Android Mapview panning and zooming too slow - android

I've developed a GPS app in which i record the user roots and show it
on the map.......but
Panning around on the map when reviewing my route is painfully slow,
it takes at least 4 or 5 seconds for the map to respond the finger
I've overridden the onDraw() method and drawing the lines to show the there any better way to do this so that panning becomes
faster as in "MyTracks"...........
Thank you all.....
Pratap S.

I've had to do something similar. My attempt currently does the following in onDraw (simplified for readability - error-handling etc. stripped out):
if ((bmap == null) || (lastZoom != mapv.getLatitudeSpan()))
// bitmap is null - so we haven't previously drawn the path, OR
// the map has been zoomed in/out, so we're gonna re-draw it anyway
// (alternatively, I could have tried scaling the bitmap... might
// be worth investigating if that is more efficient)
Projection proj = mapv.getProjection();
// store zoom level for comparing in the next onDraw
lastZoom = mapv.getLatitudeSpan();
// draw a path of all of the points in my route
GeoPoint start = routePoints.get(0);
Point startPt = new Point();
proj.toPixels(start, startPt);
Path path = new Path();
path.moveTo(startPt.x, startPt.y);
Point nxtPt;
for (GeoPoint nextPoint : routePoints)
nxtPt = new Point();
proj.toPixels(nextPoint, nxtPt);
path.lineTo(nxtPt.x, nxtPt.y);
// create a new bitmap, the size of the map view
bmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(mapv.getWidth(), mapv.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
// create an off-screen canvas to prepare new bitmap, and draw path on to it
Canvas offscreencanvas = new Canvas(bmap);
offscreencanvas.drawPath(path, mPaint);
// draw the bitmap of the path onto my map view's canvas
canvas.drawBitmap(bmap, 0, 0, null);
// make a note of where we put the bitmap, so we know how much we
// we need to move it by if the user pans the map
mapStartPosition = proj.fromPixels(0, 0);
// as we're in onDraw, we think the user has panned/moved the map
// if we're in here, the zoom level hasn't changed, and
// we've already got a bitmap with a drawing of the route path
Projection proj = mapv.getProjection();
// where has the mapview been panned to?
Point offsetPt = new Point();
proj.toPixels(mapStartPosition, offsetPt);
// draw the bitmap in the new correct location
canvas.drawBitmap(bmap, offsetPt.x, offsetPt.y, null);
It's not perfect yet.... for example, the path ends up in the wrong place immediately after zooming - being moved to the correct place once the user starts panning.
But it's a start - and hugely more efficient than redrawing the path on every onDraw call
Hope this helps!

Comment to dalelane's answer from May,7th:
I used your solution for reducing the load of drawing, but modified it a bit:
a new bitmap is created, if the map center, the zoom levelhave cjanged or no old bitmap exists.
After zooming the route is placed on the correct position. It seems that zooming has not finished completely, when a changed zoom level is detected.
I used a timer, which modifies the map center by 10 after a delay of 600 msecs after the zoom level changed.
By changing the map center the draw method is called and creates a new bitmap. The route then is placed correctly.
This is an ugly work around. Has anyone a better solution?
private void panAfterZoom(MapView mv, long delay){
timer = new java.util.Timer("drawtimer", true);
task = new java.util.TimerTask() {
public void run() {
GeoPoint center=mapView.getMapCenter();
GeoPoint point=new GeoPoint(center.getLatitudeE6()+10, center.getLongitudeE6());
MapController contr=mapView.getController();
timer.schedule(task, delay);
This is called in the draw method as: pabAfterZoom(mapView, 600);

