Solving algorithm tasks and came to one interesting situation that before I did not pay attention to.
Here is example:
val testList1 = mutableListOf<String>()
Toast.makeText(this, testList1.size.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
In this code, my toast will return size 2. Which is ok and expected.
but let's take this example:
val testList2 = mutableListOf(mutableListOf<String>())
testList2.add(mutableListOf("sf", "fgs"))
testList2.add(mutableListOf("sw", "fgg"))
Toast.makeText(this, testList2.size.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
Here the toast shows size = 3 even though I added 2 elements (2 lists). So when instantiating it adds 1 emptyList as the first element.
Not a big problem to solve this, we can just:
var finalList = testList2.removeIf { it.isEmpty() }
But I am curious why this happens. Also is there any nice way to avoid it. Would like to know little bit more if possible
It is not strange that testList2 contains 3 objects. testList2 is constructed with an initial empty list.
val testList2 = mutableListOf(mutableListOf<String>())
// using
public fun <T> mutableListOf(vararg elements: T): MutableList<T> =
if (elements.size == 0) ArrayList() else ArrayList(ArrayAsCollection(elements, isVarargs = true))
Here, you can define an empty mutable list by these codes.
val testList: MutableList<MutableList<String>> = mutableListOf()
// or
val testList = mutableListOf<MutableList<String>>()
// using
public inline fun <T> mutableListOf(): MutableList<T> = ArrayList()
Whatever you pass to the mutableListOf function is the initial contents of the list it returns. Since you have nested a call of mutableListOf() inside the outer call to mutableListOf(), you are creating your list with an initial value of another MutableList.
If you want your list to start empty, don’t put anything inside the () when you call mutableListOf().
If you construct your list this way, you need to specify the type of the list, since it won’t have an argument to infer the type from.
val testList2 = mutableListOf<MutableList<String>>()
val testList2: MutableList<MutableList<String>> = mutableListOf()
Hey I am using diff util with ListAdapter. The updating of list works but I can only see those new values by scrolling the list, I need to view the updates even without recycling the view (when scrolling) just like notifyItemChanged(). I tried everything inside this answer ListAdapter not updating item in RecyclerView only working for me is notifyItemChanged or setting adapter again. I am adding some code. Please someone know how to fix this problem?
Data and Enum class
data class GroupKey(
val type: Type,
val abc: Abc? = null,
val closeAt: String? = null
data class Group(
val key: GroupKey,
val value: MutableList<Item?> = ArrayDeque()
enum class Type{
data class Abc(
val qq: String? = null,
val bb: String? = null,
val rr: RType? = null,
val id: String? = null
data class RType(
val id: String? = null,
val name: String? = null
data class Item(
val text: String? = null,
var abc: Abc? = null,
val rr: rType? = null,
val id: String? = null
var list: MutableLiveData<MutableList<Group>?> = MutableLiveData(ArrayDeque())
fun populateList(){
// logic to call api
fun addItemTop(){
// logic to add item on top
inside view model I am filling data by api call inside viewmodel function and return value to list. Also another function which item is inserting at top of list so that's why is used ArrayDeque
Now I am adding nested reyclerview diff util callback.
class FirstAdapter :
ListAdapter<Group, RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(comp) {
companion object {
private val comp = object : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Group>() {
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: Group, newItem: Group): Boolean {
return oldItem == newItem
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: Group, newItem: Group): Boolean {
return ((oldItem.value == newItem.value) && (oldItem.key == newItem.key))
......... more function of adapter
val adapter = SecondAdapter()
binding.recyclerView.adapter = adapter
class SecondAdapter : ListAdapter<Item, OutgoingMessagesViewHolder>(comp) {
companion object {
private val comp = object : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Item>() {
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: Item, newItem: Item): Boolean {
return ==
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: Item, newItem: Item): Boolean {
return ((oldItem.rr == newItem.rr) &&
(oldItem.text == oldItem.text) && ( ==
..... more function
viewModel.list.observe(this, { value ->
private fun submitList(list: MutableList<Group>?) {
// adapter?.notifyDataSetChanged()
I am 100% sure that my list is updating and my observer is calling when my new list is added. I debug that through debug view. But problem is I can only see those new values by scrolling the list, I need to view the updates even without recycling the view (when scrolling) just like notifyItemChanged()
class viewModel : BaseViewModel(){
var list: MutableLiveData<MutableList<Group>?> = MutableLiveData()
//... more variables...
fun fetchData(context: Context) {
viewModelScope.launch {
val response = retroitApiCall()
onSuccess = { response ->
list.postValue(GroupData(response?.items, context))
onError = { error ->
Log.e("error" ,"$error")
internal fun GroupData(items: List<CItem>?, context: Context): MutableList<Group> {
val result: MutableList<Group> = MutableList()
items?.iterator()?.forEach { item ->
// adding item in list by add function and then return list.
return result
private fun addItemOnTop(text: String) {
list.value?.let { oldlist ->
// logic to add items on top of oldlist variable
if(top != null){
val firstGroup = oldlist[0]
I am using sealed class something like this but not this one Example. And Something similar to these when call api Retrofit Example. Both link I am giving you example. What I am using in my viewmodel.
