViewModelProviderFactory }
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
// Here I set the data from the MutableLiveData "subject". I don't know how to do it better
One would say, that the Firebase rules are the problems here, but that should not be the case here, because the database is open and using the listener approach does work.
I get the subject.value from my CalibrateRepairMessageFragment. When I don't check if(subject.value != null) I get a NullPointerException from my init block.
I will use the emailEntitiy only in my viewModel and not outside it.
I appreciate every help, thank you.
This is the new way I get the data. The object is still null! I've also added Timber.d messages in my suspend functions which also never get executed therefore flow never throws an error.. With this new approach I don't get a NullPointerException anymore
private val emailEntity = liveData {
when(subject.value) {
"Test" -> emailRepository.getCalibratePrice().collect {
"Toast" -> emailRepository.getRepairPrice().collect {
// Else block is never executed, therefore "subject.value" is either Test or toast and the logic works. Still error when using flow!
else -> EmailEntity("ERROR", 0F)
I check if the emailEntity is null or not with Timber.d("EmailEntity is ${emailEntity.value}") in one of my functions.
I then set the price with val price = MutableLiveData(emailEntity.value?.basePrice ?: 1000F) but because emailentity is null the price is always 1000
I have now further researched the problem and made a big step forward. When observing the emailEntity from a fragment like CalibrateRepairMessageFragment the value is no longer null.
Furthermore, when observing emailEntity the value is also not null in viewModel, but only when it is observed in one fragment! So how can I observe emailEntity from my viewModel or get the value from my repository and use it in my viewmodel?
Okay, I have solved my problem, this is the final solution:
Status class
sealed class Status<out T> {
data class Success<out T>(val data: T) : Status<T>()
class Loading<T> : Status<T>()
data class Failure<out T>(val message: String?) : Status<T>()
companion object {
fun <T> success(data: T) = Success<T>(data)
fun <T> loading() = Loading<T>()
fun <T> failed(message: String?) = Failure<T>(message)
interface EmailRepository {
fun sendEmail(email: Email): Flow<Status<Unit>>
suspend fun getCalibratePrice(): Flow<Status<CalibrateRepairPricing?>>
suspend fun getRepairPrice(): Flow<Status<CalibrateRepairPricing?>>
class EmailRepositoryImpl (private val db: FirebaseFirestore) : EmailRepository {
fun hasInternet(): Boolean {
return true
override fun sendEmail(email: Email)= flow {
Timber.d("Executed Send Email Repository")
if (hasInternet()) {
} else {
emit(Status.failed<Unit>("No Internet connection"))
}.catch {
// Sends status and object to viewModel
override suspend fun getCalibratePrice(): Flow<Status<CalibrateRepairPricing?>> = flow {
val entity = db.collection("emailprice").document("Kalibrieren").get().await().toObject<CalibrateRepairPricing>()
}.catch {
Timber.d("Error on getCalibrate Price")
// Sends status and object to viewModel
override suspend fun getRepairPrice(): Flow<Status<CalibrateRepairPricing?>> = flow {
val entity = db.collection("emailprice").document("Kalibrieren").get().await().toObject<CalibrateRepairPricing>()
}.catch {
Timber.d("Error on getRepairPrice")
private lateinit var calibrateRepairPrice: CalibrateRepairPricing
private val _calirateRepairPriceErrorState = MutableLiveData<Status<Unit>>()
val calibrateRepairPriceErrorState: LiveData<Status<Unit>> get() = _calirateRepairPriceErrorState
init {
viewModelScope.launch {
when(_subject.value.toString()) {
"Toast" -> emailRepository.getCalibratePrice().collect {
when(it) {
is Status.Success -> {
calibrateRepairPrice =!!
is Status.Loading -> _calirateRepairPriceErrorState.postValue(Status.loading())
is Status.Failure -> _calirateRepairPriceErrorState.postValue(Status.failed(it.message))
else -> emailRepository.getRepairPrice().collect {
when(it) {
is Status.Success -> {
calibrateRepairPrice =!!
is Status.Loading -> _calirateRepairPriceErrorState.postValue(Status.loading())
is Status.Failure -> _calirateRepairPriceErrorState.postValue(Status.failed(it.message))
You can now observe the status in one of your fragments (but you dont need to!)
