Get Android .apk file VersionName or VersionCode WITHOUT installing apk - android

How can I get programmatically get the version code or version name of my apk from the AndroidManifest.xml file after downloading it and without installing it.
<manifest xmlns:android=""
android:versionName="1.1" >
For example I want to check if a new version is uploaded on my IIS service, after install it on device, if it is not a new version I don't want to install it.

Following worked for me from the command line:
aapt dump badging myapp.apk
NOTE: aapt.exe is found in a build-tools sub-folder of SDK. For example:

final PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
String apkName = "example.apk";
String fullPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + apkName;
PackageInfo info = pm.getPackageArchiveInfo(fullPath, 0);
Toast.makeText(this, "VersionCode : " + info.versionCode + ", VersionName : " + info.versionName , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

If you are using version 2.2 and above of Android Studio then in Android Studio use Build → Analyze APK then select AndroidManifest.xml file.

aapt dump badging test.apk | grep "versionName" | sed -e "s/.*versionName='//" -e "s/' .*//"
This answers the question by returning only the version number as a result.
The goal as previously stated should be to find out if the apk on the server is newer than the one installed BEFORE attempting to download or install it. The easiest way to do this is include the version number in the filename of the apk hosted on the server eg myapp_1.01.apk
You will need to establish the name and version number of the apps already installed (if it is installed) in order to make the comparison. You will need a rooted device or a means of installing the aapt binary and busybox if they are not already included in the rom.
This script will get the list of apps from your server and compare with any installed apps. The result is a list flagged for upgrade/installation.
SERVER_LIST=$(wget -qO- "" | grep 'href' | grep '\.apk' | sed 's/.*href="//' | \
sed 's/".*//' | grep -v '\/' | sed -E "s/%/\\\\x/g" | sed -e "s/x20/ /g" -e "s/\\\\//g")
LOCAL_LIST=$(for APP in $(pm list packages -f | sed -e 's/package://' -e 's/=.*//' | sort -u); do \
INFO=$(echo -n $(aapt dump badging $APP | grep -e 'package: name=' -e 'application: label=')) 2>/dev/null; \
PACKAGE=$(echo $INFO | sed "s/.*package: name='//" | sed "s/'.*$//"); \
LABEL=$(echo $INFO | sed "s/.*application: label='//" | sed "s/'.*$//"); if [ -z "$LABEL" ]; then LABEL="$PACKAGE"; fi; \
VERSION=$(echo $INFO | sed -e "s/.*versionName='//" -e "s/' .*//"); \
NAME=$LABEL"_"$VERSION".apk"; echo "$NAME"; \
OFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\t\n'
REMOTE_NAME=$(echo $REMOTE | sed 's/_.*//'); REMOTE_VER=$(echo $REMOTE | sed 's/^[^_]*_//g' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')
for LOCAL in $LOCAL_LIST; do
LOCAL_NAME=$(echo $LOCAL | sed 's/_.*//'); LOCAL_VER=$(echo $LOCAL | sed 's/^[^_]*_//g' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')
if [ "$REMOTE_NAME" == "$LOCAL_NAME" ]; then INSTALLED=1; fi
if [ "$REMOTE_NAME" == "$LOCAL_NAME" ] && [ ! "$REMOTE_VER" == "$LOCAL_VER" ]; then echo remote=$REMOTE ver=$REMOTE_VER local=$LOCAL ver=$LOCAL_VER; fi
if [ "$INSTALLED" == "0" ]; then echo "$REMOTE"; fi
As somebody asked how to do it without using aapt.
It is also possible to extract apk info with apktool and a bit of scripting. This way is slower and not simple in android but will work on windows/mac or linux as long as you have working apktool setup.
rm -f -R $TMPDIR
apktool d -q -f -s --force-manifest -o $TMPDIR $APK
APK=$(basename $APK)
VERSION=$(cat $TMPDIR/apktool.yml | grep "versionName" | sed -e "s/versionName: //")
LABEL=$(cat $TMPDIR/res/values/strings.xml | grep 'string name="title"' | sed -e 's/.*">//' -e 's/<.*//')
rm -f -R $TMPDIR
echo ${LABEL}_$(echo $V).apk
Also consider a drop folder on your server. Upload apks to it and a cron task renames and moves them to your update folder.
# Drop Folder script for renaming APKs
# Read apk file from SRC folder and move it to TGT folder while changing filename to APKLABEL_APKVERSION.apk
# If an existing version of the APK exists in the target folder then script will remove it
# Define METHOD as "aapt" or "apktool" depending upon what is available on server
# Variables
if [ -d "$SRC" ];then mkdir -p $SRC
if [ -d "$TGT" ]then mkdir -p $TGT
# Functions
get_apk_filename () {
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then return 1; fi
local A="$1"
case $METHOD in
local D=/tmp/apktool
rm -f -R $D
apktool d -q -f -s --force-manifest -o $D $A
local A=$(basename $A)
local V=$(cat $D/apktool.yml | grep "versionName" | sed -e "s/versionName: //")
local T=$(cat $D/res/values/strings.xml | grep 'string name="title"' | sed -e 's/.*">//' -e 's/<.*//')
rm -f -R $D<commands>
local A=$(aapt dump badging $A | grep -e "application-label:" -e "VersionName")
local V=$(echo $A | sed -e "s/.*versionName='//" -e "s/' .*//")
local T=$(echo $A | sed -e "s/.*application-label:'//" -e "s/'.*//")
echo ${T}_$(echo $V).apk
# Begin script
for APK in $(ls "$SRC"/*.apk); do
APKNAME=$(get_apk_filename "$APK")
rm -f $TGT/$(echo APKNAME | sed "s/_.*//")_*.apk