I don't know what's going on, but I can tell you two things that caught my attention.
First Adapter:
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: Group, newItem: Group): Boolean {
return oldItem == newItem
You're not comparing if the items are the same, you're comparing the items and their contents are the same. Don't you have an Id like you did in your second adapter?
I'd probably check oldItem.key == newItem.key.
Submitting the List
As indicated in the answer you linked, submitList has a very strange logic where it compares if the reference of the actual list is the same, and if it is, it does nothing.
In your question, you didn't show where the list comes from (it's observed through what appears to be liveData or RXJava), but the souce of where the list is constructed is not visible.
In other words:
// P S E U D O C O D E
val item1 = ...
val item2 = ...
val list1 = mutableListOf(item1, item2)
adapter.submitList(list1) // works fine = ""
adapter.submitList(list1) // doesn't work well.
Unfortunately, submitList's source code shows us that if the reference to the list is the same, the diff is not calculated. This is really not on the adapter, but rather on AsyncListDiffer, used by ListAdapter internally. It is this differ's responsibility to trigger the calculation(s). But if the list references are the same, it doesn't, and it silently ignores it.
My suspicion is that you're not creating a new list. This rather undocumented and silent behavior hurts more than it helps, because more often than not, developers aren't expecting to duplicate a list supplied to an object whose purpose and promise is to offer the ability to "magically" (and more importantly, automatically) calculate its differences between the previous.
I understand why they did it, but I would have at the very least emitted a log WARNING, indicating you're supplying the same list. Or, if you want to avoid polluting the already polluted logCat, then at least be much more explicit about it in its official documentation.
The only hint is this simple phrase:
you can use submitList(List) when new lists are available.
The key here being the word new lists. So not the same list with new items, but simply a new List reference (regardless of whether the items are the same or not).
What should you try?
I'd start by modifying your submitList method:
private fun submitList(list: MutableList<Group>?) {
For Java users out there:
adapter.submitList(new ArrayList(oldList));
The change is to create a copy of the list you receive: list.ToMutableList(). This way the AsyncListDiffer's check for list equality will return false and the code will continue.
Unfortunately, I don't know what is going on with your code; I assure you that ListAdapter works, as I use it myself on a daily basis; If you think you've found a case where there are problems with it, I suggest you create a small prototype and publish it on github or similar so we can reproduce it.
I would start by using debug/breakpoints in key areas:
ViewModel; write down the reference fromthe list you "return".
DiffUtil methods, is diffUtil being called?
Your submitList() method, is the list reference the same as the one you had in your ViewModel?
You need to dig a bit deeper until you find out who is not doing what.
On Deep vs Shallow copy and Java and whatever...
Please keep in mind, ListAdapter (through AsyncDiff) checks if the reference to the list is the same. In other words, if you have a list val x = mutableListOf(...) and you give this to the adapter, it will work the 1st time.
If you then modify the list...
val x = mutableListOf(...)
This will NOT WORK correctly, because to the eyes of the Adapter both lists are the same (they actually are the same list).
The fact that the list is mutable is irrelevant. (I still frown upon the mutable list; why does submitList accept a mutable list if you cannot mutate it and submit it again, escapes my knowledge but I would not have approved that Pull Request like so) It would have avoided most problems if they only took a non-mutable list, therefore implying you must supply a new list every time if you mutate it. Anyway...
as I was saying, duplicating a list is simple, in either Kotlin or Java there are multiple variations:
val newListWithSameContents = list1.toList()
List newListWithSameContents = ArrayList(list1);
now if list1 has an item...
When you copy list1 into newList... The reference to "Hello" (the string) is the same. If String were mutable (it's not, but assume it is), and you modified that string somehow... you would be modifying both strings at the same time or rather, the same string, referenced in both lists.
data class Thing(var id: Int)
val thing = Thing(1)
val list1: MutableList<Thing> = mutableListOf(thing)
val list2: MutableList<Thing> = list1.toMutableList()
// This prints
Now modify the thing... = 2
As expected, both lists, pointing to the same object:
This was a shallow copy because the items were not copied. They still point to the same thing in memory.
ListAdapter/DiffUtil do not care if the objects are the same in that regard (depending how you implemented your diffutil that is); but they certainly care if the lists are the same. As in the above example.
I hope this clarifies what is needed for ListAdapter to dispatch updates. If it fails to do so, then check if you're effectively doing the right thing.
