Gameobject instance in vertical layout shows different in some phones - android

i make a game on unity and i am having problems in some devices.
the row of the vertical layout are Gameobject instances, but it shows bad in samsung and motorola wrong on xiaomi shows just like this good
i tried to change the values of the properties of the scroll view but i couldnt make it work

For each of the UI Text element under Nombre ('Name'), you have to set RectTransform's Anchor values. I suppose you are generating the text elements through code. In that case you have to change the attribute while instantiating. Let me know if you need help, I will edit my answer.


Android Studio & Constraint Layout Editor Problems

I have watched numerous videos, including Google's own, and i'm really struggling with ConstraintLayout, it simply doesn't work for me, like it works in the online videos.
When I drop a textview onto the constraint layout editor, it jumps to the top right of the form. In the demo videos, it stays where it's dropped, and it's easy for those people to set up the relationships by dragging handles. For me, It's all up in the top right, and I can only get to 2 of the handles.
It gets worse if I then drop two more text views into the form, they are all now all the same size and all overlapped at the top. Whenever I use constraint layout, I end up tearing my hair out, and then giving up and going back to an older layout.
I really want to use constraintlayout, but clearly I am missing something really obvious here, but I can't figure out what.
Yes the drag and drop doesn't work well. For me I just use several steps to add a new view:
1. drag new view to the end of the view list window (not on the design view! design view will add unnecessary properties and is not clean)
2. select the new view, and name it! name is very important to constraint layout.
3. set the layout_constraint_xxx attributes from the property window
then it goes to the expected places.
Try disabling the experimental render engine and re enable it again

Ignore windowSoftInputMode for certain elements eg. Background Image

My question is, is there a way to get a certain view element to ignore the windowSoftInput setting, or to set a specific setting for one view element? (Any other solutions to my problem are also welcome)
Below are more details about my problem.
I have an Android activity with a background image set to the main FrameLayout. This layout contains a few other layouts, among others a brand logo on one side, and a scrollview with edittext boxes on the other side.
Using the windowSoftInput="adjustResize" works pretty well, but it distorts the background image. Using windowSoftInput="adjustPan" however pans the brand logo out of the screen and messes with the scrollview, and the keyboard blocks the edittext boxes.
So far, looking around the web and the docs I can't find a solution, or if this is even possible. Android layouts always seem to confuse me though..

DISABLE the auto arrange of widgets in eclipse

I'm fairly new to android programming (making the switch from Windows programming to Mobile Platforms.)
Problem: Every time I add, let's say, a text view, I get a green box around it that will put it in a location. When I add multiple text views, I go to place it down under another text view and everything in my app shifts, and moves everything into a stack on the upper left most part of the screen. It seems like every time I move one thing, 5 other things move with it.
Question: Is there a way to disable that function?
Go to your layout, right click it, then click on change layout. I changed it to absolute layout so I can move any or my widgets around the screen as much as I wanted without the movement effecting other widgets. Hope this helps
Android forces you to develop without a pixel-rigid notation. Basicly you have a set of Layout types (Linear, Relative, etc) that stablish a relation between the child's elements.
Therefore, it is important to know those Layouts, how can you connect them and how their childs are arranged.
In eclipse you can add elements but some things eclipse doesn't know how they are related. Eclipse will update the new data, and therefore moving all kind of views out of the way to update into the new hierarquy you defined. Therefore you can't remove "auto-layout". Even if you change to Absolute Layout (like David suggested) you are not removing the "auto-layout" feature. You are simply telling eclipse that you want to arrange your things with absolute positioning. However, absolute positioning is not advisable since you have several devices with different resolutions.
I advice you to read some information about Layouts and then try to use the XML. Don't be afraid. It can become quite easly. Actually, I prefer XML to interface builder in eclipse. After you get some idea how layouts work you can use make a better use of the interface builder.

Android: borders messed up on clickable view elements?

Hey folks. I have a strange problem with my EditView elements in an Android project I am working on. I make the view clickable in the xml file and put an action listener on it to launch a Uri. No problem there. What I'm finding though, is that the bottom of the view element disappears when the view is clickable. Below is a screenshot of what I mean. I added the bold/blue font to make the items stand out more, but it did that before adjusting the font as well.
Since I can't post an image here, I've linked to it below.
Turns out the problem is related to bolding the text. If I remove that, it does stop the problem. Looks like I need a better solution for pointing out clickable fields.

creating a custom image based layout on android

Is it possible to create a layout based on (background) images? For example, there is well know app called Appie that uses this picture as a homescreen:
I might be able to recreate the layout with a TableLayout, but this will be difficult to get it perfectly aligned with the buttons in the image. The default layout options make it very difficult, or maybe impossible, to allow for selection of the buttons on the image (especially when the buttons are in an arc-path).
Can anyone tell me how this is done?
I had some issues positioning a badge on the corner of a view. You can check my solved question:
Positioning a badge bubble on the left upper side of a button
About how it can be done. I would do it with a RelativeLayout and TableLayout as you mentioned, but to be completely sure, you can use apktool to see how the xml are done but it might be ilegal to do it.

