How to set ANDROID_HOME path in windows 11 environment? - android

The normal answers for windows 10 are not working on Windows 11
Click Start.
Right-click Computer, and then select Properties.
Click Advanced system settings. ( cant find them on windowns 11)


"No emulator installed" error in Android Studio even though Intel HAXM is up and running

Complete newbie, fresh Android Studio install, trying to run an emulator ends up coughing a "No emulator installed" error. Clicking the Install Emulator link does nothing. Trouble is, I've gone through tens of how-to articles and StackOverflow questions and did everything mentioned in those, to no avail.
What I have:
Windows 10, Android Studio 2.3.3
CPU: i7, supports HAXM
BIOS: "Virtualization" under Advanced tab is Enabled. It doesn't mention Intel or "Vt-x" or anything like that, just "Virtualization", but I guess that's it
Windows' Hyper-V is disabled
I enabled anything that mentions Google API, Emulator, or Intel in the SDK Manager. Here is how it looks on the SDK Platforms, SDK Tools and SDK Update Sites tabs:
I installed Intel HAXM manually, via its downloaded installer.
In the Terminal, if it type ...\sdk\tools>emulator-check accel, it says:
accel: 0 HAXM version 6.2.1 (4) is installed and usable. accel
If I type sc query intelhaxm, I get:
SERVICE_NAME: intelhaxm
WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)
First time I have met that problem I resolved it by uninstalling and removing all traces of Android Studio and installing it again. Next time when the same problem occurred on another machine I have found easier way to solve the problem:
Go to Android SDK location and remove "emulator" and "system-images"
directories. The default path to SDK is "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk"
In the Android Studio launch SDK manager, go to
"Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK" menu, select "SDK
Tools" tab and check "Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM
installer)" and "Android Emulator" checkboxes and click apply. Some
download and setup actions should occur at that point
Go to AVD manager, delete all AVDs and create new AVD you need.
The Emulator started successfully after that.
Hi simply go to your SDK then SDK tools and click to Uncheck Android emulator to uninstall it , then download and reinstall through SDK tools Android emulator. This work for me
I hope it will helpful to you.
I solved by removing /emulator folder and re-installing via sdk manager.
I had this issue on Linux with i7 processor and 32GB or RAM. This was a reinstall of the Linux OS and it had worked fine before. What I discovered was that the emulator doesn't like my video card, and setting the Hardware Acceleration to Auto caused it to select hardware and crash! Manually setting Hardware Acceleration to Software solved my issues.
Go to "Control Panel\System and Security\System" and open your Device Manager. Once Device Manager opens, go to Display Adapters and select the name of your graphics driver. Select the "Driver" tab, then click "Update Driver". This completely fixed the issue for me.
Here is the path to follow :
goto this location "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk"
delete emulator folder.
then go setting in android studio
chick android sdk
sdk tools
select sdk emulator and apply
emulotor will be installed.

How to open the Android SDK and AVD Manager together

I am trying to install the Samsung GALAXY Tab Emulator for Eclipse but I can't find the "Android SDK and AVD Manager". I can only find them individually:
I can't see any options on either the AVD or the SDK manager that lets me install the Emulator. On the Samsung developer website it tells me I need to use the Android SDK and AVD Manager:
Where can I find this program?
I think You are following this Link :
this tutorial is so OLD so There is some updates in it you have to follow..
After Downloading the skin extract the zip file and copy it in the path Android SDK > Platforms > android-x > skins. In android-x (x is the platform version number)
In Eclipse IDE go to Window > Android Virtual Device Manager.
To Create New Android Virtual Device Click On New And in the Device field Select Device with Specified Resolution And in the Target Field select Android API level (Android API level must be same where the skin has been copied) from the drop down list available.
Then select the Built-in option in Skin options available. And in the built-in option drop down box find the skin added in the platform and select.
Now click on OK button to add the new skin. (NOTE : please chose all related information according to fields)
and Your AVD has been created succesfully..
Hope This Helps...
I don't think, you really need to launch them concurrently to install Samsung Emulator, but if you really need it you can do it from command line. Just go to android-sdk/tools folder and run:
./android sdk
for Android SDK manager
./android avd
for Android AVD manager
it will be probably android.exe on Windows, but should work the same way.
Try the below cited answer from Kim Ki Won, I found here:
"I found under website.
Extract zip file to add-ons under android sdk path. then launch Android SDK Manager. under "extras" folder check "Android + Google APIs for GALAXY Tab, API 8, revision 1" item and install package.
That's all."

