I have a background image in src/assets folder which I try to get access to from src/screens/splash/index.js as such:
import {ImageBackground} from 'react-native';
import React from 'react';
export default function SplashScreen() {
return (
style={{flex: 1}}>
Returns this error:
None of these files exist:
If i move the image in any other folder, for example screens and change source to:
its working fine.
Im baffled and wondering the reason behind it?
Is it maybe because I use react-native cli and renamed the tsx file created originally to js?
Here is a picture in case it helps understanding the problem.
After trying everyting was suggested in the comments, nothing has worked so far. I went ahead and continue building the app (following a tutorial) and re-compiled the application, now on an other computer and it started working!
The only change that I made since added the assets folder and the image that following the documentation integration-with-android-fragment I added few extra lines to MainActivity.java as suggested.
import android.os.Bundle;
private Bundle getLaunchOptions(String message) {
Bundle initialProperties = new Bundle();
initialProperties.putString("message", message);
return initialProperties;
Now im not 100% sure this was the solution to the problem, but I assume it must have been as no other changes has been made to the code since the error message appeared..
That is also possible that on my other computer it still wouldnt work, so the error is rooted somewhere within how my computer handeled these packadges. Unfortunately Im unable to test this theory for the next 2 weeks, but will share it whatever it concludes.
I have a website that loads images from the internet, I thought I could easily make a React App that just shows the webpage as a Web View
The Web Page loads up perfectly fine, and I added a log that shows that it does load the image URL's correctly.
But the Images don't show on the Android app. I don't know how to debug React Native Apps Properly
On the Web Page the image are shown through a CSS property 'background-image: url(image url)'
And I update that property, maybe that's is the source of the issue
This is the Web Site, it's made for mobile devices really and is still a WIP
What I have tried:
I used Android Studio to debug the APK and LogCat shows 1 error everytime I try change the Image
Doing some searching online JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT is an error that is caused because "The supplied memory buffer is too small."
That makes me think, React allocated memory for my app, but once I loaded a new image it didn't have enough memory to display it? What do you think?
That is all the info I could find on the error... Android Studio did not give me any other helpful info
Is this a bug maybe with React Native WebView? Should I raise a GitHub Issue?
Is there any other info I could share that may help?
My Entire React Native Code 😅
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<WebView source={{ uri: 'https://praw.herokuapp.com/' }}/>
export default App;
Try it with the View
<View style={{flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row'}}>
<WebView style = {{flex:1}} source={{ uri: 'https://praw.herokuapp.com/'}} />
or try to add <application android:largeHeap="true"> in android manifest
Fixed it, turns out http requests are a no no... I probably shouldn't do what I did, but I changed the image URLs from http to https...
You need secure URLs otherwise the image won't show up
The errors in LogCat are useless and had nothing to do with the error. I guessed this was the issue by reading the Java source code on Web Views. Going through that gave me some hints and it worked... yay I guess
I implemented Android Bootstrap library:
Everything works fine, but icons in buttons are not displayed.
I add font-awesome file into asset folder, but still without successful result.
How can be this solved?
Thanks for any help.
Try what it worked for me, make sure that "android-support-v4.jar" file in libs folder (assuming that you're working in eclipse) is the same copy in AndroidBootstrap library project and your project.
This might only partially solve your problem, you might have problems with the icon not displaying when you change orientation (landscape/portrait) and there might be better solution, but this is my quick fix:
in OnResume add:
if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE){
If there is a problem loading the font, you should get the reason in the log cat, as we can see in com / beardedhen / androidbootstrap / BootstrapButton.java at line 343
Log.e("BootstrapButton", "Could not get typeface because " + e.getMessage());
So, go to the logcat and see if you can understand what happened.
Anyways, the better start point is to import the AndroidBootstrapTest project and see if everything works.
Just copy fontawesome-webfont.ttf into assets folder of your project.
I'm porting a simple tetris-like XNA app to Android, using Mono For Android and MonoGame; I have followed the suggested steps in this link and so far, everything compiles well, and no relevant warnings fire up. However, upon loading the contents, a null parameter exception breaks the program at the point below in my program:
protected override void LoadContent() {
// ...
_font = Content.Load<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteFont>("SpriteFont1");
// ...
