Android Wifi verbose logging parameters - android

Ive enabled the dev options on my android phone, and enabled wifi verbose logging which shows meta data on yhe wifi menu. Im just curious, as couldnt find any answers in the android documentation or else where online.
Parameters shown under each SSID
Could some one explain what the parameters mean?
Looked at android dev documentation and reddit, to no avail


How to enable Install Via USB in Xiaomi Redimi Note 4?

I want to test the android app using android studio on Xiaomi Redimi Note 4 (MIUI Global 8.5) Phone. When i try to click the Install Via USB, it says the device is temporarily restricted 3-3 error. I have enabled USB Debugging.
I tried using VPN from google but it didn't worked. I also installed Plex VPN and tried to connect to China - Shanghai Server, but it says VIP plan and purchase it. I couldn't purchase it.
I couldn't find any solution to solve this error. Excepting solution from here..
Automated way
first of all download this .ovpn file.
Then download on your phone OpenVpn app.
Open the app, click on OVPN Profile, select the file previously downloaded and press import, then press add.
Now you have added the vpn connection with his relative settings, now switch on the button referred to the vpn connection in the section "OVPN profiles".
Manual way Open your vpn settings -> add a new vpn.
Fill these fields:
-Name: something
-Type: L2TP/IPSec PSK
-Server address:
-Pre-shared key: vpn
-Select show advanced options
-Forwarding routes:
-Username: vpn
-Password: vpn
The .ovpn file and the server address points to a chinese vpn that you can find on
Please remember to tell to the other users if this answer helped you!

remote logcat - Android Studio

Is it possible to see the logcat of an app that is on a distant device, in short, is it possible to logcat remotely?
I sent an app to a client, this is giving error in your device, I tested with the emulator in the same version, but the error only occurred with it.
Is it possible to see the logcat of an app that is on a distant
device, in short, is it possible to logcat remotely?
It is possible to connect device over wifi to perform debugging. You can refer to this document. However, it has limitation that both the device and the host needs to be connected to common wifi.
Since your device is in customer premises and cannot be under common wifi, there is no other way to perform remote debugging.
1. For logical Errors
The best alternative would be to store logs in local directory (Internal storage or SdCard) and ask your customer to send these logs. You can use libraries like logback-android which facilitates this functionality at ease. You just need to perform some configuration.
2. For crash
You can integrate some crash analytics like Hockey app which will notify the crash along with the related stacktrace. If you want detailed information about pre-condition then you have to go for Alternative 1.

How do I set the DataSource as Mi Band 2(or anything other than my phone) for finding the sensors for counting steps using Google Fit?

I a noob in android.
I am able to get the step data from my phone, but i want the data of my fitness band ie mi Band 2. Till now I have been able to connect the Band using the conventional method of connecting the BLE devices. After connection I am not able to get the data from the Band.
Is it even possible to get the Band data using Google Fit API or shall I do it using the Mi-Band-SDK available on GitHub : ??
If you want to use the Google Fit API, then you need to check this documentation on how to List available data sources.
It is explained here that to get information about the device for a data source, use the DataSource.getDevice method. The device information is useful to distinguish from similar sensors on different devices, show the device information from a sensor to the user, or process data differently depending on the device.
For the Github that you link, I'm not sure if this is still working. As you can see here they already stopped the maintenance in this Github, but you can still give a try here and check if it's still working.
I found here another Github that might help you.

Android: Monitor network traffic of apps, using similar tool to F12->Network on Web

In Web development it's well known that inside the Dev console->Network tab it's possible to read, for example, Json's traffic between the client and server.
What about similar tool for Android apps? Is something like this achievable: Connecting device on debug mode to ADB, and see the web traffic? For example to read in live how App X receiving Json from her back-end server? (And similar to Web - Read this Json...)
You can use a Debugging Proxy like Charles:
This is in my opinion the best option for network inspection because it gives you a lot of advanced options such as:
Replaying requests
Simulating slow network speed
Setting up breakpoints where you can edit the response from the server before it hits your app
The only downside is that it can be a little tedious to set up, and you have to edit your phone/emulator Wifi settings a lot...
You can also add a debugging library to your app, like Stetho by Facebook:
This will let you observe the network requests made by your app in the Chrome Dev Tools amongst other thing (inspecting your layouts on screen, read/write DB and Shared Preferences access...)
try this tool called charles proxy. We use it all the time at work and works like a charm.

Logging specific application's actions with adb

I've searched through Google's dev docs and some Android debugging tutorials, but I couldn't find any information on logging some specific information from installed applications.
I need to see all the files the application has accessed, all the SMS and call activity it made.
Something like this online security tool,, but on a local PC with a physical device.
Is there any way to retrieve this information from a device?