Android - can't start avd emulator

I have windows 8 64bit. Today I downloaded latest Android SDK 64bit (ADT boundle). I'm unpacked this boundle and I'm launched SDK Manager.exe to download needed packages.
List of downloaded packages:
All from "Tools"
All for Android 4.2.2 (API 17)
From Extras:
Android Support Library
Google USB Driver
Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM)
Then I set an emulator in AVD but I can't start this emulator. I see how progress bar working and message "Starting emulator for AVD 'test'" but when progress bar is finished window disappear and emulator isn't started. Eclipse, Console log is empty.
Can someone help me please? I also tried 32bit version of Android SDK but I have same result.
Set ANDROID_SDK_HOME environment variable in System.
Restart IDE and create AVD again.
You can try this
Android SDK path : D:\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130522\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130522\sdk\tools
Menu right click into emulator-x86.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Check Run this program in compatibility for -> Windows XP SP 3 -> Apply -> OK
Now run CMD in Admin mode -> type D:\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130522\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130522\sdk\tools\emulator-x86.exe -avd -nameAVD
And will try run your APK in IDE
thanks to another post on so which i can not find anymore (and to which i wanted to reply in the first place) i used this method :
On windows 7 (perhaps on MAC too ?) :
simply delete the .android folder in your USER/ folder and voilà.
When you open eclipse or android studio, the .android folder will be recreated and your avd will run just fine.
PS : you do not need to uninstall the android sdk manager program.
PS2 : you may need to recreate your AVDs.
PS3 : you may lose all your previous AVDs data (but who cares it is only for testing your apps)
Similar issue occurred to me:
Verified the SDK location:
File > Project Structure > SDK Location is set to:
Clicked on many 'install' OR 'fix' links for several issues in status bar of Android Studio showed.
Restarted Android Studio IDE (Green circle icon with A in it, NOT the IntelliJ IDEA with red-black-blue icon)
Android Studio > Tools > Android > AVD Manager
I have below already:
Android Accelerated Nougat x86_64 Download
Android ARM Nougat arm Download
NOTE: If I didn't have above, I would have done:
+ Create virtual device > Nexus 5X > Recommended > P Download
I clicked on Download of "Android Accelerated Nougat" (OR, we can do for "P Download")
Several installations happened, errors popped, I waited until all activity is done.
Restarted the Android Studio
Click "Run App" icon (Green triangle on tool bar top), OR press Shift+F10
Emulator successfully launched.

No AVD Installed

I have installed Android SDK on my Ubuntu 11.04. I have run a common ./android to install. It was expected to see some options like "Available packages" to install android packages. But I haven't seen any options. After that have configured SDK Location path in Preferences in Eclipse I didn't get any SDK targets. When I open AVD Manager in Eclipse, it says "no AVD available". Could you please let me know how can I configure AVDs in my Eclipse?
To configure a basic Android Virtual Device (AVD)
Open Eclipse and select Window > Android SDK and AVD Manager.
In the resulting window, select Virtual Devices in the left panel and click the New button on the right. This launches a new window to configure an AVD.In the first blank of this new window, give the device a name of your choice. Let's choose Simple2.2, indicating that this will be a relatively minimal device running Android 2.2.
Under the Target dropdown, select Android 2.2 - API Level 8.
Under SD Card enter 1024 for Size and be sure that the MiB dropdown is selected.
For Skin select Built-In and Default (HGVA).
Leave everything else as is and click Create AVD.
After a while (be patient, it may take a minute or so) this should create a new AVD with the characteristics specified that will appear in the list if Virtual Devices is selected in the left panel.
You might prefer a different configuration, but the one described above is considered optimal.

Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input on custom AVD skins- SDK tools rev 20.0.1 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Android emulator doesn’t take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20
For anyone who is using custom AVD skins and SDK tools rev 20, how do you get keyboard access to work?
The solution discussed in Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20 only works for the fugly pixel hogging default skin (WVGA800).
Been using "Google Android Emulator Skins for Nexus S and Nexus One" found here:
I tried to edit the AVD config.ini by adding hw.keyboard = true, it still doesn't work.
Apparently there is a hardware.ini file in each of the skin's folder (for example NEXUS-S) that specify hw.keyboard=no. You can modify this line to enable the keyboard in the AVD that is based on the skin. There is also hw.dPad=yes if you wish to use the arrow-keys.
From Eclipse, Go to AVD Mananger.
Select the particular AVD and click on Edit
Go to the Hardware section, click on New.
Select the Property Name : Keyboard Support
By default, it is added with a value of 'no'. Just click on the value column and change it to 'yes'.
Click on Edit AVD again.
This will add a property hw.keyboard=yes in config.ini file for the AVD.
Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20
Hope this it helps

