Dependency Injection in Adapter in kotlin Dagger2 - android

Expected Result
What am I'm trying to do is to inject my AccountType class to ExpandableAdpter and on click of child view what to check user Type?
How to implement dagger in Adapter?
Dagger working fine with Fragment and Activity. only getting null in adapter because unable to initialize adapter to dagger
Sample for interface in dagger
//Di interface
interface ActivityComponent : BaseComponent {
// adapter
fun inject(expDragSwipeAdapter: ExpandableDraggableSwipeableAdapter)
Adapter onCreate of group and childview
#Inject lateinit var accountType: Accounts
private lateinit var activityComponent: ActivityComponent
override fun onCreateGroupViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): MyGroupViewHolder {
val inflater = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
val v: View
if (isDragRequire) {
v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.row_edit_watchlist, parent, false)
} else {
v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.row_watchlist, parent, false)
return MyGroupViewHolder(v, isDragRequire, mContext)
override fun onCreateChildViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): MyChildViewHolder {
val inflater = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
val v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.row_child_watchlist, parent, false)
return MyChildViewHolder(v, false)
I'm facing the error in this line activityComponent.inject(this)
On The onclick checking AccountType and implement business logic

There is no need to request injection from a Dagger 2 Component inside an Adapter for a RecyclerView or a ListView.
For Fragments and Activities we have no choice other than to explictly request injection from a Component since these objects are instantiated by the Android OS and we don't "control" the constructors.
For everything else, including Adapters, you should prefer constructor injection and then setting parameters manually.
Something idiomatic would look something like the following. Inside your Fragment:
class MyFragment : Fragment {
lateinit var accountsAdapter: accountsAdapter
lateinit var accountsRepository: AccountsRepository
//load accounts in onStart or wherever you decide to load
//when loading finished, execute the following method in a callback
fun onAccountsLoaded(accounts: Accounts) {
For example, your Adapter could do something like:
class Adapter #Inject constructor() : BaseAdapter {
fun setAccounts(accounts: Accounts) {
this.accounts = accounts
You can see the official Google Android Architectural examples for using a ListView with Dagger 2. The link is here

You can take a look at Assisted Injection in Dagger which allows you to inject types at runtime.


Hilt field injection android

here I am trying to inject the adapter in activity via field injection. Adapter has a parameter(list).
Can somebody assist me here? i am facing compile time error
cannot be provided without an #Provides-annotated method.
Please refer below code
class RecipeActivity() : PostLoginActivity() {
var TAG =
private lateinit var binding: ActivityRecipeBinding
private val viewModel: RecipeViewModel by viewModels()
#Inject lateinit var adapter: RecipeAdapter
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
class RecipeAdapter #Inject constructor(list: MutableList<RecipeModel> ) :
BaseAdapter<RecipeModel>(list) {
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): BaseViewHolder<RecipeModel> {
return RecipeViewHolder(
LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.item_recipe, parent, false), this
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: BaseViewHolder<RecipeModel>, position: Int) {
data class RecipeModel(
var title: String,
var imageType: String,
var url: String
) : Item()
In order to Inject a class, Hilt/Dagger needs to understand exactly how to Inject it. In your project, you should have a 'Module' object. Within here, you can create #Provides methods, which tell Hilt/Dagger exactly what a class looks like so that it can be injected (find out more here).
For example, to provide a class that implements some Android Retrofit services, you might have a module that looks like:
object AnalyticsModule {
fun provideAnalyticsService(
// Potential dependencies of this type
): AnalyticsService {
return Retrofit.Builder()
In this example, we can now use #Inject for an AnalyticsService, as Hilt/Dagger now knows how to make one!
In your scenario, it looks like your adapter needs to be constructed with a list of RecipeModels. As you will unlikely have access to this data at the Module level, I don't think you want to be injecting the Adapter like this? Simply creating it in the Activity should be sufficient for what you need!
Something like this:
private var adapter: RecipeAdapter? = null // OR
lateinit var adapter: RecipeAdapter
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
adapter = RecipeAdapter(viewModel.recipeModels)
As a rule of thumb, it is generally more common to use injection for services, factories and view models rather than UI elements like adapters, as these UI elements need to often be constructed with actual data which isn't available in an application's Hilt/Dagger module.
Well as an error suggests you need to have a module in which you provide default construction of you adapter.
object AppModule {
fun provideRecipeAdapter(
list: MutableList<RecipeModel>
): RecipeAdapter {
return RecipeAdapter(list)
This is just an example of what you are missing, not actual working code. For more details of how to create these modules look at the documentation