My thanks to dalelane, who's proposal above helped me improving my route overlay.
I would like to share an improvement that solves the problem with path ending in the wrong place after a zoom change.
Problem root cause:
The mapview.getLatitudeSpan() as well as the mapview.getZoomLevel() methods return the values not taking into consideration the progressive map scale variation (animation) between to zoom values.
The method mapview.getProjection().fromPixels(x,y) take this progressive variation into account, so you can build your getLatitudeSpan() or getLongitudeSpan() from it, and the route will always display correctly.
Below is the dalelane proposed code with the changes made:
**int lonSpanNew = mapv.getProjection().fromPixels(0,mapv.getHeight()/2).getLongitudeE6() - mapv.getProjection().fromPixels(mapv.getWidth(),mapview.getHeight()/2).getLongitudeE6();**
if ((bmap == null) || (lastZoom != **lonSpanNew** ))
// bitmap is null - so we haven't previously drawn the path, OR
// the map has been zoomed in/out, so we're gonna re-draw it anyway
// (alternatively, I could have tried scaling the bitmap... might
// be worth investigating if that is more efficient)
Projection proj = mapv.getProjection();
// store zoom level for comparing in the next onDraw
lastZoom = **lonSpanNew**;
// draw a path of all of the points in my route
GeoPoint start = routePoints.get(0);
Point startPt = new Point();
proj.toPixels(start, startPt);
Path path = new Path();
path.moveTo(startPt.x, startPt.y);
Point nxtPt;
for (GeoPoint nextPoint : routePoints)
nxtPt = new Point();
proj.toPixels(nextPoint, nxtPt);
path.lineTo(nxtPt.x, nxtPt.y);
// create a new bitmap, the size of the map view
bmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(mapv.getWidth(), mapv.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
// create an off-screen canvas to prepare new bitmap, and draw path on to it
Canvas offscreencanvas = new Canvas(bmap);
offscreencanvas.drawPath(path, mPaint);
// draw the bitmap of the path onto my map view's canvas
canvas.drawBitmap(bmap, 0, 0, null);
// make a note of where we put the bitmap, so we know how much we
// we need to move it by if the user pans the map
mapStartPosition = proj.fromPixels(0, 0);
// as we're in onDraw, we think the user has panned/moved the map
// if we're in here, the zoom level hasn't changed, and
// we've already got a bitmap with a drawing of the route path
Projection proj = mapv.getProjection();
// where has the mapview been panned to?
Point offsetPt = new Point();
proj.toPixels(mapStartPosition, offsetPt);
// draw the bitmap in the new correct location
canvas.drawBitmap(bmap, offsetPt.x, offsetPt.y, null);
Hope this help.

Overriding onDraw would be the only way. How are you drawing the tracks, maybe that can be made more efficient?


Draw grid over polygon in osmdroid bonus pack

I have searched all internet but I don't find answer to my problem .I'm using osmdroid and I want to add grid over polygon as shown in image. I found one similar question in stackoverflow but this question doesn't have answer. So please tell me is that possible?
#Mker gave a good point to start: BitmapShader.
Here is a sample code:
public class GridPolygon extends Polygon {
private BitmapShader bitmapShader;
public GridPolygon(Context ctx) {
public void setPatternBMP(#NonNull final Bitmap patternBMP) {
bitmapShader = new BitmapShader(patternBMP, Shader.TileMode.REPEAT, Shader.TileMode.REPEAT);
final GridPolygon polygon = new GridPolygon(context);
polygon.setPatternBMP(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.pattern));
But you might be confused if you tried to move the polygon - the bitmap doesn't want to move:
To avoid this you should calculate the offset for your shader:
public class GridPolygon extends Polygon {
private BitmapShader bitmapShader;
private IGeoPoint lastCenterGeoPoint;
private int xOffset = 0;
private int yOffset = 0;
public GridPolygon(Context ctx) {
public void setPatternBMP(#NonNull final Bitmap patternBMP) {
bitmapShader = new BitmapShader(patternBMP, Shader.TileMode.REPEAT, Shader.TileMode.REPEAT);
protected void recalculateMatrix(#NonNull final MapView mapView) {
//final int mapSize = TileSystem.MapSize(mapView.getZoomLevel());
final Projection projection = mapView.getProjection();
final IGeoPoint geoPoint = mapView.getMapCenter();
if (lastCenterGeoPoint == null) lastCenterGeoPoint = geoPoint;
final Point point = projection.toPixels(geoPoint, null);
final Point lastCenterPoint = projection.toPixels(lastCenterGeoPoint, null);
xOffset += lastCenterPoint.x - point.x;
yOffset += lastCenterPoint.y - point.y;
xOffset %= 100; // 100 is pixel size of shader image
yOffset %= 100;
final Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.preTranslate(xOffset, yOffset);
//matrix.setTranslate(xOffset, yOffset);
lastCenterGeoPoint = geoPoint;
protected void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {
super.draw(canvas, mapView, shadow);
Full source code.
Yes it's possible.
There's a few potential solutions.
1) Assuming someone was nice enough to make a kml file that meets your needs, the kml file can be directly imported using osmbonuspack.
2) Make it yourself programatically. So you have a few tasks.
a) Make the polygon as an overlay
b) Make the grid as an overlay
c) Add them to the map view in that order. This should make the grid be on top of the polygon.
Now on to the details. Making the polygon is trivial so won't cover this here.
Making the grid isn't too hard either. You need to know the bounds of the grid, then place lines from the east, west bounds at some interval from the north bounds to the south bounds. Then do the opposite for north south lines. There's special cases at the date line, equator, and poles so keep that in mind.
Calculating the line interval in this case is somewhat simple and you can tackle it two ways. Use a fixed interval in degrees decimal or calculate based on zoom level. The later part is harder but generally gives a better visualization (when you zoom in, the grid redraws and looks more appropriate at that zoom level).
Important note, with osmbonuspack and osmdroid, you may run into out of memory errors if you give the overlay lines that are way outside of the bounds of the view (if hardware acceleration is off). If hardware acceleration is on, then lines may not show at all if both the start and end points are off screen by a certain margin. Long story short, for relatively small distances, you should be fine, otherwise, you have to clip at the view bounds on map panning and zooming.
I've done similar things with osmbonuspack for displaying lat/lon grid lines that adjust as you zoom in and pan (meaning the interval adjusts based on on zoom level). If that's a requirement, then you might be able to just reuse the code, which essentially calculates about how far away and where to draw each line of the grid.
Now, if you just want to draw the grid as a pattern (no constraint about grid lines positions), there should be a simple alternative by using a "shader":
Full example:
Bad news, there is no getter of the Polygon fill paint. Good news, the attribute is protected, not private.
So you can subclass Polygon, and add the getter:
Paint getFillPaint(){
return mFillPaint;