At the moment, this can be done as follows
$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/28.0.3/aapt dump badging /<path to>/<app name>.apk
In General, it will be:
$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/<version_of_build_tools>/aapt dump badging /<path to>/<app name>.apk

I can now successfully retrieve the version of an APK file from its binary XML data.
This topic is where I got the key to my answer (I also added my version of Ribo's code):
How to parse the AndroidManifest.xml file inside an .apk package
Additionally, here's the XML parsing code I wrote, specifically to fetch the version:
XML Parsing
* Verifies at Conductor APK path if package version if newer
* #return True if package found is newer, false otherwise
public static boolean checkIsNewVersion(String conductorApkPath) {
boolean newVersionExists = false;
// Decompress found APK's Manifest XML
// Source:
try {
if ((new File(conductorApkPath).exists())) {
JarFile jf = new JarFile(conductorApkPath);
InputStream is = jf.getInputStream(jf.getEntry("AndroidManifest.xml"));
byte[] xml = new byte[is.available()];
int br =;
//Tree tr = TrunkFactory.newTree();
String xmlResult = SystemPackageTools.decompressXML(xml);
if (!xmlResult.isEmpty()) {
InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlResult.getBytes());
// Source:
XmlPullParser parser = Xml.newPullParser();
parser.setFeature(XmlPullParser.FEATURE_PROCESS_NAMESPACES, false);
parser.setInput(in, null);
String name = parser.getName();
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Manifest")) {
String pakVersion = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "versionName");
//NOTE: This is specific to my project. Replace with whatever is relevant on your side to fetch your project's version
String curVersion = SharedData.getPlayerVersion();
int isNewer = SystemPackageTools.compareVersions(pakVersion, curVersion);
newVersionExists = (isNewer == 1);
} catch (Exception ex) {
android.util.Log.e(TAG, "getIntents, ex: "+ex);
return newVersionExists;
Version Comparison (seen as SystemPackageTools.compareVersions in previous snippet)
NOTE: This code is inspired from the following topic: Efficient way to compare version strings in Java
* Compare 2 version strings and tell if the first is higher, equal or lower
* Source:
* #param ver1 Reference version
* #param ver2 Comparison version
* #return 1 if ver1 is higher, 0 if equal, -1 if ver1 is lower
public static final int compareVersions(String ver1, String ver2) {
String[] vals1 = ver1.split("\\.");
String[] vals2 = ver2.split("\\.");
int i=0;
while(i<vals1.length&&i<vals2.length&&vals1[i].equals(vals2[i])) {
if (i<vals1.length&&i<vals2.length) {
int diff = Integer.valueOf(vals1[i]).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(vals2[i]));
return diff<0?-1:diff==0?0:1;
return vals1.length<vals2.length?-1:vals1.length==vals2.length?0:1;
I hope this helps.

