I tried to run rake run:android the follwing occurs, kindly assist me.
AndroidManifest change file [C:/Users/giridhran/workspace/myfirst/bin/libs/relea
se/arm-linux-androideabi/4.4.3/extensions/AndroidManifest.xml] from native exten
sion not found !
delete original manifest
Manifest updated by extension saved!
EXT: add additional files to project before build
PWD: C:/RhoStudio/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rhodes-3.3.2
CMD: D:/installer/android-sdk_r11-windows/android-sdk-windows/platform-tools/aap
t.exe package -f -M C:/Users/giridhran/workspace/myfirst/bin/tmp/AndroidManifest
.xml -S C:/Users/giridhran/workspace/myfirst/bin/tmp/res -A C:/RhoStudio/ruby/li
b/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rhodes-3.3.2/platform/android/Rhodes/assets -I D:/installer
/android-sdk_r11-windows/android-sdk-windows/platforms/android-8/android.jar -J
C:\Users\giridhran\workspace\myfirst\bin\tmp\AndroidManifest.xml:30: error: No r
esource identifier found for attribute 'xlargeScreens' in package 'android'
Error in AAPT
Before running rake run:android command, please ensure that:
you have set the path of java-bin folder.
you have set the path of Android SDK & NDK.
check the android version in build.xml file.
I've been trying to use aapt2.exe to build Android assets, but it is not working.
The command I'm using is:
&"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android\aapt2.exe" link --manifest AndroidManifest.xml --proto-format --output-to-dir --custom-package com.infinitespacestudios.legacyinstalltimeexample.assetsfeature -A Assets -o obj\Debug\netstandard2.0\feature
However, it generates the error:
error: failed to write assets/Hello.json to archive: M├ñ├ñritetty├ñ tiedostoa ei l├Âydy. (2).
The end of the error message is garbled Finnish, which says "The specified file is not found."
It generates this error regardless of the directory specified with -A. Could it possibly be because I have Finnish operation system?
I tried also running the executable as an administrator, but it did not help.
I am using FlatBuffer 1.8 release (windows flatc)
Here are few commands which i have tried in cmd windows.
C:\>C:\Flat\flatc.exe flatbuffer -b -j "C:\Akash\FlatBuffer\app\src\main\res\raw\sample_schema.fbs" "C:\Akash\FlatBuffer\app\src\main\res\raw\sample_json.json"
one more using flatbuffer jar file
C:\>C:\Akash\FlatBuffer\app\libs>flatbuffers-java-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar flatc C:\Akash\FlatBuffer\app\src\main\res\raw\job_schema.fbs C:\Akash\FlatBuffer\app\src\main\res\raw\job.json
which gives me following error
sample_schema.fbs & sample_json.json is available on this link
What am I missing here?
Your command includes the word flatbuffer, which does not fit the specification of the command:
flatc.exe [OPTION]... FILE... [-- FILE...]
To fix the command, remove that word:
C:>C:\Flat\flatc.exe -b -j "C:\Akash\FlatBuffer\app\src\main\res\raw\sample_schema.fbs" "C:\Akash\FlatBuffer\app\src\main\res\raw\sample_json.json"
With this example, three files should be created: Friend.java, People.java, PeopleList.java, and sample_json.bin.
My Maven based project is executing the following command resulting in the error that follows:
/bin/sh -c cd /Users/conor/Repositories/Dev/MyPosLogger/samples/HelloMyPosLogger && /Users/conor/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/22.0.1/aapt package -f --no-crunch -I /Users/conor/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-19/android.jar -M /Users/conor/Repositories/Dev/MyPosLogger/samples/HelloMyPosLogger/target/filtered-manifest/AndroidManifest.xml -S /Users/conor/Repositories/Dev/MyPosLogger/samples/HelloMyPosLogger/src/main/res -S /Users/conor/Repositories/Dev/MyPosLogger/samples/HelloMyPosLogger/target/unpacked-libs/android.support_compatibility-v7-appcompat_apklib_22.0.0/res -m -J /Users/conor/Repositories/Dev/MyPosLogger/samples/HelloMyPosLogger/target/generated-sources/r --output-text-symbols /Users/conor/Repositories/Dev/MyPosLogger/samples/HelloMyPosLogger/target --auto-add-overlay
/Users/conor/Repositories/Dev/MyPosLogger/samples/HelloMyPosLogger/target/unpacked-libs/android.support_compatibility-v7-appcompat_apklib_22.0.0/res/values-v21/styles_base.xml:75: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ActionButton'.
Why is this and how do I fix it please?
I am using Android Maven Plugin v3.8.2
I have faced this error before and i solved it by the followin
Open Android sdk and make sure latest version of support library is installed or not. If not then install it also check compile pi version for your project is latest or not i.e. 21.
2.After installing just mvn clean install.
This will solve the issue.
I want to generate lint report for my project.
So on my Ubuntu terminal I gave the command lint my_prj_path
but I'm getting below error,
No command 'lint' found, did you mean:
Command 'link' from package 'coreutils' (main)
Command 'jlint' from package 'jlint' (universe)
Command 'hlint' from package 'hlint' (universe)
Command 'line' from package 'util-linux' (main)
Command 'tint' from package 'tint' (universe)
Command 'dlint' from package 'dlint' (universe)
lint: command not found
May be its very basic question, but I can't find a solution. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
lint is available into /sdk/tools/. So you need to go to directory or add relative path before lint command, like
SDK_PATH/sdk/tools/lint project_path
I made it that way:
Firstly, check that your .bash_profile file contains ANDROID_SDK_ROOT path]
Secondly, add lint() function:
function lint() {
cd $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/tools/bin;
./lint $1;
Now you can call lint commands via terminal, for example, lint --list
On Ubuntu, navigate to android sdk tools directory and down to binaries $ANDROID_ROOT/sdk/tools/bin. Then call
./lint [flags] <project directory>
(note a call to ./lint not just lint)
For example, to get a list of all lint-supported issues call:
./lint --list
I have downloaded Cocos2d-x-3.1.1 but it does not include #create-android-project.bat and #create-android-project.sh then i download these 2 files from the internet and i tried to create project i receive the error. anyone have any idea please kindly help.
Resolved location library project to C:\ADT\cocos2d-x\cocos2dx\platform\android\java
Error: Project folder 'C:\ADT\cocos2d-x\cocos2dx\platform\android\java' is not valid directory
Error: No Android manifest at: C:\ADT\cocos2d-x\cocos2dx\platform\android\java
Don't run in cygwin. You should run corresponding bat.
Press any key to continue.
$ cocos new ProjName -p com.compnyName.ProjName -l cpp
You should use cocos2d-console for creating project.
$ cocos2d-x-3.1.1/tools/cocos2d-console/bin/cocos new -d . -p com.example.testproject -l cpp TestProject