The content root directory is set in the game constructor class:
public Game2 (){
Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
Content.RootDirectory = "Assets/Content"; // TEST.
And I have tried several combinations, all to no avail.
I have also tried setting the xnb files as Content as well as Android Assets in the Build Action property; having the linked, copied always, copied only if newer... etc.
Either way, my problem is that I don't really understand WHY and HOW should I do this. I'm rather new to the platform and to XNA as well, so this may very well be a newbie question, but the truth is after several hours banging my head and fists against the monitor/keyboard I feel stuck and need your help.
I have a library that supports variable-width fonts (generated by BMFont) on MonoGame. Unfortunately it is a renderer and so has other code around it. However, the basic idea is very simple. You can take a look at the loader here and the mesh builder (given a string) here. This builder supports fonts that spread characters across multiple pages, too.
Hope this helps!
MonoGame (2.5.1) throws NotImplementedException in ContentManager.Load for SpriteFont type. Have the same not resolved problem. I'm trying not to use DrawString.
For loading textures in Win32 application I use:
Content.RootDirectory = #"../../Content";
var sampleTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sample.png");
You even must not add it to solution.
For Andoind (MonoDroid) application you must add "Content" folder to your solution and set "Andtoid Asset" in "Sample.png" properties.
Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
var sampleTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sample.png");
See also:
I'm having trouble getting Eclipse to see that I've just put a new image into my project when referencing that image using R.drawable.this_text
So I drag my png into myProject/res/drawable-hdpi in Eclipse's Project Explorer. The name of the image is this_text and it's a png!
So I go into my application and I want to put this on the screen; So here's the code for that...
private void setTitle()
ImageView title = new ImageView(this); //this extends activity
This I have done before and each time I do it I experience the same thing:
if i just dragged my this_text.png into the Project Explorer in eclipse, the word "this_text" will be underlined in red, and not allow me to compile or proceed. I try to F5 (refresh) the project. I try refreshing the image foldr, the src, the actual java...etc! I try closing and opening eclipse but nothing really works. So I quit for afew minutes and work elsewhere in my application, and eventually this error goes away!
Well I'm impatient today-- And I'd rather know how to solve this incase I need to do any quick programming! So does anyone know what to do?
I'm using eclipse Version: Indigo Service Release 1.
Thanks- Ethan
R files for android are generated. Rather than refreshing you should be able to CLEAN the project which should fix your issue. You could even just delete the error from the problems list which would allow for compilation to start and for the generated R file to be created. Or you could make a change to an xml which would also allow for the file to be regened. As always make sure you are up to date on your tool chain.
First off, as background: I am on a Mac, running OS X 10.6.7. Using Eclipse for an Android Development class I'm in (and hopefully eventually to actually develop directly for Android).
I had a nasty crash of Eclipse a few days ago, and after restarting I stopped getting any output from LogCat whatsoever. I tried everything I could think of, and I couldn't get anything at all to show up in the log. I tried a nuke-it-from-orbit reinstall of Eclipse, and it's at least made a little bit of a difference. When I run this code snippet I came up with to test things:
import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
public class LogTester extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public static final String TAG = "LogTester";
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.d(TAG, "Activity was created");
Log.d(TAG, "Anybody Home?");
...it shows me this (apparently I can't post images directly as a noob), but when I actually click on the LogTester tab of LogCat, I see nothing. The same thing vice-versa when I click back over to the main log tab, which as you can see should have 11 new items in it.
I tried changing the font since maybe there was some sort of issue with displaying the font, and I've heard there are weird issues with fonts and 10.6.7. But I get a "Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.ui.workbench"." error and a complete refusal to change the font type. I can't figure out where Eclipse hides this preference so I can try and fiddle with it manually.
Anyone have any ideas/suggestions as to things I should try next? This is absolutely maddening. Thanks!
UPDATE (3/31 1am): I deleted and recreated my AVM for about the 15th time and LogCat suddenly started working. Hell if I know why, but I'm not questioning it.
try switching to DDMS perspective and click on your active emulator in the Device tab. Your Logcat should refresh then.
I know this post is old but a filter got turned on for some reason using Firebase which really confused me for a few mintues while I tried to figure out what was going on.
Here's where you change the filter (in the android monitor panel):