How to use viewmodel + room with fragments?

I'm looking through the tutorial for Android room with a view, and trying to extend their model for using ViewModels to multiple fragments, but not really sure how.
class myApplication : Application() {
companion object {
var database: myDatabase? = null
var repository: myRepository? = null
override fun onCreate() {
database = MyDatabase.getInstance(this)
repository = MyRepository(database!!.myDatabaseDao)
class MyViewModel(private val repository: MyRepository) : ViewModel() {
val allWords: LiveData<List<Words>> = repository.allWords.asLiveData()
fun insert(word: Word) = viewModelScope.launch {
class MyViewModelFactory(private val repository: MyRepository) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
if (modelClass.isAssignableFrom( {
return MyViewModel(repository) as T
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ViewModel class")
class HomeFragment : Fragment() {
private val myViewModel: MyViewModel by activityViewModels()
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
var rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_home, container, false)
return rootView
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
myViewModel.allWords.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { words ->
// Update the cached copy of the words in the adapter.
words.let { Log.d("fragment", it.toString()) }
I have a couple of other fragments that will hopefully share the same ViewModel as HomeFragment. I've tried many different approaches, such as using
myViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(activity!!).get(
but all of them give me Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationException: java.lang.Class<com.example.tabtester.ViewModels.MyViewModel> has no zero argument constructor. I can't find any SO posts or documentation that shows me how to provide a constructor in Kotlin.
Also conceptually I can't find any description for what exactly is happening and how the viewmodel is being constructed (and by what). In the Room with a View tutorial, the example given is in MainActivity:
private val wordViewModel: WordViewModel by viewModels {
WordViewModelFactory((application as WordsApplication).repository)
This makes sense, to me; you're using the Factory to instantiate a ViewModel to use in the MainActivity. But for any description of how to use ViewModels in Fragments, I don't see where the ViewModel is being constructed. If you have multiple fragments who is constructing the ViewModel? If I use Fragments then does that mean I also need an activity to construct the ViewModel, then somehow share between the Fragments?
Would appreciate any help, or documentation that explains this more clearly.
The underlying APIs of by viewModels(), by activityViewModels() and the (now deprecated) ViewModelProviders.of() all feed into one method: the ViewModelProvider constructor:
ViewModelProvider(viewModelStore: ViewModelStore, factory: ViewModelProvider.Factory)
This constructor takes two parameters:
The ViewModelStore controls the storage and scoping of the ViewModel you create. For example, when you use by viewModels() in a Fragment, it is the Fragment which is used as the ViewModelStore. Similarly, by activityViewModels() uses the Activity as the ViewModelStore.
The ViewModelProvider.Factory controls the construction of the ViewModel if one has not already been created for that particular ViewModelStore.
Therefore if you need a custom Factory, you must always pass that Factory into all places that could create that ViewModel (remember, due to process death and recreation, there's no guarantee that your HomeFragment will be the first fragment to create your ViewModel).
private val myViewModel: MyViewModel by activityViewModels() {
As long as you're using activityViewModels(), the storage of your ViewModel will always be at the activity level, no matter what Factory you are using.

How should i use ViewModel in two fragments?