Draw over google map v2 android

I created an android app to draw free shapes over google map v2. The idea of the app is that I combines two apps, one is to draw free shapes and the other is normal google map v2 app.
This link is my last question about this app and it contains the code
The app works well with me but now I have a new problem. My problem is that when I draw a line over a specific location on the map and convert control to map and drag it, I found that the line keep in its place in the view and the map moves under the line and this leads the line to be in another location not the location that I want.
Is there are any way to make the line to be steady in the location I draw in it and when I drag the map the line dragged with its location?
Hope anyone got my mean.
For example if you are drawing line on your mapview using canvas then you need to get x,y points of start and end point.
Then by following code you can change that x,y points into latitude and longitude.
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
int X = (int)event.getX();
int Y = (int)event.getY();
GeoPoint geoPoint = mapView.getProjection().fromPixels(X, Y);
Then resgister listener on your mapvierw like this.
map.setOnCameraChangeListener(new OnCameraChangeListener() {
public void onCameraChange(CameraPosition arg0) {
// Move camera.
Here remove your view from screen and then get lat long of visible region by passing x,y points of 4 regions in `mapView.getProjection().fromPixels(x,y)` and then check if latitude and longitude of your line within range if yes then drawline by following code.
float pisteX;
float pisteY;
Projection projection = this.mapView.getProjection();
Point pt = new Point();
GeoPoint gie = new GeoPoint(latitude,longitude);
Rect rec = mapView.getScreenRect(new Rect());
projection.toPixels(gie, pt);
pisteX = pt.x-rec.left; // car X screen coord
pisteY =; // car Y screen coord
Now draw line between this two (x,y) points.
Hope I can make you clear and you can understand what I want to say.

How to cache or Bitmap when using Overlays?

