How to customize the countdown time in rewarded video ads? - android

I want the countdown time of Rewarded Video Admob to be fixed at 30 seconds, is it possible?
On google admob documentation, the countdown time ranges from 5 to 30s


Can Admob Banner ad and Interstitial Ad be implemented on the same activity?

I'm new to android. I'm building an app for playing and downloading audio from firebase.
So far my app is working fine, but i want to know if my ads placements in the app are okay or not.
In my activity i have two buttons, one for playing and another button for downloading.
I dont want to disturb a user with interstitial ads when he's/she's playing and listening music, and thus, only banner ad placed on the bottom of the activity_layout will be shown the whole time music is playing.
I also placed an interstitial ad which will be shown only a few seconds after a user press a download button.
So far, Both of my ads are working fine. I want to know if this is okay or not ?
Yes, you can use both Ads in the same activity, go a head with your approach.

Admob shows banner ad, but doesn't show video (Rewarded ads)

My game successfully shows both banner and video ads on test. Once I change my Ad unit Id to a real one, only banner ads show.
I have published my game less than 24 hours ago, do video ads take more time than banner ads to show?

Get time of AdColony video ad before shown to user

I am trying to use the video ads in tight time frames so I need to know the length of the video before it is to be displayed. Is there a way to get the length of the video ad before it is displayed?
Video Ad's length is generally 30 seconds or less. Check the blog link for reasoning.
Currently there is no API available to get this information. Can you please provide us a usecase on ?

admob video interstitial adds are not displayed full screen in android
I am displaying admob's video add in my app but some ads comes only in half screen I have searched and tried a lot and i i am loading this interstitial properly but some video ads displays in half screen only not all time but some times

I recorded Video for 30 mins, but it only shows 13 mins

I recorded a video by using third party apps in my smartphone for almost 30 minutes. But when I played the video, it only showed 13 minutes of the full length/duration of the video. Then I checked the video information on video properties/details, the size of the video is considerable enough for a 30 mins and the duration of the video is 30 mins. The only problem is, whenever I open the video, it only shows/play until 13 mins. Is there any way to fix this issue? By using an application or something else? So I can watch the full duration of the video. Thank you very much