I have an app with one activity and two fragments, in the first fragment, I should be able to insert data to the database, in the second I should be able to see the added items in a recyclerView.
So I've made the Database, my RecyclerView Adapter, and the ViewModel,
the issue is now how should I manage all that?
Should I initialize the ViewModel in the activity and call it in some way from the fragment to use the insert?
Should I initialize the viewmodel twice in both fragments?
My code looks like this:
Let's assume i initialize the viewholder in my Activity:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val articoliViewModel: ArticoliViewModel by viewModels {
ArticoliViewModelFactory((application as ArticoliApplication).repository)
Then my FirstFragments method where i should add the data to database using the viewModel looks like this:
class FirstFragment : Fragment() {
private val articoliViewModel: ArticoliViewModel by activityViewModels()
private fun addArticolo(barcode: String, qta: Int) { // function which add should add items on click
// here i should be able to do something like this
articoliViewModel.insert(Articolo(barcode, qta))
And my SecondFragment
class SecondFragment : Fragment() {
private lateinit var recyclerView: RecyclerView
private val articoliViewModel: ArticoliViewModel by activityViewModels()
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
recyclerView = view.findViewById(
val adapter = ArticoliListAdapter()
recyclerView.adapter = adapter
recyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(activity)
articoliViewModel.allWords.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { articolo->
articolo.let { adapter.submitList(it) }
My ViewModel looks like this:
class ArticoliViewModel(private val repository: ArticoliRepository): ViewModel() {
val articoli: LiveData<List<Articolo>> = repository.articoli.asLiveData()
fun insert(articolo: Articolo) = viewModelScope.launch {
class ArticoliViewModelFactory(private val repository: ArticoliRepository): ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
if (modelClass.isAssignableFrom( {
return ArticoliViewModel(repository) as T
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ViewModel class")
Whether multiple fragments should share a ViewModel depends on whether they are showing the same data. If they show the same data, I think it usually makes sense to share a ViewModel so the data doesn't have to be pulled from the repository when you switch between them, so the transition is faster. If either of them also has significant amount of unique data, you might consider breaking that out into a separate ViewModel so it doesn't take up memory when it doesn't need to.
Assuming you are using a shared ViewModel, you can do it one of at least two different ways, depending on what code style you prefer. There's kind of a minor trade-off between encapsulation and code duplication, although it's not really encapsulated anyway since they are looking at the same instance. So personally, I prefer the second way of doing it.
Each ViewModel directly creates the ViewModel. If you use by activityViewModels(), then the ViewModel will be scoped to the Activity, so they will both receive the same instance. But since your ViewModel requires a custom factory, you have to specify it in both Fragments, so there is a little bit of code duplication:
// In each Fragment:
private val articoliViewModel: ArticoliViewModel by activityViewModels {
ArticoliViewModelFactory((application as ArticoliApplication).repository)
Specify the ViewModel once in the MainActivity and access it in the Fragments by casting the activity.
// In Activity: The same view model code you already showed in your Activity, but not private
// In Fragments:
private val articoliViewModel: ArticoliViewModel
get() = (activity as MainActivity).articoliViewModel
Or to avoid code duplication, you can create an extension property for your Fragments so they don't have to have this code duplication:
val Fragment.articoliViewModel: ArticoliViewModel
get() = (activity as MainActivity).articoliViewModel

Android, Koin: How to prevent interface bound by viewModel from creating new viewModel instance?