Drag the .apk file into Android Studio
Then double click on AndroidManifest.xml file.
See the Version code and Version Name

For the upgrade scenario specifically an alternative approach might be to have a web service that delivers the current version number and check that instead of downloading the entire apk just to check its version. It would save some bandwidth, be a little more performant (much faster to download than an apk if the whole apk isn't needed most of the time) and much simpler to implement.
In the simplest form you could have a simple text file on your server...
Inside of that text file have something like
and then download that file and check against the currently installed version.
Building a more advanced solution to that would be to implement a proper web service and have an api call at launch which could return some json, i.e.
"current_version": "3.1.4"

Using apkanalyzer that is now part of cmdline-tools:
$ apkanalyzer manifest version-code my_app.apk
$ apkanalyzer manifest version-name my_app.apk

EditText ET1 = (EditText) findViewById(;
PackageInfo pinfo;
try {
pinfo = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0);
String versionName = pinfo.versionName;
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

There's more simpler way to identify version code and version name.
Please drag and drop the latest apk to Android studio for apk analyzer, here you can cross verify the version code and version name as shown below:

var ver: String = packageManager.getPackageInfo(packageName, 0).versionName


Get application name from its package name via adb [duplicate]

I'm developing an application that uses ADB Shell to interface with android devices, and I need some way of printing out the application name or label of an application, given maybe their package name.
In short, I need a way of getting app names (i.e. "Angry Birds v1.0.0") for user installed applications through adb shell.
Any light on the matter? Any help is appreciated on this.
adb shell pm list packages will give you a list of all installed package names.
You can then use dumpsys | grep -A18 "Package \[my.package\]" to grab the package information such as version identifiers etc
just enter the following command on command prompt after launching the app:
adb shell dumpsys window windows | find "mCurrentFocus"
if executing the command on linux terminal replace find by grep
If you know the app id of the package (like org.mozilla.firefox), it is easy.
First to get the path of actual package file of the appId,
$ adb shell pm list packages -f
Now you can do some grep|sed magic to extract the path : /data/app/
After that aapt tool comes in handy :
$ adb shell aapt dump badging /data/app/
Again some grep magic to get the Label.
A shell script to accomplish this:
# Remove whitespace
function remWS {
if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
cat | tr -d '[:space:]'
echo "${1}" | tr -d '[:space:]'
for pkg in $(adb shell pm list packages -3 | cut -d':' -f2); do
apk_loc="$(adb shell pm path $(remWS $pkg) | cut -d':' -f2 | remWS)"
apk_name="$(adb shell aapt dump badging $apk_loc | pcregrep -o1 $'application-label:\'(.+)\'' | remWS)"
apk_info="$(adb shell aapt dump badging $apk_loc | pcregrep -o1 '\b(package: .+)')"
echo "$apk_name v$(echo $apk_info | pcregrep -io1 -e $'\\bversionName=\'(.+?)\'')"
Inorder to find an app's name (application label), you need to do the following:
(as shown in other answers)
Find the APK path of the app whose name you want to find.
Using aapt command, find the app label.
But devices don't ship with the aapt binary out-of-the-box.
So you will need to install it first. You can download it from here:
Check this guide for complete steps:
How to find an app name using package name through ADB Android?
(Disclaimer: I am the author of that blog post)
This is what I just came up with. It gives a few errors but works well enough for my needs, matching package names to labels.
It pulls copies of all packages into subdirectories of $PWD, so keep that in mind if storage is a concern.
TEMP=$(echo $(adb shell mktemp -d -p /data/local/tmp) | sed 's/\r//')
mkdir -p packages
[ -f $PMLIST ] || eval $(echo $(basename $PMLIST) | tr '_' ' ') > $PMLIST
while read line; do
mkdir -p $(dirname $copy)
if [ ! -s $copy ]; then # copy it because `adb pull` doesn't see /mnt/expand/