viewModel.calibrateRepairPriceErrorState.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { status ->
when(status) {
is Status.Success -> requireContext().toast("Price successfully loaded")
is Status.Loading -> requireContext().toast("Price is loading")
is Status.Failure -> requireContext().toast("Error, Price could not be loaded")
This is my toast extensions function:
fun Context.toast(text: String, duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) {
Toast.makeText(this, text, duration).show()

suspendCancellableCoroutine returns CompletedWithCancellation instead of the actual type

I ran into a weird issue that manifested itself when I updated the kotlinx-coroutines-core dependency from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3. However, the self-contained example below reproduces the issue with 1.3.2 as well.
I have an extension method for a callback-based operation queue. This extension method uses suspendCancellableCoroutine to wrap the callback usage and to convert it to a suspend function. Now, it all works otherwise, but the resulting object that is returned from the suspending function is not of type T, but CompletedWithCancellation<T>, which is a private class of the coroutine library.
The weird thing is, if I call c.resume("Foobar" as T, {}) inside the suspendCancellableCoroutine, it works just fine. When using the callback routine, the value is a String before passing to to c.resume(), but it gets wrapped in a CompletedWithCancellation object.
Here's the code that reproduces the issue:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val vm = ViewModelProviders.of(this)
vm.liveData.observe(this, Observer {
findViewById<TextView>( = "Got result: $it"
class MainViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val manager = OperationManager()
val liveData = MutableLiveData<String>()
fun getFoo() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val op = Operation(manager, "Foobar")
val rawResult = op.get<Any>()
Timber.d("Raw result: $rawResult")
val op2 = Operation(manager, "Foobar")
val result = op2.get<String>()
Timber.d("Casted result: $result")
class OperationManager {
private val operationQueue = ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Operation>()
private val handler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())
private val operationRunnable = Runnable { startOperations() }
private fun startOperations() {
val iter = operationQueue.iterator()
while (iter.hasNext()) {
val operation =
Timber.d("Executing operation $operation")
fun run(operation: Operation) {
private fun addToQueue(operation: Operation) {
private fun startDelayed() {
open class Operation(private val manager: OperationManager, val response: Any) {
private val listeners = mutableListOf<OperationListener>()
fun addListener(listener: OperationListener) {
fun execute() =
fun onSuccess(data: Any) = listeners.forEach { it.onResult(data) }
suspend fun <T> Operation.get(): T = suspendCancellableCoroutine { c ->
val callback = object : OperationListener {
override fun onResult(result: Any) {
Timber.d("get().onResult() -> $result")
c.resume(result as T, {})
interface OperationListener {
fun onResult(result: Any)
Do note that just before calling c.resume(), the type of result is String, as it should be. However, it's not String in getFoo() once the suspend function completes. What causes this?
The solution was in this:
c.resume(result as T)
Instead of:
c.resume(result as T, {})
It seems that the former handles the execution of resume() correctly after getResult() is called, whereas the latter only works if resume() is called before getResult().

How to return response value from coroutine

I've recently work with Kotlin, and got really stuck with this one problem. I'm trying to return float value receive onResponse of a coroutine api call function. I'm trying to create a class that handle api call and use it on a fragment.
class FunctionA(val context: Context?, val A: Float?, val B: String?){
private var cardApi: CardApi = ApiClient.createApi().create(
func getBalance(cardNo: String): Float?{
val cardBalance: Float = null
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
val cardDetails = cardApi.getCardBalance(cardNo)
cardDetails.enqueue(object : Callback<Card> {
override fun onFailure(call: Call<Card>, t: Throwable) {
trackEvent(API_READ_CARD_BALANCE_ERROR, ERROR to t.message!!)
override fun onResponse(call: Call<Card>, response: Response<Card>) {
if (response.isSuccessful) {
val card = response.body()!!
cardBalance = card.cardAvailableBalance
} else {
val error: ApiError = ErrorUtils.parseError(response)
val message = error.code + error.message
context!!.toast("Errror: " + message)
return cardBalance
class FragmentClass : BaseFragment(){
val galA = 10.5f
val galB = "Test"
private var pass = FunctionA(context!!, valA ,valB)
val point = "sasd12125"
private fun gooToo(){
val B = pass.getBalance(point)
println("value B: " + B)
What happend right now, since the coroutine will take some time in background, val B are null and didn't get the value obtained onResponse. Only after I try to call that functionA again, then the value are updated. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right and I've tried to search for solutions, but it doesn't suit with my current situation. Probably my searching skill are soo bad.
value B: null
How should I wait for the coroutine to finish before return the cardBalance value?
