Logcat specifically doesn't show errors for my real device Samsung S8, but it does work fine for all other devices, so for now whenever I have an error and I can't see it in the log, I need to switch to another device and reproduce it again.
Did anyone face something like this before? any help appreciated.
If you don't see any error in log-cat.
please don't run your project use "Debug" mode
& see your log-cat into your debug section.
If this not work read this Android studio logcat nothing to show. it might help you
This Helped Me.
To be sure that you select the right device:
After that check it
I am very new to Kotlin and Android studio. I tried running my App through the emulator, I built in AVD manager.
Whenever I run my App it goes to the home screen, I don't know what you'll need to solve this or what causes it:
But based on what I've seen as I researched this issue, here are some info I think you might need;
-I've turned off detect adb location and set the directory to C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools
-minimumSdk 21
-targetSdk 31
-My Api level is 25
Please whatever info you need to help me rectify this issue just ask me..
I am open to any suggestions, Thank you in advance for your help!
here's a screenshot of build error:
I'm adding a logcat error message screenshot, though they are much of error I just screen the ones that could be taken on a single shot, I hope it enough.
(Please note that previously my logcat was empty even when I was experiencing the same problem, so I created another emulator, and the logcat is no longer empty..)
You can check out the logcat to be able to see what went wrong.
Every once in a while I get:
Unfortunately, MyApp has stopped.
Problem is easy to solve if you have some logs, but in my case logcat has absolutely no message of error (it has normal messages published by my app and other exceptions are shown there but not this one which causes this app has stopped).
Is there any chance I can solve this problem?
The good thing is I can quite easily reproduce it, thus I'm trying to put as many information I can to logcat and then investigate what happened.
I have ACRA up and running (other exceptions are caught by it but not this app has stopped).
When it happens my app is not visible and there are some things happendnig in IntentService. My app is tracking geofences and the app has stopped happens only on HTC M8 when I switch on and off Location in phone Settings. I've tested on different phones and it does not happen on LG G3, Nexus 5, Moto G, LG Swift L9.
Did you try to run LogCat in command-line? You might be able to see the error. Android LogCat in command-line
If your using Eclipse as IDE, try checking your filters for LogCat. You may accidently not displaying errors in LogCat.
Try finding the error via the Debugger. Place breakpoints to places where you suggest the error to be.
In my case logcat was filtered. You can change filter in
Android Monitor -> logcat -> Bottom right corner, change filter to No Filters. It will show all errors.
It sounds quite trivially - try to restart computer, test at other emulator or device. Also you can add your try-catch block and forget to type e.printStackTrace() or use UncaughtExceptionHandler.
It's very weird,that you are not able to find out any logcat. So why don't you try Hockey app.Please go through the guide.I think you can use it for some time.After that you have to pay for it.
Good Luck.
What does this error message mean?
setWindowSurfaceColorBuffer: bad color buffer handle 0
My app works fine and it does not seem to be affected by this message in console output in Eclipse. Is there some way that this message is affecting my app in producing best results?
I ran into this recently, it appears that it is a bug. All I did was restart my emulator and run the app again.
I had similar situation but after much search, I progressed with the project and it still worked perfectly. So, I think you should just ignore it.
I had exactly the same error.
The best way to go is to wipe data from your emulator.
This worked for me and hopefully will work for you too.
I am using ubuntu 12.04,and Eclipse Platform Version: 3.7.2, I have one issue which i observed occasionally on my system I dont know whether this issue is common and did't find any related question so asked.. problem is - "when I tried to launch android application using emulator(API level 17 Nexus 4),it runs fine no problem and emulator is in front of me, But the moment i open other window like browser,editor it hides and i am not able to see it.." Log says that emulator is ruuning but dont know where it hide.
If someone else is facing this problem, it could be due to memory overwhelming. To solve, in Ubuntu, go to Home/.android/avd/Pixel_X_API_XX.avd
and delete the *lock files, then Run the emulator as usually.
Where I wrote Pixel_X_API_XX.avd it means, for example : Pixel_2_API_32.avd
Bye bye
I know this is Unity3D question and there are more specific stack/forum sites...
Pls see attached logcat log, is there anything which gives us any clue?
Unity Splash screen appears on device, but after a few seconds it crashes. This app was OK yesterday, I added some C# code textures etc. I carefully examined the debug build logcat log. My code has not even a chance to run, the crash happens before...
Note: No Mono runtime exception in logcat log.
It works fine in Unity editor, or windows standalone build.
Again: It worked fine, with the same settings yesterday. More: The yesterday's backup sill working today, rebuild, deploy to the same device. This today's version (I1ve added textures, code etc) which is not working on the device.
See the log attached.
Don't know where to search toward... :-(
Thx for help
Download logcat log file