adb shell cp -f $apk $TEMP/copy.apk
adb pull $TEMP/copy.apk $copy
label=$($AAPT dump badging $copy || echo ERROR in $copy >&2 | \
sed -n 's/^application-label:\(.\)\(.*\)\1$/\2/p')
echo $name:$label
done < <(sed 's/\r//' $PMLIST)
adb shell rm -rf $TEMP
So I extremely grateful to jcomeau_ictx for providing the info on how to extract application-label info from apk and the idea to pull apk from phone directly!
However I had to make several alteration to script it self:
while read line; do done are breaking as a result of commands within while loop interacting with stdin/stdout and as a result while loop runs only once and then stops, as it is discussed in While loop stops reading after the first line in Bash - the comment from cmo I used solution provided and switched while loop to use unused file descriptor number 9.
All that the script really need is a package name and adb shell pm list packages -f is really excessive so I changed it to expect a file with packages list only and provided example on how one can get one from adb.
jcomeau_ictx script variant do not take in to account that some packages may have multiple apk associated with them which breaks the script.
And the least and last, I made every variable to start with underscore, it's just something that makes it easier to read script.
So here another variant of the same script:
#adb shell pm list packages --user 0 | sed -e 's|^package:||' | sort >./packages_list.txt
rm ./packages_list_with_names.txt
_TEMP=$(echo $(adb shell mktemp -d -p /data/local/tmp) | sed 's/\r//')
mkdir -p packages
[ -f ${_PMLIST} ] || eval $(echo $(basename ${_PMLIST}) | tr '_' ' ') > ${_PMLIST}
while read -u 9 _line; do
_apkpath=$(adb shell pm path ${_package} | sed -e 's|^package:||' | head -n 1)
_apkfilename=$(basename "${_apkpath}")
adb shell cp -f ${_apkpath} ${_TEMP}/copy.apk
adb pull ${_TEMP}/copy.apk ./packages
_name=$(${_AAPT} dump badging ./packages/copy.apk | sed -n 's|^application-label:\(.\)\(.*\)\1$|\2|p' )
echo "${_package} - ${_name}" >>./packages_list_with_names.txt
done 9< ${_PMLIST}
adb shell rm -rf $TEMP

How to handle .tar.md5 files

I was wondering about how to create / extract / verify .tar.md5 files. These files are used when flashing images to android devices, see here for example.
As far as I can tell the checksum is appended to the file like this:
cp file.tar file.tar.md5
md5sum file.tar >> file.tar.md5
Firstly I would like to know how to extract the file. Can I simply use tar -xf on the file.tar.md5?
How can I verify the integrity of the file? I would like to remove the last bytes (containing the checksum) from the file to obtain the original file back. I guess you would have to use a regexp to match the checksum file.tar? Is something like this implemented somewhere already?
First of all tar -xf should work since tar continues while it matches its' packing algorithm. If the file stops matching so would tar.
Also most archive managers such as 7-zip or winrar will open it if you remove the ".md5".
They might print error regarding mismatch with the end of the file, ignore it.
As for verifying the file:
print out the stored md5sum: tail -z -n 1 [File name here].tar.md5
calculate the md5sum of the tar part of the file: head -z -n -1 [File name here].tar.md5 | md5sum
What works for me with Ubuntu 19.10 is:
download single-file 4 GiB zip from sammobile com
unzip to several *.tar.md5
run the below command-line
for F in *.tar.md5; do echo -n "$F " &&
EXP=($(tail --lines=1 "$F")) &&
ACT=($(head --lines=-1 "$F" | md5sum)) &&
if [ ${EXP[0]} = ${ACT[0]} ]; then echo -n "md5ok " &&
tar --extract --file "$F" && echo "done"
else echo "FAIL"; fi; done &&
unlz4 --multiple --verbose *.lz4
AP_G965U1UEU3ARL1_CL14745140_QB21029084_REV01_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT_meta.tar.md5 md5ok done
BL_G965U1UEU3ARL1_CL14745140_QB21029084_REV01_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 md5ok done
CP_G965U1UEU3ARL1_CP11407818_CL14745140_QB21029084_REV01_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 md5ok done
CSC_OMC_OYM_G965U1OYM3ARL1_CL14745140_QB21029084_REV01_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 md5ok done
HOME_CSC_OMC_OYM_G965U1OYM3ARL1_CL14745140_QB21029084_REV01_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 md5ok done
But we should all try to get away from bash