I'm using an Overlay to mark areas on Google Maps by drawing a shape of ten thousands of GeoPoints I get from any source. This works and looks like this:
public void draw( canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {
super.draw(canvas, mapView, false);
Projection projection = mapView.getProjection();
List<Zone> zones = ApplicationContext.getZones();
for (Zone zone : zones) {
MultiPolygon multiPolygon = zone.getMultiPolygon();
List<Polygon> polygons = multiPolygon.getPolygons();
for (Polygon polygon : polygons) {
for (List<Coordinate> coordinates : polygon.getCoordinates()) {
for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.size(); i++) {
Point p = new Point();
projection.toPixels(new GeoPoint((int)(coordinates.get(i).getLatitude() * 1E6), (int)(coordinates.get(i).getLongitude() * 1E6)), p);
if (i == 0) {
path.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
else {
path.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
The problem is that this is very resource consuming. Every time one scrolls or moves the map on MapView, the path has to be calculated over and over again, because the pixel coordinates have been changed. The drawn area could become so big that the scrolling on the MapView is so slow that it is functional unusable.
My ideas are
to somehow cache the "shape" the path generates and just redraw it
when the zoom level changes on the MapView.
to somehow draw the painting on an "on the fly"-Bitmap to use it as Overlay (maybe as ItemizedOverlay), listen for MapView scrolling and move the bitmap by the scrolled distance.
I'm not sure if there are better methods.
Any ideas how I could solve this problem?
(I'm using Google Maps API 1 and can't change).
Before resorting to trying to figure out how to match the map's movement, there are some optimizations to your current code that will probably yield significant savings. In particular, these two lines inside your inner loop is executed the most times, but fairly expensive to execute (two memory allocations, floating point multiplies, and four method calls).
Point p = new Point();
projection.toPixels(new GeoPoint((int)(coordinates.get(i).getLatitude() * 1E6), (int)(coordinates.get(i).getLongitude() * 1E6)), p);
First, you only ever need one Point object, so avoid allocating it in your loop. Move it to just below your path.rewind();
Second, if you pre-computed your coordinates as GeoPoints instead of computing them each time, you would save a lot of processing in your draw routine. You can also get rid of that if statement with a little work. Assuming you preconvert your list of coordinate to a list of GeoPoint, and make it available through polygon.getGeoCoordinates(), you could end up with your inner loops looking like -
for (List<GeoPoint> geoCoordinates : polygon.getGeoCoordinates()) {
path.moveTo(p.x, p.y); // move to first spot
final List<GeoPoint> lineToList = geoCoordinates.sublist(1,geoCoordinates.size()); // A list of all the other points
for(GeoPoint gp : lineToList) {
projection.toPixels(gp, p);
path.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
And that will run a lot faster than what you were doing before.
After tinkering around in the last days I found a possible solution (and I don't think there is a better one) to not draw the path over and over again but move it to the current position.
The difficult part was to figure out how to cache the drawn shape to not calculate it over and over again. This can be done by using a Matrix. With this Matrix (I imagine this as some kind of "template") you can manipulate the points coordinates inside the path. The first time (when someone starts moving the Map) I draw the area as usual. When it tries to calculate it the second time or more, I don't redraw the shape but I manipulate the path by calculating the "delta" from the current point to the last point. I know what the current point is, because I always map the original GeoPoint (which always stays the same) to the point which results from the current projection. The "delta" needs to be set as Matrix. After that I transform the path by using this new Matrix. The result is really very fast. The scrolling of the Map is as fast as without using an Overlay.
This looks like this (this is no production code, and it cannot deal with zooming yet, but it shows the principle I use as basis for my optimizations):
public class DistrictOverlay extends Overlay {
// private final static String TAG = DistrictOverlay.class.getSimpleName();
private Paint paint = new Paint();
private Path path = new Path();
private boolean alreadyDrawn = false;
private GeoPoint origGeoPoint;
Point p = new Point();
Point lastPoint = new Point();
public void draw( canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {
super.draw(canvas, mapView, false);
Projection projection = mapView.getProjection();
List<Zone> zones = ApplicationContext.getZones();
if (!alreadyDrawn) {
for (Zone zone : zones) {
if (!zone.getZoneId().equals(MenuContext.getChosenZoneId())) {
String dateString = zone.getEffectiveFrom().trim().replace("CEST", "").replace("GMT", "").replace("CET", "").replace("MESZ", "");
if (DateUtil.isBeforeCurrentDate(dateString)) {
} else {
MultiPolygon multiPolygon = zone.getMultiPolygon();
List<Polygon> polygons = multiPolygon.getPolygons();
for (Polygon polygon : polygons) {
for (List<GeoPoint> geoPoints : polygon.getGeoPoints()) {
projection.toPixels(geoPoints.get(0), p);
path.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
origGeoPoint = new GeoPoint(geoPoints.get(0).getLatitudeE6(), geoPoints.get(0).getLongitudeE6());
lastPoint = new Point(p.x, p.y);
final List<GeoPoint> pathAsList = geoPoints.subList(1, geoPoints.size());
for (GeoPoint geoPoint : pathAsList) {
projection.toPixels(geoPoint, p);
path.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
else {
projection.toPixels(origGeoPoint, p);
Matrix translateMatrix = new Matrix();
translateMatrix.setTranslate(p.x - lastPoint.x, p.y - lastPoint.y);
lastPoint = new Point(p.x, p.y);
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
if (!path.isEmpty()) {
alreadyDrawn = true;
public boolean onTap(GeoPoint p, MapView mapView) {
return true;