Proper way to return a single value from a coroutine is to use await().
Now, since you use coroutine to wrap some callback API, that wouldn't work so well. So I would suggest to go with something like this:
val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO)
suspend fun getBalance(cardNo: String): Float{
val res = CompletableDeferred<Float>()
scope.launch {
val cardDetails = cardApi.getCardBalance(cardNo)
cardDetails.enqueue(object : Callback<Card> {
override fun onFailure(call: Call<Card>, t: Throwable) {
trackEvent(API_READ_CARD_BALANCE_ERROR, ERROR to t.message!!)
override fun onResponse(call: Call<Card>, response: Response<Card>) {
if (response.isSuccessful) {
val card = response.body()!!
} else {
val error: ApiError = ErrorUtils.parseError(response)
val message = error.code + error.message
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
return res.await()
A few points to consider. First, I used Dispatchers.IO instead of Dispatchers.Main, and switch to Main thread only when needed using withContext(Dispatchers.Main). Otherwise, you're just running your IO on the main thread, coroutine or not.
Second, using GlobalScope is a bad practice, and you should avoid it at all cost. Instead I create a custom scope that you can .cancel() to prevent coroutine leak.
Third, the most correct way would be to return Deferred<Float>, and not Float, since await() is blocking. But I left it for simplicity.
To solve my little problem I end up using a callback to pass the response data. I found that this method work perfectly and easier to understand for my level of understanding. This method skeleton can also be reused for any api service call that I want to use in the future.
class FunctionA(val context: Context?, val A: Float?, val B: String?){
private var cardApi: CardApi = ApiClient.createApi().create(
private var card: Card? = null
interface CardBalanceCallback {
fun processFinish(output: Boolean, cardBalance: Float?)
fun getCardBalance(cardNo: String, callback: CardBalanceCallback) = runBlocking {
getBalance(cardNo, callback)
private fun getBalance(cardNo: String, callback: CardBalanceCallback) = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch {
try {
val response = cardApi.getCardBalance(cardNo).await()
if (response.isSuccessful) {
card = response.body()
callback.processFinish(true, card!!.cardAvailableBalance)
} else {
callback.processFinish(false, null)
val error: ApiError = ErrorUtils.parseError(response)
val message = when {
error.error.code.isNotEmpty() -> error.error.code + error.error.message
else -> error.code + error.message
} catch (e: HttpException) {
callback.processFinish(false, null)
trackEvent(API_READ_CARD_BALANCE_ERROR, ERROR to e.message!!)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
callback.processFinish(false, null)
trackEvent(API_READ_CARD_BALANCE_ERROR, ERROR to e.message!!)
context!!.toast( e.message.toString())
class FragmentClass : BaseFragment(){
private var funcService = FunctionA(null, null ,null)
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
(activity!!.application as App).component.inject(this)
val valA = 10.5f
val valB = "Test"
val cardNo = "4001526976443264"
val cardExpDate = "1119"
funcService = FunctionA(context!!, valA ,valB)
getCardBalanceApi(cardNo, cardExpDate)
private fun getCardBalanceApi(cardNo: String, cardExpDate: String?) {
funcService.getCardBalance(cardNo, object : SmartPayService.CardBalanceCallback {
override fun processFinish(output: Boolean, cardBalance: Float?) {
if (cardBalance != null) {
checkBalance(cardNo, cardBalance, cardExpDate)
This is some simple changes that I made for this particular problem on my first post. This approach might not be as good or smooth enough as I'm still learning. Hope it help some of you guys. cheers
Make getBalance() a suspend function and then call using lifecycleScope in your fragment
private fun gooToo(){
lifecycleScope.launch {
val B = pass.getBalance(point)
println("value B: " + B)
getBalance() function signature would be something like
suspend fun getBalance(): Float = withContext(Dispatchers.IO)