How to get android application name from apk file

How do I get the android application name from a apk file programatically outside an android environment? I have tried parsing androidmanifest.xml but it only shows the package name ( which may not be very informative at times)
If you are using Linux, this command will give you the application name:
aapt dump badging your.apk | sed -n "s/^application-label:'\(.*\)'/\1/p"
You'll have to install aapt first.
Can also be done with apktool.
if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo ${0##*/} useage: ${0##*/} /path/to/your.apk; exit; fi
APKTOOL=$(which apktool | head -1); if [ -z "$APKTOOL" ]; then echo "Error: Could not locate apktool wrapper script."; exit; fi
rm -Rf $TMPDIR
$APKTOOL d -q -f -s --force-manifest -o $TMPDIR $1
LABEL=$(cat $TMPDIR/res/values/strings.xml | grep 'string name="title"' | sed -e 's/.*">//' -e 's/<.*//')
rm -Rf $TMPDIR
echo ${LABEL}

Read less info of apk file with aapt tool

I'm using aapt tool to read content of apk file with:
aapt d badging myapk.apk
But the output is too much. I just need the package name and version name. Any way to limit it?
Update: I got it to work on window cmd. Look like this:
aapt d badging myapk.apk | find "pack"
//try this
aapt d badging myapk.apk | grep 'pack'
its showing for me as
padmakumar#padmakumar-desktop:~$ aapt d badging ./Desktop/NhpAndroid_tablet_k4.apk | grep 'pack'
package: name='' versionCode='1' versionName='1.0'
Here is a trick that work like charm for me.
I'm using Backtrack 5 r2 ; GNU bash, version 4.1.5(1)-release (i486-pc-linux-gnu)
Assuming that "./aapt" executable is on the same directory of the Shell or Script. If not just add the path to executable or use export aapt="/path/to/aapt" and use the variable path.
out=$(./aapt dump badging GameCIH.apk | grep 'application-label:' | awk -F: 'match($0,":"){ print substr($0,RSTART+1)}' | tr -d "'" )
From aplication-label:'GameCIH' on apk
To only:
One last thing. If you want the package name or version name then do this:
out=$(./aapt dump badging GameCIH.apk | grep 'versionName=' | awk -F: 'match($0,"versionName="){ print substr($2,RSTART-8)}' | tr -d "'" )
This will return for example:
Just change the values versionName to whatever you need.
Change RSTART-8 for something like this: RSTART+4 and that will return:
I hope this could help!
aapt d badging myapk.apk | grep package
for Windows, download UnxUtils to get grep and much more Linux command:
aapt d badging myapk.apk | awk '/package/ {print($2)}' | awk '{print(mstr[split($1, mstr, \"=\")])}' | tr -d \"'\"
Here's the Bash function:
# Display package name and version of APK file(s)
set -o pipefail
for path in "$#"; do
aapt dump badging "$path" \
| awk $'
match($0, /^package: name=\'([^\']*)\'/, a) {
match($0, /versionName=\'([^\']*)\'/, b) {
if (length(p) && length(v)) {
print p, v