Trying to sort the custom components on defined order, and other subjects should be after that desired order: Like if there is any other subject except the defined List ie "GK" then it should be on last position etc.
However I am getting Null Pointer Exception due to subject is not defined in the requireList if scheduleCommandList have the subject which is not in requiredList. How can I overcome this?
Desired Order List is Below:
private val requiredList: HashMap<String, Int> = hashMapOf(
"Maths" to 0,
"Physics" to 1,
"Science" to 2,
Sorting function to sort the List:
private fun sortCommandList(scheduleCommandList: ArrayList<BaseComponent>): ArrayList<BaseComponent> {
val comparator = Comparator { o1: BaseComponent, o2: BaseComponent ->
return#Comparator requiredList[]!! - requiredList[]!!
val copy = arrayListOf<BaseComponent>().apply { addAll(scheduleCommandList) }
return copy
It seems you understand the problem correctly. If an item is not present in requiredList then you still try to compare their required positions and this causes NullPointerException. Remember that you should use !! only in cases when you are sure there can't be a null. In this case null is possible and we have to handle it somehow. The easiest is to replace it with Int.MAX_VALUE which places the item at the end. Also, this code can be really much simpler:
private fun sortCommandList(scheduleCommandList: List<BaseComponent>): List<BaseComponent> {
return scheduleCommandList.sortedBy { requiredList[] ?: Int.MAX_VALUE }
It can be even better to create this utility as extension function:
private fun List<BaseComponent>.mySort(): List<BaseComponent> {
return sortedBy { requiredList[] ?: Int.MAX_VALUE }
Then we can simplify the name of the function, because it is implicit that it is used to sort BaseComponent objects.
Help me please.
The app is just for receiving list of plants from and showing it in RecyclerView.
I am using Paging library 3.0 here.
Task: I want to add a header where total amount of plants will be displayed.
The problem: I just cannot find a way to pass the value of total items to header.
Data model:
data class PlantsResponseObject(
val data: List<PlantModel>?,
val meta: Meta?
) {
data class Meta(
val total: Int? // 415648
data class PlantModel(
val author: String?,
val genusId: Int?,
val id: Int?)
DataSource class:
class PlantsDataSource(
private val plantsApi: PlantsAPI,
private var filters: String? = null,
private var isVegetable: Boolean? = false
) : RxPagingSource<Int, PlantView>() {
override fun loadSingle(params: LoadParams<Int>): Single<LoadResult<Int, PlantView>> {
val nextPageNumber = params.key ?: 1
return plantsApi.getPlants( //API call for plants
nextPageNumber, //different filters, does not matter
.map<LoadResult<Int, PlantView>> {
val total = it.meta?.total ?: 0 // Here I have an access to the total count
//of items, but where to pass it?
data =!! //Here I can pass only plant items data
.map { PlantView.PlantItemView(it) },
prevKey = null,
nextKey =
override fun invalidate() {
LoadResult.Page accepts nothing but list of plant themselves. And all classes above DataSource(Repo, ViewModel, Activity) has no access to response object.
Question: How to pass total count of items to the list header?
I will appreciate any help.
You can change the PagingData type to Pair<PlantView,Int> (or any other structure) to add whatever information you need.
Then you will be able to send total with pages doing something similar to:
data = { Pair(PlantView.PlantItemView(it), total) },
prevKey = null,
nextKey =
And in your ModelView do whatever, for example map it again to PlantItemView, but using the second field to update your header.
It's true that it's not very elegant because you are sending it in all items, but it's better than other suggested solutions.
Faced the same dilemma when trying to use Paging for the first time and it does not provide a way to obtain count despite it doing a count for the purpose of the paging ( i.e. the Paging library first checks with a COUNT(*) to see if there are more or less items than the stipulated PagingConfig value(s) before conducting the rest of the query, it could perfectly return the total number of results it found ).
The only way at the moment to achieve this is to run two queries in parallel: one for your items ( as you already have ) and another just to count how many results it finds using the same query params as the previous one, but for COUNT(*) only.
There is no need to return the later as a PagingDataSource<LivedData<Integer>> since it would add a lot of boilerplate unnecessarily. Simply return it as a normal LivedData<Integer> so that it will always be updating itself whenever the list results change, otherwise it can run into the issue of the list size changing and that value not updating after the first time it loads if you return a plain Integer.
After you have both of them set then add them to your RecyclerView adapter using a ConcatAdapter with the order of the previously mentioned adapters in the same order you'd want them to be displayed in the list.
ex: If you want the count to show at the beginning/top of the list then set up the ConcatAdapter with the count adapter first and the list items adapter after.
One way is to use MutableLiveData and then observe it. For example
val countPlants = MutableLiveData<Int>(0)
override fun loadSingle(..... {
countPlants.postValue(it.meta?.total ?: 0)
Then somewhere where your recyclerview is.
pagingDataSource.countPlants.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { count ->
//update your view with the count value
The withHeader functions in Paging just return a ConcatAdapter given a LoadStateHeader, which has some code to listen and update based on adapter's LoadState.