It's hard to understand what the problem is from the headline - I'll try my best explaining:
I'm using Koin for dependency injection. I'm injecting my HomeViewModelinto my HomeFragment (the viewModel has parameters, but that should be unrelated to the problem):
// fragment code
private var viewModelParameters: ParametersDefinition? = null
lateinit var viewModel: VM
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
binding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflater, layout, container, false)
binding?.lifecycleOwner = viewLifecycleOwner
viewModel = getViewModel(HomeViewModel::class, parameters = viewModelParameters)
return binding?.root ?: inflater.inflate(layout, container, false)
The fragment contains a RecyclerView. The recycler's ViewHolder declares an interface, that is injected via Koins by inject()`:
class MyRecyclerViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView), KoinComponent {
private val callback by inject<Callback>()
fun bind(item: MyItemType) {
itemView.setOnClickListener { callback.myCallbackFunction(item) }
interface Callback {
fun myCallbackFunction(item: MyItemType)
My HomeviewModel implements this interface, and I bind it to the viewModel in my KoinGraph module via Koin's bind DSL method:
private val baseModule = module {
single { androidApplication().resources }
single { PermissionHelper(androidApplication()) }
viewModel { HomeViewModel() } bind MyRecyclerviewHolder.Callback::class
Now, when I click on my recycler item, the callback's myCallBackFunction is called, which should trigger the implementation in my HomeViewModel. Which it does, but: It is not the same instance, but a new HomeViewmodel.
My understanding is that Android's ViewModelclass, if used in the typical way (currently using, without Koin, by viewModels() - see here), should only exist once. But with Koin's viewModel{} call, I can create multiple instances, which I think I shouldn't be able to? Or should I (and if yes, why)?
Anyway, I'd like to bind my callback to the view model I already have (the one the fragment knows of) and not a new instance my fragment doesn't know about.
How can I achieve that using Koin and its injection patterns?
By the way, If I use
single { HomeViewModel() } bind MyRecyclerviewHolder.Callback::class
instead of
viewModel { HomeViewModel() } bind MyRecyclerviewHolder.Callback::class
my code works as intended - since I'm forcing my view model to be a singleton that way - which is what I want. But what is the point of the viewModel{} command then? And are there any downsides to it? It doesn't feel like what I should be supposed to do but maybe it's totally fine?

Best way to update a single element using Paging Library

Which is the best way to update a single element when using the new paging library?
Let's say we have the Paging with network google sample using the PageKeyedSubredditDataSource. Imagine we want to make a change of a single element of RedditPost. So, we want to check if it is in the list and if so, update it. The update should not be as easy as calling invalidate() which will make a call to the first page (maybe the RedditPost is in the 5th page. We don't want to update all elements, just one).
Please note that all this works over the Paging with network google sample. Although that, the idea is there.
#Sarquella helped me with this solution. Add this classes to your project. Basically we are extending ViewHolder to be LifeCycle Owner, as it is already done by default with Activities and Fragments.
The LifecycleViewHolder:
abstract class LifecycleViewHolder(itemView: View) :
LifecycleOwner {
private val lifecycleRegistry = LifecycleRegistry(this)
fun onAttached() {
fun onDetached() {
override fun getLifecycle(): Lifecycle = lifecycleRegistry
LifecycleOwner is a single method interface that denotes that the class has a Lifecycle. You can find more information here.
The LifecyclePagedListAdapter:
abstract class LifecyclePagedListAdapter<T, VH : LifecycleViewHolder>(diffCallback: DiffUtil.ItemCallback<T>) :
PagedListAdapter<T, VH>(diffCallback) {
override fun onViewAttachedToWindow(holder: VH) {
override fun onViewDetachedFromWindow(holder: VH) {
The LifecycleAdapter (in the case you need it):
abstract class LifecycleAdapter<VH : LifecycleViewHolder> :
RecyclerView.Adapter<VH>() {
override fun onViewAttachedToWindow(holder: VH) {
override fun onViewDetachedFromWindow(holder: VH) {
Then, extends MyAdapter to LifecyclePagedListAdapter<MyEntity, LifecycleViewHolder>(MY_COMPARATOR) and MyViewHolder to LifecycleViewHolder(view). You'll have to complete your classes based on what we have changed, accordingly. Now we can observe to a liveData object on MyViewHolder class. So we can add this to MyViewHolder class (assuming you're using Dependency Injection). Basically, we'll do the same we do for Fragments or Activities:
private lateinit var myViewModel: MyViewModel
init {
(itemView.context as? AppCompatActivity)?.let{
myViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(it).get(
Then, inside the bind() method:
fun bind(myCell: MyEntity?) {
myViewModel.myLiveData.observe(this, Observer {
// Buala!! Check if it is the cell you want to change and update it.
if (it != null && myCell != null && == {