adb push/pull with progress bar

It is really annoying if you adb push/pull large files to the device that there's no way to now how far along it is. Is it possible to run adb push or adb pull and get a progress bar using the 'bar' utility?
The main issue here is I think that adb expects two file names, if the input file could be replaced by stdin you could pipe through the 'bar' utility and get a progress bar. So far I haven't succeeded in doing so, but I'm not really a shell guru which is why I'm asking here :)
Note that I'm on Linux using bash.
It looks like the latest adb has progress support.
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.32
device commands:
adb push [-p] <local> <remote>
- copy file/dir to device
('-p' to display the transfer progress)
However, the answers above also work for 'adb install' which do not have a progress option. I modified the first answer's script to work this way:
Create "" somewhere in your PATH and run " " instead of "adb install -f "
# adb install with progressbar displayed
# usage: <> <file.apk>
# original code from:
function usage()
echo "$0 <apk to install>"
exit 1
function progressbar()
printf "\r[%-${barlength}s] %d%%" "${bar:0:n}" "$1"
# echo -ne "\b$1"
export -f progressbar
[[ $# < 1 ]] && usage
[ ! -f $SRC ] && { \
echo "source file not found"; \
exit 2; \
which adb >/dev/null 2>&1 || { \
echo "adb doesn't exist in your path"; \
exit 3; \
SIZE=$(ls -l $SRC | awk '{print $5}')
export ADB_TRACE=all
adb install -r $SRC 2>&1 \
| sed -n '/DATA/p' \
| awk -v T=$SIZE 'BEGIN{FS="[=:]"}{t+=$7;system("progressbar " sprintf("%d\n", t/T*100))}'
export ADB_TRACE=
echo 'press any key'
read n
Currently I have this little piece of bash:
function adb_push {
# NOTE: 65544 is the max size adb seems to transfer in one go
TOTALSIZE=$(ls -Rl "$1" | awk '{ sum += sprintf("%.0f\n", ($5 / 65544)+0.5) } END { print sum }')
exp=$(($TOTALSIZE * 7)) # 7 bytes for every line we print - not really accurate if there's a lot of small files :(
# start bar in the background
ADB_TRACE=adb adb push "$1" "$2" 2>&1 | unbuffer -p awk '/DATA/ { split($3,a,"="); print a[2] }' | unbuffer -p cut -d":" -s -f1 | unbuffer -p bar -of /dev/null -s $exp
echo # Add a newline after the progressbar.
It works somewhat, it shows a progress bar going from 0 to 100 which is nice. However, it won't be correct if you do a lot of small files, and worse, the bytes/s and total bytes shown by 'bar' aren't correct.
I challenge you to improve on my script; it shouldn't be hard! ;)
Here is my solution, it will show a simple progressbar and current numeric progress
[==================================================] 100%
./ source destination
function usage()
echo "$0 source destination"
exit 1
function progressbar()
printf "\r[%-${barlength}s] %d%%" "${bar:0:n}" "$1"
# echo -ne "\b$1"
export -f progressbar
[[ $# < 2 ]] && usage
[ ! -f $SRC ] && { \
echo "source file not found"; \
exit 2; \
which adb >/dev/null 2>&1 || { \
echo "adb doesn't exist in your path"; \
exit 3; \
SIZE=$(ls -l $SRC | awk '{print $5}')
ADB_TRACE=adb adb push $SRC $DST 2>&1 \
| sed -n '/DATA/p' \
| awk -v T=$SIZE 'BEGIN{FS="[=:]"}{t+=$7;system("progressbar " sprintf("%d\n", t/T*100))}'
Testing on Ubuntu 14.04
$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
directory support
progressbar size change when screen size change
Well I can give you an Idea:
ADB_TRACE=adb adb push <source> <destination>
returns logs for any command, so for example the copy command, which looks like:
writex: fd=3 len=65544: 4441544100000100000000021efd DATA....#....b..
here you can get the total bytes length before, with ls -a, then parse the output of adb with grep or awk, increment an interneral counter and send the current progress to the bar utility.
When you succeeded, please post the script here.