You should be able to do something very similar by implementing your own ItemCountAdapter, except instead of listening to LoadState changes, it listens to adapter.itemCount. You'll need to build a flow / listener to decide when to send updates, but you can simply map loadState changes to itemCount.
See here for LoadStateAdapter code, which you can basically copy, and change loadState to itemCount:
abstract class ItemCountAdapter<VH : RecyclerView.ViewHolder> : RecyclerView.Adapter<VH>() {
var itemCount: Int = 0
set(itemCount { ... }
open fun displayItemCountAsItem(itemCount: Int): Boolean {
return true
Then to actually create the ConcatAdapter, you want something similar to:;l=236?q=withLoadStateHeader&sq=
fun PagingDataAdapter.withItemCountHeader(itemCountAdapter): ConcatAdapter {
addLoadStateListener {
itemCountAdapter.itemCount = itemCount
return ConcatAdapter(itemCountAdapter, this)
Another solution, although also not very elegant, would be to add the total amount to your data model PlantView.
PlantView(…val totalAmount: Int…)
Then in your viewmodel you could add a header with the information of one item. Here is a little modified code taken from the official paging documenation { pagingData: PagingData<PlantView> ->
// Map outer stream, so you can perform transformations on
// each paging generation.
.map { plantView ->
// Convert items in stream to UiModel.PlantView.
.insertSeparators<UiModel.PlantView, UiModel> { before, after ->
when {
//total amount is used from the next PlantView
before == null -> UiModel.SeparatorModel("HEADER", after?.totalAmount)
// Return null to avoid adding a separator between two items.
else -> null
A drawback is the fact that the total amount is in every PlantView and it's always the same and therefore redundant.
For now, I found this comment usefull:
There people discuss the ways to provide metadata state to Pager
A simple way I found to fix it is by using a lambda in the PagingSource constructor. Try the following:
class PlantsDataSource(
// ...
private val getTotalItems: (Int) -> Unit
) : RxPagingSource<Int, PlantView>() {
override fun loadSingle(params: LoadParams<Int>): Single<LoadResult<Int, PlantView>> {
.map<LoadResult<Int, PlantView>> {
val total = it.meta?.total ?: 0
So what I'm trying to do is to write search logic. The problem is following filter does not work even tho I do have an element containing following letter. So what my question is why is it not returning the expected value and if I'm doing something wrong what is it.
the filter I'm trying to use: { person -> person.employeeName.toLowerCase().contains("t")}.toMutableList()
where model is InfoModel type and InfoModel looks like this:
class InfoModel {
var status = ""
lateinit var data : MutableList<Data>
class Data {
var id = ""
var employeeName = ""
var employeeSalary = ""
var employeeAge = ""
#SerializedName("profile_image ")
var profileImage = ""
I'm guessing due to lack of context, but maybe you're doing something like this: { person -> person.employeeName.toLowerCase().contains("t")}.toMutableList()
println( // Still prints original unfiltered list!
The first line of code creates a new MutableList and promptly throws it away, because you don't assign it to anything. So the original list pointed at by is left unchanged.
Since data is a MutableList, you can modify it in place using retainAll: { person -> person.employeeName.toLowerCase().contains("t") }
Alternatively, you could reassign the result of your original code back to = { person -> person.employeeName.toLowerCase().contains("t")}.toMutableList()
To me it looks like kind of code smell to have a MutableList assigned to a read-write var, because then it's mutable in two different ways. Why does it even have to be lateinit if it's mutable? You could instantiate with an empty list and fill it later.
In general var data: List should be preferred to val data: MutableList unless you are needing to optimize performance for huge lists. And var data: MutableList is just inviting troubles.
I hope to construct MutableList a based List b, how can I do in Kotlin?
BTW, Code A is wrong
var a:MutableList<MSetting>
var b:List<MSetting>
Code A
var a=mutableListOf(b)
Kotlin has a few versions of the toMutableList() extension function that should cover you. Check out the documentation here.
Basically, on any Collection, Interable, typed Array or generic Array, you can call .toMutableList() and it will creat a new MutableList (backed by ArrayList).
So in your code, you can do this (I'm showing types, you can leave them off):
var b: List<MSetting> = listOf(...)
var a: MutableList<MSetting> = b.toMutableList()
It is a generic and needs type information e.g.
var a = mutableListOf<Int>()
I tested at
EDIT: I didn't read closely enough, what you want should be a toMutableList method.
var b = listOf(2, 3);
var a = b.toMutableList()
it's very easy:
val listB = listA?.toMutableList() ?: mutableListOf() // list B = A if (A != null), other wise, B = new empty list