Play Store Policy: Extend App with Beanshell script from cload - android

I am currently working on an Android app which gives frequent push notifications for the user.
The notifications are based on the user's interaction with the app and I would like to be able to update the algorithm without the need to push out a new version on the Play Store, every time I want to update the algorithm.
I have found a simple way to do that by writing the algorithm in a Beanshell script and updating the script through Firebase Remote Config.
However, I am unclear whether Google's Play Store policies will allow such an implementation or whether it will be considered a security risk. Can you tell me if this is compliant with Play Store policies or not?
Thank you!
I have tried finding an answer to this in Googles policies but was unable to find good information on this.


Is there a way to limit users signing up to my Android App?

I am developing an Android app for a client, and I want to restrict the app to a limited number of users, e.g. 50. I want to publish the app in the Play Store, so I will be able to update the app when necessary, and this user limitation will prevent additional users from using the app even if they download it from the Play Store.
Is there any way to automatically limit users through either Play Store licensing, or Firebase Authentication, or am I supposed to manual set up a licensing/verification platform (I do not know if I am correct)? I am a new developer and I would like to find an easy and effective solution for this. I am using Flutter to develop my app.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Authentication > Sign Up Method
Firebase has a quota per hour but we need to research if we can put a quota on the whole time.
I suggest you check it yourself. If you have 50 uses, you cannot become a member.

Are Real-Time Developer Notifications necessary to be enabled for implementing In-App Purchases in an Android app?

Currently I'm trying to learn how to use Google Play Billing Library V1.2 for implementing In-App Purchases (IAP) - Subscriptions mainly in my Android app.
While looking at Add subscription-specific features, I came across this:
Also, before reading the rest of this page, you should also have
real-time developer notifications enabled. Real-time Developer
Notifications allow you to react proactively to state changes, to
increase your engagement, and to reduce user turnover.
And when I tried to check Add real-time developer notifications, it told me I needed to setup Cloud Pub/Sub using my own Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project.
Then I checked GCP and found that it is a heavily paid service which I can't seem to go for, considering that it is my first app that I'm talking about.
So, my question is that is it really a must to enable Real-Time Developer Notifications for implementing subscriptions in an Android app? If yes, do we always have to go through a paid service like GCP to achieve this or are there any free options too?
No, I just added a subscription to an app and didn't do anything with real time notifications.
If you do not implement RTDN then you have to poll Google API periodically to get the latest user information and you have to do it for all of your users (it is paid, you do not want to excessively use it). You also have to implement the logic for that, and I would find this quite fragile and inefficient. Moreover, you will have to manage cases such as revoked, canceled, etc. from your back office(if you have any) or you are gonna have to manipulate your database manually. Coming back to your questions, it is not a must but you will have a lot of benefits from implementing them.

Getting app version from Google Play programmatically using javascript

I am developing a PhoneGap app, and I need to query Google Play for the app version to inform users that they can upgrade (if their version is not the latest one). I need to perform this query from javascript. I read many threads on this topic, and I didn't find a "yes" answer. All the answers are "no". This doesn't make sense to me because informing users about a new version is basic functionality (even the Apple Store has REST services to retrieve app metadata). Could someone let me know if this kind of service exists in Google Play?

How to download media content from android app after paying in-app purchase?

I am developing an android app which offers in-app purchases. The content I want to sell is media files like images and audio files. I would like to implement a mechanism to download those files from an external server (maybe Google App Engine could be helpful) after the user has paid for a file.
My concerns are:
I want to make the mechanism independent of the amount of files I want to sell. This means that adding new content to the google play console should not require any update of my app.
How to protect any kind of URL on the device side that gives any clue about where the content is hosted?
Has anyone done something similar already? Could you please help me?
Note - my experience is with a previous version of Google's IAP. I assume what I say below still works but have yet to upgrade my app.
1) Have your application contact your server for the list of products for sale. Note that your play account will have to contain an entry for each element offered in order to give pricing and description information.
2) You cannot protect the URL. What you can do is protect the content. As part of the request to get the information, you should pass receipt information that can be verified at the server (see Google docs) before allowing access. Might also want to think about things like nonces and other security techniques to prevent replays.

How to preveny Android App from being saved by appsaver

As we all know that there are may options available to save the android app apk file.
so if the app is a paid app, it might become a risk for developer.
Could anyone here would be able to help me to know the best practice to be followed in order to prevent your android app from being copied by the app saver applications.
Thats where the Google Play Licencing service plays the role. Here is what is says " With Google Play Licensing, your application can query Google Play at run time to obtain the licensing status for the current user, then allow or disallow further use as appropriate." Check out this documentation for usage instruction Here

