How to refactor an android library module to kotlin module in Android Studio? - android

I have removed the android library dependencies to some of the modules in my app and would like to convert these modules to pure 'java or kotlin' modules.
What is the best way to do this in Android Studio?


android library module dependency version conflict with app module

I have developed an android library module. This module is using some dependencies (eg: com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.2.2).
This module should be reused used in older application which has some older versions of that dependencies (okhttp in version 3.12). It will be just included as source code. Not as aar.
Including my module to this application will make gradle to resolve the dependencies tree and use only the newest versions of the same library. But I want to be able to use these newest versions only in the module and not expose them to the main application module. Is it somehow possible?
Thanks in advance

how to add multiple flutter modules built into aar into an existing android project?

I have tried integrating multiple flutter modules after building the aar file for both modules.
But once I include the dependencies , i am getting class conflicts in the gradle build process of android.
How do I fix this ? How do I add multiple flutter modules into a single android app ?
Actually the flutter doesn't have support you can follow up this issue:

Export libgdx project as Android library including dependencies

I have two, separate Android projects. One is a regular Android application and the other one is a libgdx project.
My goal is to be able to compile the libgdx project as an Android library into aar file, so I could use it in the regular, non libgdx, Android application (I'm going to start the libgdx game's activity from the regular Android project).
The libgdx project consists of several modules (I'm using only the android and the desktop modules), so in my libgdx project I can find 3 modules: android, desktop and core (where basically the whole game's code is resides). When compiling and running the game on Android, the android module kicks in, but it uses the core module as a dependency.
When trying to change the libgdx project into an Android library project and compiling it into aar, it seems like it lacks the needed dependencies (like the core module, in addition to some other dependencies).
How can I create an aar file from the libgdx project which has all the needed dependencies?
So eventually I managed to find a solution for my problem.
Lets start with the fact that my first impression was misleading, and the problem I had was not a libgdx specific problem, but a gradle "problem".
In short, the reason behind that is that the aar/jar files don't contain the transitive dependencies and don't have a pom file which describes the dependencies used by the library.
To overcome this behaviour you need somehow to specify the dependencies in your project. You can choose between 2 approaches:
first approach:
You can use a central repository, such as JCenter, and publish the project as library. In this case, gradle will be able to download the dependencies using the pom file which contains the dependencies list.
Second approach:
You need to manually copy all your dependencies to the libs folder. You can do this relatively easy by writing a small gradle task:
task copyCompileDependenciesToLibs(type: Copy) {
def libsPath = project.projectDir.toString() + "/libs"
from configurations.compile
into libsPath
This snippet will copy all your dependencies to the libs folder, and once you compile your library project the dependencies will be included.

porting multi-module Android Intellij Project to Android Studio

I have an android project in Intellij IDEA using the classical format that I want to port to Android Studio using gradle.
My project consists of multiple modules with dependencies between them:
module1 and module2 are library modules. appModule is the actual android app and is currently using both module1 and module2 as dependencies.
How do I achieve this with gradle?
I currently have a gradle file for each module but im having trouble int the appModule/build.gradle making it refer to the other modules. Im guessing I need a build.gradle in the root directory?
The root build.gradle file is optional.
what you need is having a settings.gradle file in your root project and specify all module and then in your appModule' s build.gradle file, add:
dependencies {
compile project(':module1')
// others modules goes here...

Android dependencies versus libraries

I'm building some Android apps using Android Studio. Adding dependencies/libraries is really easy by going to file -> project structure -> app -> Dependencies.
But this got me thinking, what exactly is the different between dependencies and libraries and how do they compare? (what's better)
Library is a dependency. Dependency means things that your app depends on. Dependency can be a module, library or a file.