Drawing (filtering) 100k+ points to MapView in Android

I am trying to solve a problem with drawing a path from huge (100k+) set of GeoPoints to a MapView on Android.
Firstly I would like to say, I searched through StackOverflow a lot and haven't found an answer.The bottleneck of my code is not actually drawing into canvas, but Projection.toPixels(GeoPoint, Point) or Rect.contains(point.x, point.y) method..I am skipping points not visible on screen and also displaying only every nth point according to current zoom-level. When the map is zoomed-in I want to display as accurate path as possible so I skipping zero (or nearly to zero) points, so that when finding visible points I need to call the projection method for every single point in the collection. And that is what really takes a lot of time (not seconds, but map panning is not fluid and I am not testing it on HTC Wildfire:)). I tried caching calculated points, but since points be recalculated after every map pan/zoom it haven't helped
at all.
I thought about usage of some kind of prune and search algorithm instead of iterate the array, but I figured out the input data is not sorted (I can't throw away any branch stacked between two invisible points). That could I possible solve with simple sort at the beginning, but I am still not sure even the logarithmic count of getProjection() and Rect.contains(point.x, point.y) calls instead of linear would solve the performance problem.
Bellow is my current code. Please help me if you know how to make this better. Thanks a lot!
public void drawPath(MapView mv, Canvas canvas) {
displayed = false;
int zoomLevel = mapView.getZoomLevel();
int skippedPoints = (int) Math.pow(2, (Math.max((19 - zoomLevel), 0)));
int mPointsSize = mPoints.size();
int mPointsLastIndex = mPointsSize - 1;
int stop = mPointsLastIndex - skippedPoints;
Projection projection = mv.getProjection();
for (int i = 0; i < mPointsSize; i += skippedPoints) {
if (i > stop) {
projection.toPixels(mPoints.get(i), point);
if (currentMapBoundsRect.contains(point.x, point.y)) {
if (!displayed) {
Point tmpPoint = new Point();
projection.toPixels(mPoints.get(Math.max(i - 1, 0)),
tmpPath.moveTo(tmpPoint.x, tmpPoint.y);
tmpPath.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
displayed = true;
} else {
tmpPath.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
} else if (displayed) {
tmpPath.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
displayed = false;
canvas.drawPath(tmpPath, this.pathPaint);
So I figured out how to make it all much faster!
I will post it here, somebody could possibly found it useful in the future.
It has emerged that usage of projection.toPixels() can really harm application performance. So I figured out that way better than take every single GeoPoint, convert it to Point and then check if it is contained in map viewport is, when I count actuall viewport radius of the map as following:
GeoPoint point1 = projection.fromPixels(currentMapBoundsRect.centerX(), currentMapBoundsRect.centerY());
GeoPoint point2 = projection.fromPixels(currentMapBoundsRect.left,;
float[] results2 = new float[3];
Location.distanceBetween(point1.getLatitudeE6()/1E6, point1.getLongitudeE6()/1E6, point2.getLatitudeE6()/1E6, point2.getLongitudeE6()/1E6, results2);
The radius is in results2[0]..
Then I can take every single GeoPoint and count the distance between it and the center of the map mapView.getMapCenter(). Then I can compare the radius with computed distance and decide whether ot not diplay the point.
So that's it, hope It will be helpful.

Get the center point of a custom overlay

So I have an custom overlay item that I have written to fill in a transparent blue overlay based around an array of geo points
public void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {
Projection projection = mapView.getProjection();
Paint fill = new Paint();
Path path = new Path();
Point firstPoint = new Point();
projection.toPixels(geoPoints.get(0), firstPoint);
path.moveTo(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y);
for (int i = 1; i < geoPoints.size(); ++i) {
Point nextPoint = new Point();
projection.toPixels(geoPoints.get(i), nextPoint);
path.lineTo(nextPoint.x, nextPoint.y);
path.lineTo(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y);
path.setLastPoint(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y);
canvas.drawPath(path, fill);
super.draw(canvas, mapView, shadow);
What I need is a way to get the center point of this overlay so I can place a marker on it,
anyone have any ideas?
although i am not familiar with android framework, i assume you writing in java and using some kind of google maps api. But i do familiar with graphics and geo development. My suggestion to you firsst of all to check whether the standard api has some kind of
getBounds(path) that returns to you RectangularBounds object or similar. Then from rectangular bounds you can ask for bounds.getCenter() which returns the center of bounds as geo point or other metric. If you use pixels just convert the geopoint like you did...
If getBounds doesn't exists in api (what is hard to believe), just implement a simple interface , you can find a lot of examples on the net.
simple pseudo code for finding the bounds of a geo shape for geo points, if you need pixels use x,y respectively:
bounds = { topLeft: new GeoPoint(path[0]), bottomRight: new GeoPoint(path[0])};
for( point in path ){ = max(, );
bounds.topLeft.lng = min( bounds.topLeft.lng,point.lng ); = min(, );
bounds.bottomRight.lng = max( bounds.bottomRight.lng,point.lng );
return new GeoPoint(rectangle center point);
// i am sure you will able to manage the code here )))
hope this will help

